def __init__(self, mapfile, xpos, zpos, emap, width=10.0, depth=10.0, height=10.0, name="building", draw_details=None, yoff=0.0, scheme=None): """ Creates a building at the given location. Each pixel of the image is one cell of the building If the cell is white then the cell is open, if it is black then it is wall. If it is grey then it is open and has no ceiling. The building is centred at xpos, zpos (which gets renamed herin to x,y to match the image coords) Each cell is width on the x axis and depth on the z axis, and the walls are height high on the y axis. The function returns a merged shape with the entire building in it. """ self.xpos = xpos self.zpos = zpos self.width = width self.depth = depth self.height = height = name self.ceilingthickness = 1.0 self.walls = [] if scheme == None: self.scheme = Building.baseScheme else: self.scheme = scheme # We don't have to be rigorous here, this should only be a draw_details or an iterable of draw_details. if hasattr(draw_details, "__getitem__") or hasattr( draw_details, "__iter__"): assert (len(draw_details) == self.scheme["#models"]) self.details = draw_details else: self.details = [ draw_details for x in range(self.scheme["#models"]) ] # having a method like this allows draw details to be set later self.yoff = yoff self.model = [ MergeShape(name=name + "." + str(x)) for x in range(self.scheme["#models"]) ] if mapfile[0] != '/': mapfile = sys.path[0] + '/' + mapfile print("Loading building map ...", mapfile) im = im = ImageOps.invert(im) ix, iy = im.size print("image size", ix, ",", iy) startx = xpos - ix / 2 * width starty = zpos - ix / 2 * depth yoff += emap.calcHeight(-xpos, -zpos) if not im.mode == "P": im = im.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE) im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) pixels = im.load() for y in range(1, iy - 1): print(".", end='') for x in range(1, ix - 1): colour = pixels[x, y] if x == 1: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x - 1, y], "edge"), wallfunc=self.west_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.west_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) else: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x - 1, y]), wallfunc=self.west_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.west_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) if x == ix - 2: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x + 1, y], "edge"), wallfunc=self.east_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.east_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) else: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x + 1, y]), wallfunc=self.east_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.east_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) if y == 1: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x, y - 1], "edge"), wallfunc=self.south_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.south_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) else: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x, y - 1]), wallfunc=self.south_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.south_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) if y == iy - 2: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x, y + 1], "edge"), wallfunc=self.north_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.north_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) else: self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, pixels[x, y + 1]), wallfunc=self.north_wall, ceilingedgefunc=self.north_edge, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) self._executeScheme(x, y, startx, starty, (colour, None), wallfunc=None, ceilingedgefunc=None, ceilingfunc=self.ceiling, rooffunc=self.roof) self.set_draw_details(self.details) # after models created otherwise
matsh = Shader("shaders/mat_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") #Create textures shapeimg = Texture("textures/straw1.jpg") shapebump = Texture("textures/mudnormal.jpg") waterbump = [] iFiles = glob.glob("textures/water/n_norm???.png") iFiles.sort() # order is vital to animation! for f in iFiles: waterbump.append(Texture(f)) num_n = len(waterbump) shapeshine = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape() num = (2, 2) asphere = Sphere(sides=32) for i in range(num[0]): for j in range(num[1]): myshape.add(asphere, -num[0]*0.9 + 1.8*i, -num[1]*0.9 +1.8*j, 0.0) myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5) myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 1.0, 0.1) myshape.set_material((1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5)) mywater = Plane(w=130.0, h=130.0) mywater.set_draw_details(matsh, [waterbump[0], shapeshine], 12.0, 0.6) mywater.set_material((0.0, 0.05, 0.1)) mywater.set_fog((0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.0),150) mywater.rotateToX(90.001)
myecube = EnvironmentCube(900.0,"FACES") light = Light(0, 10,10,10, "", 0,100,0) light.on() # Create elevation map mapwidth=1000.0 mapdepth=1000.0 mapheight=60.0 mountimg1 = texs.loadTexture("textures/mountains3_512.jpg") mymap = ElevationMap("textures/mountainsHgt.jpg",mapwidth,mapdepth,mapheight,64,64) #testislands.jpg #Create tree models treeplane = Plane(4.0,5.0) treemodel1 = MergeShape("baretree") treemodel1.add(treeplane, 0,0,0) treemodel1.add(treeplane, 0,0,0, 0,90,0) treemodel2 = MergeShape("bushytree") treemodel2.add(treeplane, 0,0,0) treemodel2.add(treeplane, 0,0,0, 0,60,0) treemodel2.add(treeplane, 0,0,0, 0,120,0) #Create grass model grassplane = Plane(1.0,0.3,"",0,-2,0) grassmodel = MergeShape("grass") grassmodel.add(grassplane, 0,0,0) grassmodel.add(grassplane, 0,0,0, 0,60,0) grassmodel.add(grassplane, 0,0,0, 0,120,0)
mymap = ElevationMap("textures/maze1.jpg", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=128, divy=128, name="sub") mymap.set_draw_details(shader, [rockimg1, rockimg2, shineimg], 128.0, 0.05) # Create fog for more realistic fade in distance. This can be turned on and off between drawing different object (i.e backgound not foggy) mymap.set_fog((0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), 200.0) #Create tree models treeplane = Plane(w=4.0, h=5.0) treemodel1 = MergeShape(name="baretree") treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0) treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0) #Scatter them on map using Merge shape's cluster function mytrees1 = MergeShape(name="trees1") mytrees1.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap, 0.0, 0.0, 900.0, 900.0, 10, "", 8.0, 3.0) mytrees1.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [tree2img, rockimg2], 4.0, 0.0) mytrees1.set_fog((0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), 200.0) raspberry = MergeShape(name="rasp") raspberry.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap, -250, +250, 470.0, 470.0, 5, "", 8.0, 1.0) raspberry.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [raspimg, raspimg], 1.0, 0.0) raspberry.set_fog((0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), 200.0)
ortho_cam = Camera(is_3d=False) # 2d orthographic view camera #setup textures, light position and initial model position Light((0, 5, 0)) #create shaders shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") defocus = Defocus() #Create textures shapeimg = Texture("textures/straw1.jpg") shapebump = Texture("textures/floor_nm.jpg", True) shapeshine = Texture("textures/pong3.png") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape(camera=persp_cam) #specify perspective view asphere = Sphere(sides=16, slices=16) myshape.radialCopy(asphere, step=72) myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5.0) myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 8.0, 0.1) mysprite = Sprite(w=10.0, h=10.0, camera=persp_cam) mysprite.position(0.0, 0.0, 15.0) mysprite.set_draw_details(flatsh, [shapebump]) tick=0 next_time = time.time()+2.0 #load ttf font and set the font colour to 'raspberry' arialFont = Ttffont("fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf", "#dd00aa") mystring = String(font=arialFont, string="blurring with distance!",
mountimg1 = Texture("textures/mountains3_512.jpg") mymap = ElevationMap("textures/mountainsHgt.jpg", name="map", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=32, divy=32) #testislands.jpg mymap.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [mountimg1, bumpimg, reflimg], 128.0, 0.0) mymap.set_fog(*FOG) #Create tree models treeplane = Plane(w=4.0, h=5.0) treemodel1 = MergeShape(name="baretree") treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0) treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0) treemodel2 = MergeShape(name="bushytree") treemodel2.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0) treemodel2.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0) treemodel2.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 120, 0) #Scatter them on map using Merge shape's cluster function mytrees1 = MergeShape(name="trees1") mytrees1.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap, 0.0, 0.0, 120.0, 120.0, 30, "", 8.0, 3.0) mytrees1.set_draw_details(flatsh, [tree2img], 0.0, 0.0) mytrees1.set_fog(*TFOG)
# Create elevation map mapwidth = 1000.0 mapdepth = 1000.0 mapheight = 60.0 mountimg1 = Texture("textures/mountains3_512.jpg") mymap = ElevationMap("textures/mountainsHgt.jpg", name="map", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=32, divy=32) #testislands.jpg mymap.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [mountimg1, bumpimg, reflimg], 128.0, 0.0) mymap.set_fog(*FOG) #Create tree models treeplane = Plane(w=4.0, h=5.0) treemodel1 = MergeShape(name="baretree") treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0,0,0) treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0,0,0, 0,90,0) treemodel2 = MergeShape(name="bushytree") treemodel2.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0,0,0) treemodel2.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0,0,0, 0,60,0) treemodel2.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0,0,0, 0,120,0) #Scatter them on map using Merge shape's cluster function mytrees1 = MergeShape(name="trees1") mytrees1.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap,0.0,0.0,200.0,200.0,20,"",8.0,3.0) mytrees1.set_draw_details(flatsh, [tree2img], 0.0, 0.0) mytrees1.set_fog(*TFOG) mytrees2 = MergeShape(name="trees2")
ortho_cam = Camera(is_3d=False) # 2d orthographic view camera #setup textures, light position and initial model position Light((0, 5, 0)) #create shaders shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") defocus = Defocus() #Create textures shapeimg = Texture("textures/straw1.jpg") shapebump = Texture("textures/floor_nm.jpg", True) shapeshine = Texture("textures/pong3.png") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape(camera=persp_cam) #specify perspective view asphere = Sphere(sides=16, slices=16) myshape.radialCopy(asphere, step=72) myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5.0) myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 8.0, 0.1) mysprite = Sprite(w=10.0, h=10.0, camera=persp_cam) mysprite.position(0.0, 0.0, 15.0) mysprite.set_draw_details(flatsh, [shapebump]) tick = 0 next_time = time.time() + 2.0 #load ttf font and set the font colour to 'raspberry' arialFont = Ttffont("fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf", "#dd00aa") mystring = String(font=arialFont,
matsh = Shader("shaders/mat_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") #Create textures shapeimg = Texture("textures/straw1.jpg") shapebump = Texture("textures/mudnormal.jpg") waterbump = [] iFiles = glob.glob("textures/water/n_norm???.png") iFiles.sort() # order is vital to animation! for f in iFiles: waterbump.append(Texture(f)) num_n = len(waterbump) shapeshine = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape() num = (2, 2) asphere = Sphere(sides=32) for i in range(num[0]): for j in range(num[1]): myshape.add(asphere, -num[0] * 0.9 + 1.8 * i, -num[1] * 0.9 + 1.8 * j, 0.0) myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5) myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 1.0, 0.1) myshape.set_material((1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5)) mywater = Plane(w=130.0, h=130.0) mywater.set_draw_details(matsh, [waterbump[0], shapeshine], 12.0, 0.6) mywater.set_material((0.0, 0.05, 0.1)) mywater.set_fog((0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.0), 150)
# Create elevation map mapwidth = 1000.0 mapdepth = 1000.0 mapheight = 100.0 mymap = ElevationMap("textures/maze1.jpg", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=128, divy=128, name="sub") mymap.set_draw_details(shader, [rockimg1, rockimg2, shineimg], 128.0, 0.05) # Create fog for more realistic fade in distance. This can be turned on and off between drawing different object (i.e backgound not foggy) mymap.set_fog((0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0), 200.0) #Create tree models treeplane = Plane(w=4.0, h=5.0) treemodel1 = MergeShape(name="baretree") treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0,0,0) treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0,0,0, 0,90,0) #Scatter them on map using Merge shape's cluster function mytrees1 = MergeShape(name="trees1") mytrees1.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap,0.0,0.0,900.0,900.0,10,"",8.0,3.0) mytrees1.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [tree2img, rockimg2], 4.0, 0.0) mytrees1.set_fog((0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0), 200.0) raspberry = MergeShape(name="rasp") raspberry.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap,-250,+250,470.0,470.0,5,"",8.0,1.0) raspberry.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [raspimg, raspimg], 1.0, 0.0) raspberry.set_fog((0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0), 200.0) """ MergeShape can be used to join a number of Model object for much greater
myecube = EnvironmentCube(900.0,"FACES") # Create elevation map mapwidth=1000.0 mapdepth=1000.0 mapheight=60.0 mountimg1 = texs.loadTexture("textures/mars_colour.png") mymap = ElevationMap("textures/mars_height.png",mapwidth,mapdepth,mapheight,128,128) #testislands.jpg #create robot metalimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/metalhull.jpg") robot_head= Sphere(2.0,12,12,0.5,"",0,3,0) robot_body = Cylinder(2.0,4,12,"",0,1,0) robot_leg = Cuboid(0.7,4.0,1.0,"",0,0.8,0) robot = MergeShape() robot.add(robot_head) robot.add(robot_body) robot.add(robot_leg, -2.1,0,0) robot.add(robot_leg, 2.1,0,0) #create space station ssphere = Sphere(10,16,16) scorrid = Cylinder(4,22,12) station = MergeShape("",0,mymap.calcHeight(0,0),0, 0,0,0, 4,4,4) station.add(ssphere, -20,0,-20) station.add(ssphere, 20,0,-20) station.add(ssphere, 20,0,20) station.add(ssphere, -20,0,20) station.add(scorrid, -20,0,0, 90,0,0)
mountimg1 = Texture("textures/mars_colour.png") bumpimg = Texture("textures/mudnormal.jpg") mymap = ElevationMap(mapfile="textures/mars_height.png", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=128, divy=128) mymap.set_draw_details(shader,[mountimg1, bumpimg],128.0, 0.0) mymap.set_fog((0.3,0.15,0.1,0.1), 300.0) #create robot metalimg = Texture("textures/metalhull.jpg") robot_head= Sphere(radius=1.0) robot_body = Cylinder(radius=1.0, height=2.0, sides=12) robot_leg = Cuboid(w=0.35, h=2.0) robot = MergeShape() robot.add(robot_head.buf[0], 0.0, 1.6) robot.add(robot_body.buf[0], 0.0, 0.5) robot.add(robot_leg.buf[0], -1.04, 0, 0) robot.add(robot_leg.buf[0], 1.05, 0, 0) robot.set_draw_details(shader, [metalimg, metalimg, reflcn], 0.0, 0.5) #create space station ssphere = Sphere(radius=10, slices=16, sides=16) scorrid = Cylinder(radius=4, height=22) station = MergeShape(y=mymap.calcHeight(0, 0), rx=4, ry=4, rz=4) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], -20, 0, 20) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], 20, 0, 20) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], 20, 0, -20) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], -20, 0, -20)
mymap = ElevationMap(mapfile="textures/mars_height.png", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=128, divy=128) mymap.set_draw_details(shader, [mountimg1, bumpimg], 128.0, 0.0) mymap.set_fog((0.3, 0.15, 0.1, 0.1), 300.0) #create robot metalimg = Texture("textures/metalhull.jpg") robot_head = Sphere(radius=1.0) robot_body = Cylinder(radius=1.0, height=2.0, sides=12) robot_leg = Cuboid(w=0.35, h=2.0) robot = MergeShape() robot.add(robot_head.buf[0], 0.0, 1.6) robot.add(robot_body.buf[0], 0.0, 0.5) robot.add(robot_leg.buf[0], -1.04, 0, 0) robot.add(robot_leg.buf[0], 1.05, 0, 0) robot.set_draw_details(shader, [metalimg, metalimg, reflcn], 0.0, 0.5) #create space station ssphere = Sphere(radius=10, slices=16, sides=16) scorrid = Cylinder(radius=4, height=22) station = MergeShape(y=mymap.calcHeight(0, 0), rx=4, ry=4, rz=4) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], -20, 0, 20) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], 20, 0, 20) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], 20, 0, -20) station.add(ssphere.buf[0], -20, 0, -20)
myecube = EnvironmentCube(900.0,"CROSS") # Create elevation map mapwidth=1000.0 mapdepth=1000.0 mapheight=100.0 mymap = ElevationMap("textures/maze1.jpg",mapwidth,mapdepth,mapheight,128,128,1,"sub",0,0,0, smooth=True) mymap2 = ElevationMap("textures/maze1.jpg",mapwidth,mapdepth,mapheight+0.1,128,128 ,64,"detail",0.0, 0.01, 0.0, smooth=True) # Crete fog for more realistic fade in distance. This can be turned on and off between drawing different object (i.e backgound not foggy) myfog = Fog(0.02, (0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0)) #Create tree models treeplane = Plane(4.0,5.0) treemodel1 = MergeShape("baretree") treemodel1.add(treeplane, 0,0,0) treemodel1.add(treeplane, 0,0,0, 0,90,0) shed = Model("models/shed1.obj",texs,"shed",0,3,0, 0,0,0, 2,2,2) #Scatter them on map using Merge shape's cluster function mytrees1 = MergeShape("trees1") mytrees1.cluster(treemodel1, mymap,0.0,0.0,900.0,900.0,10,"",8.0,3.0) # (shape,elevmap,xpos,zpos,w,d,count,options,minscl,maxscl) raspberry = MergeShape("rasp") raspberry.cluster(treemodel1, mymap,-250,+250,470.0,470.0,5,"",8.0,1.0) # createMergeShape can be used to join loadModel object for much greater rendering speed # however, because these objects can contain multiple vGroups, each with their own texture image # it is necessary to make a merge for each vGroup and, later, draw each merged object using each