Example #1
 def test_mass_subtracting(self):
     """Test subtracting masses."""
     m1 = Mass("10 kg")
     m2 = Mass("300 g")
     m3 = m1 - m2
     self.assertEqual(m1.dimension, m3.dimension) # type is the same
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m3['g'], 9700)
Example #2
 def test_mass_adding(self):
     """Test adding masses."""
     m1 = Mass("10 kg")
     m2 = Mass("300 g")
     m3 = m1 + m2
     self.assertEqual(m1.dimension, m3.dimension) # type is the same
     self.assertEqual(m3['kg'], 10.3)
Example #3
 def test_creating_from_other_mass(self):
     """I can create a mass from another."""
     m1 = Mass("10 kg")
     m2 = Mass(m1)
     self.assertEqual(m1, m2)
     m2['kg'] = 2
     self.assertEqual(m2['kg'], 2)
     self.assertEqual(m1['kg'], 10) # check that we didn't modify the original one
Example #4
 def test_create_simple_masses(self):
     """Simple masses."""
     # Check consistency
     for unit,kilograms in self.kilograms_in.iteritems():
         m = Mass('1' + unit) # create "1x" where x is the unit
         self.assertEqual(m['kg'], kilograms) # the kilograms should be correct
     # Check creating from other distances
     m1 = Mass("1 kg")
     m2 = Mass(m1)
     self.assertEqual(m1['kg'], m2['kg'])
     # Check creating from another quantity with same dimensions
     m1 = PhysicalQuantity(Dimension(M = 1), "1 kg")
     m2 = Mass(m1)
     self.assertEqual(m1['kg'], m2['kg'])
     # Check creating from another quantity with different dimensions
     t = PhysicalQuantity(Dimension(T = 1), "1 s")
     self.assertRaises(IncompatibleUnitsError, Mass, t)       
Example #5
 def test_power(self):
     """I can raise quantities to integer or fractional powers."""
     L = Distance("3m")
     A = L**2
     self.assertEqual(A, L*L)
     V = L**3
     self.assertEqual(V, L*L*L)
     L2 = A**0.5
     self.assertEqual(L2, L)
     # type guessing works
     m = Mass("7 kg")
     v = Speed("11 m/s")
     E = 1/2*m*v**2
     self.assertEqual(E['J'], 1/2*7*11*11)
Example #6
 def test_for_mass_equality(self):
     """Test that masses are only compared by length."""
     m1 = Mass("1g")
     m2 = Mass("0.001kg")
     self.assertEqual(m1['kg'], m2['kg']) # sanity check before the real test
     self.assertEqual(m1, m2)
Example #7
 def test_consistency(self):
     """In its own units, the value should be 1."""
     for unit in self.kilograms_in.keys():
         m = Mass('1' + unit) # create "1x" where x is the unit
         self.assertEqual(m[unit], 1)