def refit(self, samples): df = Unpickler( open( pkg_resources.resource_filename('hate_cl', 'hate_cl/data.sav', 'rb'))).load() aux_df = DataFrame(samples, columns=['hate', 'sentence']) df = df.append(aux_df, ignore_index=True) print(df) X = df['sentence'].tolist() y = df['hate'].tolist() cl = Pipeline([('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 4))), ('clf', RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_depth=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0))]), y) self.classifier = cl cl_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'hate_cl', 'hate_cl/randomforest.sav') df_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename('hate_cl', 'hate_cl/data.sav') f = open(cl_filename, 'wb') Pickler(f).dump(cl) f.close() f = open(df_filename, 'wb') Pickler(f).dump(df) f.close()
class AlphaZero(Approach): def __init__(self, argdict, approach_name="alphazero"): """ Initializes an approach before it applies itself to a task Parameters ---------- argdict : rlait.util.misc.dotdict A dictionary containing all the extra arguments that AlphaZero uses. Fully explained in the Notes section approach_name : str Name of the approach, used for printing Notes ----- Full list of possible arguments that can be provided in argdict, as well as their default values: * lr : float (0.001) Backpropagation learning rate * dropout : float (0.3) Dropout factor to use in the densely connected layers * epochs : int (10) Number of epochs to train network on past examples each iteration * batch_size : int (64) Input batch size to use with neural network * cuda : bool (True) Use CUDA to speed training? * num_channels : int (512) Number of features to detect in the convolutional layers (The number of layers, activation functions are fixed) * startFromEp : int (0) The episode number to start from. Useful if a previous run got interrupted * numEps : int (30) The number of playout episodes to run per training iteration * tempThreshold : int (15) The number of moves to make using weighted plays instead of maximum plays when training * updateThreshold : float (0.51) Fraction of games a challenger network needs to win in order to become the new base. * maxlenOfQueue : int (200000) The maximum number of training examples to train on. * numMCTSSims : int (30) The number of times to run MCTS per move during self-play and actual play * arenaCompare : int (11) The number of games to play against the previous best AI at the end of a training iteration * cpuct : float (1.0) A factor that determines how likely the MCTS is to explore. * maxDepth : int (5000) The maximum search depth to explore for one move * startWithRandomPlay : bool (false) If starting at the first iteration, do we use random play to generate some training examples to look at first? * numRandomPlayExamples : int (100) Number of random game examples to generate * load_checkpoint : bool (False) Do we load a checkpoint? * prevHistory : str (None) Previous history to load. Can be set if `load_checkpoint` is set. If set, AlphaZero skips the first self-play iteration and jumps straight to training a new network on the provided history. * checkpoint : str (None) Checkpoint to load. Must be set if `load_checkpoint` is set, should be a file path relative to the below directory. * checkpoint_dir : str ("./checkpoints") Folder to store the checkpoints in. Must be an absolute path or a path relative to the location of the script running. * numItersForTrainExamplesHistory : int(30) The number of past iterations to store in a single history file. """ super().__init__(approach_name) self.args = dotdict(argdict) = self.args.get("lr", 0.001) self.args.dropout = self.args.get("dropout", 0.3) self.args.epochs = self.args.get("epochs", 10) self.args.batch_size = self.args.get("batch_size", 64) self.args.cuda = self.args.get("cuda", True) self.args.num_channels = self.args.get("num_channels", 512) self.args.startFromEp = self.args.get("startFromEp", 0) self.args.numEps = self.args.get("numEps", 30) self.args.tempThreshold = self.args.get("tempThreshold", 15) self.args.updateThreshold = self.args.get("updateThreshold", 0.51) self.args.maxlenOfQueue = self.args.get("maxlenOfQueue", 200000) self.args.numMCTSSims = self.args.get("numMCTSSims", 30) self.args.arenaCompare = self.args.get("arenaCompare", 11) self.args.cpuct = self.args.get("cpuct", 1.0) self.args.maxDepth = self.args.get("maxDepth", 500) self.args.startWithRandomPlay = self.args.get("startWithRandomPlay", False) self.args.numRandomPlayExamples = self.args.get("numRandomPlayExamples", 100) self.args.load_checkpoint = self.args.get("load_checkpoint", False) self.args.checkpoint = self.args.get("checkpoint", None) self.args.prevHistory = self.args.get("prevHistory", None) self.args.checkpoint_dir = self.args.get("checkpoint_dir", "./checkpoints") self.args.numItersForTrainExamplesHistory = self.args.get("numItersForTrainExamplesHistory", 30) self.trainExamplesHistory = [] self.skipFirstSelfPlay = False def _reset_mcts(self): # Reset MCTS variables (clears cache) self.Qsa = {} # stores Q values for s,a (as defined in the paper) self.Nsa = {} # stores #times edge s,a was visited self.Ns = {} # stores #times board s was visited self.Ps = {} # stores initial policy (returned by neural net) self.Es = {} # stores game.getGameEnded ended for board s self.Vs = {} # stores game.getValidMoves for board s def init_model(self): """ Initializes AlphaZero with a list of models (one for each task phase) in self.models """ # Assumes that the input board shape will remain constant between phases # Unfortunately, there's no good way to do this without that assumption. ########################################### # Define network based on Task parameters # ########################################### empty_state = self.task.empty_state(0) for phase in range(1, self.task.num_phases): try: assert self.task.empty_state(phase).shape == empty_state.shape except AssertionError: raise TypeError("{} cannot be applied to tasks with variant board representations!".format(self.approach_name)) if 'flat' in STATE_TYPE_OPTION[empty_state.state_type]: raise TypeError("{} currently does not support tasks with board type \"flat\"".format(self.approeach_name)) self.input = Input(shape=empty_state.shape) if STATE_TYPE_OPTION[empty_state.state_type] == 'deeprect': extra_dim = 1 for i in range(2, len(empty_state.shape)): extra_dim *= empty_state.shape[i] x_image = Reshape((empty_state.shape[0], empty_state.shape[1], extra_dim))(self.input) elif STATE_TYPE_OPTION[empty_state.state_type] == 'rect': x_image = Reshape((empty_state.shape[0], empty_state.shape[1], 1))(self.input) else: raise TypeError("Unknown state type \"{}\"".format(empty_state.state_type)) x_image = None conv_model = SimpleConvNet(self.args, x_image) self.v = Dense(self.task.num_players, activation='tanh', name='v')(conv_model.output) # batch_size x 1 self.outputs = [self.v] self.output_sizes = [self.task.num_players] self.models = [] for phase in range(self.task.num_phases): empty_move = self.task.empty_move(phase) output_size = 1 for i in range(len(empty_move.shape)): output_size *= empty_move.shape[i] output = Dense(output_size, activation='softmax', name='pi{}'.format(phase))(conv_model.output) # batch_size x self.output_size self.outputs.append(output) self.output_sizes.append(output_size) model = Model(inputs=self.input, outputs=[self.v, output]) model.compile(loss=['mean_squared_error', 'categorical_crossentropy'], optimizer=Adam( self.models.append(model) # Doing the above instead of this because we need to have multiple models # in order to train correctly. Unfortunately, that means we cannot share # self.model = Model(inputs=self.input, outputs=self.outputs) def init_to_task(self, task, make_competetor=True): """ Customizes an approach to work on a specific task Parameters ---------- task : Task The Task object to customize to. Should provide all the necessary methods for this approach to customize, like length of move vectors for different phases. competetor : bool (True) Optional, controls whether we initialize a competetor AI for selfplay. When creating a competetor, this is turned to False so we don't infinitely recur. Returns ------- self For daisy-chaining purposes. Other methods return self for the same reason Notes ----- Although the parameters for the neural network size are passed through the __init__ method, the neural networks are actually created in this method. This is to handle different sizes of input and output layers required for different Tasks. """ self.task = task self.init_model() self._reset_mcts() ####################### # Load previous model # ####################### self.iteration = self.args.startFromEp if self.args.load_checkpoint: if not (self.args.checkpoint is None): self.load_weights(self.args.checkpoint) else: try: self.load_weights(self._get_checkpoint_filename(self.iteration)) except: log.warn("Tried to load checkpoint from starting iteration, could not find it.") if not (self.args.prevHistory is None) and make_competetor: self.load_history(self.args.prevHistory) self.skipFirstSelfPlay = True if make_competetor: self.pnet = self.__class__(self.args).init_to_task(self.task, make_competetor=False) else: self.pnet = None # Returning self so that constructs like # `ai = CustomApproach(args).init_to_task(Task(more_args))` # become possible return self def _nn_predict(self, state): v, pi = self.models[state.phase].predict(np.reshape(state, (1,)+state.shape)) return v[0], pi[0] def _search(self, board, depth, maxdepth=float('inf')): """ This function performs one iteration of MCTS. It is recursively called till a leaf node is found. The action chosen at each node is one that has the maximum upper confidence bound as in the paper. Once a leaf node is found, the neural network is called to return an initial policy P and a value v for the state. This value is propogated up the search path. In case the leaf node is a terminal state, the outcome is propogated up the search path. The values of Ns, Nsa, Qsa are updated. Parameters ---------- board : State The board to search Returns ------- v: the player value vector corresponding to the searched board Notes ----- Because of the internal use of canonical boards, every v returned is relative to the perspective of the first player. """ if depth > maxdepth: return np.zeros((self.task.num_players,)) canonicalBoard = self.task.get_canonical_form(board) phase = board.phase s = self.task.state_string_representation(board) if s not in self.Es: if self.task.is_terminal_state(board): winners = self.task.get_winners(board) self.Es[s] = np.array([1 if (i in winners) else -1 for i in range(self.task.num_players)]) else: self.Es[s] = np.zeros((self.task.num_players,)) if not (self.Es[s] == 0).all(): # terminal node return self.Es[s] if s not in self.Ps: # leaf node # NOTE: this section is the only place canonical boards are introduced # the rest of the searching takes place on non-canonical boards # for ease of passing hidden information. # NOTE: but I shouldn't even be passing around hidden information because it should be hidden even when searching??? v, self.Ps[s] = self._nn_predict(canonicalBoard) # correcting ordering of v v = np.concatenate((v[(self.task.num_players-board.next_player):], v[:(self.task.num_players-board.next_player)])) self.Ps[s] = np.reshape(self.Ps[s], self.task.empty_move(board.phase).shape) # unfortunately, this requires that canonical forms do nothing # like flipping the board, which is usually normal... valids = self.task.get_legal_mask(board) self.Ps[s] = self.Ps[s]*valids # masking invalid moves sum_Ps_s = np.sum(self.Ps[s]) if sum_Ps_s > 0.0: self.Ps[s] /= sum_Ps_s # renormalize else: # if all valid moves were masked make all valid moves equally probable # NB! All valid moves may be masked if either your NNet architecture is insufficient or you've get overfitting or something else. # If you have got dozens or hundreds of these messages you should pay attention to your NNet and/or training process. log.warn("All valid moves were masked, do workaround.") self.Ps[s] = self.Ps[s] + valids self.Ps[s] /= np.sum(self.Ps[s]) self.Vs[s] = list(self.task.iterate_legal_moves(board)) self.Ns[s] = 1 #print("For state {}".format(self.task.state_string_representation(canonicalBoard))) #print("Predicted move: {} and value: {}".format(self.Ps[s], v)) return v valid_moves = self.Vs[s] cur_best = -float('inf') best_act = -1 # pick the action with the highest upper confidence bound for move in valid_moves: a = self.task.move_string_representation(move, board) if (s,a) in self.Qsa: u = self.Qsa[(s,a)][board.next_player] + self.args.cpuct*(move*self.Ps[s]).sum()*math.sqrt(self.Ns[s])/(1+self.Nsa[(s,a)]) else: u = self.args.cpuct*(move*self.Ps[s]).sum()*math.sqrt(self.Ns[s] + EPS) # Q = 0 ? if u > cur_best: cur_best = u best_act = a a = best_act #print("For state {}".format(self.task.state_string_representation(board))) #print("Best move is {}".format(a)) next_s = self.task.apply_move(self.task.string_to_move(a, board), board) try: v = self._search(next_s, depth+1, maxdepth=maxdepth) except RecursionError: # NOTE: this might cause some issues, but it hits the # recursion limit pretty infrequently anyways (most likely due # to inadequate tie handling anyways, which should be fixed) return 0 if (s,a) in self.Qsa: self.Qsa[(s,a)] = (self.Nsa[(s,a)]*self.Qsa[(s,a)] + v)/(self.Nsa[(s,a)]+1) self.Nsa[(s,a)] += 1 else: self.Qsa[(s,a)] = v self.Nsa[(s,a)] = 1 self.Ns[s] += 1 return v def _get_action_prob(self, state, temp=1): """ Returns the probabilities for each legal move given a state. Also returns the legal moves themselves Parameters ---------- state : State Returns ------- probs : list(float) A policy vector where the probability of the ith action is proportional to Nsa[(s,a)]**(1./temp) avail_moves : list(Move) A list of available moves where each entry corresponds to the same index in probs """ for i in range(self.args.numMCTSSims): self._search(state, 0, maxdepth=self.args.maxDepth) s = self.task.state_string_representation(state) avail_moves = list(map(lambda x: self.task.move_string_representation(x, state), self.task.iterate_legal_moves(state))) counts = [self.Nsa[(s,a)] if (s,a) in self.Nsa else 0 \ for a in avail_moves] probs = [] if temp == 0: bestA = np.argmax(counts) probs = [0]*len(counts) probs[bestA] = 1 else: probs = [x**(1./temp) for x in counts] return probs, avail_moves def _get_random_action_prob(self, state, temp=1): """ Just like _get_action_prob, only completely random """ s = self.task.state_string_representation(state) avail_moves = list(map(lambda x: self.task.move_string_representation(x, state), self.task.iterate_legal_moves(state))) probs = [1.0/len(avail_moves)] * len(avail_moves) return probs, avail_moves def get_move(self, state, temp=0): """ Gets a move the AI wants to play for the passed in state. Parameters ---------- state : State The state object containing all the state information and next player information. Size and shape varies per Task. Ideally should be canonicalized. Returns ------- move : Move The move object containing the move information. Size and shape varies per Task. """ probs, avail_moves = self._get_action_prob(state, temp) chosen_move = random.choices( population=avail_moves, weights=probs, k=1 )[0] return self.task.string_to_move(chosen_move, state) def load_weights(self, filename): """ Loads a previous Approach state from a file. Just the weights, history is loaded separately. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to load the weights from. Not having this be a list allows for other data encoding schemes. Returns ------- self """ filepath = filename if not os.path.exists(filepath): filepath = os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise("No model in local file {} or path {}!".format(filename, filepath)) all_model_files = [] with open(filepath, "rb") as f: all_model_files = Unpickler(f).load() for i in range(len(all_model_files)): buf = all_model_files[i] self.models[i].load_weights(buf) return self def save_weights(self, filename): """ Saves the weights of the current state to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to save the weights to. Returns ------- self """ filepath = os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(self.args.checkpoint_dir): print("Checkpoint Directory does not exist! Making directory {}".format(self.args.checkpoint_dir)) os.mkdir(self.args.checkpoint_dir) # This was the best thing I could think of to fit multiple models in one file: # Keras's h5py backend supports writing data directly to a BytesIO object # So, we just tell it to do that for all the models and write the resulting # list to a pickle file. # Will most certainly fail for large enough models all_model_files = [] for i in range(len(self.models)): buf = io.BytesIO() self.models[i].save_weights(buf, overwrite=True) all_model_files.append(buf) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: Pickler(f).dump(all_model_files) return self def load_history(self, filename): """ Loads a game history from a file. A file can optionally contain one or many History classes, and this method can be extended with optional arguments to specify how many histories to load. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to load history from. Returns ------- self """ filepath = filename if not os.path.exists(filepath): filepath = os.path.join(self.args.checkpoint_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise("No checkpoint in local file {} or path {}!".format(filename, filepath)) with open(filepath, "rb") as f:"Loading History from {filepath}") self.trainExamplesHistory = Unpickler(f).load() return self def save_history(self, filename): """ Saves the current game history to a file. Should generally append to the history in the file if it exists. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to save/append history to. Returns ------- self """ folder = self.args.checkpoint_dir if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) filepath = os.path.join(folder, filename) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: Pickler(f).dump(self.trainExamplesHistory) return self def _get_checkpoint_filename(self, iteration): return "checkpoint_{}.pth.tar".format(iteration) def _run_one_selfplay(self, action_prob_func): trainExamples = [] board = self.task.empty_state(phase=0) episodeStep = 0 while not self.task.is_terminal_state(board): episodeStep += 1 temp = int(episodeStep < self.args.tempThreshold) probs, avail_moves = action_prob_func(board, temp=temp) #self._get_action_prob(board, temp=temp) # not applicable to all games, but might include later #sym = self.task.getSymmetries(canonicalBoard, pi) #for b,p in sym: pi = np.asarray([probs[i]*self.task.string_to_move(avail_moves[i],board) for i in range(len(probs))]) pi = np.sum(pi, axis=0).flatten() trainExamples.append((board, board.next_player, pi)) action = random.choices( population=avail_moves, weights=probs, k=1 )[0] board = self.task.apply_move(self.task.string_to_move(action, board), board) # Game is over winners = self.task.get_winners(board) #print("SELFPLAY GAME OVER. Board: {}".format(self.task.state_string_representation(board))) #print("Winners: {}. Final player: {}.".format(winners, board.next_player)) # This might be biased towards or against ties depending on the last player # to move, but in sufficiently complex games this should result in a 50/50 # split anyways fmtTrainExamples = [] for old_board, player, pi in trainExamples: r = np.array([1 if (i in winners) else -1 for i in range(self.task.num_players)]) fmtTrainExamples.append((old_board, pi, r)) return fmtTrainExamples def _run_selfplay(self): # bookkeeping'------ITER ' + str(self.iteration) + '------') # examples of the iteration if self.iteration == 0 and self.args.startWithRandomPlay: iterationTrainExamples = deque([], maxlen=self.args.maxlenOfQueue)"Running Random Play to start") bar = Progbar(self.args.numRandomPlayExamples) bar.update(0) for eps in range(self.args.numRandomPlayExamples): iterationTrainExamples += self._run_one_selfplay(self._get_random_action_prob) bar.add(1) self.trainExamplesHistory.append(iterationTrainExamples) elif self.iteration > self.args.startFromEp or not self.skipFirstSelfPlay: iterationTrainExamples = deque([], maxlen=self.args.maxlenOfQueue) bar = Progbar(self.args.numEps) bar.update(0) for eps in range(self.args.numEps): self._reset_mcts() iterationTrainExamples += self._run_one_selfplay(self._get_action_prob) # bookkeeping + plot progress bar.add(1) # save the iteration examples to the history self.trainExamplesHistory.append(iterationTrainExamples) if len(self.trainExamplesHistory) > self.args.numItersForTrainExamplesHistory: log.debug("len(trainExamplesHistory) =", len(self.trainExamplesHistory), " => remove the oldest trainExamples") self.trainExamplesHistory.pop(0) # backup history to a file # NB! the examples were collected using the model from the previous iteration self.save_history(self._get_checkpoint_filename(self.iteration)+".examples") def _match_phase(self, phase): def _internal_match_phase(a): return a.phase == phase return _internal_match_phase def _train_nnet(self, examples): """ examples: list of examples, each example is of form (board, pi, v) """ #input_boards, target_pis, target_vs = list(zip(*examples)) # for each phase, filter out all the examples from that phase # and train the corresponding model on them for phase in range(self.task.num_phases): match_phase = self._match_phase(phase) f_input_boards, f_target_pis, f_target_vs = list(zip(* list(filter( lambda x: match_phase(x[0]), examples )) )) f_input_boards = np.asarray(f_input_boards) f_target_pis = np.asarray(f_target_pis) f_target_vs = np.asarray(f_target_vs) #f_target_vs = f_target_vs.reshape(f_target_vs.shape + (1,)) self.models[phase].fit( x=f_input_boards, y=[f_target_vs, f_target_pis], batch_size=self.args.batch_size, epochs=self.args.epochs ) def _arena_play_once(self, first_player, second_player, verbose=False): # TODO: Currently only supports 2-player games, should probably fix that if verbose: assert(self.task.state_string_representation) board = self.task.empty_state(phase=0) first_player._reset_mcts() second_player._reset_mcts() it = 0 first_player_number = board.next_player while not self.task.is_terminal_state(board): it += 1 if verbose: print(f"Turn {it} Player {board.next_player}") print(self.task.state_string_representation(board)) temp = it < self.args.tempThreshold # can't count on consistent player numbers # or even consisten player counts if board.next_player == first_player_number: #print("FIRST PLAYER") move = first_player.get_move(board, temp) board = self.task.apply_move(move, board) else: #print("SECOND PLAYER") move = second_player.get_move(board, temp) board = self.task.apply_move(move, board) winners = self.task.get_winners(board) if verbose: print(f"Game Over: Turn {it} Winners {winners}") print(self.task.state_string_representation(board)) r = 0 if first_player_number in winners: r = 1 elif first_player_number not in winners and len(winners)>0: r = -1 return r def _arena_play(self, num, verbose=True): """ Plays num games in which player 1 and 2 both start num/2 times each Parameters ---------- num : int Returns ------- oneWon : int games won by player1 twoWon : int games won by player2 draws: games won by nobody """ num = int(num/2) eps_time = Progbar(2*num, stateful_metrics=["wins", "draws", "losses"]) eps_time.update(0, values=[("wins",0),("draws",0),("losses",0)]) oneWon = 0 twoWon = 0 draws = 0 for _ in range(num): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() result = self._arena_play_once(self, self.pnet, verbose=verbose) if result == 1: oneWon += 1 elif result == -1: twoWon += 1 else: draws += 1 eps_time.add(1, [("wins", oneWon), ("losses", twoWon), ("draws", draws)]) result = self._arena_play_once(self.pnet, self, verbose=verbose) if result == 1: twoWon += 1 elif result == -1: oneWon += 1 else: draws += 1 eps_time.add(1, [("wins", oneWon), ("losses", twoWon), ("draws", draws)]) return oneWon, twoWon, draws def train_once(self): """ Runs a single training iteration to fine-tune the weights. Possible side effects include: * Changing the internals weights (duh) * Adding to the history (optional) * Printing to console * Automatically calling `save_history` and `save_weights` In implementations, can take custom arguments here in a single dict or have arguments passed in an earlier initialization phase. Any settings passed in here are expected to override default settings. """ self._run_selfplay() # shuffle examlpes before training trainExamples = [] for e in self.trainExamplesHistory: trainExamples.extend(e) random.shuffle(trainExamples) # training new network, keeping a copy of the old one self.save_weights('temp.pth.tar') self.pnet.load_weights('temp.pth.tar') self.pnet._reset_mcts() self._train_nnet(trainExamples) #print(self.trainExamplesHistory) self._reset_mcts()'PITTING AGAINST PREVIOUS VERSION') nwins, pwins, draws = self._arena_play(self.args.arenaCompare)'NEW/PREV WINS : %d / %d ; DRAWS : %d' % (nwins, pwins, draws)) if pwins+nwins > 0 and float(nwins)/(pwins+nwins) < self.args.updateThreshold:'REJECTING NEW MODEL') self.load_weights('temp.pth.tar') else:'ACCEPTING NEW MODEL') self.save_weights(self._get_checkpoint_filename(self.iteration)) self.save_weights('best.pth.tar') self.iteration += 1 def test_once(self): """ Runs a single testing interation. Does not change weights, and usually does not change the history either. Returns ------- score : float ELO, win percentage, or another number where higher is better """ return None
br.follow_link(text_regex='Oversikt') br.follow_link(text_regex='Resultater') data = br.response().get_data() soup = BeautifulSoup(data) main = soup.find('td', {'class':'main'}) rows = main.findAll('tr', {'class': re.compile('pysj(0|1)')}) for row in rows: tds = row.findAll('td') course_id = str(tds[1].string) course_name = unicode(tds[2].string) grade = str(tds[7].string) if course_id not in known_grades: # found new! update = True known_grades.append(course_id) notify("New grade: %s - %s: %s" % (course_id, course_name, grade)) if update: fp = open(STORAGE_FILE, 'w') Pickler(fp).dump(known_grades) fp.close() br.follow_link(text_regex='Logg ut')