Example #1
 def test10_use_non_default_database_directory(self):
     pp_test10 = PhreeqPython(database_directory=Path(__file__).parent)
     sol = pp_test10.add_solution_simple({'CaCl2': 1, 'Na2CO3': 1})
     # test solution number
     assert_equal(sol.number, 0)
     # test solution ph, sc, pe and temperature
     assert_equal(round(sol.pH, 2), 10.41)
     assert_equal(round(sol.sc, 2), 435.35)
     assert_equal(round(sol.pe, 2), 7.4)
     assert_equal(round(sol.temperature, 2), 25)
Example #2
def test_phreeqpython_installed():
    '''test phreeqpython can be imported and used. test
       this by adding 1 simple solution to the PhreeqPython instance'''
    pp = PhreeqPython()
    pp.add_solution_simple({'CaCl2': 1.0, 'NaHCO3': 2.0})