Example #1
def publish_commits():
    with etc.database_lock:
        txids = []
        cursor = sql.get_cursor()
        for hub_connection in db.hub_connections_complete(cursor=cursor):
            asset = hub_connection["asset"]
            c2h_mpc_id = hub_connection["c2h_channel_id"]
            c2h_state = db.load_channel_state(c2h_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            h2c_mpc_id = hub_connection["h2c_channel_id"]
            h2c_state = db.load_channel_state(h2c_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            h2c_spend_secret_hash = get_deposit_spend_secret_hash(
            h2c_spend_secret = lib.get_secret(h2c_spend_secret_hash)
            c2h_expired = lib.is_expired(c2h_state, etc.expire_clearance)
            h2c_expired = lib.is_expired(h2c_state, etc.expire_clearance)
            expired = c2h_expired or h2c_expired
            h2c_commits_published = api.mpc_published_commits(state=h2c_state)
            closed = hub_connection["closed"] != 0

            # connection expired or commit published or spend secret known
            if expired or closed or h2c_commits_published or h2c_spend_secret:
                if not closed:
                c2h_commits_published = api.mpc_published_commits(
                if len(c2h_commits_published) == 0:
                    txid = Mpc(api).finalize_commit(lib.get_wif, c2h_state)
                    if txid:

        return txids
Example #2
def fund_deposits():
    """Fund or top off open channels."""
    with etc.database_lock:
        deposits = []
        cursor = sql.get_cursor()
        for hub_connection in db.hub_connections_open(cursor=cursor):

            asset = hub_connection["asset"]
            terms = db.terms(id=hub_connection["terms_id"], cursor=cursor)

            # load client to hub data
            c2h_mpc_id = hub_connection["c2h_channel_id"]
            c2h_state = db.load_channel_state(c2h_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            c2h_deposit_address = lib.deposit_address(c2h_state)
            c2h_deposit_balance = lib.get_balances(c2h_deposit_address,

            if c2h_deposit_balance < terms["deposit_min"]:
                continue  # ignore if client deposit insufficient
            if lib.is_expired(c2h_state, etc.expire_clearance):
                continue  # ignore if expires soon
            if lib.has_unconfirmed_transactions(c2h_deposit_address):
                continue  # ignore if unconfirmed transaction inputs/outputs
            if api.mpc_published_commits(state=c2h_state):
                continue  # ignore if c2h commit published

            # load hub to client data
            h2c_mpc_id = hub_connection["h2c_channel_id"]
            h2c_state = db.load_channel_state(h2c_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            h2c_deposit_address = lib.deposit_address(h2c_state)
            h2c_deposit_balance = lib.get_balances(h2c_deposit_address,

            if lib.is_expired(h2c_state, etc.expire_clearance):
                continue  # ignore if expires soon
            if lib.has_unconfirmed_transactions(h2c_deposit_address):
                continue  # ignore if unconfirmed transaction inputs/outputs
            if api.mpc_published_commits(state=h2c_state):
                continue  # ignore if h2c commit published

            # fund hub to client if needed
            deposit_max = terms["deposit_max"]
            deposit_ratio = terms["deposit_ratio"]
            if deposit_max:
                target = min(deposit_max, c2h_deposit_balance) * deposit_ratio
                target = int(c2h_deposit_balance * deposit_ratio)
            quantity = target - h2c_deposit_balance
            if quantity > 0:
                txid = lib.send_funds(h2c_deposit_address, asset, quantity)
                    "txid": txid,
                    "asset": asset,
                    "address": h2c_deposit_address,
                    "quantity": quantity,
                    "handle": hub_connection["handle"]

        return deposits
Example #3
def fund_deposits():
    """Fund or top off open channels."""
    with etc.database_lock:
        deposits = []
        cursor = sql.get_cursor()
        for hub_connection in db.hub_connections_open(cursor=cursor):

            asset = hub_connection["asset"]
            terms = db.terms(id=hub_connection["terms_id"], cursor=cursor)

            # load client to hub data
            c2h_mpc_id = hub_connection["c2h_channel_id"]
            c2h_state = db.load_channel_state(c2h_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            c2h_deposit_address = lib.deposit_address(c2h_state)
            c2h_deposit_balance = lib.get_balances(c2h_deposit_address,

            if c2h_deposit_balance < terms["deposit_min"]:
                continue  # ignore if client deposit insufficient
            if lib.is_expired(c2h_state, etc.expire_clearance):
                continue  # ignore if expires soon
            if lib.has_unconfirmed_transactions(c2h_deposit_address):
                continue  # ignore if unconfirmed transaction inputs/outputs
            if api.mpc_published_commits(state=c2h_state):
                continue  # ignore if c2h commit published

            # load hub to client data
            h2c_mpc_id = hub_connection["h2c_channel_id"]
            h2c_state = db.load_channel_state(h2c_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            h2c_deposit_address = lib.deposit_address(h2c_state)
            h2c_deposit_balance = lib.get_balances(h2c_deposit_address,

            if lib.is_expired(h2c_state, etc.expire_clearance):
                continue  # ignore if expires soon
            if lib.has_unconfirmed_transactions(h2c_deposit_address):
                continue  # ignore if unconfirmed transaction inputs/outputs
            if api.mpc_published_commits(state=h2c_state):
                continue  # ignore if h2c commit published

            # fund hub to client if needed
            deposit_max = terms["deposit_max"]
            deposit_ratio = terms["deposit_ratio"]
            if deposit_max:
                target = min(deposit_max, c2h_deposit_balance) * deposit_ratio
                target = int(c2h_deposit_balance * deposit_ratio)
            quantity = target - h2c_deposit_balance
            if quantity > 0:
                txid = lib.send_funds(h2c_deposit_address, asset, quantity)
                    "txid": txid,
                    "asset": asset,
                    "address": h2c_deposit_address,
                    "quantity": quantity,
                    "handle": hub_connection["handle"]

        return deposits
Example #4
def publish_commits():
    with etc.database_lock:
        commit_rawtxs = []
        cursor = sql.get_cursor()
        for hub_connection in db.hub_connections_complete(cursor=cursor):
            asset = hub_connection["asset"]
            c2h_mpc_id = hub_connection["c2h_channel_id"]
            c2h_state = db.load_channel_state(c2h_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            h2c_mpc_id = hub_connection["h2c_channel_id"]
            h2c_state = db.load_channel_state(h2c_mpc_id, asset, cursor=cursor)
            h2c_spend_secret_hash = get_deposit_spend_secret_hash(
            h2c_spend_secret = lib.get_secret(h2c_spend_secret_hash)
            c2h_expired = lib.is_expired(c2h_state, etc.expire_clearance)
            h2c_expired = lib.is_expired(h2c_state, etc.expire_clearance)
            expired = c2h_expired or h2c_expired
            h2c_commits_published = api.mpc_published_commits(state=h2c_state)
            closed = hub_connection["closed"] != 0

            # connection expired or commit published or spend secret known
            if expired or closed or h2c_commits_published or h2c_spend_secret:
                if not closed:
                rawtx = Mpc(api).finalize_commit(lib.get_wif, c2h_state)
                if rawtx:

        return commit_rawtxs