Example #1
    def test_repr(self) -> None:
        Given a `Phylm` object,
        When the string representation is retrieved,
        Then a informative string is returned
        phylm = Phylm(title="foo")

        assert repr(phylm) == "<class 'Phylm' title:'foo'>"
        assert str(phylm) == "<class 'Phylm' title:'foo'>"
Example #2
    async def test_source_not_found(self) -> None:
        Given an unrecognized source,
        When the `load_source` method is invoked with the source,
        Then a `UnrecognizedSource` is raised
        phylm = Phylm(title="foo")

        with pytest.raises(UnrecognizedSourceError,
                           match="bar is not a recognized source"):
            await phylm.load_source("bar")
Example #3
    def test_imdb_id(self) -> None:
        Given an `imdb_id`,
        When a `Phylm` object is created with the id,
        Then `imdb_id` is added as an instance variable
        imdb_id = "bar"

        phylm = Phylm(title="foo", imdb_id=imdb_id)

        assert phylm.imdb_id == imdb_id
Example #4
    def test_init_instance_variables(self) -> None:
        Given a title,
        When a `Phylm` object is created with the title,
        Then title is added as an instance variable
        title = "foo"

        phylm = Phylm(title=title)

        assert phylm.title == title
Example #5
    async def test_one_source_not_recognised(self) -> None:
        Given a list of sources where one is unrecognised,
        When the `load_sources` is invoked with the list,
        Then a UnrecognizedSourceError is raised
        phylm = Phylm(title="foo")

        with pytest.raises(UnrecognizedSourceError), patch(
                f"{MODULE_PATH}.Rt", autospec=True) as mock_rt:
            mock_rt.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            await phylm.load_sources(["rt", "blort"])

        assert phylm.rt == mock_rt.return_value
Example #6
    async def test_source_already_loaded(self, source_class: str) -> None:
        Given phylm instance with a source already loaded,
        When `load_source` is invoked with the same source,
        Then nothing happens
        phylm = Phylm(title="foo")

        with patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.{source_class}") as mock_source:
            mock_source.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            source_name = source_class.lower()
            await phylm.load_source(source_name)
            await phylm.load_source(source_name)

        assert mock_source.call_count == 1
Example #7
    async def test_with_given_session(self, source_class: str) -> None:
        Given phylm instance,
        When `load_source` is invoked with a `session`,
        Then the `session` is passed to the source `load_source` method
        phylm = Phylm(title="foo")
        session = MagicMock()

        with patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.{source_class}") as mock_source:
            mock_source.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            source_name = source_class.lower()
            await phylm.load_source(source_name, session=session)

Example #8
    async def test_recognized_source_imdb_with_movie_id(self) -> None:
        Given a `Phylm` instance,
        When the `load_source` method is invoked with the `imdb` source
            and a `movie_id`,
        Then the source is loaded with the `movie_id`
        phylm = Phylm(title="bar")

        with patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.Imdb", autospec=True) as mock_imdb:
            mock_imdb.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            await phylm.load_source("imdb", imdb_id="abc")

            assert phylm.imdb == mock_imdb.return_value
Example #9
    async def test_recognized_source_imdb(self) -> None:
        Given a `Phylm` instance,
        When the `load_source` method is invoked with the `imdb` source,
        Then the source is loaded
        phylm = Phylm(title="bar", year=2000)
        with pytest.raises(SourceNotLoadedError,
                           match="The data for Imdb has not yet been loaded"):
            assert phylm.imdb is None

        with patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.Imdb", autospec=True) as mock_imdb:
            mock_imdb.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            await phylm.load_source("imdb")

            assert phylm.imdb == mock_imdb.return_value
Example #10
    async def test_recognized_source_rt(self) -> None:
        Given a `Phylm` instance,
        When the `load_source` method is invoked with the `rt` source,
        Then the source is loaded
        phylm = Phylm(title="bar", year=2000)
        with pytest.raises(
                match="The data for Rotten Tomatoes has not yet been loaded",
            assert phylm.rt is None

        with patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.Rt", autospec=True) as mock_rt:
            mock_rt.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            await phylm.load_source("rt")

            assert phylm.rt == mock_rt.return_value
            mock_rt.assert_called_once_with(raw_title="bar", raw_year=2000)
Example #11
    async def test_recognized_source_mtc(self) -> None:
        Given a `Phylm` instance,
        When the `load_source` method is invoked with the `mtc` source,
        Then the source is loaded
        phylm = Phylm(title="bar", year=2000)
        with pytest.raises(
                match="The data for Metacritic has not yet been loaded",
            assert phylm.mtc is None

        with patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.Mtc", autospec=True) as mock_mtc:
            mock_mtc.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            await phylm.load_source("mtc")

            assert phylm.mtc == mock_mtc.return_value
            mock_mtc.assert_called_once_with(raw_title="bar", raw_year=2000)
Example #12
    async def test_success(self) -> None:
        Given a list of sources,
        When the `load_sources` is invoked with the list,
        Then the sources are loaded
        phylm = Phylm(title="foo")

        with patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.Mtc",
                   autospec=True) as mock_mtc, patch(f"{MODULE_PATH}.Rt",
                                                     autospec=True) as mock_rt:
            mock_mtc.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()
            mock_rt.return_value.load_source = AsyncMock()

            await phylm.load_sources(["rt", "mtc"])

        assert phylm.rt == mock_rt.return_value
        assert phylm.mtc == mock_mtc.return_value
        with pytest.raises(SourceNotLoadedError):
            assert phylm.imdb is None