Example #1
    def testContentLoadingToMemory(self):
        piazzaImporter = PiazzaImporter('unittest',       # MySQL user 
                                        '',               # MySQL pwd
                                        'unittest',       # MySQL db
                                        'piazza_content', # MySQL table
                                        'data/test_PiazzaContent.json', # Test file from Piazza

        firstObj = piazzaImporter[0]
        self.assertEqual('XJ8LO55EUbrCAcMyzSbP3w==', firstObj['oid'])
        secondObj = piazzaImporter[1]
        self.assertEqual('9OOUV8g_SqbPDuRldhHUhw==', secondObj['oid'])
        self.assertEqual('D7ObrIJu2xZS-vCNSH9RqQ==', firstObj['children'][0]['oid'])

        anon_screen_name = firstObj['anon_screen_name']
        self.assertEqual('8caf8996ed242c081908e29e134f93f075343e4f', anon_screen_name)
        #   --- Getting Subject --- 
        # Getting subject from a PiazzaPost instance:
        subject = firstObj['subject']
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        # Getting subject from a PiazzaPost OID:
        subject = piazzaImporter.getSubject(firstObj)
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        # Getting subject from a PiazzaPost JSON object:
        subject = piazzaImporter.getSubject(firstObj.nameValueDict)
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        # Getting the subject of the first post:
        subject = piazzaImporter[0]['subject']
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        #   --- Getting Content --- 

        # Getting content from a PiazzaPost instance:
        content = piazzaImporter.getContent(secondObj)
        self.assertEqual('<p>Just wanted to pop in and say hello just as class starts.', content)
        # Getting content from a PiazzaPost OID:
        content = piazzaImporter.getContent(secondObj['oid'])
        self.assertEqual('<p>Just wanted to pop in and say hello just as class starts.', content)
        # Get first post's content (i.e. body):
        content = piazzaImporter[0]['content']
        self.assertEqual('<p>I tried to use', content[0:17])
        # Get first post's content (i.e. body):
        content = piazzaImporter[0]['body']    # For compatibility with OpenEdX forum
        self.assertEqual('<p>I tried to use', content[0:17])

        # Get first post's tags:
        tags = piazzaImporter[0]['tags']
        self.assertEqual([u'lectures',u'student'], tags)
        # First post's Piazze UID:
        piazzaUID = piazzaImporter[0]['id']
        self.assertEqual('hr7xjaytsC8', piazzaUID)
        # First post's status:
        status = piazzaImporter[0]['status']
        self.assertEqual('active', status)
        # First post's 'no answer followup':
        noAnswerFollowup = piazzaImporter[0]['no_answer_followup']
        self.assertEqual(0, noAnswerFollowup)
        # First post's creation date:
        cDate = piazzaImporter[0]['created']
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-26T10:08:18Z', cDate)
        # First post's creation date using get()
        cDate = piazzaImporter[0].get('created', '0000-00-00T00:00:00')
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-26T10:08:18Z', cDate)
        # Keys of a PiazzaPost object:
        postObjKeys = piazzaImporter[0].keys()
        trueKeys =  ['anon_screen_name', u'change_log', u'children', u'config', u'created', u'folders', u'history', u'id', u'no_answer', u'no_answer_followup', u'nr', 'oid', u'status', u'tag_endorse_arr', u'tag_good', u'tag_good_arr', u'tags', u'type', u'unique_views']

        self.assertEqual(trueKeys, postObjKeys)
        # First post's type:
        theType = piazzaImporter[0]['type']
        self.assertEqual('question', theType)
        # First post's good-tags-array of anon_screen_name:
        tagGoodArr = piazzaImporter[0]['tag_good_arr']
        self.assertEqual(['8491933cf7fd48668da31fdcddc1e55a3fdb120b'], tagGoodArr)
        # Synonym for tag_good_arr: good_tag:
        tagGoodArr = piazzaImporter[0]['good_tags']
        self.assertEqual(['8491933cf7fd48668da31fdcddc1e55a3fdb120b'], tagGoodArr)
        # First endorse-tags array:
        tagEndorseArr = piazzaImporter[0]['tag_endorse_arr']
        self.assertEqual(['ac79b0b077dd8c44d9ea6dfac1f08e6cd0ba29ea'], tagEndorseArr)
        # Synonym for tag_endorse_arr: endorse_tags:
        tagEndorseArr = piazzaImporter[0]['endorse_tags']
        self.assertEqual(['ac79b0b077dd8c44d9ea6dfac1f08e6cd0ba29ea'], tagEndorseArr)
        # Second post's number of up-votes received:
        numVotes = piazzaImporter[1]['no_upvotes'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual(2, numVotes)
        # Second post's number of answers received:
        numAnswers = piazzaImporter[1]['no_answer'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual(0, numAnswers)
        # Second post's number of followup answers received:
        numAnswers = piazzaImporter[1]['no_answer_followup'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual(0, numAnswers)
        # Second post's 'is anonymous post':
        anonLevel = piazzaImporter[1]['anon']
        self.assertEqual('no', anonLevel)
        # First post's bucket name:
            self.fail('Obj 0 has no bucket name; should be KeyError')
        except KeyError:

        # Second post's bucket name:
        bucketName = piazzaImporter[1]['bucket_name'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual('Week 1/19 - 1/25', bucketName)

        # Second post's 'updated' field:
        updated = piazzaImporter[1]['updated'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-22T06:55:56Z', updated)

        # First post's 'folders' (names) array:
        folders = piazzaImporter[0]['folders']
        self.assertEqual(['lectures'], folders)

        # Test idPiazza2Anon():
        self.assertEqual('8caf8996ed242c081908e29e134f93f075343e4f', piazzaImporter.idPiazza2Anon('hr7xjaytsC8'))
    def testHighLevelAccessors(self):

        piazzaImporter = PiazzaImporter('unittest',       # MySQL user 
                                        '',               # MySQL pwd
                                        'unittest',       # MySQL db
                                        'piazza_content', # MySQL table
                                        'data/test_PiazzaContent.json', # Test file from Piazza

        firstPostObj = piazzaImporter[0]

        #   --- Getting Children --- 
        children = firstPostObj['children']
        self.assertEqual(1, len(children))
        child = children[0]
        self.assertEqual('wABgOWyIDVYn-8kzkgMnNw==', child['oid'])

        childHistArr = child['history']
        self.assertEqual(1, len(childHistArr))
        childHistContentObj = childHistArr[0]
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-26T18:13:50Z', childHistContentObj['created'])


        #   --- Getting Subject --- 
        # Getting subject from a PiazzaPost instance:
        subject = firstPostObj['subject']
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        # Getting subject from a PiazzaPost OID:
        subject = piazzaImporter.getSubject(firstPostObj)
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        # Getting subject from a PiazzaPost JSON object:
        subject = piazzaImporter.getSubject(firstPostObj.nameValueDict)
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        # Getting the subject of the first post:
        subject = piazzaImporter[0]['subject']
        self.assertEqual('wireshark shows same packet sent twice', subject)
        # Date of second entry in first object's history array:
        theDate = firstPostObj['history'][1]['create_date']
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-26T10:08:18Z', theDate)
        # Test history arrays with more than one entry:
        thirdPostObj = piazzaImporter[2]
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-22T08:09:32Z', thirdPostObj['updated'])
        self.assertEqual('<p>64-bit Waterfox</p>', thirdPostObj['subject'])
        thirdPostKeys = [
        self.assertItemsEqual(thirdPostKeys, thirdPostObj.keys())

        fourthPostObj = piazzaImporter[3]
        self.assertEqual(241, fourthPostObj['unique_views'])
        #****** Test: nr == 9 when nr is renamed

        fourthObjSubj = fourthPostObj['subject']
        self.assertEqual('pre-course survey is not viewing', fourthObjSubj)


        #   --- Getting Content --- 

        # Getting content from a PiazzaPost instance:
        fourthObjContent = ['Content objFour 5th from bottom.',
                            'Content objFour 4th from bottom.',
                            'Content objFour 3rd from bottom.',
                            'Content objFour 2nd from bottom.',
                            'Content objFour 1st from bottom.'

        contentArr = fourthPostObj['content']
        self.assertItemsEqual(fourthObjContent, contentArr)
        # Getting content from a PiazzaPost OID:
        contentArr = piazzaImporter.getContent(fourthPostObj['oid'])
        self.assertItemsEqual(fourthObjContent, contentArr)
        # Get first post's content (i.e. body):
        content = piazzaImporter[-1]['body']    # For compatibility with OpenEdX forum
        self.assertEqual(fourthObjContent, content)

        # Get first post's tags:
        tags = piazzaImporter[0]['tags']
        self.assertEqual([u'lectures',u'student'], tags)
        # First post's Piazze UID:
        piazzaUID = piazzaImporter[0]['id']
        self.assertEqual('hr7xjaytsC8', piazzaUID)
        # First post's status:
        status = piazzaImporter[0]['status']
        self.assertEqual('active', status)
        # First post's 'no answer followup':
        noAnswerFollowup = piazzaImporter[0]['no_answer_followup']
        self.assertEqual(0, noAnswerFollowup)
        # First post's creation date:
        cDate = piazzaImporter[0]['created']
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-26T10:08:18Z', cDate)
        # First post's creation date using get()
        cDate = piazzaImporter[0].get('created', '0000-00-00T00:00:00')
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-26T10:08:18Z', cDate)
        # First post's type:
        theType = piazzaImporter[0]['type']
        self.assertEqual('question', theType)
        # First post's good-tags-array of user_int_id's;
        # In original json these are arrays of Piazza Ids.
        # That raw is ['hc19qkoyc9C']; get the user_int_id
        # we expect:
        user_int_id = PiazzaImporter.idPiazza2UserIntId('hc19qkoyc9C')
        tagGoodArr = piazzaImporter[0]['tag_good_arr']
        self.assertEqual([user_int_id], tagGoodArr)
        # Synonym for tag_good_arr: good_tags:
        tagGoodArr = piazzaImporter[0]['good_tags']
        self.assertEqual([user_int_id], tagGoodArr)
        # First endorse-tags array:
        tagEndorseArr = piazzaImporter[0]['tag_endorse_arr']
        self.assertEqual([232871], tagEndorseArr)
        # Synonym for tag_endorse_arr: endorse_tags:
        tagEndorseArr = piazzaImporter[0]['endorse_tags']
        self.assertEqual([232871], tagEndorseArr)
        # Second post's number of up-votes received:
        numVotes = piazzaImporter[1]['no_upvotes'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual(2, numVotes)
        # Second post's number of answers received:
        numAnswers = piazzaImporter[1]['no_answer'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual(0, numAnswers)
        # Second post's number of followup answers received:
        numAnswers = piazzaImporter[1]['no_answer_followup'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual(0, numAnswers)
        # Second post's 'is anonymous post':
        anonLevel = piazzaImporter[1]['anon']
        self.assertEqual('no', anonLevel)
        # First post's bucket name property does not exist:

        # Second post's bucket name:
        bucketName = piazzaImporter[1]['bucket_name'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual('Week 1/19 - 1/25', bucketName)

        # Second post's 'updated' field:
        updated = piazzaImporter[1]['updated'] # second JSON obj!
        self.assertEqual('2014-01-22T06:55:56Z', updated)

        # First post's 'folders' (names) array:
        folders = piazzaImporter[0]['folders']
        self.assertEqual(['lectures'], folders)

        # Test idPiazza2Anon():
        self.assertEqual(260005, piazzaImporter.idPiazza2UserIntId('hr7xjaytsC8'))