def matching_kernel(psf1, psf2, window_type='TukeyWindow', alpha=None, beta=None): """Use photutils to create a matching kernel given two PSFs and the window type and parameters Parameters ---------- psf1 : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the first PSF psf2 : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the second PSF window_type : str Name of the window function to use when filtering the matching kernel alpha : float Optional input for some of the window functions beta : float Optional input for some of the window functions Returns ------- matched_kernel : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the matching PSF kernel """ # Create the filtering window orig_window_type = copy.deepcopy(window_type) window_type = window_type.lower() if window_type == 'tophatwindow': window = TopHatWindow(beta=beta) elif window_type == 'cosinebellwindow': window = CosineBellWindow(alpha=alpha) elif window_type == 'splitcosinebellwindow': window = SplitCosineBellWindow(alpha=alpha, beta=beta) elif window_type == 'tukeywindow': window = TukeyWindow(alpha=alpha) elif window_type == 'hanningwindow': window = HanningWindow() else: raise ValueError( "ERROR: Unrecognized window_type: {}".format(orig_window_type)) # Create the matching kernel matched_kernel = create_matching_kernel(psf1, psf2, window=window) return matched_kernel
def run_lc_psf(field, CCD, FILTER, row_pix, col_pix, seeing_limit=1.5, verbose=False): name = '%s_%s_%04i_%04i_%s' % (field, CCD, col_pix, row_pix, FILTER) epochs = np.loadtxt('%s/info/%s/%s_epochs_%s.txt' % (jorgepath, field, field, FILTER), dtype={'names': ('EPOCH', 'MJD'), 'formats': ('S2', 'f4')}, comments='#') images, airmass, seeing, dqmask, gain, exptime = [], [], [], [], [], [] print 'Loading catalogues...' print '\tEpoch | MJD | SEEING | AIRMASS' for ll, epoch in enumerate(epochs): # fits imag_file = "%s/DATA/%s/%s/%s_%s_%s_image_crblaster.fits" % (astropath, field, CCD, field, CCD, epoch[0]) if not os.path.exists(imag_file): if verbose: print '\t\tNo image file: %s' % (imag_file) continue hdu = seeing.append(hdu[0].header['FWHM'] * hdu[0].header['PIXSCAL1']) airmass.append(hdu[0].header['AIRMASS']) gain.append(hdu[0].header['GAINA']) exptime.append(hdu[0].header['EXPTIME']) data = hdu[0].data images.append(data) if verbose: print '\t %s | %f | %f | %f' % (epoch[0], epoch[1], seeing[-1], airmass[-1]) dqm_file = "%s/DATA/%s/%s/%s_%s_%s_dqmask.fits.fz" % (astropath, field, CCD, field, CCD, epoch[0]) if not os.path.exists(dqm_file): if verbose: print '\t\tNo dqmask file: %s' % (dqm_file) dqmask.append(False) else: hdu = dqmask.append(hdu[0].data) # clean bad observation conditions seeing = np.array(seeing) airmass = np.array(airmass) images = np.array(images) dqmask = np.array(dqmask) # mask_good = (seeing <= seeing_limit) mask_good = (epochs['MJD'] <= 57073.) if verbose: print 'Total number of images : ', len(images) print 'Epochs with good conditions: ', len(images[mask_good]) epochs = epochs[mask_good] images = images[mask_good] seeing = seeing[mask_good] airmass = airmass[mask_good] dqmask = dqmask[mask_good] # selecting worst epoch idx_worst = np.argmax(seeing) if verbose: print 'Worst epoch : ', epochs[idx_worst] print 'Worst seeing : ', seeing[idx_worst] print 'Worst airmass: ', airmass[idx_worst] # select 100 stars closer to if verbose: print 'Searching for nearest & cleanest stars near position...' ref_cat_file = "%s/catalogues/%s/%s/%s_%s_%s_image_crblaster_thresh%s_minarea%s_backsize64_final-scamp.dat" % \ (jorgepath, field, CCD, field, CCD, epochs[idx_worst][0], str(thresh), str(minarea)) if not os.path.exists(ref_cat_file): if verbose: print '\t\tNo catalog file for worst epoch: %s' % (ref_cat_file) return ref_cata =, format='ascii') ref_tree_XY = cKDTree(np.transpose(np.array((ref_cata['X_IMAGE_REF'], ref_cata['Y_IMAGE_REF'])))) # quering asked position in worst image XY_worst = np.transpose(np.array((col_pix, row_pix))) dist_w, indx_w = ref_tree_XY.query(XY_worst, k=1, distance_upper_bound=5) print dist_w, indx_w row_pix_w = int(np.around(ref_cata['Y_IMAGE'][indx_w])) col_pix_w = int(np.around(ref_cata['X_IMAGE'][indx_w])) print col_pix_w, row_pix_w stamp_worst = images[idx_worst][row_pix_w - dx_stamp: row_pix_w + dx_stamp + 1, col_pix_w - dx_stamp: col_pix_w + dx_stamp + 1].copy() nearest_cata = get_filter_nearest_stars(ref_cata, col_pix_w, row_pix_w) if nearest_cata is None: return if verbose: print 'Creating kernel...' psf_worst = get_kernel(images[idx_worst], nearest_cata) # psf_worst1 = get_kernel(images[idx_worst], # nearest_cata[:int(len(nearest_cata)/2)]) # psf_worst2 = get_kernel(images[idx_worst], # nearest_cata[int(len(nearest_cata)/2):]) if verbose: print 'Kernel done!' print 'Going into time serie...' # aperture radii for photometry ap_radii = seeing[idx_worst] / 0.27 * np.array([0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5]) print 'Aperture radii: ', ap_radii lc_yes, lc_no = [], [] stamps_lc = [] airmass2, exptime2, ZP = [], [], [] for k, epoch in enumerate(epochs): if verbose: print 'Working in epoch %s...' % (epoch[0]) # loading catalogs cat_file = "%s/catalogues/%s/%s/%s_%s_%s_image_crblaster_thresh%s_minarea%s_backsize64_final-scamp.dat" % \ (jorgepath, field, CCD, field, CCD, epoch[0], str(thresh), str(minarea)) if not os.path.exists(cat_file): if verbose: print '\t\tNo catalog file for worst epoch: %s' % (cat_file) continue cata =, format='ascii') cata_XY = np.transpose(np.array((cata['X_IMAGE_REF'], cata['Y_IMAGE_REF']))) tree_XY = cKDTree(cata_XY) # quering asked position XY_obj = np.transpose(np.array((col_pix, row_pix))) dist, indx = tree_XY.query(XY_obj, k=1, distance_upper_bound=5) if np.isinf(dist): if verbose: print '\t\tNo match in epoch %s' % epoch[0] lc_no.append(epoch) continue # position in non projected coordinates, i.e. loaded image row_pix2 = int(np.around(cata['Y_IMAGE'][indx])) col_pix2 = int(np.around(cata['X_IMAGE'][indx])) err_mag = cata['MAGERR_AUTO_ZP'][indx] print row_pix2, col_pix2, err_mag stamp = images[k][row_pix2 - dx_stamp: row_pix2 + dx_stamp + 1, col_pix2 - dx_stamp: col_pix2 + dx_stamp + 1].copy() stamp_mask = dqmask[k][row_pix2 - dx_stamp: row_pix2 + dx_stamp + 1, col_pix2 - dx_stamp: col_pix2 + dx_stamp + 1].copy() if epoch[0] != epochs[idx_worst][0]: nearest_cata2 = get_filter_nearest_stars(cata, col_pix2, row_pix2) if nearest_cata2 is None: continue psf = get_kernel(images[k], nearest_cata2) part = 2 matched_kernel = [] for p in range(part): aux_psf = get_kernel(images[k], nearest_cata2[int(p * len(nearest_cata2) / part): int((p+1) * len(nearest_cata2) / part)]) aux_kernel = create_matching_kernel(aux_psf, psf_worst, window=TopHatWindow(0.62)) matched_kernel.append(aux_kernel) # aux_kernel2 = create_matching_kernel(aux_psf, psf_worst2, # window=TopHatWindow(0.7)) # matched_kernel.append(aux_kernel2) matched_kernel = np.array(matched_kernel) print matched_kernel.shape matched_kernel = np.median(matched_kernel, axis=0) matched_kernel /= matched_kernel.sum() print '\tMatching kernel sum: ', matched_kernel.sum() convolved_kernel = filter_data(psf, matched_kernel, mode='nearest') convolved_stamp = filter_data(stamp, matched_kernel, mode='nearest') else: print '\tWorst epoch' matched_kernel = psf_worst.copy() stamp = stamp_worst.copy() convolved_stamp = stamp_worst.copy() stamps_lc.append([stamp, convolved_stamp, matched_kernel, float(epoch[1]), convolved_kernel]) data_point = get_photometry(convolved_stamp, mask=stamp_mask, gain=gain[k], pos=(dx_stamp, dx_stamp), radii=ap_radii) if data_point is None: print '\t\tNo match in epoch %s' % epoch[0] lc_no.append(epoch) continue data_point['mjd'] = float(epoch[1]) data_point['epoch'] = epoch[0] data_point['aperture_mag_err_0_cat'] = err_mag lc_yes.append(data_point) airmass2.append(airmass[k]) exptime2.append(exptime[k]) ZP_PS = np.load('%s/info/%s/%s/ZP_%s_PS_%s_%s_%s.npy' % (jorgepath, field, CCD, 'AUTO', field, CCD, epoch[0])) ZP.append([ZP_PS[0][0], ZP_PS[2][0]]) if False: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=4, figsize=(18, 10)) im2 = ax[0, 0].imshow(stamp, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[0, 0].set_title(epoch[0]) fig.colorbar(im2, ax=ax[0, 0]) im1 = ax[0, 1].imshow(stamp_worst, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[0, 1].set_title('Worst') fig.colorbar(im1, ax=ax[0, 1]) im3 = ax[0, 2].imshow(convolved_stamp, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[0, 2].set_title('%s convolved' % epoch[0]) for k in ap_radii: circle = plt.Circle([data_point['xcenter'][0], data_point['ycenter'][0]], k, color='r', fill=False) ax[0, 2].add_artist(circle) fig.colorbar(im3, ax=ax[0, 2]) im4 = ax[0, 3].imshow(psf_worst - convolved_kernel, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[0, 3].set_title('kernel sustraction') fig.colorbar(im4, ax=ax[0, 3]) im2 = ax[1, 0].imshow(psf, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[1, 0].set_title('%s' % (epoch[0])) fig.colorbar(im2, ax=ax[1, 0]) im1 = ax[1, 1].imshow(psf_worst, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[1, 1].set_title('Worst') fig.colorbar(im1, ax=ax[1, 1]) im3 = ax[1, 2].imshow(matched_kernel, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[1, 2].set_title('matching kernel') fig.colorbar(im3, ax=ax[1, 2]) im4 = ax[1, 3].imshow(convolved_kernel, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') ax[1, 3].set_title('convolved %s' % (epoch[0])) fig.colorbar(im4, ax=ax[1, 3]) fig.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('%s/lightcurves/galaxy/%s/%s_%s_psf.png' % # (jorgepath, field, name, epoch[0]), # tight_layout=True, pad_inches=0.01, # bbox_inches='tight') # if k == 3: break if len(lc_yes) <= 10: print 'No LC for this source...' return None lc = vstack(lc_yes) # lc_raw = vstack(lc_raw) airmass2 = np.array(airmass2) exptime2 = np.array(exptime2) ZP = np.array(ZP) # magnitudes for k in range(len(ap_radii)): (mags, e1_mags) = ADU2mag_PS(lc['aperture_sum_%i' % k], lc['aperture_flx_err_%i' % k], exptime2, ZP[:, 0], ZP[:, 1]) lc['aperture_mag_%i' % k] = mags lc['aperture_mag_err_%i' % k] = e1_mags lc_df = lc.to_pandas() lc_df.drop('id', axis=1, inplace=True) for k in range(len(ap_radii)): lc_df.rename(columns={'aperture_sum_%i' % k: 'aperture_flx_%i' % k}, inplace=True) print lc_df.columns.values print lc_df.shape f = open('%s/lightcurves/galaxy/%s/%s_psf.csv' % (jorgepath, field, name), 'w') f.write('# Worst epoch : %s\n' % epochs[idx_worst][0]) f.write('# Worst MJD : %s\n' % epochs[idx_worst][1]) f.write('# Worst seeing : %s\n' % seeing[idx_worst]) f.write('# Aperture radii : seeing * [0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5]\n') f.write('# Aperture radii : %s\n' % str(ap_radii)) lc_df.to_csv(f) f.close() # print lc_df[['aperture_flx_0', 'aperture_flx_err_0', # 'aperture_mag_0', 'aperture_mag_err_0', # 'aperture_mag_0_cat']] if True: brightest_idx = np.argmax(lc_df.aperture_flx_0) cmin = np.percentile(stamps_lc[brightest_idx][1].flatten(), 50) cmax = stamps_lc[brightest_idx][1].flatten().max() fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=len(stamps_lc), nrows=4, figsize=(2. * len(stamps_lc), 10)) for i in range(len(stamps_lc)): ax[0, i].imshow(stamp_worst, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax[1, i].imshow(stamps_lc[i][0], interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax[2, i].imshow(stamps_lc[i][1], interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray', origin='lower', clim=(cmin, cmax)) circle = plt.Circle([lc_df['xcenter'][i], lc_df['ycenter'][i]], ap_radii[0], color='r', lw=.5, fill=False) ax[2, i].add_artist(circle) circle = plt.Circle([lc_df['xcenter'][i], lc_df['ycenter'][i]], ap_radii[1], color='r', lw=.5, fill=False) ax[2, i].add_artist(circle) cmin_k = np.percentile(stamps_lc[i][2].flatten(), 50) cmax_k = stamps_lc[i][2].flatten().max() ax[3, i].imshow(stamps_lc[i][2], interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray', origin='lower', clim=(cmin_k, cmax_k)) ax[0, i].text(1, 1, "%8.2f" % epochs[idx_worst][1], fontsize=14, color='orange') ax[1, i].text(1, 1, "%8.2f" % stamps_lc[i][3], fontsize=14, color='orange') for j in range(4): ax[j, i].axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax[j, i].axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.savefig('%s/lightcurves/galaxy/%s/%s_psf_series.png' % (jorgepath, field, name), tight_layout=True, pad_inches=0.01, facecolor='black', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close(fig) if False: plt.errorbar(lc_df['mjd'], lc_df['aperture_mag_0'], yerr=lc_df['aperture_mag_err_0'], lw=0, label='psf', elinewidth=1, c='r', marker='.', markersize=15) plt.xlabel('mjd') plt.ylabel('g flux') plt.legend(loc='best')
import photutils from photutils import create_matching_kernel from import fits from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy from photutils import TopHatWindow from photutils import CosineBellWindow window = CosineBellWindow(alpha=0.35) from scipy.signal import convolve as scipy_convolve window = TopHatWindow(0.35) dir1 = '/home/sourabh/ULIRG_package/data/OPTICAL_PSF/' data_ref = fits.getdata(dir1 + 'f165psf.fits') data_psf = fits.getdata(dir1 + 'PSF_775_gal4_rotate_cut.fits') kernel = create_matching_kernel(data_psf, data_ref) # , window = window ) fits.writeto('ker.fits', data=kernel, overwrite=True) plt.imshow(kernel, cmap='Greys_r', origin='lower') filename = '/home/sourabh/ULIRG_package/data/IRASF10594+3818/gal1_HA.fits' fileout = '/home/sourabh/ULIRG_package/data/IRASF10594+3818/gal1_HA_psfmatch.fits' ker = 'ker.fits' #ker_shift = np.pad(kernel, ((0, 1), (0, 1)), mode='constant') data1 = scipy_convolve(data_psf, kernel, mode='same') fits.writeto('test2.fits', data=data1, overwrite=True) data3 = data1 - data_ref fits.writeto('test3.fits', data=data3, overwrite=True) def psf_match(filename, fileout, ker): hdulist =
# size as the target PSF. We therefore need to extrapolate it. # First try by just cutting it out and replace the NaNs with 0. source_psf = Cutout2D( data=hires_psf.copy(), position=(hires_psf.shape[0] // 2, hires_psf.shape[0] // 2), size=target_psf.shape, # currently, this is hard coded. Change later! mode="partial", copy=True).data source_psf[np.isnan(source_psf)] = 0 source_psf = source_psf / np.nansum(source_psf) ## Now compute the Kernel kernel_HIRES_to_LOWRES = create_matching_kernel( source_psf=source_psf.copy(), target_psf=target_psf.copy(), window=TopHatWindow(0.4)) # this is currently hard coded. Change later? kernel_HIRES_to_LOWRES = kernel_HIRES_to_LOWRES / np.nansum( kernel_HIRES_to_LOWRES) ## Save hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=kernel_HIRES_to_LOWRES) hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdul.writeto(os.path.join(this_work_dir, "kernel.fits"), overwrite=True) ## Plot the PSFs for checking if userinput["make_plots"] == "true": print("Making some Figures.") LOG.append("Making some Figures.") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
aimsem = sems[aimind] psf = {} for semester in sems: psf[semester] ='PSFs/small_' + semester + '_K_PSF.fits')[0].data aimpsf = psf[aimsem] for semester in sems: if semester == aimsem: # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(np.log(psf[semester])) continue kernel = create_matching_kernel(psf[semester], aimpsf, window=TopHatWindow(0.5)) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) # plt.imshow(kernel) plt.imshow(np.log(kernel)) plt.subplot(122) # plt.imshow(psf[semester]) plt.imshow(np.log(psf[semester])) # ### Open image ### # im05Bfull ='UDS_'+semester+'_K.fits', memmap=True) # im05B = im05Bfull[0].data # hdr = im05Bfull[0].header # # ### Convolve Image ### # newim05B = convolve(im05B, kernel)
mindata, maxdata = adjustimage(Cutoutimg) mindata1, maxdata1 = adjustimage(Cutoutimg1) plt.figure(0) plt.imshow(Cutoutimg, vmin=mindata, vmax=maxdata, cmap='gray') plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(Cutoutimg1, vmin=mindata1, vmax=maxdata1, cmap='gray') plt.figure(2) doubleimg = np.float64(Cutoutimg) - np.float64(Cutoutimg1) doubleimg = np.abs(doubleimg) mindata2, maxdata2 = adjustimage(doubleimg) plt.imshow(doubleimg, vmin=mindata2, vmax=maxdata2, cmap='gray') window = TopHatWindow(0.8) fimg = np.float64(Cutoutimg) fimg1 = np.float64(Cutoutimg1) kernel = create_matching_kernel(fimg, fimg1, window) bluimage = make_blurred(Cutoutimg, kernel) plt.figure(3) mindata3, maxdata3 = adjustimage(bluimage) plt.imshow(bluimage, vmin=mindata3, vmax=maxdata3, cmap='gray') plt.figure(4) doubleimg1 = np.float64(Cutoutimg1) - np.float64(bluimage) doubleimg1 = np.abs(doubleimg1) mindata4, maxdata4 = adjustimage(doubleimg1) plt.imshow(doubleimg1, vmin=mindata4, vmax=maxdata4, cmap='gray')
def get_kernel(self, from_filter, to_filter, pixelscale, from_fwhm=None, to_fwhm=None, from_model="gaussian", to_model="gaussian", size=51): """ This function ... :param from_filter: :param to_filter: :param pixelscale: :param from_fwhm: :param to_fwhm: :param from_model: :param to_model: :param size: :return: """ # Make sure from_fwhm and to_fwhm is defined if from_fwhm is None: from_fwhm = get_fwhm(from_filter) if to_fwhm is None: to_fwhm = get_fwhm(to_filter) # Make sure that size is odd number if size % 2 == 0: size += 1 # Determine center based on size center = int((size - 1) / 2) # Create window window = TopHatWindow(0.35) y, x = np.mgrid[0:size, 0:size] # Determine FWHMs in number of pixels from_fwhm_pix = from_fwhm / pixelscale.average to_fwhm_pix = to_fwhm / pixelscale.average # amplitude, x_mean, y_mean, x_stddev, y_stddev gm1 = Gaussian2D(1, center, center, from_fwhm_pix, from_fwhm_pix) gm2 = Gaussian2D(1, center, center, to_fwhm_pix, to_fwhm_pix) # Generate g1 = gm1(x, y) g2 = gm2(x, y) # Normalize g1 /= g1.sum() g2 /= g2.sum() # Create the kernel, set FWHM, from_filter, to_filter, prepared=True, and pixelscale data = create_matching_kernel(g1, g2, window=window) kernel = ConvolutionKernel(data, fwhm=to_fwhm, from_filter=from_filter, to_filter=to_filter, prepared=True, pixelscale=pixelscale) # Return the kernel return kernel
from SynthObs.Morph import PSF # --- own, this package sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../')) import FLARE import FLARE.obs import FLARE.surveys import FLARE.photom survey = FLARE.surveys.XDF field = survey.fields['XDF'] ndim = 21 window = TopHatWindow(1.0) plot = False target_filter = field.filters[-1] psf = PSF.PSF(target_filter) pixel_scale = field.pixel_scale native_pixel_Scale = FLARE.filters.pixel_scale[target_filter] x = y = np.linspace(-(ndim / 2.) * (pixel_scale / native_pixel_Scale), (ndim / 2.) * (pixel_scale / native_pixel_Scale), ndim) # in original pixels target_kernel = psf.f(x, y) target_kernel /= np.sum(target_kernel) for filter in field.filters: # --- calculate transfer kernel