def drawGame(win): '''draws the background, the bounds and the spaceship''' # main game stars = gr.Image(gr.Point(300, 300), "stars.gif") stars.draw(win) ship = s.Ship(win, 10, 30) # drawing bounds lowerBound = pho.Floor(win, 0, 60, 60, 10) lowerBound.setFill("black") upperBound = pho.Floor(win, 0, 0, 60, 10) upperBound.setFill("black") bounds.append(upperBound) bounds.append(lowerBound) upperBound.draw() lowerBound.draw() ship.draw() play.append(ship) play.append(lowerBound) play.append(upperBound) play.append(stars) return ship
def main(): ##### ASKS USER FOR HP VALUE ##### hp = int(input("How much HP do you want for your ship?\n")) win = gr.GraphWin( "Space Invaders", 500, 800, False) state = 0 #### LOOPING TO CHECK FOR DIFFERENT STATES #### while state != '': ##### START SCREEN ######################################################################## dt = 0.008 bgm = False drawn = False while state == 0: if drawn == False: visualship = pho.RotShip(win, 25, 50) visualship.draw() wordplace1 = gr.Point( 250, 200 ) startingwords1 = gr.Text(wordplace1, "SPACE INVADERS") startingwords1.setSize(36) startingwords1.setFace('courier') startingwords1.draw(win) wordplace2 = gr.Point( 250, 500 ) words2 = "PRESS SPACE TO PLAY" startingwords2 = gr.Text(wordplace2, words2) startingwords2.setSize(36) startingwords2.setFace('courier') startingwords2.draw(win) startingwords3 = gr.Text(gr.Point(250, 600), "Use the Left and Right Arrow keys to move" + "\n" +"and use the space bar to shoot!") startingwords3.setSize(20) startingwords3.setFace('courier') startingwords3.draw(win) drawn = True else: pass visualship.update(0.003) key = win.checkKey() if key == 'space': startingwords1.undraw() startingwords2.undraw() state = 1 elif key == 'q': state = 3 break ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ##### MAIN PHASE ################################################################# if state == 1: ###### REGULATES BGM WHEN STATE GOES BACK TO MAIN PHASE if bgm == False: os.system("afplay ./music/bgm.mp3 &") bgm = True else: pass #### ALL OBJECTS SET HERE (EXCEPT FOR ENEMIES) ceiling = pho.Floor(win, 0, 80, 50, 15, 'yellow') ship = pho.Ship(win, 5, 5, 2, 2, healthcounter = hp) ball = pho.Ball(win, ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] + 3, 2, 2, 'yellow') enemyball = pho.Ball(win, ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] + 3, 3, 3, 'red') #### MOVING BACKGROUND background = pho.Floor(win, 0, 25, 50, 120, 'black') stars = [] starmaking = True while starmaking: star = pho.Ball( win, random.randrange(0, 50, 2), random.randrange(0, 1000, 2), 0.1, 0.1, 'white') star.setVelocity( [0, -100] ) stars.append( star ) if len(stars) == 500: starmaking = False #### DRAWING THE OBJECTS HERE background.draw() for starmade in stars: starmade.draw() ceiling.draw() ship.draw() ##### SET ALL NECESSARY VARIABLES HERE ##### ######################################################################## ###### int variables###### frame = 0 time1 = 0. time2 = 0. time3 = 0. time4 = 0. invincibletimer = 0 bigshottimer = 0 score = 0 LEVEL = 1 #### list variables ### colors = ['white','salmon2','orange','pink','green','yellow','red'] enemies = [] ballList = [] enemyballList = [] newballs = [] newenemyballs = [] hit1enemies = [] hit2enemies = [] deadenemies = [] ### booleans #### newtime = True invincible = False shipflash = False spawn = True bigshots = False bossbattle = True lagcheck = True shot = False leveldrawn = False start = False minibattle = True toomany = False #### other variable health = ship.healthcounter key = '' #### DRAWING THE FIRST HEALTH AND SCORE scorefunc(win, score) healthfunc(win, health) ##### STARTING THE MAIN LOOP OF MINIBATTLE ################################### while state == 1 and minibattle == True: key = win.checkKey() #print 'minibattle' ##### ALL UPDATE FUNC #### ship.update(dt) for i in ballList: i.update(dt) for j in newenemyballs: j.update(dt) for k in enemies: k.update(dt) for l in stars: l.update(dt) ### SHIP UPGRADES ###### ##### times the duration of the invincible upgrade ##### invincible timing: basically invincibletimer gets incremented every time #### through this while loop when invincible is assigned to True ### after 200 loops, invincibletimer is set to 0 and invicinble is set to False if invincible: invincibletimer += 1 if invincibletimer > 200: invincible = False invincibletimer =0 invincibletext.setTextColor('black') #### visual effect for when ship is invincible, draws and undraws one after another #### every time through the while loop by using booleans if invincible == True: if shipflash == False: ship.undraw() shipflash = True else: ship.draw() shipflash = False ##### times the duration of the bigshots upgrade if bigshots: bigshottimer += 1 if bigshottimer > 200: bigshots = False bigshottimer =0 bigshottext.setTextColor('black') ###################################################################### ######### MOVING SHIP WITH USER INPUT # move ship with user input if key == 'Left': ship.setVelocity( [-90, 0 ] ) ship.setFlickerOn() if key == 'Right': ship.setVelocity( [90, 0 ] ) ship.setFlickerOn() # ship boundaries if ship.getPosition()[0] > 50: ship.setVelocity( [-30, 0] ) if ship.getPosition()[0] < 0: ship.setVelocity( [30, 0] ) # shoot balls from the ship WITH USER INPUT ##### REGUALTES THE NUMBER OF BALLS BEING SHOT AT A TIME ##### made a self.undrawn field in the file #### and made it be assigned to True when self.undrawn() is called and vice versa #### ALSO ADDED SOUND EFFECT BY USING os package if key == 'space': if ball.undrawn == True: if bigshots == False: ball = pho.Ball(win, ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] + 3, 2, 2, random.choice(colors)) else: ball = pho.Ball(win, ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] + 3, 5, 5, random.choice(colors)) ballList.append( ball ) ball.setVelocity( [1,60]) ball.draw() os.system("afplay " + "./music/shoot.wav" + "&") else: pass ###################################################################### # undraw the ball when it gets out of bounds if ball.getPosition()[1] > 70: ball.undraw() # ball = pho.Ball(win, ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] + 3, 2, 2, 'yellow') # print "undrawn!" else: newballs.append( ball ) # print ball.getPosition()[1] ########################################################################## #ENEMY SPAWNING ZONE # spawn new enemy every 1 seconds if newtime == True: time1 = time.time() else: time2 = time.time() if time2 - time1 >= 1: spawn = True newtime = True else: newtime = False ##### WROTE TO SOLVE LAGGING PROBLEM # every 39 seconds increments the time step (dt) so that it looks like it # isn't lagging if lagcheck == True: time3 = int(time.time()) else: time4 = int(time.time()) if (time4 - time3) % 40 == 39: dt += 0.01 lagcheck = True else: lagcheck = False ###################################################################### # regulating number of enemies if len(enemies) > 8: toomany = True else: toomany = False ###################################################################### # the actual spawning part if toomany == True: pass else: if spawn == True: if random.random() < 0.3: enemy = pho.Ship(win, 10, 10, 10, 10, angle = 270., dangle = 270., hit1 = False) elif random.random() < 0.2: enemy = pho.Ship(win, 1, 1, 1, 1, angle = 270., dangle = 270., hit1 = False) elif random.random() < 0.1: enemy = pho.Ship(win, 1, 1, 2, 2, angle = 270., dangle = 270., hit1 = False) # elif score % 31 == 5: # boss = pho.Ship(win, 1, 1, 12, 12, angle = 270., dangle = 270., hit1 = False, hit2 = True, healthcounter = 500) # bossbattle = True # enemies.append( boss ) # boss.draw() # boss.setPosition( [ 25, 60 ] ) # boss.setVelocity( [0, -30] ) else: enemy = pho.Ship(win, 5, 5, 5, 5, angle = 270., dangle = 270., hit1 = False) enemies.append( enemy ) enemy.draw() enemy.setPosition( [random.randrange(20, 45, 1), random.randrange(20, 55, 1 )]) enemy.setVelocity( [random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80]), random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80])]) spawn = False ########################################################################## ###### ENEMY MOVEMENT CONTROL AND ENEMY BALL SHOOTING for badguy in enemies: if badguy.getPosition()[0] > 50: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(-60, -40, 1), random.randrange(-30, 30, 10 )] ) if badguy.getPosition()[0] < 0: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(40, 60, 1), random.randrange(-30, 30, 10 )] ) if badguy.getPosition()[1] > 65: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(-30, 30, 10), random.randrange(-60, -40, 1 )] ) if badguy.getPosition()[1] < 20: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(-30, 30, 1), random.randrange(40, 60, 1 )] ) if random.random() < 0.05: badguy.setVelocity( [random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80]), random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80])] ) # ENEMY SHOOTING BALL if random.random() < 0.02: enemyball = pho.Ball(win, badguy.getPosition()[0], badguy.getPosition()[1] - 4, 2, 2, 'red') enemyballList.append( enemyball ) enemyball.setVelocity( [0,-70]) # print ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] enemyball.draw() # print "hi" ################################################################################### ################################################################################# # COLLISIONS AND UNDRAWING ## ENEMY AND SHIP BALL if collision.collision( ball, badguy, dt): ball.undraw() ballList.remove(ball) ### HERE IT PUTS ENEMIES INTO LISTS ACCORDING TO HOW MANY TIMES ##### IT GOT HIT if badguy.hit1 == False: # badguy.vis[0].setFill("green") #TESTING # badguy.vis[0].setOutline("green") #TESTING badguy.hit1 = True hit1enemies.append(badguy) elif badguy.hit2 == False and badguy.hit1 == True: # badguy.vis[0].setFill("red") # badguy.vis[0].setOutline("red") badguy.hit2 = True hit2enemies.append(badguy) else: # badguy.hit1 = False # badguy.hit2 = False deadenemies.append(badguy) score += 1 if score % 11 == 10: minibattle = False scorefunc(win, score) if random.random() < 0.08: invincible = True invincibletext = gr.Text( gr.Point( 250, 400 ), "INVINCIBLE TIME!" ) invincibletext.setTextColor('white') invincibletext.setSize(36) invincibletext.draw(win) elif random.random() < 0.08: bigshots = True bigshottext = gr.Text( gr.Point( 250, 500 ), "BIGGER SHOTS!" ) bigshottext.setTextColor('white') bigshottext.setSize(36) bigshottext.draw(win) ##### CHANGES COLORS OF THE ENEMY ACCRODING TO WHICH LIST THEY ARE IN for element in hit1enemies: element.vis[0].setFill("green") element.vis[0].setOutline("green") for alien in hit2enemies: alien.vis[0].setFill("red") alien.vis[0].setOutline("red") for alien1 in deadenemies: alien1.undraw() os.system("afplay " + "./music/Invaderkilled.wav" + "&") enemies.remove(alien1) ## SHIP AND ENEMYBALL for enball in enemyballList: if collision.collision(enball, ship, dt): enball.undraw() enemyballList.remove( enball ) if invincible == False: health -= 1 else: pass healthfunc(win, health) deadenemies = [] #### undraw the ball when it gets out of bounds if enemyball.getPosition()[1] < 0: enemyball.undraw() else: newenemyballs.append( enemyball ) ##### UPDATES THE WINDOW EVERY 10 LOOPS if frame % 10 == 0: win.update() #### MAKES IT SO THAT ONLY THE BALLS THAT ARE DRAWN ARE UPDATED FOR COLLISION #### IN THE NEXT LOOP ballList = newballs enemyballList = newenemyballs # GAME OVER if health <= 0: os.system("killall afplay ./music/bgm.mp3") os.system("afplay ./music/explosion.wav &") os.system("afplay ./music/ &") ship.undraw() state = 2 # user input to quit if key == 'q': state = 3 frame += 1 ########################################################################################## # BOSS BATTLE # BASICALLY THE SAME AS THE CODE ABOVE BUT THE SPAWNING AND THE # REQUIREMENT FOR THE BOSS TO UNDRAW IS DIFFERENT # THE BOSS USES A HP SYSTEM ########################################################################################## leveldrawn = False while state == 1 and minibattle == False: if leveldrawn == False: os.system("afplay " + "./music/" + "&") lv2 = gr.Text( gr.Point( 250, 100 ), "LEVEL " + str(LEVEL) + " BOSS BATTLE") lv2.setTextColor('white') lv2.setSize(36) instructions = gr.Text( gr.Point(250, 700), "Press Space to Continue") instructions.setTextColor('white') instructions.draw(win) lv2.draw(win) leveldrawn = True else: pass key = win.checkKey() if key == 'space': lv2.setTextColor('black') instructions.setTextColor('black') start = True if key == 'q': state = 3 if start == True and minibattle == False: while state == 1 and minibattle == False: key = win.checkKey() ship.update(dt) for i in ballList: i.update(dt) for j in newenemyballs: j.update(dt) for k in enemies: k.update(dt) for l in stars: l.update(dt) if invincible: invincibletimer += 1 if invincibletimer > 200: invincible = False invincibletimer =0 invincibletext.setTextColor('black') if invincible == True: if shipflash == False: ship.undraw() shipflash = True else: ship.draw() shipflash = False if bigshots: bigshottimer += 1 if bigshottimer > 200: bigshots = False bigshottimer =0 bigshottext.setTextColor('black') if bossbattle: for everyone in enemies[0:]: everyone.undraw() enemies.remove(everyone) # move ship with user input if key == 'Left': ship.setVelocity( [-90, 0 ] ) ship.setFlickerOn() if key == 'Right': ship.setVelocity( [90, 0 ] ) ship.setFlickerOn() # ship boundaries if ship.getPosition()[0] > 50: ship.setVelocity( [-30, 0] ) if ship.getPosition()[0] < 0: ship.setVelocity( [30, 0] ) # shoot balls from the ship if key == 'space': if ball.undrawn == True: if bigshots == False: ball = pho.Ball(win, ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] + 3, 2, 2, 'yellow') else: ball = pho.Ball(win, ship.getPosition()[0], ship.getPosition()[1] + 3, 5, 5, 'yellow') ballList.append( ball ) ball.setVelocity( [1,60]) ball.draw() os.system("afplay " + "./music/shoot.wav" + "&") else: pass # undraw the ball when it gets out of bounds if ball.getPosition()[1] > 70: ball.undraw() newballs.append( ball ) else: newballs.append( ball ) #solve lagging if lagcheck == True: time3 = int(time.time()) else: time4 = int(time.time()) if (time4 - time3) % 40 == 39: dt += 0.01 lagcheck = True else: lagcheck = False # regulating number of enemies if len(enemies) > 8: toomany = True else: toomany = False # the actual spawning part if toomany == True: pass else: if bossbattle == True: boss = pho.Ship(win, 5, 5, 10, 10, angle = 270., dangle = 270., hit1 = False, healthcounter = 50*LEVEL) enemies.append( boss ) boss.draw() boss.setPosition( [random.randrange(20, 45, 1), random.randrange(20, 55, 1 )]) boss.setVelocity( [random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80]), random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80])]) bosshp = gr.Text( gr.Point( 250, 100 ), "BOSS HP: " + str(boss.healthcounter)) bosshp.setSize(36) bosshp.setTextColor('white') bosshp.draw(win) bossbattle = False spawn = False #ENEMY MOVEMENT CONTROL for badguy in enemies: if badguy.getPosition()[0] > 50: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(-60, -40, 1), random.randrange(-30, 30, 10 )] ) if badguy.getPosition()[0] < 0: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(40, 60, 1), random.randrange(-30, 30, 10 )] ) if badguy.getPosition()[1] > 65: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(-30, 30, 10), random.randrange(-60, -40, 1 )] ) if badguy.getPosition()[1] < 20: badguy.setVelocity( [random.randrange(-30, 30, 1), random.randrange(40, 60, 1 )] ) if random.random() < 0.05: badguy.setVelocity( [random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80]), random.choice([-80, -70, -60, -50, 50, 60, 70, 80])] ) # ENEMY SHOOTING BALL if random.random() < 0.1: enemyball = pho.Ball(win, badguy.getPosition()[0], badguy.getPosition()[1] - 4, 2, 2, 'red') enemyballList.append( enemyball ) enemyball.setVelocity( [0,-70]) enemyball.draw() # COLLISIONS AND UNDRAWING ## ENEMY AND SHIP BALL if collision.collision( ball, badguy, dt): badguy.healthcounter -= 1 bosshp.setTextColor('black') bosshp = gr.Text( gr.Point( 250, 100 ), "BOSS HP: " + str(boss.healthcounter)) bosshp.setSize(36) bosshp.setTextColor('white') bosshp.draw(win) ball.undraw() ballList.remove(ball) bosscolor = random.choice(colors) boss.vis[0].setFill(bosscolor) boss.vis[0].setOutline(bosscolor) if boss.healthcounter <= 0: bosshp.setTextColor('black') deadenemies.append(badguy) score += 100 scorefunc(win, score) minibattle = True start = False bossbattle = True os.system("afplay " + "./music/BossExplode.mp3" + "&") LEVEL += 1 if random.random() < 0.08: invincible = True invincibletext = gr.Text( gr.Point( 250, 400 ), "INVINCIBLE TIME!" ) invincibletext.setTextColor('white') invincibletext.setSize(36) invincibletext.draw(win) elif random.random() < 0.08: bigshots = True bigshottext = gr.Text( gr.Point( 250, 500 ), "BIGGER SHOTS!" ) bigshottext.setTextColor('white') bigshottext.setSize(36) bigshottext.draw(win) for element in hit1enemies: element.vis[0].setFill("green") element.vis[0].setOutline("green") for alien in hit2enemies: alien.vis[0].setFill("red") alien.vis[0].setOutline("red") for alien1 in deadenemies: alien1.undraw() os.system("afplay " + "./music/Invaderkilled.wav" + "&") enemies.remove(alien1) ## SHIP AND ENEMYBALL for enball in enemyballList: if collision.collision(enball, ship, dt): enball.undraw() enemyballList.remove( enball ) if invincible == False: health -= 1 else: pass healthfunc(win, health) deadenemies = [] # undraw the ball when it gets out of bounds if enemyball.getPosition()[1] < 0: enemyball.undraw() else: newenemyballs.append( enemyball ) if frame % 10 == 0: win.update() ballList = newballs enemyballList = newenemyballs # GAME OVER if health <= 0: os.system("killall afplay ./music/bgm.mp3") os.system("afplay ./music/explosion.wav &") os.system("afplay ./music/ &") ship.undraw() state = 2 # user input to quit if key == 'q': state = 3 frame += 1 ########################################################################################## # GAME OVER SCREEN # user can decide to replay the game or quit ########################################################################################## drawn = False while state == 2: if drawn == False: visualship = pho.RotShip(win, 25, 50) visualship.draw() wordplace3 = gr.Point( 250, 200 ) words3 = "GAME OVER" endingwords1 = gr.Text(wordplace3, words3) endingwords1.setSize(36) endingwords1.setTextColor('white') endingwords1.draw(win) wordplace4 = gr.Point( 250, 700 ) words4 = "Press S to Play Again!" endingwords2 = gr.Text(wordplace4, words4) endingwords2.setSize(36) endingwords2.setTextColor('white') endingwords2.draw(win) endingwords3 = gr.Text(gr.Point( 250, 600) , "Score: " + str(score)) endingwords3.setSize(36) endingwords3.setTextColor('white') endingwords3.draw(win) drawn = True else: pass visualship.update(dt) key = win.checkKey() if key == 's': startingwords1.undraw() startingwords2.undraw() state = 1 if key == 'q': state = 3 ########################################################################################## # STATE 3: LED TO HERE WHEN USER DECIDES TO QUIT WHEN IN ANY OF THE OTHER SCREENS # KILLS THE MUSIC ########################################################################################## if state == 3: os.system("killall afplay ./music/bgm.mp3") win.close() break
def scorefunc(win, number): block1 = pho.Floor(win, 0, 80, 25, 15, 'blue') block1.draw() score = gr.Text( gr.Point( 125, 40 ), "Score: " + str(number)) score.setSize(36) score.draw(win)
def healthfunc(win, number): shade = pho.Floor(win, 25, 80, 25, 15, 'blue') shade.draw() hp = gr.Text( gr.Point( 375, 40 ), "HP: " + str(number)) hp.setSize(36) hp.draw(win)
def buildGame(win, x0, y0, height, width): # obstacles: floors, left, right, blocks awkwardBLock = pho.Block(win, x0 + 40, y0 + 14, height + 3, width + 10, coloring='brown') top = pho.Floor(win, x0 + 0, y0 + 58, height + 50, width + 3, coloring='dark green') left = pho.Wall(win, x0 + 2, y0 + 10, height + 70, width + 3, coloring='DarkBlue') right = pho.Wall(win, x0 + 48, y0 + 10, height + 70, width + 3, coloring='DarkBlue') block1 = pho.Block(win, x0 + 10, y0 + 35, height + 3, width + 3, coloring='brown') block2 = pho.Block(win, x0 + 40, y0 + 35, height + 3, width + 3, coloring='brown') floor_left = pho.Block(win, x0 + 0, y0 + 10, height + 35, width + 3, coloring='brown') floor_right = pho.Block(win, x0 + 40, y0 + 10, height + 20, width + 3, coloring='brown') samosa = pho.Triangle(win, x0 + 25, y0 + 40, height + 4, width + 4, coloring='orange') tri = pho.Triangle(win, x0 + 5, y0 + 50, height + 4, width + 4, coloring='orange') samosa1 = pho.Triangle(win, x0 + 23, y0 + 36, height + 4, width + 4, coloring='orange') block3 = pho.Block(win, x0 + 25, y0 + 35, height + 5, width + 5, coloring='brown') samosa2 = pho.Triangle(win, x0 + 27, y0 + 36, height + 4, width + 4, coloring='orange') rathole = pho.Hexagon(win, x0 + 18, y0 + 52, height + 5, width + 5, coloring='hotpink') bounce1 = pho.Hexagon(win, x0 + 5, y0 + 40, height + 4, width + 4, coloring='hotpink') ball1 = pho.Ball(win, x0 + 5, y0 + 14, radius=3, coloring='DarkGoldenrod4') ball3 = pho.Ball(win, x0 + 47, y0 + 56, radius=3, coloring='DarkGoldenrod4') ball4 = pho.Ball(win, x0 + 5, y0 + 55, radius=3.3, coloring='DarkGoldenrod4') obstacles = [ ball4, tri, ball3, ball1, rathole, bounce1, samosa2, samosa1, samosa, block2, top, floor_right, floor_left, block1, right, left, awkwardBLock ] for obstacle in obstacles: obstacle.draw() obstacle.setElasticity(1.01) return obstacles