def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.library = PicroscopyLibrary(**kwargs) self.helpers = WebHelpers(self.library) self.clients = kwargs.get('clients', IPv4Network(''))'Clients must be on network %s', self.clients) self.static_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath( kwargs.get('static_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'static'))))'Static files: %s', self.static_dir) self.templates_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath( kwargs.get('templates_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'templates'))))'Chameleon templates: %s', self.templates_dir) self.templates = PageTemplateLoader(self.templates_dir, default_extension='.pt') self.layout = self.templates['layout'] # No need to make flashes a per-session thing - it's a single user app! self.flashes = [] self.router = PathRouter() # XXX Add handler for exiting system # XXX Make exit code conditional? (upgrade/reboot/shutdown/etc.) self.router.add_routes([ url('/', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'library'}, name='home'), url('/{page}.html', self.do_template, name='template'), url('/view/{image}.html', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'image'}, name='view'), url('/static/{path:any}', self.do_static, name='static'), url('/images/{image}', self.do_image, name='image'), url('/thumbs/{image}', self.do_thumb, name='thumb'), url('/delete/{image}', self.do_delete, name='delete'), url('/config', self.do_config, name='config'), url('/reset', self.do_reset, name='reset'), url('/capture', self.do_capture, name='capture'), url('/download', self.do_download, name='download'), url('/send', self.do_send, name='send'), url('/logout', self.do_logout, name='logout'), ])
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.library = PicroscopyLibrary(**kwargs) self.helpers = WebHelpers(self.library) self.clients = kwargs.get('clients', IPv4Network(''))'Clients must be on network %s', self.clients) self.static_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(kwargs.get( 'static_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'static') )))'Static files: %s', self.static_dir) self.templates_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(kwargs.get( 'templates_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'templates') )))'Chameleon templates: %s', self.templates_dir) self.templates = PageTemplateLoader( self.templates_dir, default_extension='.pt') self.layout = self.templates['layout'] # No need to make flashes a per-session thing - it's a single user app! self.flashes = [] self.router = PathRouter() # XXX Add handler for exiting system # XXX Make exit code conditional? (upgrade/reboot/shutdown/etc.) self.router.add_routes([ url('/', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'library'}, name='home'), url('/{page}.html', self.do_template, name='template'), url('/view/{image}.html', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'image'}, name='view'), url('/static/{path:any}', self.do_static, name='static'), url('/images/{image}', self.do_image, name='image'), url('/thumbs/{image}', self.do_thumb, name='thumb'), url('/delete/{image}', self.do_delete, name='delete'), url('/config', self.do_config, name='config'), url('/reset', self.do_reset, name='reset'), url('/capture', self.do_capture, name='capture'), url('/download', self.do_download, name='download'), url('/send', self.do_send, name='send'), url('/logout', self.do_logout, name='logout'), ])
class PicroscopyWsgiApp(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.library = PicroscopyLibrary(**kwargs) self.helpers = WebHelpers(self.library) self.clients = kwargs.get('clients', IPv4Network(''))'Clients must be on network %s', self.clients) self.static_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath( kwargs.get('static_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'static'))))'Static files: %s', self.static_dir) self.templates_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath( kwargs.get('templates_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'templates'))))'Chameleon templates: %s', self.templates_dir) self.templates = PageTemplateLoader(self.templates_dir, default_extension='.pt') self.layout = self.templates['layout'] # No need to make flashes a per-session thing - it's a single user app! self.flashes = [] self.router = PathRouter() # XXX Add handler for exiting system # XXX Make exit code conditional? (upgrade/reboot/shutdown/etc.) self.router.add_routes([ url('/', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'library'}, name='home'), url('/{page}.html', self.do_template, name='template'), url('/view/{image}.html', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'image'}, name='view'), url('/static/{path:any}', self.do_static, name='static'), url('/images/{image}', self.do_image, name='image'), url('/thumbs/{image}', self.do_thumb, name='thumb'), url('/delete/{image}', self.do_delete, name='delete'), url('/config', self.do_config, name='config'), url('/reset', self.do_reset, name='reset'), url('/capture', self.do_capture, name='capture'), url('/download', self.do_download, name='download'), url('/send', self.do_send, name='send'), url('/logout', self.do_logout, name='logout'), ]) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): req = Request(environ) try: if not IPv4Address(req.remote_addr) in self.clients: raise exc.HTTPForbidden() handler, kwargs = self.router.match(req.path_info) if handler: # XXX Why does route_name only appear in kwargs sometimes?! if 'route_name' in kwargs: del kwargs['route_name'] resp = handler(req, **kwargs) else: self.not_found(req) except exc.HTTPException as e: # The exception itself is a WSGI response resp = e return resp(environ, start_response) def not_found(self, req): """ Handler for unknown locations (404) """ raise exc.HTTPNotFound('The resource at %s could not be found' % req.path_info) def do_reset(self, req): """ Reset all settings to their defaults """ self.library.camera_reset() self.flashes.append('Camera settings reset to defaults') raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_config(self, req): """ Configure the library and camera settings """ # Resolution is handled specially as the camera needs to stop the # preview in order to change it try: new_resolution = tuple( int(i) for i in req.params['resolution'].split('x', 1)) if len(new_resolution) != 2: raise ValueError() except ValueError: self.flashes.append('Invalid resolution: %s' % req.params['resolution']) if != new_resolution: try: try: = new_resolution finally: except PiCameraError: self.flashes.append('Unable to change camera resolution ' 'to %s' % req.params['resolution']) # Everything else is handled generically... for setting in ( 'sharpness', 'contrast', 'brightness', 'saturation', #'ISO', 'exposure-compensation'): try: setattr(, setting.replace('-', '_'), int(req.params[setting])) except ValueError: self.flashes.append('Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) for setting in ('hflip', 'vflip'): try: setattr(, setting.replace('-', '_'), bool(req.params.get(setting, 0))) except ValueError: self.flashes.append('Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) for setting in ('meter-mode', 'awb-mode', 'exposure-mode'): try: setattr(, setting.replace('-', '_'), req.params[setting]) except ValueError: self.flashes.append('Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) for setting in ('artist', 'email', 'copyright', 'description', 'filename-template', 'format'): try: setattr(self.library, setting.replace('-', '_'), req.params[setting]) except ValueError: self.flashes.append('Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) # If any settings failed, re-render the settings form if self.flashes: return self.do_template(req, 'settings') raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_capture(self, req): """ Take a new image with the camera and add it to the library """ self.library.capture() raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_download(self, req): """ Send the library as a .zip archive """ archive = self.library.archive() size =, io.SEEK_END) resp = Response() resp.content_type = 'application/zip' resp.content_length = size resp.content_disposition = 'attachment;' resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(archive) return resp def do_send(self, req): """ Send the library as a set of attachments to an email """ self.library.send() self.flashes.append('Email sent to %s' % raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_delete(self, req, image): """ Delete the selected images from library """ self.library.remove(image) raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_logout(self, req): """ Clear the library of all images, reset all settings """ self.library.clear() self.library.user_reset() self.library.camera_reset() raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='settings')) def do_image(self, req, image): """ Serve an image from the library """ if not image in self.library: self.not_found(req) resp = Response() resp.content_type, resp.content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type( image, strict=False) resp.content_length = self.library.stat_image(image).st_size resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(self.library.open_image(image)) return resp def do_thumb(self, req, image): """ Serve a thumbnail of an image from the library """ if not image in self.library: self.not_found(req) resp = Response() resp.content_type = 'image/jpeg' resp.content_length = self.library.stat_thumbnail(image).st_size resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(self.library.open_thumbnail(image)) return resp def do_static(self, req, path): """ Serve static files from disk """ path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.static_dir, path)) if not path.startswith(self.static_dir): self.not_found(req) resp = Response() resp.content_type, resp.content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type( path, strict=False) if resp.content_type is None: resp.content_type = 'application/octet-stream' resp.content_length = os.stat(path).st_size resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(, 'rb')) return resp def do_template(self, req, page, image=None): """ Serve a Chameleon template-based page """ resp = Response() resp.content_type = 'text/html' resp.content_encoding = 'utf-8' try: template = self.templates[page] except ValueError: self.not_found(req) resp.text = template(req=req, page=page, image=image, helpers=self.helpers, layout=self.layout, flashes=self.flashes, library=self.library,, router=self.router) del self.flashes[:] return resp
class PicroscopyWsgiApp(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.library = PicroscopyLibrary(**kwargs) self.helpers = WebHelpers(self.library) self.clients = kwargs.get('clients', IPv4Network(''))'Clients must be on network %s', self.clients) self.static_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(kwargs.get( 'static_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'static') )))'Static files: %s', self.static_dir) self.templates_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(kwargs.get( 'templates_dir', os.path.join(HERE, 'templates') )))'Chameleon templates: %s', self.templates_dir) self.templates = PageTemplateLoader( self.templates_dir, default_extension='.pt') self.layout = self.templates['layout'] # No need to make flashes a per-session thing - it's a single user app! self.flashes = [] self.router = PathRouter() # XXX Add handler for exiting system # XXX Make exit code conditional? (upgrade/reboot/shutdown/etc.) self.router.add_routes([ url('/', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'library'}, name='home'), url('/{page}.html', self.do_template, name='template'), url('/view/{image}.html', self.do_template, kwargs={'page': 'image'}, name='view'), url('/static/{path:any}', self.do_static, name='static'), url('/images/{image}', self.do_image, name='image'), url('/thumbs/{image}', self.do_thumb, name='thumb'), url('/delete/{image}', self.do_delete, name='delete'), url('/config', self.do_config, name='config'), url('/reset', self.do_reset, name='reset'), url('/capture', self.do_capture, name='capture'), url('/download', self.do_download, name='download'), url('/send', self.do_send, name='send'), url('/logout', self.do_logout, name='logout'), ]) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): req = Request(environ) try: if not IPv4Address(req.remote_addr) in self.clients: raise exc.HTTPForbidden() handler, kwargs = self.router.match(req.path_info) if handler: # XXX Why does route_name only appear in kwargs sometimes?! if 'route_name' in kwargs: del kwargs['route_name'] resp = handler(req, **kwargs) else: self.not_found(req) except exc.HTTPException as e: # The exception itself is a WSGI response resp = e return resp(environ, start_response) def not_found(self, req): """ Handler for unknown locations (404) """ raise exc.HTTPNotFound( 'The resource at %s could not be found' % req.path_info) def do_reset(self, req): """ Reset all settings to their defaults """ self.library.camera_reset() self.flashes.append('Camera settings reset to defaults') raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_config(self, req): """ Configure the library and camera settings """ # Resolution is handled specially as the camera needs to stop the # preview in order to change it try: new_resolution = tuple( int(i) for i in req.params['resolution'].split('x', 1)) if len(new_resolution) != 2: raise ValueError() except ValueError: self.flashes.append( 'Invalid resolution: %s' % req.params['resolution']) if != new_resolution: try: try: = new_resolution finally: except PiCameraError: self.flashes.append( 'Unable to change camera resolution ' 'to %s' % req.params['resolution']) # Everything else is handled generically... for setting in ( 'sharpness', 'contrast', 'brightness', 'saturation', #'ISO', 'exposure-compensation'): try: setattr(, setting.replace('-', '_'), int(req.params[setting]) ) except ValueError: self.flashes.append( 'Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) for setting in ('hflip', 'vflip'): try: setattr(, setting.replace('-', '_'), bool(req.params.get(setting, 0)) ) except ValueError: self.flashes.append( 'Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) for setting in ('meter-mode', 'awb-mode', 'exposure-mode'): try: setattr(, setting.replace('-', '_'), req.params[setting] ) except ValueError: self.flashes.append( 'Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) for setting in ( 'artist', 'email', 'copyright', 'description', 'filename-template', 'format'): try: setattr( self.library, setting.replace('-', '_'), req.params[setting] ) except ValueError: self.flashes.append( 'Invalid %s: %s' % (setting, req.params[setting])) # If any settings failed, re-render the settings form if self.flashes: return self.do_template(req, 'settings') raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_capture(self, req): """ Take a new image with the camera and add it to the library """ self.library.capture() raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_download(self, req): """ Send the library as a .zip archive """ archive = self.library.archive() size =, io.SEEK_END) resp = Response() resp.content_type = 'application/zip' resp.content_length = size resp.content_disposition = 'attachment;' resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(archive) return resp def do_send(self, req): """ Send the library as a set of attachments to an email """ self.library.send() self.flashes.append('Email sent to %s' % raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_delete(self, req, image): """ Delete the selected images from library """ self.library.remove(image) raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='library')) def do_logout(self, req): """ Clear the library of all images, reset all settings """ self.library.clear() self.library.user_reset() self.library.camera_reset() raise exc.HTTPFound( location=self.router.path_for('template', page='settings')) def do_image(self, req, image): """ Serve an image from the library """ if not image in self.library: self.not_found(req) resp = Response() resp.content_type, resp.content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type( image, strict=False) resp.content_length = self.library.stat_image(image).st_size resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(self.library.open_image(image)) return resp def do_thumb(self, req, image): """ Serve a thumbnail of an image from the library """ if not image in self.library: self.not_found(req) resp = Response() resp.content_type = 'image/jpeg' resp.content_length = self.library.stat_thumbnail(image).st_size resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(self.library.open_thumbnail(image)) return resp def do_static(self, req, path): """ Serve static files from disk """ path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.static_dir, path)) if not path.startswith(self.static_dir): self.not_found(req) resp = Response() resp.content_type, resp.content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type( path, strict=False) if resp.content_type is None: resp.content_type = 'application/octet-stream' resp.content_length = os.stat(path).st_size resp.app_iter = FileWrapper(, 'rb')) return resp def do_template(self, req, page, image=None): """ Serve a Chameleon template-based page """ resp = Response() resp.content_type = 'text/html' resp.content_encoding = 'utf-8' try: template = self.templates[page] except ValueError: self.not_found(req) resp.text = template( req=req, page=page, image=image, helpers=self.helpers, layout=self.layout, flashes=self.flashes, library=self.library,, router=self.router) del self.flashes[:] return resp