Example #1
    def account_show_with_http_info(self, id, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Get a single account  # noqa: E501

        Get details on a single account.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.account_show_with_http_info(id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str id: ID (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(AccountDetails, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method account_show" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `account_show`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['id'] = local_var_params['id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params['x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/accounts/{id}', 'GET',
            response_type='AccountDetails',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #2
    def tag_delete_with_http_info(self, project_id, name, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Delete a tag  # noqa: E501

        Delete an existing tag.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.tag_delete_with_http_info(project_id, name, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str project_id: Project ID (required)
        :param str name: name (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param str branch: specify the branch to use
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: None
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method tag_delete" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'project_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('project_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['project_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `project_id` when calling `tag_delete`")  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'name' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('name' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['name'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `name` when calling `tag_delete`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'project_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['project_id'] = local_var_params['project_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'name' in local_var_params:
            path_params['name'] = local_var_params['name']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []
        if 'branch' in local_var_params and local_var_params['branch'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('branch', local_var_params['branch']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params['x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/projects/{project_id}/tags/{name}', 'DELETE',
            response_type=None,  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #3
    def accounts_list_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """List accounts  # noqa: E501

        List all accounts the current user has access to.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.accounts_list_with_http_info(async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param int page: Page number
        :param int per_page: allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 25 by default
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(list[Account], status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method accounts_list" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'page' in local_var_params and local_var_params['page'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('page', local_var_params['page']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'per_page' in local_var_params and local_var_params['per_page'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('per_page', local_var_params['per_page']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params['x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/accounts', 'GET',
            response_type='list[Account]',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
    def glossary_term_translation_create_with_http_info(
            self, account_id, glossary_id, term_id,
            **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Create a glossary term translation  # noqa: E501

        Create a new glossary term translation.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.glossary_term_translation_create_with_http_info(account_id, glossary_id, term_id, glossary_term_translation_create_parameters, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str account_id: Account ID (required)
        :param str glossary_id: Glossary ID (required)
        :param str term_id: Term ID (required)
        :param GlossaryTermTranslationCreateParameters glossary_term_translation_create_parameters: (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(GlossaryTermTranslation, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [
            'account_id', 'glossary_id', 'term_id',
            'glossary_term_translation_create_parameters', 'x_phrase_app_otp'
            'async_req', '_return_http_data_only', '_preload_content',

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method glossary_term_translation_create" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'account_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['account_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `account_id` when calling `glossary_term_translation_create`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'glossary_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'glossary_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['glossary_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `glossary_id` when calling `glossary_term_translation_create`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'term_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'term_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['term_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `term_id` when calling `glossary_term_translation_create`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'glossary_term_translation_create_parameters' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `glossary_term_translation_create_parameters` when calling `glossary_term_translation_create`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'account_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['account_id'] = local_var_params[
                'account_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'glossary_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['glossary_id'] = local_var_params[
                'glossary_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'term_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['term_id'] = local_var_params['term_id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params[
                'x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        if 'glossary_term_translation_create_parameters' in local_var_params:
            body_params = local_var_params[
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # HTTP header `Content-Type`
            'Content-Type'] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type(  # noqa: E501
                ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='GlossaryTermTranslation',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
    def screenshot_markers_list_with_http_info(self, project_id, id,
                                               **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """List screenshot markers  # noqa: E501

        List all screenshot markers for the given project.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.screenshot_markers_list_with_http_info(project_id, id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str project_id: Project ID (required)
        :param str id: ID (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param int page: Page number
        :param int per_page: allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 25 by default
        :param str branch: specify the branch to use
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(list[ScreenshotMarker], status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [
            'project_id', 'id', 'x_phrase_app_otp', 'page', 'per_page',
            'async_req', '_return_http_data_only', '_preload_content',

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method screenshot_markers_list" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'project_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'project_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['project_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `project_id` when calling `screenshot_markers_list`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `screenshot_markers_list`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'project_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['project_id'] = local_var_params[
                'project_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['id'] = local_var_params['id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []
        if 'page' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'page'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('page', local_var_params['page']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'per_page' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'per_page'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('per_page', local_var_params['per_page']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'branch' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'branch'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('branch', local_var_params['branch']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params[
                'x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='list[ScreenshotMarker]',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #6
    def upload_create_with_http_info(self, project_id, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Upload a new file  # noqa: E501

        Upload a new language file. Creates necessary resources in your project.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.upload_create_with_http_info(project_id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str project_id: Project ID (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param str branch: specify the branch to use
        :param file file: File to be imported
        :param str file_format: File format. Auto-detected when possible and not specified.
        :param str locale_id: Locale of the file's content. Can be the name or public id of the locale. Preferred is the public id.
        :param str tags: List of tags separated by comma to be associated with the new keys contained in the upload.
        :param bool update_translations: Indicates whether existing translations should be updated with the file content.
        :param bool update_descriptions: Existing key descriptions will be updated with the file content. Empty descriptions overwrite existing descriptions.
        :param bool convert_emoji: This option is obsolete. Providing the option will cause a bad request error.
        :param bool skip_upload_tags: Indicates whether the upload should not create upload tags.
        :param bool skip_unverification: Indicates whether the upload should unverify updated translations.
        :param str file_encoding: Enforces a specific encoding on the file contents. Valid options are \\\"UTF-8\\\", \\\"UTF-16\\\" and \\\"ISO-8859-1\\\".
        :param object locale_mapping: Optional, format specific mapping between locale names and the columns the translations to those locales are contained in.
        :param object format_options: Additional options available for specific formats. See our format guide for complete list.
        :param bool autotranslate: If set, translations for the uploaded language will be fetched automatically.
        :param bool mark_reviewed: Indicated whether the imported translations should be marked as reviewed. This setting is available if the review workflow (currently beta) is enabled for the project.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(Upload, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [
            'project_id', 'x_phrase_app_otp', 'branch', 'file', 'file_format',
            'locale_id', 'tags', 'update_translations', 'update_descriptions',
            'convert_emoji', 'skip_upload_tags', 'skip_unverification',
            'file_encoding', 'locale_mapping', 'format_options',
            'autotranslate', 'mark_reviewed'
            'async_req', '_return_http_data_only', '_preload_content',

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method upload_create" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'project_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'project_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['project_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `project_id` when calling `upload_create`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'project_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['project_id'] = local_var_params[
                'project_id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params[
                'x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}
        if 'branch' in local_var_params:
                ('branch', local_var_params['branch']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'file' in local_var_params:
            local_var_files['file'] = local_var_params['file']  # noqa: E501
        if 'file_format' in local_var_params:
                ('file_format', local_var_params['file_format']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'locale_id' in local_var_params:
                ('locale_id', local_var_params['locale_id']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'tags' in local_var_params:
                ('tags', local_var_params['tags']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'update_translations' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['update_translations']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'update_descriptions' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['update_descriptions']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'convert_emoji' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['convert_emoji']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'skip_upload_tags' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['skip_upload_tags']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'skip_unverification' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['skip_unverification']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'file_encoding' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['file_encoding']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'locale_mapping' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['locale_mapping']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'format_options' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['format_options']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'autotranslate' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['autotranslate']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'mark_reviewed' in local_var_params:
                 local_var_params['mark_reviewed']))  # noqa: E501

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # HTTP header `Content-Type`
            'Content-Type'] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type(  # noqa: E501
                ['multipart/form-data'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='Upload',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #7
    def gitlab_sync_update_with_http_info(self, id, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Update single Sync Setting  # noqa: E501

        Updates a single GitLab Sync Setting.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.gitlab_sync_update_with_http_info(id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str id: ID (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param str account_id: Account ID to specify the actual account the GitLab Sync should be created in. Required if the requesting user is a member of multiple accounts.
        :param str phrase_project_code: Code of the related Phrase Project.
        :param int gitlab_project_id: ID of the related GitLab Project.
        :param str gitlab_branch_name: Name of the GitLab Branch.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(GitlabSync, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method gitlab_sync_update" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `gitlab_sync_update`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['id'] = local_var_params['id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []
        if 'account_id' in local_var_params and local_var_params['account_id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('account_id', local_var_params['account_id']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'phrase_project_code' in local_var_params and local_var_params['phrase_project_code'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('phrase_project_code', local_var_params['phrase_project_code']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'gitlab_project_id' in local_var_params and local_var_params['gitlab_project_id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('gitlab_project_id', local_var_params['gitlab_project_id']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'gitlab_branch_name' in local_var_params and local_var_params['gitlab_branch_name'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('gitlab_branch_name', local_var_params['gitlab_branch_name']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params['x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/gitlab_syncs/{id}', 'PUT',
            response_type='GitlabSync',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #8
    def github_sync_export_with_http_info(self, github_sync_export_parameters, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Export from Phrase to GitHub  # noqa: E501

        Export translations from Phrase to GitHub according to the .phraseapp.yml file within the GitHub repository.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.github_sync_export_with_http_info(github_sync_export_parameters, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param GithubSyncExportParameters github_sync_export_parameters: (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: None
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method github_sync_export" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'github_sync_export_parameters' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('github_sync_export_parameters' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['github_sync_export_parameters'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `github_sync_export_parameters` when calling `github_sync_export`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params['x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        if 'github_sync_export_parameters' in local_var_params:
            body_params = local_var_params['github_sync_export_parameters']
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # HTTP header `Content-Type`
        header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type(  # noqa: E501
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/github_syncs/export', 'POST',
            response_type=None,  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #9
    def locale_download_with_http_info(self, project_id, id,
                                       **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Download a locale  # noqa: E501

        Download a locale in a specific file format.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.locale_download_with_http_info(project_id, id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str project_id: Project ID (required)
        :param str id: ID (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param str branch: specify the branch to use
        :param str file_format: File format name. See the format guide for all supported file formats.
        :param str tags: Limit results to keys tagged with a list of comma separated tag names.
        :param str tag: Limit download to tagged keys. This parameter is deprecated. Please use the \"tags\" parameter instead
        :param bool include_empty_translations: Indicates whether keys without translations should be included in the output as well.
        :param bool exclude_empty_zero_forms: Indicates whether zero forms should be included when empty in pluralized keys.
        :param bool include_translated_keys: Include translated keys in the locale file. Use in combination with include_empty_translations to obtain only untranslated keys.
        :param bool keep_notranslate_tags: Indicates whether [NOTRANSLATE] tags should be kept.
        :param bool convert_emoji: This option is obsolete. Projects that were created on or after Nov 29th 2019 or that did not contain emoji by then will not require this flag any longer since emoji are now supported natively.
        :param object format_options: Additional formatting and render options. See the <a href=\"https://help.phrase.com/help/supported-platforms-and-formats\">format guide</a> for a list of options available for each format. Specify format options like this: <code>...&format_options[foo]=bar</code>
        :param str encoding: Enforces a specific encoding on the file contents. Valid options are \"UTF-8\", \"UTF-16\" and \"ISO-8859-1\".
        :param bool skip_unverified_translations: Indicates whether the locale file should skip all unverified translations. This parameter is deprecated and should be replaced with <code>include_unverified_translations</code>.
        :param bool include_unverified_translations: if set to false unverified translations are excluded
        :param bool use_last_reviewed_version: If set to true the last reviewed version of a translation is used. This is only available if the review workflow (currently in beta) is enabled for the project.
        :param str fallback_locale_id: If a key has no translation in the locale being downloaded the translation in the fallback locale will be used. Provide the public ID of the locale that should be used as the fallback. Requires include_empty_translations to be set to <code>true</code>.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: None
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [
            'project_id', 'id', 'x_phrase_app_otp', 'branch', 'file_format',
            'tags', 'tag', 'include_empty_translations',
            'exclude_empty_zero_forms', 'include_translated_keys',
            'keep_notranslate_tags', 'convert_emoji', 'format_options',
            'encoding', 'skip_unverified_translations',
            'include_unverified_translations', 'use_last_reviewed_version',
            'async_req', '_return_http_data_only', '_preload_content',

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method locale_download" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'project_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'project_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['project_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `project_id` when calling `locale_download`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `locale_download`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'project_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['project_id'] = local_var_params[
                'project_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['id'] = local_var_params['id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []
        if 'branch' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'branch'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('branch', local_var_params['branch']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'file_format' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'file_format'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('file_format', local_var_params['file_format']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'tags' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'tags'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('tags', local_var_params['tags']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'tag' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'tag'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('tag', local_var_params['tag']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'include_empty_translations' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'include_empty_translations'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['include_empty_translations']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'exclude_empty_zero_forms' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'exclude_empty_zero_forms'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['exclude_empty_zero_forms']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'include_translated_keys' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'include_translated_keys'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['include_translated_keys']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'keep_notranslate_tags' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'keep_notranslate_tags'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['keep_notranslate_tags']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'convert_emoji' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'convert_emoji'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['convert_emoji']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'format_options' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'format_options'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['format_options']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'encoding' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'encoding'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('encoding', local_var_params['encoding']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'skip_unverified_translations' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'skip_unverified_translations'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 ))  # noqa: E501
        if 'include_unverified_translations' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'include_unverified_translations'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 ))  # noqa: E501
        if 'use_last_reviewed_version' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'use_last_reviewed_version'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['use_last_reviewed_version']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'fallback_locale_id' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'fallback_locale_id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['fallback_locale_id']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params[
                'x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type=None,  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #10
    def branch_update_with_http_info(self, project_id, name,
                                     **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Update a branch  # noqa: E501

        Update an existing branch.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.branch_update_with_http_info(project_id, name, branch_update_parameters, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str project_id: Project ID (required)
        :param str name: name (required)
        :param BranchUpdateParameters branch_update_parameters: (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(Branch, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [
            'project_id', 'name', 'branch_update_parameters',
            'async_req', '_return_http_data_only', '_preload_content',

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method branch_update" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'project_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'project_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['project_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `project_id` when calling `branch_update`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'name' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'name' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['name'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `name` when calling `branch_update`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'branch_update_parameters' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'branch_update_parameters' not in local_var_params
                or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['branch_update_parameters'] is None
        ):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `branch_update_parameters` when calling `branch_update`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'project_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['project_id'] = local_var_params[
                'project_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'name' in local_var_params:
            path_params['name'] = local_var_params['name']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params[
                'x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        if 'branch_update_parameters' in local_var_params:
            body_params = local_var_params['branch_update_parameters']
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # HTTP header `Content-Type`
            'Content-Type'] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type(  # noqa: E501
                ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='Branch',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #11
    def invitation_update_with_http_info(self, account_id, id,
                                         **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Update an invitation  # noqa: E501

        Update an existing invitation (must not be accepted yet). The <code>email</code> cannot be updated. Developers and translators need <code>project_ids</code> and <code>locale_ids</code> assigned to access them. Access token scope must include <code>team.manage</code>.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.invitation_update_with_http_info(account_id, id, invitation_update_parameters, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str account_id: Account ID (required)
        :param str id: ID (required)
        :param InvitationUpdateParameters invitation_update_parameters: (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(Invitation, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [
            'account_id', 'id', 'invitation_update_parameters',
            'async_req', '_return_http_data_only', '_preload_content',

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method invitation_update" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'account_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['account_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `account_id` when calling `invitation_update`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `invitation_update`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'invitation_update_parameters' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'invitation_update_parameters' not in local_var_params
                or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['invitation_update_parameters'] is None
        ):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `invitation_update_parameters` when calling `invitation_update`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'account_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['account_id'] = local_var_params[
                'account_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['id'] = local_var_params['id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params[
                'x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        if 'invitation_update_parameters' in local_var_params:
            body_params = local_var_params['invitation_update_parameters']
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # HTTP header `Content-Type`
            'Content-Type'] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type(  # noqa: E501
                ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='Invitation',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Example #12
    def member_delete_with_http_info(self, account_id, id,
                                     **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Remove a user from the account  # noqa: E501

        Remove a user from the account. The user will be removed from the account but not deleted from Phrase. Access token scope must include <code>team.manage</code>.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.member_delete_with_http_info(account_id, id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str account_id: Account ID (required)
        :param str id: ID (required)
        :param str x_phrase_app_otp: Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: None
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['account_id', 'id', 'x_phrase_app_otp']
            'async_req', '_return_http_data_only', '_preload_content',

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method member_delete" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'account_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['account_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `account_id` when calling `member_delete`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `member_delete`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}
        if 'account_id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['account_id'] = local_var_params[
                'account_id']  # noqa: E501
        if 'id' in local_var_params:
            path_params['id'] = local_var_params['id']  # noqa: E501

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}
        if 'x_phrase_app_otp' in local_var_params:
            header_params['X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = local_var_params[
                'x_phrase_app_otp']  # noqa: E501

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['Basic', 'Token']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type=None,  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),