def objective(threshold, fwhm, sigma_radius, roundlo, roundhi, sharplo, sharphi): res_table = DAOStarFinder(threshold=median + std * threshold, fwhm=fwhm, sigma_radius=sigma_radius, sharplo=sharplo, sharphi=sharphi, roundlo=roundlo, roundhi=roundhi, exclude_border=True)(img) if not res_table: return 3000 xys = structured_to_unstructured( np.array(res_table['xcentroid', 'ycentroid'])) seen_indices = set() offsets = [] for xy in xys: dist, index = lookup_tree.query(xy) if dist > 2 or index in seen_indices: offsets.append(np.nan) else: offsets.append(dist) seen_indices.add(index) offsets += [np.nan] * len(seen_indices - set(lookup_tree.indices)) offsets += [np.nan] * abs(len(ref_table) - len(res_table)) offsets = np.array(offsets) offsets -= np.nanmean(offsets) offsets[np.isnan(offsets)] = 3. return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(offsets)**2))
def locateStarsInImage(imageArray): mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(imageArray, sigma=sigmaParameter) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhmParameter, threshold=thresholdParameter * std) sources = daofind(imageArray - median) return sources
def Seeing(data, r=11): from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats from photutils.detection import DAOStarFinder from astropy.nddata.utils import Cutout2D # Source detection mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3) starfind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=4.0, threshold=5. * std, exclude_border=True, sky=median) sources = starfind(data - median) x = sources['xcentroid'] y = sources['ycentroid'] # FWHM over all the detected sources fwhm = [] for i in range(len(x)): cut = Cutout2D(data, [x[i], y[i]], r, mode='partial') sec = xc, yc = cut.to_cutout_position([x[i], y[i]]) fwhm.append(FWHM(sec, xc, yc)) return np.array(fwhm)
def getnewtargetlist(imagedata):"Redoing target list") mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(imagedata[200:-200, 200:-200], sigma=3.0) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3, threshold=5. * std) sources = daofind(imagedata - median) retTables = Table( [sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['flux']], names=['x', 'y', 'FLUX']) return retTables
def daodetect(image,nsigma=1.5,fwhm=3.0): """ Detection with DAOFinder.""" threshold = np.median(image.error)*nsigma daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshold, sky=0.0) objects = daofind(, mask=image.mask) # homogenize the columns objects['xcentroid'].name = 'x' objects['ycentroid'].name = 'y' return objects
def bar(): # TODO fails with friggin index error in model again: config = Config() image, input_table = read_or_generate_image('gauss_cluster_N1000') mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(image, sigma=config.clip_sigma) star_guesses = make_stars_guess(image, DAOStarFinder(median * 3, 4.), cutout_size=51) config.epsf_guess = make_epsf_combine(star_guesses) config.epsfbuilder_iters = 4
def astrometry_extract(data, fwhm=3., ksigma=5., csigma=3., indexing=1, bintable=True): ''' Extracts the star positions (0-indexing), but not extended ones. Note ---- This is just a convenience function for DAOStarFinder. First used for the astrometry client. This is why the xy positions are sorted by flux. Parameters ---------- data: ndarray The array containing the pixel values fwhm: float The estimated FWHM of stellar objects in the image. ksigma, csigma: float The threshold for the detection will be calculated by median plus ``ksigma`` times standard deviation, where the median and standard deviation is calculated from the ``csigma``-sigma clipping on to the original image (``data``). indexing: int, float Whether to use 0 or 1 indexing. The user may use any floating number for their own indexing, although 0 or 1 is the most usual case. bintable: bool Whether to convert to FITS BINTABLE format. This is required for Example ------- >>> xy = extracter(, fwhm=4, ksigma=5, csigma=3) + 1 # 1-indexing >>> np.savetxt(srcpath, xy, fmt='%d') >>> plt.plot(*xy.T, 'rx', ms=10) ''' avg, med, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=csigma, iters=1) finder = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=med + ksigma * std, exclude_border=True) sources = finder(data) sources.sort(["flux"]) xy = np.vstack((sources["xcentroid"].round().astype(int).tolist(), sources["ycentroid"].round().astype(int).tolist())).T xy += indexing if bintable: x = fits.Column(name='x', format='Iw', array=xy[:, 0]) y = fits.Column(name='y', format='Iw', array=xy[:, 1]) xy = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([x, y]) return xy return xy
def photutils_daostarfinder(img, thresholds, fwhms): mask = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.bool) results = [] for t, f in zip(thresholds, fwhms): dao = DAOStarFinder(threshold=t, fwhm=f) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=NoDetectionsWarning ) dao_dataframe = dao.find_stars(img, mask=mask) dao_dataframe = dao.find_stars(img, mask=mask) if dao_dataframe is not None: dao_dataframe = dao_dataframe.to_pandas() results += [dao_dataframe] _mask = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.bool) y_limit, x_limit = np.array(img.shape) - 1 spot_mask_positions = (dao_dataframe .loc[:, ['xcentroid', 'ycentroid']] .transform(np.round).astype('int') .query('({y} >= 0) & ({y} <= @y_limit)'.format(y='ycentroid')) .query('({x} >= 0) & ({x} <= @x_limit)'.format(x='xcentroid')) ) _mask[ spot_mask_positions.ycentroid, spot_mask_positions.xcentroid ] = True # fwhm ~= 2.355 sigma mask += binary_dilation(_mask, selem=disk(2*f)) if len(results) > 0: return pd.concat(results) else: return pd.DataFrame(columns=['xcentroid', 'ycentroid'])
def get_finder(image: np.ndarray, config: Config) -> photutils.StarFinderBase: """construct a StarFinder from a given configuration and image(needed for threshold)""" mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(image, sigma=config.clip_sigma) threshold = median + config.threshold_factor * std finder = DAOStarFinder(threshold=threshold, fwhm=config.fwhm_guess, sigma_radius=config.sigma_radius, sharplo=config.sharplo, sharphi=config.sharphi, roundlo=config.roundlo, roundhi=config.roundhi, exclude_border=config.exclude_border) return finder
def psfphotometry(imagefile, ra=None, dec=None, x=None, y=None, fwhm=5.0, zp=0.0, gain=1.0, doDifferential=False, xfield=None, yfield=None, xfirst=None, yfirst=None): hdulist = header = fits.getheader(imagefile) if x == None: w = WCS(header) x0, y0 = w.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 1) gain = 1.0 else: x0, y0 = x, y if len(hdulist) > 3: image = hdulist[1].data elif len(hdulist) == 2: image = hdulist[0].data else: image = hdulist[0].data image_shape = image.shape #daogroup = DAOGroup(crit_separation=8) daogroup = DAOGroup(crit_separation=25) mmm_bkg = MMMBackground() #iraffind = IRAFStarFinder(threshold=2.0*mmm_bkg(image), # fwhm=4.0) fitter = LevMarLSQFitter() gaussian_prf = IntegratedGaussianPRF(flux=1, sigma=1.7) gaussian_prf.sigma.fixed = False gaussian_prf.flux.fixed = False psffile = imagefile.replace(".fits", ".psf") fid = open(psffile, 'w') if len(image_shape) == 3: nhdu, xshape, yshape = image.shape dateobs = utcparser(hdulist[0].header["UTCSTART"]) mjd = dateobs.mjd if "KINCYCTI" in hdulist[0].header: mjdall = mjd + np.arange( nhdu) * hdulist[0].header["KINCYCTI"] / 86400.0 else: mjdall = mjd + np.arange( nhdu) * hdulist[0].header["EXPTIME"] / 86400.0 mjds, mags, magerrs, fluxes, fluxerrs = [], [], [], [], [] for jj in range(nhdu): if np.mod(jj, 10) == 0: print('PSF fitting: %d/%d' % (jj, nhdu)) image = hdulist[0].data[jj, :, :] mjd = mjdall[jj] n, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(image, sigma=3.0) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=2.0, threshold=2. * std) #phot_obj = IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry(finder=daofind, # group_maker=daogroup, # bkg_estimator=mmm_bkg, # psf_model=gaussian_prf, # fitter=fitter, # fitshape=(21, 21), # niters=10) image = image - np.median(image) image_slice = np.zeros(image.shape) slsize = 25 xmin = np.max([0, int(x0 - slsize)]) xmax = np.min([int(x0 + slsize), image.shape[0]]) ymin = np.max([0, int(y0 - slsize)]) ymax = np.min([int(y0 + slsize), image.shape[1]]) image_slice[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = 1 if doDifferential: xmin_f = np.max([0, int(xfield - slsize)]) xmax_f = np.min([int(xfield + slsize), image.shape[0]]) ymin_f = np.max([0, int(yfield - slsize)]) ymax_f = np.min([int(yfield + slsize), image.shape[1]]) image_slice[ymin_f:ymax_f, xmin_f:xmax_f] = 1 image = image * image_slice if (xfirst is None) or (yfirst is None): phot_obj = BasicPSFPhotometry(finder=daofind, group_maker=daogroup, psf_model=gaussian_prf, fitter=fitter, fitshape=(21, 21), bkg_estimator=mmm_bkg) phot_results = phot_obj(image) else: gaussian_prf = IntegratedGaussianPRF(flux=1, sigma=1.7) gaussian_prf.sigma.fixed = False gaussian_prf.flux.fixed = False gaussian_prf.x_0.fixed = False gaussian_prf.y_0.fixed = False phot_obj = BasicPSFPhotometry(group_maker=daogroup, psf_model=gaussian_prf, fitter=fitter, fitshape=(21, 21), bkg_estimator=mmm_bkg) pos = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0'], data=[[xfirst, xfield], [yfirst, yfield]]) phot_results_tmp = phot_obj(image, init_guesses=pos) resimage = phot_obj.get_residual_image() pos = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0'], data=[[x0], [y0]]) gaussian_prf = IntegratedGaussianPRF(flux=1, sigma=1.7) gaussian_prf.sigma.fixed = False gaussian_prf.flux.fixed = False gaussian_prf.x_0.fixed = True gaussian_prf.y_0.fixed = True phot_obj = BasicPSFPhotometry(group_maker=daogroup, psf_model=gaussian_prf, fitter=fitter, fitshape=(7, 7), bkg_estimator=mmm_bkg) phot_results = phot_obj(resimage, init_guesses=pos) phot_results = vstack([phot_results_tmp, phot_results]) #if True: if False: #sources = iraffind(image) sources = daofind(image) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt positions = np.transpose( (sources['ycentroid'], sources['xcentroid'])) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=4.) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) plt.axes(axs[0]) plt.imshow(image.T, origin='lower', cmap='viridis', aspect=1, interpolation='nearest', vmin=np.percentile(image[image > 0], 10), vmax=np.percentile(image[image > 0], 90)) apertures.plot(color='red') plt.xlim([ymin, ymax]) plt.ylim([xmin, xmax]) resimage = phot_obj.get_residual_image() plt.axes(axs[1]) plt.imshow(resimage.T, origin='lower', cmap='viridis', aspect=1, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=np.percentile(resimage[resimage > 0], 90)) apertures.plot(color='red') plt.xlim([ymin, ymax]) plt.ylim([xmin, xmax]) plt.savefig('test_%d.png' % jj) plt.close() fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) plt.axes(axs[0]) plt.imshow(image.T, origin='lower', cmap='viridis', aspect=1, interpolation='nearest', vmin=np.percentile(image[image > 0], 10), vmax=np.percentile(image[image > 0], 90)) apertures.plot(color='red') plt.xlim([ymin_f, ymax_f]) plt.ylim([xmin_f, xmax_f]) resimage = phot_obj.get_residual_image() plt.axes(axs[1]) plt.imshow(resimage.T, origin='lower', cmap='viridis', aspect=1, interpolation='nearest', vmin=np.percentile(resimage[resimage > 0], 10), vmax=np.percentile(resimage[resimage > 0], 90)) apertures.plot(color='red') plt.xlim([ymin_f, ymax_f]) plt.ylim([xmin_f, xmax_f]) plt.savefig('test_f_%d.png' % jj) plt.close() #phot_results.pprint_all() #print(stop) dist = np.sqrt((phot_results["x_fit"] - x0)**2 + (phot_results["y_fit"] - y0)**2) idx = np.argmin(dist) flux = phot_results[idx]["flux_fit"] fluxerr = phot_results[idx]["flux_unc"] magerr = 1.0857 * fluxerr / flux #1.0857 = 2.5/log(10) mag = zp - 2.5 * np.log10(flux) if doDifferential: dist = np.sqrt((phot_results["x_fit"] - xfield)**2 + (phot_results["y_fit"] - yfield)**2) idy = np.argmin(dist) flux_field = phot_results[idy]["flux_fit"] fluxerr_field = phot_results[idy]["flux_unc"] magerr_field = 1.0857 * fluxerr_field / flux_field #1.0857 = 2.5/log(10) mag_field = zp - 2.5 * np.log10(flux_field) mag = mag - mag_field magerr = np.sqrt(magerr**2 + magerr_field**2) fluxerr = np.sqrt((fluxerr / flux)**2 + (fluxerr_field / flux_field)**2) flux = flux / flux_field fluxerr = flux * fluxerr #print(phot_results[idy]["flux_fit"], phot_results[idx]["flux_fit"]) mjds.append(mjd) mags.append(mag) magerrs.append(magerr) fluxes.append(flux) fluxerrs.append(fluxerr) fid.write('%.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n' % (dateobs.mjd, mag, magerr, flux, fluxerr)) fid.close() return np.array(mjds), np.array(mags), np.array(magerrs), np.array( fluxes), np.array(fluxerrs) else: mjds, mags, magerrs, fluxes, fluxerrs = [], [], [], [], [] for ii, hdu in enumerate(hdulist): if ii == 0: continue header = hdulist[ii].header image = hdulist[ii].data if not "DATE" in header: print("Warning: 'DATE missing from %s hdu %d/%d" % (imagefile, ii, len(hdulist))) continue dateobs = Time(header["DATE"]) phot_results = phot_obj(image) dist = np.sqrt((phot_results["x_fit"] - x0)**2 + (phot_results["y_fit"] - y0)**2) idx = np.argmin(dist) flux = phot_results[idx]["flux_fit"] fluxerr = phot_results[idx]["flux_unc"] magerr = 1.0857 * fluxerr / flux #1.0857 = 2.5/log(10) mag = zp - 2.5 * np.log10(flux) mjds.append(dateobs.mjd) mags.append(mag) magerrs.append(magerr) fluxes.append(flux) fluxerrs.append(fluxerr) fid.write('%.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n' % (dateobs.mjd, mag, magerr, flux, fluxerr)) fid.close() return np.array(mjds), np.array(mags), np.array(magerrs), np.array( fluxes), np.array(fluxerrs)
# 0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 258 () # 1 SCI 1 ImageHDU 85 (2048, 2048) float32 # 2 ERR 1 ImageHDU 10 (2048, 2048) float32 # 3 DQ 1 ImageHDU 11 (2048, 2048) int32 (rescales to uint32) # 4 AREA 1 ImageHDU 9 (2048, 2048) float32 # 5 VAR_POISSON 1 ImageHDU 9 (2048, 2048) float32 # 6 VAR_RNOISE 1 ImageHDU 9 (2048, 2048) float32 # 7 VAR_FLAT 1 ImageHDU 9 (2048, 2048) float32 # 8 ASDF 1 BinTableHDU 11 1R x 1C [17197B] # The data is the hdu[1] data = hdu[1].data # Let's run a quick fitting using DAOStarFinder mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=5. * std) sources = daofind(data - median) # And now, let's make some cuts to remove objects that are too faint or too bright flux_min = 5 flux_max = 50 flux_range = np.where((sources['flux'] > flux_min) & (sources['flux'] < flux_max))[0] init_tbl = Table() init_tbl['x_0'] = sources['xcentroid'][flux_range] init_tbl['y_0'] = sources['ycentroid'][flux_range] init_tbl['flux_0'] = sources['flux'][flux_range] # And now, let's make a plot of the original image. plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
def make_tweakreg_catalog(model, kernel_fwhm, snr_threshold, sharplo=0.2, sharphi=1.0, roundlo=-1.0, roundhi=1.0, brightest=None, peakmax=None): """ Create a catalog of point-line sources to be used for image alignment in tweakreg. Parameters ---------- model : `ImageModel` The input `ImageModel` of a single image. The input image is assumed to be background subtracted. kernel_fwhm : float The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the 2D Gaussian kernel used to filter the image before thresholding. Filtering the image will smooth the noise and maximize detectability of objects with a shape similar to the kernel. snr_threshold : float The signal-to-noise ratio per pixel above the ``background`` for which to consider a pixel as possibly being part of a source. sharplo : float, optional The lower bound on sharpness for object detection. sharphi : float, optional The upper bound on sharpness for object detection. roundlo : float, optional The lower bound on roundness for object detection. roundhi : float, optional The upper bound on roundness for object detection. brightest : int, None, optional Number of brightest objects to keep after sorting the full object list. If ``brightest`` is set to `None`, all objects will be selected. peakmax : float, None, optional Maximum peak pixel value in an object. Only objects whose peak pixel values are *strictly smaller* than ``peakmax`` will be selected. This may be used to exclude saturated sources. By default, when ``peakmax`` is set to `None`, all objects will be selected. .. warning:: `DAOStarFinder` automatically excludes objects whose peak pixel values are negative. Therefore, setting ``peakmax`` to a non-positive value would result in exclusion of all objects. Returns ------- catalog : `~astropy.Table` An astropy Table containing the source catalog. """ if not isinstance(model, ImageModel): raise TypeError('The input model must be an ImageModel.') threshold_img = detect_threshold(, nsigma=snr_threshold) # TODO: use threshold image based on error array threshold = threshold_img[0, 0] # constant image daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=kernel_fwhm, threshold=threshold, sharplo=sharplo, sharphi=sharphi, roundlo=roundlo, roundhi=roundhi, brightest=brightest, peakmax=peakmax) # Mask the non-imaging area (e.g. MIRI) mask = (dqflags.pixel['NON_SCIENCE'] & model.dq).astype(bool) sources = daofind(, mask=mask) columns = ['id', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'flux'] if sources: catalog = sources[columns] else: catalog = Table(names=columns, dtype=(np.int_, np.float_, np.float_, np.float_)) return catalog
starfinder_result = run_optimizer(starfinder_optimizer, starfinder_obj, n_evaluations=1400) x = starfinder_result.x print( list(zip(, starfinder_result.x))) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(img, sigma=3) threshold = median + x[0] * std finder = DAOStarFinder(threshold=threshold, fwhm=x[1], sigma_radius=x[2], roundlo=x[3], roundhi=x[4], sharplo=x[5], sharphi=x[6], exclude_border=True) result_table = finder(img) plt.imshow(img, norm=LogNorm(), cmap='inferno') plt.plot(input_table['x'], input_table['y'], 'o', fillstyle='none', markeredgewidth=0.5, markeredgecolor='red', label=f'reference N={len(input_table)}') plt.plot(result_table['xcentroid'],
#plt.imshow(image) fitsStars ="Images/FitsImages/L_2019-04-08_22-59-51_c.fits") imgStars = fitsStars[0].data.astype(np.float64) #bkg = MMMBackground() #background = bkg(imgStars) #gaussian_prf = PRF() #gaussian_prf.sigma.fixed = False #photTester = DAOP(8,background,5,gaussian_prf,(11,11)) daogroup = DAOGroup(crit_separation=8) mmm_bkg = MMMBackground() iraffind = DAOStarFinder(threshold=2 * mmm_bkg(imgStars), fwhm=4.5) fitter = LevMarLSQFitter() gaussian_prf = IntegratedGaussianPRF(sigma=2.05) gaussian_prf.sigma.fixed = False photTester = IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry(finder=iraffind, group_maker=daogroup, bkg_estimator=mmm_bkg, psf_model=gaussian_prf, fitter=fitter, fitshape=(11, 11), niters=2) photResults = photTester(imgStars) print(photResults['x_fit', 'y_fit', 'flux_fit']) finalImg = photTester.get_residual_image()
def fwhm(image,syntax,sigma_lvl = None,fwhm = None): import warnings warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) ''' Find full width half maxiumu of an image via gaussian fitting to isolated bright stars Can be very tempromental for bad images ''' from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats from photutils.detection import DAOStarFinder from autophot.packages.functions import gauss_fwhm,gauss_2d import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sys,os import lmfit from astropy.stats import sigma_clip import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if sigma_lvl != None: min_source_no = 0 max_source_no = np.inf else: max_source_no = syntax['max_source_lim'] min_source_no = syntax['min_source_lim'] if sigma_lvl == None: threshold_value = syntax['threshold_value'] int_fwhm = syntax['fwhm_guess'] else: threshold_value = sigma_lvl if fwhm != None: int_fwhm = fwhm else: int_fwhm = syntax['fwhm_guess'] if fwhm != None: syntax['int_scale'] = syntax['scale'] isolated_sources = [] img_seg = [0] try: for idx in range(len(list(img_seg))): mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(image, sigma=syntax['fwhm_sigma'], maxiters=syntax['fwhm_iters']) if sigma_lvl == None: logger.debug('Image stats: Mean %.3f :: Median %.3f :: std %.3f' % (mean,median,std)) syntax['global_mean'] = mean syntax['global_median'] = median syntax['global_std'] = std # decrease m = 0 # increase n = 0 # backstop failsafe = 0 decrease_increment = False # How much to drop/increase each iteration each fudge_factor = syntax['fudge_factor'] bkg_detect_check=[] search_image = image.copy() # Remove target by masking with area with that of median image value - just so it's not picked up if syntax['target_name'] != None and fwhm == None:'Target location : (x,y) -> (%.3f,%.3f)' % (syntax['target_x_pix'] , syntax['target_y_pix'])) search_image[int(syntax['target_y_pix'])-syntax['int_scale']: int(syntax['target_y_pix']) + syntax['int_scale'], int(syntax['target_x_pix'])-syntax['int_scale']: int(syntax['target_x_pix']) + syntax['int_scale']] = syntax['global_median'] * np.ones((int(2*syntax['int_scale']),int(2*syntax['int_scale']))) while True: try: # If iterations get to big - terminate if failsafe>syntax['source_max_iter']:' Source detection gives up!') break else: failsafe +=1 # check if threshold value is still good threshold_value_check = threshold_value + n - m # if <=0 reverse previous drop and and fine_fudge factor if threshold_value_check <= syntax['lim_SNR']: logger.warning('Threshold value has gone below threshold - increasing by smaller increment ') # revert privious decrease decrease_increment = True n=syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] # m = 0 to stop any further decrease threshold_value += m m = 0 else: threshold_value = round(threshold_value + n - m,3) # if threshold goes negative usesmaller fudge factor if decrease_increment: fudge_factor = syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm = np.ceil(int_fwhm), threshold = threshold_value*std, sharplo = 0.2,sharphi = 1.0, roundlo = -1.0,roundhi = 1.0 ) sources = daofind(search_image - median) if sources == None: logger.warning('Sources == None') m = fudge_factor continue sources = sources.to_pandas()'Number of sources before cleaning - [s = %.1f]: %d ' % (threshold_value,len(sources))) # f_x = len(sources) / (threshold_value*std) # relative_change = f_x - np.nanmedian(f_x) / np.nanmedian(f_x) if len(sources) == 0: logger.warning('No sources') m = fudge_factor continue # bkg_detect_check.append(relative_change) try: sources['xcentroid'] 'Make sure some are detceted, if not try again ' except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) break if len(sources) > 10000 and m !=0: logger.warning('Picking up noise') fudge_factor = syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] n = syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] m = 0 decrease_increment = True continue elif len(sources) > max_source_no: logger.warning('Too many sources') if m != 0 : decrease_increment = True n = syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] fudge_factor = syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] else: n = fudge_factor continue elif len(sources) < min_source_no: logger.warning('Too few sources') m = fudge_factor continue elif len(sources) == 0: logger.warning('No sources') m = fudge_factor continue if len(sources) > 30: if syntax['remove_boundary_sources']: with_boundary = len(sources) sources = sources[sources['xcentroid'] < image.shape[1] - syntax['pix_bound'] ] sources = sources[sources['xcentroid'] > syntax['pix_bound'] ] sources = sources[sources['ycentroid'] < image.shape[0] - syntax['pix_bound'] ] sources = sources[sources['ycentroid'] > syntax['pix_bound'] ] logger.debug('Removed %d sources near boundary' % (with_boundary - len(sources))) x = np.array(sources['xcentroid']) y = np.array(sources['ycentroid']) iso_temp = [] pix_dist = [] if len(sources) < min_source_no: logger.warning('Less than min source after boundary removal') m = fudge_factor continue if sigma_lvl != None or len(sources) < 10: isolated_sources = pd.DataFrame({'x_pix':x,'y_pix':y}) else: for idx in range(len(x)): try: x0 = x[idx] y0 = y[idx] dist = np.sqrt((x0-np.array(x))**2+(y0-np.array(y))**2) dist = dist[np.where(dist!=0)] isolated_dist = 0 if syntax['isolate_sources']: isolated_dist = syntax['iso_scale'] if len(dist) == 0: dist = [0] if min(list(dist)) > isolated_dist: df = np.array((float(x0),float(y0))) iso_temp.append(df) pix_dist.append(dist) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) pass if len(iso_temp) == 0: logger.warning('Less than min source after isolating sources') m = fudge_factor continue isolated_sources= pd.DataFrame(data = iso_temp) isolated_sources.columns = ['x_pix','y_pix'] isolated_sources.reset_index() x_rc = [] y_rc = [] sigma=[] medianlst=[] x_pix = np.arange(0,2 * syntax['int_scale']) y_pix = np.arange(0,2 * syntax['int_scale']) image_copy = image.copy() for idx in isolated_sources.index: try: x0 = isolated_sources['x_pix'].loc[[idx]] y0 = isolated_sources['y_pix'].loc[[idx]] close_up = image_copy[int(y0)- syntax['int_scale']: int(y0) + syntax['int_scale'], int(x0)- syntax['int_scale']: int(x0) + syntax['int_scale']] if close_up.shape != (int(2*syntax['int_scale']),int(2*syntax['int_scale'])): sigma.append(np.nan) x_rc.append(np.nan) y_rc.append(np.nan) medianlst.append(np.nan) logger.warning('wrong close-up size') continue mean, median_val, std = sigma_clipped_stats(close_up, sigma=syntax['fwhm_sigma'], maxiters=syntax['fwhm_iters']) medianlst.append(median_val) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_pix, y_pix) if syntax['remove_sat']: try: saturation_lvl = syntax['sat_lvl'] except: saturation_lvl = 2**16 if np.nanmax(close_up) >= saturation_lvl: sigma.append(np.nan) x_rc.append(np.nan) y_rc.append(np.nan) continue try: pars = lmfit.Parameters() pars.add('A',value = np.nanmax(close_up),min = 0) pars.add('x0',value = close_up.shape[0]/2) pars.add('y0',value = close_up.shape[0]/2) pars.add('sigma',value = 3,max = syntax['max_fit_fwhm'] / 2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) ) pars.add('sky',value = np.nanmedian(close_up)) def residual(p): p = p.valuesdict() return (close_up - gauss_2d((xx,yy),p['x0'],p['y0'],p['sky'],p['A'],p['sigma']).reshape(close_up.shape)).flatten() mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, pars,nan_policy = 'omit') result = mini.minimize(method = 'least_squares') sigma_fit = abs(result.params['sigma'].value) sigma.append(sigma_fit) x_rc.append(result.params['x0'] - syntax['int_scale'] + x0) y_rc.append(result.params['y0'] - syntax['int_scale'] + y0) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) sigma.append(np.nan) x_rc.append(np.nan) y_rc.append(np.nan) pass except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) sigma.append(np.nan) x_rc.append(np.nan) y_rc.append(np.nan) medianlst.append(median_val) continue if sigma_lvl == None: isolated_sources['sigma'] = pd.Series(sigma) isolated_sources['median'] = pd.Series(medianlst) if isolated_sources['sigma'].values == np.array([]):'> No sigma values taken <') continue try: if len(isolated_sources) > 30: isolate_mask = sigma_clip(isolated_sources['sigma'].values, sigma=1.5).mask isolated_sources = isolated_sources[~isolate_mask] except: isolated_sources = [] if len(isolated_sources) < min_source_no: logger.warning('Less than min source after sigma clipping: %d' % len(isolated_sources)) threshold_value += m if n ==0: decrease_increment = True n = syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] fudge_factor = syntax['fine_fudge_factor'] else: n = fudge_factor # m = fudge_factor m=0 # n = fudge_factor continue'Isolated sources found [ %.1f sigma ]: %d' % (threshold_value,len(isolated_sources))) sigma = np.nanmedian(isolated_sources['sigma']) mean_fwhm = gauss_fwhm(sigma) syntax['scale'] = int(np.ceil(syntax['scale_multipler'] * mean_fwhm)) else: isolated_sources['sigma'] = pd.Series(sigma) mean_fwhm = fwhm break except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) continue return mean_fwhm,isolated_sources,syntax except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return np.nan
def psf_fit(data_array, data_file, psf_grid, fheader, imagemodel): # Let's run a quick fitting using DAOStarFinder mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data_array, sigma=3.0) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=5. * std) sources = daofind(data_array - median) # And now, let's make some cuts to remove objects that are too faint or too bright flux_min = 5 #5 #0 flux_max = 50 #50 #1000 flux_range = np.where((sources['flux'] > flux_min) & (sources['flux'] < flux_max))[0] init_tbl = Table() init_tbl['x_0'] = sources['xcentroid'][flux_range] init_tbl['y_0'] = sources['ycentroid'][flux_range] init_tbl['flux_0'] = sources['flux'][flux_range] # And now, let's make a plot of the original image. plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) imshow_norm(data_array, interval=PercentileInterval(99.), stretch=SqrtStretch()) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(data_file + '.png', dpi=300) plt.clf() # And now, let's make a plot of the image showing the positions of the objects. plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) imshow_norm(data_array, interval=PercentileInterval(99.), stretch=SqrtStretch()) plt.scatter(init_tbl['x_0'], init_tbl['y_0'], s=10, color='black') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(data_file + '_with_daostarfinder_objects.png', dpi=300) plt.clf() eval_xshape = int(np.ceil([2] / psf_grid.oversampling)) eval_yshape = int(np.ceil([1] / psf_grid.oversampling)) # And now, let's run the PSF Photometry sigma_psf = 3. daogroup = DBSCANGroup(2.0 * sigma_psf * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm) mmm_bkg = MMMBackground() fit_shape = (eval_yshape, eval_xshape) phot = BasicPSFPhotometry(daogroup, mmm_bkg, psf_grid, fit_shape, finder=None, aperture_radius=3.) # This is the part that takes the longest, so I print out the date/time before and after. now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print("Starting the fit: date and time = ", dt_string) tbl = phot(data_array, init_guesses=init_tbl) now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print("Ending the fit: date and time = ", dt_string) # Now I format the output tbl['x_fit'].format = '%.1f' tbl['y_fit'].format = '%.1f' tbl['flux_fit'].format = '%.4e' tbl['flux_unc'].format = '%.4e' tbl['x_0_unc'].format = '%.4e' tbl['y_0_unc'].format = '%.4e' diff = phot.get_residual_image() hdu_out = fits.PrimaryHDU(diff, header=fheader) hdul_out = fits.HDUList([hdu_out]) hdul_out.writeto(data_file + '_residual.fits') # And create a residual image from the fit plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) imshow_norm(diff, interval=PercentileInterval(99.), stretch=SqrtStretch()) #plt.scatter(tbl['x_fit'], tbl['y_fit'], s=80, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(data_file + '_residual.png', dpi=300) plt.clf() # Calculate the RA and DEC values from the x_fit and y_fit values. RA_fit = np.zeros(len(tbl['x_fit'])) DEC_fit = np.zeros(len(tbl['x_fit'])) RA_fit, DEC_fit = imagemodel.meta.wcs(tbl['x_fit'], tbl['y_fit']) tbl.add_column(DEC_fit, index=0, name='DEC_fit') tbl.add_column(RA_fit, index=0, name='RA_fit') # And write out the table to a file. tbl.write(data_file + '_psf_fit_output.fits')
print('\n') imheader = hdu_list[0].header imdata = hdu_list[0].data hdu_list.close() #%% get image background statistics mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(imdata, sigma=3.0) print( f'Image Background: mean = {mean:.5g}, median = {median:.5g}, standard deviation = {std:.3g}\n' ) seeing = 6.0 #%% find the sources daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=seeing, sky=median, threshold=5. * std) sources = daofind.find_stars(imdata - median) print('\nPrint source locations:') sources['id', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid'].pprint() #print out positions of sources print('\n') #%% perform aperture photometry # extract source postions from table; transpose is needed for proper orientation positions = np.transpose((sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'])) # define the aperture r_a = 3 * seeing apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=r_a) # define the annulus r_in = r_a + 3
time.sleep(0.5) for job in jobs: optimizer.tell(job.args, job.result.get()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass res = optimizer.get_result() with open(result_filename, 'wb') as f: dill.dump(optimizer, f) threshold, fwhm, sigma_radius, roundlo, roundhi, sharplo, sharphi = res.x res_table = DAOStarFinder(threshold=median + std * threshold, fwhm=fwhm, sigma_radius=sigma_radius, sharplo=sharplo, sharphi=sharphi, roundlo=roundlo, roundhi=roundhi, exclude_border=True)(img) plt.ion() plt.imshow(img, norm=LogNorm()) plt.plot(res_table['xcentroid'], res_table['ycentroid'], 'ro', markersize=0.5) plot_evaluations(res, dimensions=dimensions) plt.figure() ax = plot_convergence(res) ax.set_yscale('log')
def baz(): config = Config.instance() # throw away border pixels to make psf fit into original image psf = read_or_generate_helper('anisocado_psf', config) psf = center_cutout( psf, (51, 51)) # cutout center of psf or else it takes forever to fit config.output_folder = 'output_cheating_astrometry' filename = 'scopesim_grid_16_perturb0' image, input_table = read_or_generate_image(filename, config) origin = np.array(psf.shape) / 2 # type: ignore epsf = photutils.psf.EPSFModel(psf, flux=None, origin=origin, oversampling=1, normalize=False) epsf = photutils.psf.prepare_psf_model(epsf, renormalize_psf=False) image, input_table = read_or_generate_image(filename, config) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(image, sigma=config.clip_sigma) threshold = median + config.threshold_factor * std fwhm = estimate_fwhm(epsf.psfmodel) finder = DAOStarFinder(threshold=threshold, fwhm=fwhm) grouper = DAOGroup(config.separation_factor * fwhm) shape = (epsf.psfmodel.shape / epsf.psfmodel.oversampling).astype(np.int64) epsf.fwhm = astropy.modeling.Parameter( 'fwhm', 'this is not the way to add this I think') epsf.fwhm.value = fwhm bkgrms = MADStdBackgroundRMS() photometry = BasicPSFPhotometry(finder=finder, group_maker=grouper, bkg_estimator=bkgrms, psf_model=epsf, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), fitshape=shape) result_table = photometry(image) star_guesses = make_stars_guess(image, finder, 51) plot_filename = os.path.join(config.output_folder, filename + '_photometry_vs_sources') plot_image_with_source_and_measured(image, input_table, result_table, output_path=plot_filename) if len(result_table) != 0: plot_filename = os.path.join(config.output_folder, filename + '_measurement_offset') plot_xy_deviation(input_table, result_table, output_path=plot_filename) else: print(f"No sources found for {filename} with {config}") plt.figure() plt.imshow( save(os.path.join(config.output_folder, filename + '_epsf'), plt.gcf()) plt.figure() plt.imshow(concat_star_images(star_guesses)) save(os.path.join(config.output_folder, filename + '_star_guesses'), plt.gcf()) res = PhotometryResult(image, input_table, result_table, epsf, star_guesses)
def create_dao_like_coordlists(fitsfile, sourcelist_filename, make_region_file=False, dao_fwhm=3.5, bkgsig_sf=2.): """Make daofind-like coordinate lists Parameters ---------- fitsfile : string Name of the drizzle-combined filter product to used to generate photometric sourcelists. sourcelist_filename : string Name of optionally generated ds9-compatible region file dao_fwhm : float (`~photutils.detection.DAOstarfinder` param 'fwhm') The full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the major axis of the Gaussian kernel in units of pixels. Default value = 3.5. make_region_file : Boolean Generate ds9-compatible region file? Default value = True bkgsig_sf : float multiplictive scale factor applied to background sigma value to compute DAOfind input parameter 'threshold'. Default value = 2. Returns ------- sources : astropy table Table containing x, y coordinates of identified sources """ hdulist = image = hdulist['SCI'].data image -= np.nanmedian(image) bkg_sigma = mad_std(image, ignore_nan=True) daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=dao_fwhm, threshold=bkgsig_sf * bkg_sigma) sources = daofind(image) hdulist.close() for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output # Write out ecsv file tbl_length = len(sources) sources.write(sourcelist_filename, format="ascii.ecsv")"Created coord list file '{}' with {} sources".format( sourcelist_filename, tbl_length)) if make_region_file: out_table = sources.copy() # Remove all other columns besides xcentroid and ycentroid out_table.keep_columns(['xcentroid', 'ycentroid']) # Add offset of 1.0 in X and Y to line up sources in region file with image displayed in ds9. out_table['xcentroid'].data[:] += np.float64(1.0) out_table['ycentroid'].data[:] += np.float64(1.0) reg_filename = sourcelist_filename.replace(".ecsv", ".reg") out_table.write(reg_filename, format="ascii")"Created region file '{}' with {} sources".format( reg_filename, len(out_table))) return (sources)
def psf_photometry(self, mbi, label=None, subtract_galaxy=True, sersic_model=None, save_residual_images=False, **kwargs): self.mbi = mbi self._setup_psf() if subtract_galaxy: self.phot_image = self.subtract_galaxy(label, sersic_model, **kwargs) else: self.phot_image = mbi.image if self.use_hsc_bright_mask['phot']:'applying hsc bright object mask') for b in mbi.bands: mask = mbi.get_hsc_bright_object_mask(b).astype(bool) self.phot_image[b][mask] = 0 catalog = LsstStruct() self.stddev = LsstStruct() if save_residual_images: self.residual_image = LsstStruct() for band in mbi.bands: if len(mbi.stats) > 0: self.stddev[band] = mbi.stats[band].stdev else: self.stddev[band] = self.bkgrms(self.phot_image[band]) daogroup = DAOGroup(self.crit_separation * self.psf_fwhm[band]) self.daofinder_opt['fwhm'] = self.psf_fwhm[band] self.phot_opts['aperture_radius'] = self.aperture_radius self.phot_opts['aperture_radius'] *= self.psf_fwhm[band] daofind = DAOStarFinder(self.threshold * self.stddev[band], exclude_border=True, **self.daofinder_opt)'performing ' + band + '-band psf photometry') photometry = IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry( finder=daofind, group_maker=daogroup, psf_model=self.psf_model[band], **self.phot_opts) with warnings.catch_warnings(): message = '.*The fit may be unsuccessful;.*' warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message=message, category=AstropyUserWarning) catalog[band] = photometry(image=self.phot_image[band]) if save_residual_images:'generating residual image') self.residual_image[band] = subtract_psf( mbi.image[band], self.psf_model[band], catalog[band]) return catalog
def find(image, fwhm, method='daophot', background='1D', frame='diff', diag=False): ''' Find all stars above the sky background level using DAOFind-like algorithm Required inputs: image = 2D array of image on which to perform find fwhm = FWHM in pixels (1) Optional inputs: method = Either 'daophot' or 'peaks' to select different finding algorithms background = '2D' or '1D' to select 2- or 1-D background estimators frame = 'diff' or 'single' to set background behaviour for difference or single frames Example ------- >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> im = np.ones((10,10)) + np.random.uniform(size=(10,10)) >>> im *= >>> im[5,5] += 5 * >>> star_tbl, bkg_image, threshold = find(im, 1, method='peaks', background='1D', frame='single') >>> np.equal(len(star_tbl), 1) True ''' from photutils.detection import DAOStarFinder, find_peaks from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats if frame == 'diff': # Determine background RMS: bkg_image, sky = estimate_background(image, method=background, sigma=5, diag=diag) find_image = image elif frame == 'single': # Create and subtract a background image and determine background RMS: bkg_image, sky = estimate_background(image, method=background, sigma=2, diag=diag) find_image = image - bkg_image # Look for sources at twice the background RMS level threshold = 2 * sky # Make sure the image and threshold units are the same threshold = # Find stars if method == 'daophot': finder = DAOStarFinder(threshold.value, fwhm) star_tbl = finder.find_stars(find_image.value) star_tbl['x'], star_tbl['y'] = \ star_tbl['xcentroid'], star_tbl['ycentroid'] elif method == 'peaks': star_tbl = find_peaks(find_image.value, threshold.value, box_size=3) star_tbl['x'], star_tbl['y'] = \ star_tbl['x_peak'], star_tbl['y_peak'] # Remove entries outside the image frame (mainly an issue with daophot), then reset the ID column: index = ((star_tbl['x'] < 0) | (star_tbl['y'] < 0) | (star_tbl['x'] > image.shape[0]) | (star_tbl['y'] > image.shape[1])) star_tbl.remove_rows(index) star_tbl['id'] = np.arange(len(star_tbl)) + 1 if diag: print("Sky background rms: {}".format(sky)) print("Found {} stars".format(len(star_tbl))) return star_tbl, bkg_image, threshold