def execute(self, context): """ Args: context: Returns: """ objects = context.selected_objects annotation = defs.definitions[self.annotationtype][self.devicetype] # add annotation (objects) to the selected objects annot_objects = [] for obj in objects: if self.asObject: annot_objects.append( eUtils.addAnnotationObject( obj, annotation, + '_annotation', namespace=self.annotationtype.rstrip('s'), ) ) else: eUtils.addAnnotation(obj, annotation, namespace=self.annotationtype.rstrip('s')) # reselect the original objects and additional annotation objects sUtils.selectObjects(objects + annot_objects, clear=True) bUtils.toggleLayer('annotation', value=True) return {'FINISHED'}
def createLink(scale, position=None, orientation=None, name=''): """Creates an empty link (bone) at the current 3D cursor position. :param scale: This is the scale you want to apply to the new link. :type scale: Float array with 3 elements. :param position: This specifies the position of the newly created link. When not given its (0.0,0.0,0.0) :type position: Float array with 3 elements. :param orientation: This specifies the rotation of the newly created link. When not given its (0.0,0.0,0.0) :type orientation:Float array with 3 elements. :param name: This sets the name for the new link. When not given the link is nameless. :type name: string. :return: blender object """ blenderUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['link'], True) if position is None and orientation is None: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) elif position is None: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(rotation=orientation, layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) elif orientation is None: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(location=position, layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) else: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(location=position, rotation=orientation, layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) link = bpy.context.active_object link.scale = [scale, scale, scale] bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(scale=True) if name: = name link.phobostype = 'link' return link
def createLink(scale, position=None, orientation=None, name=''): """Creates an empty link (bone) at the current 3D cursor position. :param scale: This is the scale you want to apply to the new link. :type scale: Float array with 3 elements. :param position: This specifies the position of the newly created link. When not given its (0.0,0.0,0.0) :type position: Float array with 3 elements. :param orientation: This specifies the rotation of the newly created link. When not given its (0.0,0.0,0.0) :type orientation:Float array with 3 elements. :param name: This sets the name for the new link. When not given the link is nameless. :type name: str :return: bpy_types.Object """ blenderUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['link'], True) if position is None and orientation is None: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) elif position is None: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(rotation=orientation, layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) elif orientation is None: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(location=position, layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) else: bpy.ops.object.armature_add(location=position, rotation=orientation, layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([0])) link = bpy.context.active_object link.scale = [scale, scale, scale] bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(scale=True) if name: = name link.phobostype = 'link' return link
def createLink(link): """Creates the blender representation of a given link and its parent joint. Args: link(dict): The link you want to create a representation of. Returns: bpy_types.Object -- the newly created blender link object. """ # create armature/bone bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['link'], True) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.object.armature_add( layers=bUtils.defLayers([defs.layerTypes['link']])) newlink = bpy.context.active_object # Move bone when adding at selected objects location if 'matrix' in link: newlink.matrix_world = link['matrix'] newlink.phobostype = 'link' if link['name'] in log('Object with name of new link already exists: ' + link['name'], 'WARNING') nUtils.safelyName(newlink, link['name']) # set the size of the link visuals, collisions = getGeometricElements(link) if visuals or collisions: scale = max((geometrymodel.getLargestDimension(e['geometry']) for e in visuals + collisions)) else: scale = 0.2 # use scaling factor provided by user if 'scale' in link: scale *= link['scale'] newlink.scale = (scale, scale, scale) bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(scale=True) # add custom properties for prop in link: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in link[prop]: newlink['link/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = link[prop][tag] # create inertial if 'inertial' in link: inertia.createInertial(link['name'], link['inertial'], newlink) # create geometric elements log( "Creating visual and collision objects for link '{0}': {1}".format( link['name'], ', '.join([elem['name'] for elem in visuals + collisions])), 'DEBUG') for v in visuals: geometrymodel.createGeometry(v, 'visual', newlink) for c in collisions: geometrymodel.createGeometry(c, 'collision', newlink) return newlink
def execute(self, context): """ Args: context: Returns: """ objects = context.selected_objects annotation = defs.definitions[self.annotationtype][self.devicetype] # add annotation (objects) to the selected objects annot_objects = [] for obj in objects: if self.asObject: annot_objects.append( eUtils.addAnnotationObject( obj, annotation, + '_annotation', namespace=self.annotationtype.rstrip('s'), ) ) else: eUtils.addAnnotation(obj, annotation, namespace=self.annotationtype.rstrip('s')) # reselect the original objects and additional annotation objects sUtils.selectObjects(objects + annot_objects, clear=True) bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['annotation'], value=True) return {'FINISHED'}
def execute(self, context): """ Args: context: Returns: """ filepath = self.filepath # infer entitytpe from the filepath to avoid dropdown selection errors extension = filepath.split('.')[-1].lower() entitytype = self.entitytype if extension in ['sdf', 'urdf']: log( "Inferring entitytpe {entitytype} from file extension.".format( entitytype=entitytype), "INFO") entitytype = extension self.entitytype = extension log( "Importing {filepath} as {entitytype}".format( filepath=filepath, entitytype=entitytype), "INFO") model = entity_io.entity_types[entitytype]['import'](filepath) # bUtils.cleanScene() models.buildModelFromDictionary(model) for layer in ['link', 'inertial', 'visual', 'collision', 'sensor']: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[layer], True) return {'FINISHED'}
def createLink(link): """Creates the blender representation of a given link and its parent joint. :param link: The link you want to create a representation of. :type link: dict :return: bpy_types.Object -- the newly created blender link object. """ # create armature/bone bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['link'], True) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.object.armature_add( layers=bUtils.defLayers([defs.layerTypes['link']])) newlink = bpy.context.active_object # Move bone when adding at selected objects location if 'matrix' in link: newlink.matrix_world = link['matrix'] newlink.phobostype = 'link' = link['name'] # FIXME: This is a hack and should be checked before creation! # this is a backup in case an object with the link's name already exists newlink["link/name"] = link['name'] # FIXME geometric dimensions are not intiallized properly, thus scale always 0.2! # set the size of the link elements = getGeometricElements(link) scale = max((geometrymodel.getLargestDimension(element['geometry']) for element in elements)) if elements else 0.2 # use scaling factor provided by user #FIXME where would this *scale* come from? if 'scale' in link: scale *= link['scale'] newlink.scale = (scale, scale, scale) bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(scale=True) # add custom properties for prop in link: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in link[prop]: newlink['link/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = link[prop][tag] # create inertial if 'inertial' in link: inertiamodel.createInertialFromDictionary(link['name'], link['inertial']) # create visual elements if 'visual' in link: for v in link['visual']: visual = link['visual'][v] geometrymodel.createGeometry(visual, 'visual') # create collision elements if 'collision' in link: for c in link['collision']: collision = link['collision'][c] geometrymodel.createGeometry(collision, 'collision') return newlink
def execute(self, context): log("Importing " + self.filepath + ' as ' + self.entitytype, "INFO") model = entity_io.entity_types[self.entitytype]['import'](self.filepath) # bUtils.cleanScene() models.buildModelFromDictionary(model) for layer in ['link', 'inertial', 'visual', 'collision', 'sensor']: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[layer], True) return {'FINISHED'}
def createJoint(joint, linkobj=None): """Adds joint data to 'link' object. Args: joint (dict): dictionary containing the joint definition linkobj (bpy.types.Object): the obj of phobostype 'link' that receives the joint Returns: """ # add joint information if not linkobj: linkobj = sUtils.getObjectByName(joint['child']) if isinstance(linkobj, list): log( "Could not identify object to define joint '{0}'.".format( joint['name']), 'ERROR') return if joint['name'] != linkobj['joint/name'] = joint['name'] # get hold of object bUtils.toggleLayer(list(linkobj.layers).index(True), True) # any layer containing the object sUtils.selectObjects([linkobj], clear=True, active=0) # set axis if 'axis' in joint: if mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])).length == 0.: log('Axis of joint {0} is of zero length: '.format(joint['name']), 'ERROR') else: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') editbone =[0] length = editbone.length axis = mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])) editbone.tail = editbone.head + axis.normalized() * length # add constraints for param in ['effort', 'velocity']: try: if 'limits' in joint: linkobj['joint/max' + param] = joint['limits'][param] except KeyError: log("Joint limits incomplete for joint {0}".format(joint['name']), 'ERROR') try: lower = joint['limits']['lower'] upper = joint['limits']['upper'] except KeyError: lower = 0.0 upper = 0.0 setJointConstraints(linkobj, joint['type'], lower, upper) for prop in joint: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in joint[prop]: linkobj['joint/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = joint[prop][tag]
def createSensor(sensor, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix()): blenderUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['sensor'], value=True) # create sensor object if 'Camera' in sensor['type']: bpy.context.scene.layers[defs.layerTypes['sensor']] = True bpy.ops.object.add(type='CAMERA', location=origin.to_translation(), rotation=origin.to_euler(), layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([defs.layerTypes['sensor']])) newsensor = bpy.context.active_object if reference is not None: selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor,[reference]], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') elif sensor['type'] in ['RaySensor', 'RotatingRaySensor', 'ScanningSonar', 'MultiLevelLaserRangeFinder']: # TODO: create a proper ray sensor scanning layer disc here newsensor = blenderUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'disc', (0.5, 36), defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_laserscanner', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if reference is not None and reference != []: if type(reference) == str: key = reference else: key = reference[0] selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor,[key]], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') else: # contact, force and torque sensors (or unknown sensors) newsensor = blenderUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'sphere', 0.05, defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_sensor', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if 'Node' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = sorted(reference) elif 'Joint' in sensor['type'] or 'Motor' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/joints'] = sorted(reference) if reference is not None and reference != []: selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor, selectionUtils.getRoot([0])], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') # set sensor properties newsensor.phobostype = 'sensor' = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/type'] = sensor['type'] for prop in sensor['props']: newsensor['sensor/'+prop] = sensor['props'][prop] # add custom properties #for prop in sensor: # if prop.startswith('$'): # for tag in sensor[prop]: # newsensor[prop[1:]+'/'+tag] = sensor[prop][tag] # throw warning if type is not known if sensor['type'] not in defs.sensortypes: print("### Warning: sensor", sensor['name'], "is of unknown/custom type.") selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor], clear=False, active=0) return newsensor
def execute(self, context): try: log("Importing " + self.filepath + ' as ' + self.entitytype, "INFO") model = entities.entity_types[self.entitytype]['import']( self.filepath) # bUtils.cleanScene() models.buildModelFromDictionary(model) for layer in ['link', 'inertial', 'visual', 'collision', 'sensor']: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[layer], True) except KeyError: log( "No import function available for selected model type: " + self.entitytype, "ERROR") return {'FINISHED'}
def execute(self, context): """ Args: context: Returns: """ log("Importing " + self.filepath + ' as ' + self.entitytype, "INFO") model = entity_io.entity_types[self.entitytype]['import'](self.filepath) # bUtils.cleanScene() models.buildModelFromDictionary(model) for layer in ['link', 'inertial', 'visual', 'collision', 'sensor']: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[layer], True) return {'FINISHED'}
def createJoint(joint, linkobj=None): # TODO add some docstring # add joint information if not linkobj: linkobj =[joint['child']] # TODO: Make this generic? if joint['name'] != linkobj['joint/name'] = joint['name'] # get hold of object bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['link'], True) sUtils.selectObjects([linkobj], clear=True, active=0) # set axis if 'axis' in joint: # Providing a zero axis joint will size the editbone to zero scale if mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])).length == 0.: log( 'Faulty joint definition ({0}): Axis is of zero length.'. format(joint['name']), 'ERROR') else: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') editbone =[0] #oldaxis = editbone.vector length = editbone.length axis = mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])) #oldaxis.cross(axis) # rotation axis editbone.tail = editbone.head + axis.normalized() * length # add constraints for param in ['effort', 'velocity']: try: if 'limits' in joint: linkobj['joint/max' + param] = joint['limits'][param] except KeyError: # TODO more details log("Key Error in adding joint constraints for joint", joint['name']) try: lower = joint['limits']['lower'] upper = joint['limits']['upper'] except KeyError: lower = 0.0 upper = 0.0 setJointConstraints(linkobj, joint['type'], lower, upper) for prop in joint: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in joint[prop]: linkobj['joint/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = joint[prop][tag]
def execute(self, context): """ Args: context: Returns: """ suffix = self.filepath.split(".")[-1] if suffix in entity_io.entity_types: log("Importing " + self.filepath + ' as ' + suffix, "INFO") model = entity_io.entity_types[suffix]['import'](self.filepath) # bUtils.cleanScene() models.buildModelFromDictionary(model) for layer in ['link', 'inertial', 'visual', 'collision', 'sensor']: bUtils.toggleLayer(layer, True) else: log("No module found to import " + suffix, "ERROR") return {'FINISHED'}
def execute(self, context): """ Args: context: Returns: """ phobos_dict = ioUtils.getDictFromYamlDefs(self.phobostype, self.preset_name, self.obj_name) selected_objs = context.selected_objects # store collected object data properties in the props dictionary for i in range(len(self.phobos_data)): if self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 'b': store = '$' + str(bool( self.phobos_data[i]['boolProp'])).lower() elif self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 'i': store = self.phobos_data[i]['intProp'] elif self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 's': store = self.phobos_data[i]['stringProp'] elif self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 'f': store = self.phobos_data[i]['floatProp'] phobos_dict['props'][self.phobos_data[i].name[2:]] = store annotations = {} # add annotation objects for other categories for custom_anno in self.annotation_checks: if custom_anno.boolProp: # parse object dictionaries if "$selected_objects:..." syntax is found annot = defs.definitions[self.phobostype + 's'][ self.preset_name][[2:]] annotations[[2:]] = linkObjectLists( annot, selected_objs) # let the exectute function handle the object creation new_objs, annot_objs, otherobjs = execute_func( phobos_dict, annotations, selected_objs, context.active_object, *args) # select the newly added objects sUtils.selectObjects(new_objs + annot_objs + otherobjs, clear=True, active=0) bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[self.phobostype], value=True) if annot_objs: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['annotation'], value=True) # toggle layers for generic objects if otherobjs: for obj in otherobjs: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[obj.phobostype], value=True) return {'FINISHED'}
def execute(self, context): """ Args: context: Returns: """ phobos_dict = ioUtils.getDictFromYamlDefs( self.phobostype, self.preset_name, self.obj_name ) selected_objs = context.selected_objects # store collected object data properties in the props dictionary for i in range(len(self.phobos_data)): if self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 'b': store = '$' + str(bool(self.phobos_data[i]['boolProp'])).lower() elif self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 'i': store = self.phobos_data[i]['intProp'] elif self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 's': store = self.phobos_data[i]['stringProp'] elif self.phobos_data[i].name[0] == 'f': store = self.phobos_data[i]['floatProp'] phobos_dict['props'][self.phobos_data[i].name[2:]] = store annotations = {} # add annotation objects for other categories for custom_anno in self.annotation_checks: if custom_anno.boolProp: # parse object dictionaries if "$selected_objects:..." syntax is found annot = defs.definitions[self.phobostype + 's'][self.preset_name][[2:] ] annotations[[2:]] = linkObjectLists(annot, selected_objs) # let the exectute function handle the object creation new_objs, annot_objs, otherobjs = execute_func( phobos_dict, annotations, selected_objs, context.active_object, *args ) # select the newly added objects sUtils.selectObjects(new_objs + annot_objs + otherobjs, clear=True, active=0) bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[self.phobostype], value=True) if annot_objs: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['annotation'], value=True) # toggle layers for generic objects if otherobjs: for obj in otherobjs: bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes[obj.phobostype], value=True) return {'FINISHED'}
def createSensor(sensor, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix()): """This function creates a new sensor specified by its parameters. The sensor dictionary has to contain these keys: *name*: name of the new sensor *type*: type specifier of the sensor *shape*: a shape specifier for the sensor *props*: custom properties to be written to the sensor object Args: sensor(dict): phobos representation of the new sensor reference(bpy_types.Object): object to add a parent relationship to origin(mathutils.Matrix, optional): new sensors origin (Default value = mathutils.Matrix()) Returns: : The newly created sensor object """ layers = defs.layerTypes['sensor'] bUtils.toggleLayer(layers, value=True) # create sensor object if sensor['shape'].startswith('resource'): newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive( sensor['name'], 'box', [1, 1, 1], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=sensor['material'], phobostype='sensor', ) # use resource name provided as: "resource:whatever_name" resource_obj = ioUtils.getResource( ['sensor'] + sensor['shape'].split('://')[1].split('_')) if resource_obj: log("Assigned resource mesh and materials to new sensor object.", 'DEBUG') = newsensor.scale = (sensor['size'], ) * 3 else: log( "Could not use resource mesh for sensor. Default cube used instead.", 'WARNING') else: newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive( sensor['name'], sensor['shape'], sensor['size'], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=sensor['material'], phobostype='sensor', ) # assign the parent if available if reference is not None: eUtils.parentObjectsTo(newsensor, reference) # TODO we need to deal with other types of parameters for sensors # TODO cameraRotLock() use or dispose? # contact, force and torque sensors (or unknown sensors) # else: # newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive( # sensor['name'], 'ico', 0.05, layers, 'phobos_sensor', # origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) # if sensor['name'] == 'Joint6DOF': # # TODO delete me? handle this # #newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = nUtils.getObjectName(reference) # pass # elif 'Node' in sensor['type']: # newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = sorted([nUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) # elif 'Joint' in sensor['type'] or 'Motor' in sensor['type']: # newsensor['sensor/joints'] = sorted([nUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) # elif sensor['type'] in ['Joint6DOF']: # for obj in context.selected_objects: # if obj.phobostype == 'link': # sensor['name'] = "sensor_joint6dof_" + nUtils.getObjectName(obj, phobostype="joint") # sensors.createSensor(sensor, obj, obj.matrix_world) # elif 'Node' in sensor['type']: # sensors.createSensor(sensor, [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.phobostype == 'collision'], # mathutils.Matrix.Translation(context.scene.cursor_location)) # elif 'Motor' in sensor['type'] or 'Joint' in sensor['type']: # sensors.createSensor(sensor, [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.phobostype == 'link'], # mathutils.Matrix.Translation(context.scene.cursor_location)) # set sensor properties newsensor.phobostype = 'sensor' = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/name'] = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/type'] = sensor['type'] # write the custom properties to the sensor eUtils.addAnnotation(newsensor, sensor['props'], namespace='sensor') # throw warning if type is not known # TODO we need to link this error to the sensor type specifications if sensor['type'] not in [ key.lower() for key in defs.def_settings['sensors'] ]: log( "Sensor " + sensor['name'] + " is of unknown/custom type: " + sensor['type'] + ".", 'WARNING', ) # select the new sensor sUtils.selectObjects([newsensor], clear=True, active=0) return newsensor
def createLink(link): """Creates the blender representation of a given link and its parent joint. The link is added to the link layer. These entries in the dictionary are mandatory: *name*: name for the link The specified dictionary may contain these entries: *matrix*: world matrix for the new link transformation *scale*: scale for the new link (single float) *visual*: list of visual dictionaries *collision*: list of collision dictionaries *inertial*: inertial dictionary (an inertial object will be created on the fly) Furthermore any generic properties, prepended by a `$` will be added as custom properties to the link. E.g. $test/etc would be put to link/test/etc. However, these properties are extracted only in the first layer of hierarchy. Args: link(dict): The link you want to create a representation of. Returns: : bpy_types.Object -- the newly created blender link object. """ log("Creating link object '{}'...".format(link['name']), 'DEBUG', prefix='\n') # create armature/bone bUtils.toggleLayer('link', True) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.object.armature_add() newlink = bpy.context.active_object # Move bone when adding at selected objects location if 'matrix' in link: newlink.matrix_world = link['matrix'] # give it a proper name newlink.phobostype = 'link' if link['name'] in log('Object with name of new link already exists: ' + link['name'], 'WARNING') nUtils.safelyName(newlink, link['name']) # set the size of the link visuals, collisions = getGeometricElements(link) if visuals or collisions: scale = max((geometrymodel.getLargestDimension(e['geometry']) for e in visuals + collisions)) else: scale = 0.2 # use scaling factor provided by user if 'scale' in link: scale *= link['scale'] newlink.scale = (scale, scale, scale) bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True, properties=False) # add custom properties for prop in link: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in link[prop]: newlink['link/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = link[prop][tag] # create inertial if 'inertial' in link: inertia.createInertial(link['inertial'], newlink) # create geometric elements log( "Creating visual and collision objects for link '{0}':\n{1}".format( link['name'], ' \n'.join([elem['name'] for elem in visuals + collisions])), 'DEBUG', ) for vis in visuals: geometrymodel.createGeometry(vis, 'visual', newlink) for col in collisions: geometrymodel.createGeometry(col, 'collision', newlink) bUtils.sortObjectToCollection(newlink, 'link') return newlink
def createController(controller, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix(), annotations=None): """This function creates a new controller specified by its parameters. If an annotation category or the keyword 'all' is specified, the respective annotations for the controller will be added as objects. Args: controller(dict): phobos representation of the new controller reference(bpy_types.Object): object to add a parent relationship to origin(mathutils.Matrix, optional): new controllers origin (Default value = mathutils.Matrix()) annotations(list(str, optional): list of annotation keys or 'all' to add to as annotation objects (Default value = None) Returns: : bpy.types.Object -- new created controller object """ layers = defs.layerTypes['controller'] bUtils.toggleLayer(layers, value=True) # create controller object if controller['shape'].startswith('resource'): newcontroller = bUtils.createPrimitive( controller['name'], 'box', [1, 1, 1], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=controller['material'], phobostype='controller', ) # use resource name provided as: "resource:whatever_name" resource_obj = ioUtils.getResource( ['controller'] + controller['shape'].split('://')[1].split('_') ) if resource_obj: log("Assigned resource mesh and materials to new controller object.", 'DEBUG') = newcontroller.scale = (controller['size'],) * 3 else: log("Could not use resource mesh for controller. Default cube used instead.", 'WARNING') else: newcontroller = bUtils.createPrimitive( controller['name'], controller['shape'], controller['size'], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=controller['material'], phobostype='controller', ) = controller['name'] newcontroller['controller/type'] = controller['type'] # write the custom properties to the controller eUtils.addAnnotation(newcontroller, controller['props'], namespace='controller') if controller['annotations'] and annotations: if annotations == 'all': keys = controller['annotations'].keys() elif isinstance(annotations, list): keys = [key for key in annotations if key in controller['annotations']] else: keys = [] for key in keys: eUtils.addAnnotationObject( newcontroller, controller['annotations'][key], namespace='controller/' + key ) # assign the parent if available if reference is not None: sUtils.selectObjects([newcontroller, reference], clear=True, active=1) if reference.phobostype == 'link': bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') else: bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='OBJECT') return newcontroller
def createSensor(sensor, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix()): """This function creates a new sensor specified by its parameters. Args: sensor(dict): The phobos representation of the new sensor. reference(bpy_types.Object): This is an object to add a parent relationship to. origin(mathutils.Matrix, optional): The new sensors origin. (Default value = mathutils.Matrix() Returns: The newly created sensor object """ bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['sensor'], value=True) # create sensor object if 'Camera' in sensor['type']: bpy.ops.object.add(type='CAMERA', location=origin.to_translation(), rotation=origin.to_euler(), layers=bUtils.defLayers([defs.layerTypes['sensor'] ])) newsensor = bpy.context.active_object if reference is not None: sUtils.selectObjects([newsensor, reference], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') elif sensor['type'] in [ 'RaySensor', 'RotatingRaySensor', 'ScanningSonar', 'MultiLevelLaserRangeFinder' ]: # TODO: create a proper ray sensor scanning layer disc here newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'disc', (0.5, 36), defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_laserscanner', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if reference is not None: sUtils.selectObjects([newsensor, reference], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') # contact, force and torque sensors (or unknown sensors) else: newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'sphere', 0.05, defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_sensor', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if sensor['type'] == 'Joint6DOF': # TODO delete me? handle this #newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = nUtils.getObjectName(reference) pass elif 'Node' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = sorted( [nUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) elif 'Joint' in sensor['type'] or 'Motor' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/joints'] = sorted( [nUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) if reference is not None: sUtils.selectObjects([newsensor, reference], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') # set sensor properties newsensor.phobostype = 'sensor' = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/type'] = sensor['type'] # TODO delete me? #for prop in ['link', 'joint', 'links', 'joints', 'motors']: # if prop in sensor: # newsensor['sensor/'+prop] = sensor[prop] # add custom properties #for prop in sensor: # if prop.startswith('$'): # for tag in sensor[prop]: # newsensor[prop[1:]+'/'+tag] = sensor[prop][tag] # throw warning if type is not known if sensor['type'] not in defs.sensortypes: print("### Warning: sensor", sensor['name'], "is of unknown/custom type.") sUtils.selectObjects([newsensor], clear=False, active=0) return newsensor
def createSensor(sensor, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix()): """This function creates a new sensor specified by its parameters. :param sensor: The phobos representation of the new sensor. :type sensor: dict :param reference: This is an object to add a parent relationship to. :type reference: bpy_types.Object :param origin: The new sensors origin. :type origin: mathutils.Matrix :return: The newly created sensor object """ blenderUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['sensor'], value=True) # create sensor object if 'Camera' in sensor['type']: bpy.ops.object.add(type='CAMERA', location=origin.to_translation(), rotation=origin.to_euler(), layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([defs.layerTypes['sensor']])) newsensor = bpy.context.active_object if reference is not None: selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor, reference], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') elif sensor['type'] in ['RaySensor', 'RotatingRaySensor', 'ScanningSonar', 'MultiLevelLaserRangeFinder']: # TODO: create a proper ray sensor scanning layer disc here newsensor = blenderUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'disc', (0.5, 36), defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_laserscanner', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if reference is not None: selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor, reference], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') else: # contact, force and torque sensors (or unknown sensors) newsensor = blenderUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'sphere', 0.05, defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_sensor', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if sensor['type'] == 'Joint6DOF': pass #newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = nameUtils.getObjectName(reference) elif 'Node' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = sorted([nameUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) elif 'Joint' in sensor['type'] or 'Motor' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/joints'] = sorted([nameUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) if reference is not None: selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor, reference], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') # set sensor properties newsensor.phobostype = 'sensor' = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/type'] = sensor['type'] #for prop in ['link', 'joint', 'links', 'joints', 'motors']: # if prop in sensor: # newsensor['sensor/'+prop] = sensor[prop] # add custom properties #for prop in sensor: # if prop.startswith('$'): # for tag in sensor[prop]: # newsensor[prop[1:]+'/'+tag] = sensor[prop][tag] # throw warning if type is not known if sensor['type'] not in defs.sensortypes: print("### Warning: sensor", sensor['name'], "is of unknown/custom type.") selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor], clear=False, active=0) return newsensor
def createSensor(sensor, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix()): """This function creates a new sensor specified by its parameters. The sensor dictionary has to contain these keys: *name*: name of the new sensor *type*: type specifier of the sensor *shape*: a shape specifier for the sensor *props*: custom properties to be written to the sensor object Args: sensor(dict): phobos representation of the new sensor reference(bpy_types.Object): object to add a parent relationship to origin(mathutils.Matrix, optional): new sensors origin (Default value = mathutils.Matrix()) Returns: : The newly created sensor object """ layers = defs.layerTypes['sensor'] bUtils.toggleLayer(layers, value=True) # create sensor object if sensor['shape'].startswith('resource'): newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive( sensor['name'], 'box', [1, 1, 1], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=sensor['material'], phobostype='sensor', ) # use resource name provided as: "resource:whatever_name" resource_obj = ioUtils.getResource(['sensor'] + sensor['shape'].split('://')[1].split('_')) if resource_obj: log("Assigned resource mesh and materials to new sensor object.", 'DEBUG') = newsensor.scale = (sensor['size'],) * 3 else: log("Could not use resource mesh for sensor. Default cube used instead.", 'WARNING') else: newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive( sensor['name'], sensor['shape'], sensor['size'], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=sensor['material'], phobostype='sensor', ) # assign the parent if available if reference is not None: eUtils.parentObjectsTo(newsensor, reference) # TODO we need to deal with other types of parameters for sensors # TODO cameraRotLock() use or dispose? # contact, force and torque sensors (or unknown sensors) # else: # newsensor = bUtils.createPrimitive( # sensor['name'], 'ico', 0.05, layers, 'phobos_sensor', # origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) # if sensor['name'] == 'Joint6DOF': # # TODO delete me? handle this # #newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = nUtils.getObjectName(reference) # pass # elif 'Node' in sensor['type']: # newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = sorted([nUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) # elif 'Joint' in sensor['type'] or 'Motor' in sensor['type']: # newsensor['sensor/joints'] = sorted([nUtils.getObjectName(ref) for ref in reference]) # elif sensor['type'] in ['Joint6DOF']: # for obj in context.selected_objects: # if obj.phobostype == 'link': # sensor['name'] = "sensor_joint6dof_" + nUtils.getObjectName(obj, phobostype="joint") # sensors.createSensor(sensor, obj, obj.matrix_world) # elif 'Node' in sensor['type']: # sensors.createSensor(sensor, [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.phobostype == 'collision'], # mathutils.Matrix.Translation(context.scene.cursor_location)) # elif 'Motor' in sensor['type'] or 'Joint' in sensor['type']: # sensors.createSensor(sensor, [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.phobostype == 'link'], # mathutils.Matrix.Translation(context.scene.cursor_location)) # set sensor properties newsensor.phobostype = 'sensor' = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/name'] = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/type'] = sensor['type'] # write the custom properties to the sensor eUtils.addAnnotation(newsensor, sensor['props'], namespace='sensor') # throw warning if type is not known # TODO we need to link this error to the sensor type specifications if sensor['type'] not in [key.lower() for key in defs.def_settings['sensors']]: log( "Sensor " + sensor['name'] + " is of unknown/custom type: " + sensor['type'] + ".", 'WARNING', ) # select the new sensor sUtils.selectObjects([newsensor], clear=True, active=0) return newsensor
def createLink(link): """Creates the blender representation of a given link and its parent joint. The link is added to the link layer. These entries in the dictionary are mandatory: *name*: name for the link The specified dictionary may contain these entries: *matrix*: world matrix for the new link transformation *scale*: scale for the new link (single float) *visual*: list of visual dictionaries *collision*: list of collision dictionaries *inertial*: inertial dictionary (an inertial object will be created on the fly) Furthermore any generic properties, prepended by a `$` will be added as custom properties to the link. E.g. $test/etc would be put to link/test/etc. However, these properties are extracted only in the first layer of hierarchy. Args: link(dict): The link you want to create a representation of. Returns: : bpy_types.Object -- the newly created blender link object. """ log("Creating link object '{}'...".format(link['name']), 'DEBUG', prefix='\n') # create armature/bone bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['link'], True) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.object.armature_add(layers=bUtils.defLayers([defs.layerTypes['link']])) newlink = bpy.context.active_object # Move bone when adding at selected objects location if 'matrix' in link: newlink.matrix_world = link['matrix'] # give it a proper name newlink.phobostype = 'link' if link['name'] in log('Object with name of new link already exists: ' + link['name'], 'WARNING') nUtils.safelyName(newlink, link['name']) # set the size of the link visuals, collisions = getGeometricElements(link) if visuals or collisions: scale = max( (geometrymodel.getLargestDimension(e['geometry']) for e in visuals + collisions) ) else: scale = 0.2 # use scaling factor provided by user if 'scale' in link: scale *= link['scale'] newlink.scale = (scale, scale, scale) bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(scale=True) # add custom properties for prop in link: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in link[prop]: newlink['link/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = link[prop][tag] # create inertial if 'inertial' in link: inertia.createInertial(link['inertial'], newlink) # create geometric elements log( "Creating visual and collision objects for link '{0}':\n{1}".format( link['name'], ' \n'.join([elem['name'] for elem in visuals + collisions]) ), 'DEBUG', ) for vis in visuals: geometrymodel.createGeometry(vis, 'visual', newlink) for col in collisions: geometrymodel.createGeometry(col, 'collision', newlink) return newlink
def createMotor(motor, parentobj, origin=mathutils.Matrix(), addcontrollers=False): """This function creates a new motor specified by its parameters. If *addcontrollers* is set, a controller object will be created from the controller definition which is specified in the motor dictionary (key *controller*). Args: motor(dict): phobos representation of the new motor. parentobj(bpy_types.Object): object to parent new motor to origin(mathutils.Matrix, optional): new motors origin (Default value = mathutils.Matrix()) addcontrollers(bool, optional): whether to add the defined controller as object (Default value = False) Returns: bpy.types.Object: new motor object or a list of the new motor_object and the new controller object """ bUtils.toggleLayer('motor', value=True) primitive_name = '' # create name if not given by motor dict if not 'name' in motor or len(motor['name']) == 0: motor['name'] = primitive_name = "motor_" + motor['name'] else: primitive_name = motor['name'] primitive_name = '' # create name if not given by motor dict if not 'name' in motor or len(motor['name']) == 0: motor['name'] = primitive_name = "motor_" + motor['name'] else: primitive_name = motor['name'] # create motor object if motor['shape'].startswith('resource'): newmotor = bUtils.createPrimitive( primitive_name, 'box', [1, 1, 1], [], plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=motor['material'], phobostype='motor', ) # use resource name provided as: "resource:whatever_name" resource_obj = ioUtils.getResource( ['motor'] + motor['shape'].split('://')[1].split('_')) if resource_obj: log("Assigned resource mesh and materials to new motor object.", 'DEBUG') = newmotor.scale = (motor['size'], ) * 3 else: log( "Could not use resource mesh for motor. Default cube used instead.", 'WARNING') else: newmotor = bUtils.createPrimitive( primitive_name, motor['shape'], motor['size'], [], plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=motor['material'], phobostype='motor', ) # assign the parent if available if parentobj is not None: sUtils.selectObjects([newmotor, parentobj], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') # set motor properties newmotor.phobostype = 'motor' # should not be nessaccary: = motor['name'] defname = motor['defname'] # write the custom properties to the motor eUtils.addAnnotation(newmotor, motor['props'], namespace='motor', ignore=['defname']) # fix motor name since it can differe from object name newmotor['motor/name'] = motor['name'] if 'controller' in defs.definitions['motors'][defname] and addcontrollers: import phobos.model.controllers as controllermodel motorcontroller = defs.definitions['motors'][defname]['controller'] controllerdefs = ioUtils.getDictFromYamlDefs( 'controller', motorcontroller, + '_controller') newcontroller = controllermodel.createController( controllerdefs, newmotor, origin=newmotor.matrix_world, annotations='all') else: newcontroller = None # select the new motor sUtils.selectObjects( [newmotor] if not newcontroller else [newmotor, newcontroller], clear=True, active=0) return newmotor if not newcontroller else [newmotor, newcontroller]
def createJoint(joint, linkobj=None, links=None): """Adds joint data to a link object. If the linkobj is not specified, it is derived from the **child** entry in the joint (object is searched in the current scene). This only works if the search for the child yields a single object. Alternatively, it is possible to provide the model dictionary of links. In this case, the link object is searched in the dictionary (make sure the **object** keys of the dictionary are set properly). These entries are mandatory for the dictionary: | **name**: name of the joint These entries are optional: | **axis**: tuple which specifies the axis of the editbone | **limits**: limits of the joint movement | **lower**: lower limit (defaults to 0.) | **upper**: upper limit (defaults to 0.) | **effort**: maximum effort for the joint | **velocity**: maximum velocity for the joint Furthermore any generic properties, prepended by a ``$`` will be added as custom properties to the joint. E.g. ``$test/etc`` would be put to joint/test/etc. However, these properties are extracted only in the first layer of hierarchy. Args: joint(dict): dictionary containing the joint definition linkobj(bpy.types.Object, optional): link object receiving joint (Default value = None) links(dict, optional): model dictionary of links (Default value = None) Returns: None: None """ # try deriving link object from joint['child'] if not linkobj: # link dictionary provided -> search for child link object if ( links and 'child' in joint and joint['child'] in links and 'object' in links[joint['child']] ): linkobj = links[joint['child']]['object'] # search for child link in scene else: linkobj = sUtils.getObjectByName(joint['child']) if isinstance(linkobj, list): log( "Could not identify object to define joint '{0}'.".format(joint['name']), 'ERROR', ) return # make sure the proper joint name is kept if joint['name'] != linkobj['joint/name'] = joint['name'] # select the link object bUtils.toggleLayer(list(linkobj.layers).index(True), True) sUtils.selectObjects([linkobj], clear=True, active=0) # set axis if 'axis' in joint: if mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])).length == 0.: log('Axis of joint {0} is of zero length: '.format(joint['name']), 'ERROR') else: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') editbone =[0] length = editbone.length axis = mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])) editbone.tail = editbone.head + axis.normalized() * length # add constraints to the joint if 'limits' in joint: for param in ['effort', 'velocity']: if param in joint['limits']: linkobj['joint/max' + param] = joint['limits'][param] else: log( "Joint limits incomplete for joint {}. Missing {}.".format( joint['name'], param ), 'ERROR', ) if all(elem in joint['limits'] for elem in ['lower', 'upper']): lower = joint['limits']['lower'] upper = joint['limits']['upper'] else: log("Joint limits upper/lower is missing! Defaulted to [-1e-5, 1e-5].", 'WARNING') lower = -1e-5 upper = 1e-5 else: log("Joint limits upper/lower is missing! Defaulted both to [-1e-5, 1e-5].", 'WARNING') lower = -1e-5 upper = 1e-5 setJointConstraints(linkobj, joint['type'], lower, upper) # add generic properties for prop in joint: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in joint[prop]: linkobj['joint/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = joint[prop][tag] log("Assigned joint information to {}.".format(, 'DEBUG')
def buildModelFromDictionary(model): """Creates the Blender representation of the imported model, using a model dictionary. Args: model(dict): model representation of the imported model Returns: """ log("Creating Blender model...", 'INFO', prefix='\n' + '-' * 25 + '\n') log(" Initializing materials... ({} total)".format(len(model['materials'])), 'INFO') for mat in model['materials']: matmodel.createMaterial(model['materials'][mat], logging=True, adjust=True) # ['name'], tuple(mat['color'][0:3]), (1, 1, 1), mat['color'][-1]) newobjects = [] log(" Creating links... ({} total)".format(len(model['links'])), 'INFO') for lnk in model['links']: link = model['links'][lnk] model['links'][lnk]['object'] = linkmodel.createLink(link) newobjects.append(model['links'][lnk]['object']) newobjects.extend(model['links'][lnk]['object'].children) log("Setting parent-child relationships", 'INFO', prefix='\n') bUtils.toggleLayer('link', True) for lnk in model['links']: parent = model['links'][lnk] log("Children for link " + parent['name'] + ":\n" + '\n'.join(parent['children']), 'DEBUG') for chi in parent['children']: child = model['links'][chi] child['object'].matrix_world = parent['object'].matrix_world eUtils.parentObjectsTo(child['object'], parent['object']) # set transformations log("Transforming links... ({} total)".format(len(model['links'])), 'INFO', prefix='\n') for lnk in model['links']: if 'parent' not in model['links'][lnk]: root = model['links'][lnk] break linkmodel.setLinkTransformations(model, root) log("Creating joints... ({} total)".format(len(model['joints'])), 'INFO', prefix='\n') for j in model['joints']: joint = model['joints'][j] jointmodel.createJoint(joint, links=model['links']) log("Assigning model name: {}".format(model['name']), 'INFO') rootlink = sUtils.getRoot([root['object'].name]) if 'name' not in model: log("Model name not specified in URDF. Make sure to define it thereafter.", 'WARNING') else: rootlink['model/name'] = model['name'] rootlink.location = (0, 0, 0) # TODO make sure this works log("Creating sensors...", 'INFO') if 'sensors' in model and model['sensors']: for sen in model['sensors']: sensormodel.createSensor(model['sensors'][sen], model['sensors'][sen]['parent']) else: log(" No sensors in model.", 'INFO') # TODO make sure this works log("Creating motors...", 'INFO') if 'motors' in model and model['motors']: for motor in model['motors']: eUtils.setProperties( model['joints'][model['motors'][motor]['joint']], model['motors'][motor], category='motor', ) else: log(" No motors in model.", 'INFO') # TODO make sure this works log("Creating groups...", 'INFO') if 'groups' in model and model['groups']: for group in model['groups']: createGroup(model['groups'][group]) else: log(" No kinematic groups in model.", 'INFO') # TODO make sure this works log("Creating chains...", 'INFO') if 'chains' in model and model['chains']: for ch in model['chains']: createChain(model['chains'][ch]) else: log(" No kinematic chains in model.", 'INFO') # TODO make sure this works log("Creating lights...", 'INFO') if 'lights' in model and model['lights']: for light in model['lights']: lightmodel.createLight(model['lights'][light]) else: log(" No lights in model.", 'INFO') # display new objects after import sUtils.selectObjects(newobjects, clear=True, active=0) eUtils.sortObjectsToLayers(newobjects) for obj in newobjects: bUtils.setObjectLayersActive(obj, extendlayers=True) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.view3d.view_selected() # update the scene bUtils.update()
def createJoint(joint, linkobj=None, links=None): """Adds joint data to a link object. If the linkobj is not specified, it is derived from the **child** entry in the joint (object is searched in the current scene). This only works if the search for the child yields a single object. Alternatively, it is possible to provide the model dictionary of links. In this case, the link object is searched in the dictionary (make sure the **object** keys of the dictionary are set properly). These entries are mandatory for the dictionary: | **name**: name of the joint These entries are optional: | **axis**: tuple which specifies the axis of the editbone | **limits**: limits of the joint movement | **lower**: lower limit (defaults to 0.) | **upper**: upper limit (defaults to 0.) | **effort**: maximum effort for the joint | **velocity**: maximum velocity for the joint Furthermore any generic properties, prepended by a ``$`` will be added as custom properties to the joint. E.g. ``$test/etc`` would be put to joint/test/etc. However, these properties are extracted only in the first layer of hierarchy. Args: joint(dict): dictionary containing the joint definition linkobj(bpy.types.Object, optional): link object receiving joint (Default value = None) links(dict, optional): model dictionary of links (Default value = None) Returns: None: None """ # try deriving link object from joint['child'] if not linkobj: # link dictionary provided -> search for child link object if (links and 'child' in joint and joint['child'] in links and 'object' in links[joint['child']]): linkobj = links[joint['child']]['object'] # search for child link in scene else: linkobj = sUtils.getObjectByName(joint['child']) if isinstance(linkobj, list): log( "Could not identify object to define joint '{0}'.".format( joint['name']), 'ERROR', ) return # make sure the proper joint name is kept if joint['name'] != linkobj['joint/name'] = joint['name'] # select the link object bUtils.toggleLayer(list(linkobj.layers).index(True), True) sUtils.selectObjects([linkobj], clear=True, active=0) # set axis if 'axis' in joint: if mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])).length == 0.: log('Axis of joint {0} is of zero length: '.format(joint['name']), 'ERROR') else: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') editbone =[0] length = editbone.length axis = mathutils.Vector(tuple(joint['axis'])) editbone.tail = editbone.head + axis.normalized() * length # add constraints to the joint if 'limits' in joint: for param in ['effort', 'velocity']: if param in joint['limits']: linkobj['joint/max' + param] = joint['limits'][param] else: log( "Joint limits incomplete for joint {}. Missing {}.".format( joint['name'], param), 'ERROR', ) if all(elem in joint['limits'] for elem in ['lower', 'upper']): lower = joint['limits']['lower'] upper = joint['limits']['upper'] else: log( "Joint limits upper/lower is missing! Defaulted to [-1e-5, 1e-5].", 'WARNING') lower = -1e-5 upper = 1e-5 else: log( "Joint limits upper/lower is missing! Defaulted both to [-1e-5, 1e-5].", 'WARNING') lower = -1e-5 upper = 1e-5 setJointConstraints(linkobj, joint['type'], lower, upper) # add generic properties for prop in joint: if prop.startswith('$'): for tag in joint[prop]: linkobj['joint/' + prop[1:] + '/' + tag] = joint[prop][tag] log("Assigned joint information to {}.".format(, 'DEBUG')
def createController(controller, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix(), annotations=None): """This function creates a new controller specified by its parameters. If an annotation category or the keyword 'all' is specified, the respective annotations for the controller will be added as objects. Args: controller(dict): phobos representation of the new controller reference(bpy_types.Object): object to add a parent relationship to origin(mathutils.Matrix, optional): new controllers origin (Default value = mathutils.Matrix()) annotations(list(str, optional): list of annotation keys or 'all' to add to as annotation objects (Default value = None) Returns: : bpy.types.Object -- new created controller object """ bUtils.toggleLayer('controller', value=True) # create controller object if controller['shape'].startswith('resource'): newcontroller = bUtils.createPrimitive( controller['name'], 'box', [1, 1, 1], [], plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=controller['material'], phobostype='controller', ) # use resource name provided as: "resource:whatever_name" resource_obj = ioUtils.getResource( ['controller'] + controller['shape'].split('://')[1].split('_')) if resource_obj: log( "Assigned resource mesh and materials to new controller object.", 'DEBUG') = newcontroller.scale = (controller['size'], ) * 3 else: log( "Could not use resource mesh for controller. Default cube used instead.", 'WARNING') else: newcontroller = bUtils.createPrimitive( controller['name'], controller['shape'], controller['size'], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=controller['material'], phobostype='controller', ) = controller['name'] newcontroller['controller/type'] = controller['type'] # write the custom properties to the controller eUtils.addAnnotation(newcontroller, controller['props'], namespace='controller') if controller['annotations'] and annotations: if annotations == 'all': keys = controller['annotations'].keys() elif isinstance(annotations, list): keys = [ key for key in annotations if key in controller['annotations'] ] else: keys = [] for key in keys: eUtils.addAnnotationObject(newcontroller, controller['annotations'][key], namespace='controller/' + key) # assign the parent if available if reference is not None: sUtils.selectObjects([newcontroller, reference], clear=True, active=1) if reference.phobostype == 'link': bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') else: bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='OBJECT') return newcontroller
def buildModelFromDictionary(model): """Creates the Blender representation of the imported model, using a model dictionary. Args: model: Returns: """ # DOCU add some more docstring log("Creating Blender model...", 'INFO') log("Creating links...", 'INFO') for l in model['links']: link = model['links'][l] model['links'][l]['object'] = linkmodel.createLink(link) log("Setting parent-child relationships", 'INFO') bUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['link'], True) for l in model['links']: parent = model['links'][l] for c in parent['children']: child = model['links'][c] child['object'].matrix_world = parent['object'].matrix_world sUtils.selectObjects([child['object'], parent['object']], True, 1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') log("Creating joints...", 'INFO') for j in model['joints']: joint = model['joints'][j] jointmodel.createJoint(joint) log('...finished.', 'INFO') # set transformations log("Placing links...", 'INFO') for l in model['links']: if 'parent' not in model['links'][l]: root = model['links'][l] break linkmodel.placeChildLinks(model, root) log("Assigning model name...", 'INFO') try: rootlink = sUtils.getRoot([root['name']]) rootlink['modelname'] = model['name'] rootlink.location = (0, 0, 0) except (KeyError, NameError): log("Could not assign model name to root link.", "ERROR") try: log("Creating sensors...", 'INFO') for s in model['sensors']: sensormodel.createSensor(model['sensors'][s]) except KeyError: log("No sensors in model " + model['name'], 'INFO') try: log("Creating motors...", 'INFO') for m in model['motors']: eUtils.addDictionaryToObj( model['motors'][m], model['joints'][model['motors'][m]['joint']], category='motor') except KeyError: log("No motors in model " + model['name'], 'INFO') try: log("Creating controllers...", 'INFO') for c in model['controllers']: controllermodel.createController(model['controllers'][c]) except KeyError: log("No controllers in model " + model['name'], 'INFO') try: log("Creating groups...", 'INFO') for g in model['groups']: createGroup(model['groups'][g]) except KeyError: log("No kinematic groups in model " + model['name'], 'INFO') try: log("Creating chains...", 'INFO') for ch in model['chains']: createChain(model['chains'][ch]) except KeyError: log("No kinematic chains in model " + model['name'], 'INFO') try: log("Creating lights...", 'INFO') for l in model['lights']: lightmodel.createLight(model['lights'][l]) except KeyError: log("No lights in model " + model['name'], 'INFO') # display all objects after import for obj in bUtils.setObjectLayersActive(obj) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.view3d.view_selected() # update transformations bUtils.update()
def createMotor(motor, parentobj, origin=mathutils.Matrix(), addcontrollers=False): """This function creates a new motor specified by its parameters. If *addcontrollers* is set, a controller object will be created from the controller definition which is specified in the motor dictionary (key *controller*). Args: motor(dict): phobos representation of the new motor. parentobj(bpy_types.Object): object to parent new motor to origin(mathutils.Matrix, optional): new motors origin (Default value = mathutils.Matrix()) addcontrollers(bool, optional): whether to add the defined controller as object (Default value = False) Returns: bpy.types.Object: new motor object or a list of the new motor_object and the new controller object """ layers = defs.layerTypes['motor'] bUtils.toggleLayer(layers, value=True) # create motor object if motor['shape'].startswith('resource'): newmotor = bUtils.createPrimitive( motor['name'], 'box', [1, 1, 1], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=motor['material'], phobostype='motor', ) # use resource name provided as: "resource:whatever_name" resource_obj = ioUtils.getResource(['motor'] + motor['shape'].split('://')[1].split('_')) if resource_obj: log("Assigned resource mesh and materials to new motor object.", 'DEBUG') = newmotor.scale = (motor['size'],) * 3 else: log("Could not use resource mesh for motor. Default cube used instead.", 'WARNING') else: newmotor = bUtils.createPrimitive( motor['name'], motor['shape'], motor['size'], layers, plocation=origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler(), pmaterial=motor['material'], phobostype='motor', ) # assign the parent if available if parentobj is not None: sUtils.selectObjects([newmotor, parentobj], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') # set motor properties newmotor.phobostype = 'motor' = motor['name'] defname = motor['defname'] # write the custom properties to the motor eUtils.addAnnotation(newmotor, motor['props'], namespace='motor', ignore=['defname']) if 'controller' in defs.definitions['motors'][defname] and addcontrollers: import phobos.model.controllers as controllermodel motorcontroller = defs.definitions['motors'][defname]['controller'] controllerdefs = ioUtils.getDictFromYamlDefs( 'controller', motorcontroller, + '_controller' ) newcontroller = controllermodel.createController( controllerdefs, newmotor, origin=newmotor.matrix_world, annotations='all' ) else: newcontroller = None # select the new motor sUtils.selectObjects( [newmotor] if not newcontroller else [newmotor, newcontroller], clear=True, active=0 ) return newmotor if not newcontroller else [newmotor, newcontroller]
def createSensor(sensor, reference, origin=mathutils.Matrix()): """This function creates a new sensor specified by its parameters. :param sensor: The phobos representation of the new sensor. :type sensor: dict :param reference: This is an object to add a parent relationship to. :type reference: bpy_types.Object :param origin: The new sensors origin. :type origin: mathutils.Matrix :return: The newly created sensor object """ blenderUtils.toggleLayer(defs.layerTypes['sensor'], value=True) # create sensor object if 'Camera' in sensor['type']: bpy.context.scene.layers[defs.layerTypes['sensor']] = True bpy.ops.object.add(type='CAMERA', location=origin.to_translation(), rotation=origin.to_euler(), layers=blenderUtils.defLayers([defs.layerTypes['sensor']])) newsensor = bpy.context.active_object if reference is not None: selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor,[reference]], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') elif sensor['type'] in ['RaySensor', 'RotatingRaySensor', 'ScanningSonar', 'MultiLevelLaserRangeFinder']: # TODO: create a proper ray sensor scanning layer disc here newsensor = blenderUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'disc', (0.5, 36), defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_laserscanner', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if reference is not None and reference != []: if type(reference) == str: key = reference else: key = reference[0] selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor,[key]], clear=True, active=1) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='BONE_RELATIVE') else: # contact, force and torque sensors (or unknown sensors) newsensor = blenderUtils.createPrimitive(sensor['name'], 'sphere', 0.05, defs.layerTypes['sensor'], 'phobos_sensor', origin.to_translation(), protation=origin.to_euler()) if 'Node' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/nodes'] = sorted(reference) elif 'Joint' in sensor['type'] or 'Motor' in sensor['type']: newsensor['sensor/joints'] = sorted(reference) # set sensor properties newsensor.phobostype = 'sensor' = sensor['name'] newsensor['sensor/type'] = sensor['type'] #for prop in ['link', 'joint', 'links', 'joints', 'motors']: # if prop in sensor: # newsensor['sensor/'+prop] = sensor[prop] # add custom properties #for prop in sensor: # if prop.startswith('$'): # for tag in sensor[prop]: # newsensor[prop[1:]+'/'+tag] = sensor[prop][tag] # throw warning if type is not known if sensor['type'] not in defs.sensortypes: print("### Warning: sensor", sensor['name'], "is of unknown/custom type.") selectionUtils.selectObjects([newsensor], clear=False, active=0) return newsensor