Example #1
def calc_M_nu_sig_disc():
    import physics_disc as phys

    gp.nu1_x  = phys.nu(gp.parst.nu1)
    # gp.nu1_x  = phys.nu_decrease(gp.xipol,gp.xipol,gp.parst.nu1)
    gp.d1_x   = phys.delta(gp.parst.delta1)
    gp.dens_x = phys.dens(gp.xipol, gp.parst.dens) 
    # means Kz, *not* surface density
    # gp.dens_x = gp.parst.dens+gp.blow # Kzpars with baryonic lower limit

    gp.M_x    = phys.Sigmaz(gp.dens_x)
    # gp.M_x    = phys.kz(gp.xipol, gp.xipol, gp.dens_x, gp.blow) 
    # from kz, added baryons min

    # TODO: marginalise over lower bound, see gl_priors, kappa_DM < 0
    # attention: gives sometimes unphysical decreasing surface density
    gp.blow   = gp.dat.Mdat # npr.normal(gp.dat.Mdat,gp.dat.Merr/4.,gp.nipol)

    # TODO: naming
    Rsun = 8000.; hr = 3.0; hsig = 3.0
    gp.sig1_x = phys.sigmaz(gp.xipol, gp.dens_x, gp.nu1_x, gp.parst.norm1,\
                            gp.parst.delta1, [Rsun,hr,hsig])
    gp.kap1_x = gp.xipol*0. # set to 0 consistently

    if gp.pops == 2:
        gp.nu2_x  = phys.nu(gp.parst.nu2)
        # gp.nu2_x  = phys.nu_decrease(gp.xipol,gp.xipol,gp.parst.nu2)
        gp.d2_x   = phys.delta(gp.parst.delta2)
        gp.sig2_x = phys.sigmaz(gp.xipol, gp.dens_x, gp.nu2_x, gp.parst.norm2,\
                                gp.parst.delta2, [Rsun,hr,hsig])
        gp.kap2_x = gp.xipol*0.

    if gp.checkint:
        gp.nu1_x  = gp.ipol.nudat1
        Rsun = 8.; hr = 3.0; hsig = 3.0 
        # ^--- irrelevant, as long as gp.deltaprior = True
        gp.parst.norm1 = 17.**2
        gp.sig1_x = phys.sigmaz(gp.xipol, gp.ipol.densdat, gp.blow,\
        gp.kap1_x = gp.xipol*0.

Example #2
def calc_M_nu_sig_kap_sphere():
    import physics_sphere as phys
    if not gp.checkint:
        '''normal case'''

        gp.nu1_x  = phys.nu(gp.parst.nu1) # [munit/pc^3]
        gp.dens_x = phys.dens(gp.xipol, gp.parst.dens)         # [munit/pc^3]
        gp.M_x    = rho_SUM_Mr(gp.xipol, gp.dens_x) # [munit,3D]
        gp.d1_x   = phys.delta(gp.parst.delta1)
        # pdb.set_trace()
        # TODO: introduce error in dens, nu, d1 here, for weights in splrep
        gp.sig1_x, gp.kap1_x = phys.sig_kap_los(gp.dens_x, gp.nu1_x, gp.d1_x)

        if gp.pops == 2:
            gp.nu2_x  = phys.nu(gp.parst.nu2)
            gp.d2_x   = phys.delta(gp.parst.delta2)
            gp.sig2_x, gp.kap2_x = phys.sig_kap_los(gp.dens_x, gp.nu2_x, gp.d2_x)

        # to debug almost fitting curves:
        # if gp.chi2 < 60:
        #     pdb.set_trace()
        'checkint: check integration routines for sigma, kappa'
        if gp.investigate == 'hernquist':
            ### set nu to data, or analytic value
            gp.nu1_x  = gp.ipol.nudat1 # [Msun/pc^3]
            if gp.analytic:
                gp.nu1_x = rho_anf(gp.xipol)  # [Msun/pc^3]
                # set dens
                gp.dens_x = rho_anf(gp.xipol) # [Msun/pc^3]
                # attention: same as gp.nu1_x in this case! 
                # fine if potential comes from 'tracers' only
                gp.M_x   = M_anf(gp.xipol)    # [Msun]
                gp.d1_x  = np.zeros(gp.nipol) # [1]
                print('set nu, dens, M, delta to analytic')
            gp.sig1_x, gp.kap1_x = phys.sig_kap_los(gp.dens_x, gp.nu1_x, gp.d1_x)
        # still checkint, but for walker now
        elif gp.investigate == 'walker':
            rhodm, rhostar1, rhostar2 = rhowalker_3D(gp.xipol)
            gp.nu1_x = rhostar1
            if gp.pops == 2:
                gp.nu2_x = rhostar2 # gp.ipol.nudat2 # data
            gp.dens_x = rhowalkertot_3D(gp.xipol) # [msun/pc^3]
            gp.M_x = Mwalkertot(gp.xipol) # should really be this thing here!
            # gp.M_x = rho_SUM_Mr(gp.ipol.Mx, gp.dens_x) # [msun]
            # gp.M_x = rho_SUM_Mr(gp.ipol.binmax, gp.dens_x) # [msun]
            gp.d1_x = walker_delta(1) # [1], actual delta
            if gp.pops == 2:
                gp.d2_x = walker_delta(2) # [1]

            # set sigma_LOS, by calculating expected values
            # for both (spherical) cases simultaneously
            gp.sig1_x,gp.kap1_x = phys.sig_kap_los(gp.dens_x, gp.nu1_x, \
                                                   gp.d1_x) # [km/s], [1]
            # takes [munit, 3D], [munit/pc^3], [1]
            # normalization of nu does not matter, is divided out
            if gp.pops == 2:
                gp.sig2_x, gp.kap2_x = phys.sig_kap_los(gp.dens_x,gp.nu2_x,\
                                                        gp.d2_x) # [km/s], [1]