def fingerControl(self, finger, motorDir): # TODO - TODO - While needs an output condition?"IOUTILS::fingerControl") """ With these three lines of code, the control of a single motor is achieved. First the feedback value of the controller is obtained from a specific channel of the ADC IC. Then, the control signal is computed with a PID. Finally, the control signal is applied to the motor as a PWM signal generated by the PWM IC. """ # Initialize PID pid = PID(PID_KP, PID_KI, PID_KD) pid.setWindup = MOTOR_CTRL_MAX pid.setSampleTime = 0.2 pid.SetPoint = 800 # Initialize buses # Re-init will be necessary? # self.adc = MCP3008.MCP3008(clk=CLK, cs=CS, miso=MISO, mosi=MOSI) # Initialize PWM # Re-init will be necessary? #self.pwm = PCA9685.PCA9685(PCA_I2C_ADDR) #self.pwm.set_pwm_freq(PWM_FRQUENCY) logging.debug("IOUTILS::fingerControl - Reading from ADC Channel [%i]", FINGER_CHANNELS_MATRIX[ADC][finger]) while True: feedback = self.getPotentiometerValue(finger) pid.update(feedback) duty_cycle = int(pid.output) self.motor_control(duty_cycle, finger, motorDir)
def test_pid(P=0.2, I=0.0, D=0.0, L=100): """Self-test PID class .. note:: ... for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1/i)) if i>9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) --- """ pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint = 0.0 pid.setSampleTime(0.01) END = L feedback = 0 feedback_list = [] time_list = [] setpoint_list = [] for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1 / i)) if i > 9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) feedback_list.append(feedback) setpoint_list.append(pid.SetPoint) time_list.append(i) time_sm = np.array(time_list) time_smooth = np.linspace(time_sm.min(), time_sm.max(), 300) feedback_smooth = spline(time_list, feedback_list, time_smooth) plt.plot(time_smooth, feedback_smooth) plt.plot(time_list, setpoint_list) plt.xlim((0, L)) plt.ylim((min(feedback_list) - 0.5, max(feedback_list) + 0.5)) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('PID (PV)') plt.title('TEST PID') plt.ylim((1 - 0.5, 1 + 0.5)) plt.grid(True)
def test_pid(P = 0.2, I = 0.0, D= 0.0, L=100): """Self-test PID class .. note:: ... for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1/i)) if i>9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) --- """ pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint=0.0 pid.setSampleTime(0.01) END = L feedback = 0 feedback_list = [] time_list = [] setpoint_list = [] for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1/i)) if i>9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) feedback_list.append(feedback) setpoint_list.append(pid.SetPoint) time_list.append(i) time_sm = np.array(time_list) time_smooth = np.linspace(time_sm.min(), time_sm.max(), 300) feedback_smooth = spline(time_list, feedback_list, time_smooth) plt.plot(time_smooth, feedback_smooth) plt.plot(time_list, setpoint_list) plt.xlim((0, L)) plt.ylim((min(feedback_list)-0.5, max(feedback_list)+0.5)) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('PID (PV)') plt.title('TEST PID') plt.ylim((1-0.5, 1+0.5)) plt.grid(True)
def run_controllers(main_d): while main_d["running"]: for i in range(0, 4): # main_d["pid"][i]["current"] = loadcell.get_value(i) pid.update(main_d["pid"][i]) # arduino.set_pwm(main_d["arduino"], i, main_d["pid"][i]["output"]) # gfx.log(main_d["pid"][0]["current"]) time.sleep(pid.DELTA_TIME)
def Pid_Adjast(move_speed, isforward): angle = motion.getGyro() pid.update(angle) out = int(abs(pid.output * 10)) print "angle:" + str(angle) print "out:" + str(out) if angle >= 5: motion.motion_wheelspeed(-move_speed, -move_speed - out) elif angle <= -5: motion.motion_wheelspeed(-move_speed - out, -move_speed) else: pass
import os, time import pid import sys import Motion # os.system('espeak -s 120 -v zh \'woyaoshiyong\' --stdout|aplay') # os.system('espeak -s 120 -v en-us \'p i d\' --stdout|aplay') # os.system('espeak -s 120 -v zh \'suanfa\' --stdout|aplay') # pid= pid.PID(P=sys.argv[1],I=sys.argv[2],D=sys.argv[3]) pid = pid.PID(P=0.2, I=0.2, D=0.3) motion = Motion.motion() while True: # time.sleep(1) angle = motion.getGyro() pid.update(angle) out = int(pid.output * 10) print "\n" print angle print out print motion.getDist() if out >= 1000: out = 1000 elif out <= -1000: out = -1000 if angle >= 0: motion.motion_left(-out) else: motion.motion_right(out)
def main(self, raw_cap, gr_cap): # Update loop count # print(self.num_CW_detected) # # print(self.crossing_count) # print(self.no_ped_count) print("----------------") print("crosswalk stuff:") print("crosswalk: " + str(self.detected_crosswalk)) print("pedestrian: " + str(self.detected_pedestrian)) print("no ped count:" + str(self.no_ped_count)) print("seen redline this many times: " + str(self.entering_cw)) print("has it passed crosswalk yet: " + str(self.passedCW)) print("has it seen corner yet: " + str(self.detected_corner)) print("has it found plate yet: " + str(self.foundPlate)) print("has it seen last corner yet:" + str(self.lastCorner)) print("this is 3rd corner count:" + str(self.thirdCorCount)) print("----------------") print("plate stuff:") print("this is count_detect_mode:" + str(self.count_detect_mode)) # print("this is count_loop_save:" + str(self.count_loop_save)) # print("has not successfully got a plate for:" + str(self.noPlateCount)) print("has it stopped to read plate yet?" + str(self.stopForPlate)) print("has image been saved yet?" + str(self.savedImage)) print("this many images have been saved:" + str(my_plate_locator.numSavedImages)) # print("is it getting back out:" + str(self.getBackOut)) if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 5: # can be changed to 5 self.allDone = True self.doneEarly = True self.time_elapsed = rospy.get_time() - self.time_start if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 4 and not self.secondCW: self.passedCW = False self.secondCW = True self.foundPlate = False self.stopRushing = False if self.secondCW: if not self.foundPlate and detection.path.corner(gr_cap): self.countCWCorner += 1 if self.countCWCorner > 5: print("found corner!!! now sweeping!!!") self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = -1.8 * constants.CONST_ANG self.detected_corner = True if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 2: if not self.firstCor: if not self.foundPlate and detection.path.corner(gr_cap): print("found corner!!! now sweeping!!!") self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = -0.5 * constants.CONST_ANG self.detected_corner = True if self.firstCor and not self.passedCW: self.foundPlate = False if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 4 and self.passedCW: if not self.thirdCor: self.thirdCorCount += 1 self.move.linear.x *= RUSHING_FACTOR if self.thirdCorCount > LAST_CORNER_COUNT_LIM and self.thirdCorCount < LAST_CORNER_COUNT_LIM + 15 and not self.lastCorner: print("found corner!!! now sweeping!!!") self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = -2.5 * constants.CONST_ANG if self.thirdCorCount >= LAST_CORNER_COUNT_LIM + 15: self.lastCorner = True # !!!!!!! ONLY do these when not in the process of stopping and reading plate. # Get crosswalk # Only start crosswalk detection after at least 2 plates have been saved if not self.stopForPlate: if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages > 1 and not self.passedCW: if not self.secondCW: self.crosswalkFunc(raw_cap) else: if self.foundPlate: self.crosswalkFunc(raw_cap) # else: # self.detected_crosswalk = [False, False] # Get path state if self.entering_cw == 0 and not self.passedCW and not self.secondCW: state = detection.path.state(gr_cap, self.detected_crosswalk) else: print("manually change to False False") state = detection.path.state(gr_cap, [False, False]) print(state) if self.passedCW: print(self.passedCW_count) self.passedCW_count += 1 if self.passedCW_count > 50 and detection.path.corner( gr_cap) and not self.foundPlate: self.detected_corner = True self.stopRushing = True if self.detected_corner: print("found corner! now sweeping!!!") self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = -2.5 * constants.CONST_ANG if self.detected_corner and state == [0, 1]: if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 2 and self.passedCW: print("found plate! stop sweeping") self.foundPlate = True self.detected_corner = False self.stopForPlate = True self.count_detect_mode = COUNT_DETECT_MODE_LIM + 1 self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = 0 if self.detected_corner and state == [0, 1]: if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 4: print("found plate! stop sweeping") self.foundPlate = True self.detected_corner = False self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = 0 if self.passedCW: self.lastCorner = True if not self.firstCor and self.detected_corner and state == [ 2, -1 ] and my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 2: print("found plate! stop sweeping") self.foundPlate = True self.detected_corner = False self.firstCor = True self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = 0 if self.firstCor and my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 4 and not self.thirdCor and self.detected_corner and state == [ 2, -1 ]: print("found plate! stop sweeping") self.foundPlate = True self.detected_corner = False self.thirdCor = True self.thirdCorCount = 0 self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = 0 # getting back out of the bad orientation if self.getBackOut_count == 0 and self.foundPlate and my_plate_locator.numSavedImages > 2: self.move.linear.x = 0 self.getBackOut = True self.move.angular.z = 0 * constants.CONST_ANG print("getting back out!") # if state == [0, 1]: # self.canSweepNow = False # print("Stop sweeping now") # Get/set velocities only when crosswalk is not present if not self.getBackOut and not self.stopForPlate and self.entering_cw < CROSSING_COUNT_LIM + 2 and not self.detected_pedestrian and not self.detected_corner: if self.thirdCorCount <= LAST_CORNER_COUNT_LIM or self.thirdCorCount >= LAST_CORNER_COUNT_LIM + 15: print("updating pid") pid.update(self.move, state) if self.getBackOut and self.getBackOut_count > 6: print("finishing getting back out now") self.getBackOut = False self.move.angular.z = 0 if self.getBackOut: self.getBackOut_count += 1 # Rush out of crosswalk if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages != 4 and self.passedCW and not self.stopRushing: self.move.linear.x *= RUSHING_FACTOR # self.move.angular /= RUSHING_FACTOR # Publish the state anytime #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 2 and self.foundPlate: print("do not move until 3rd plate is found") self.count_detect_mode = COUNT_DETECT_MODE_LIM + 1 # self.move.angular.z = -9 * pid.CONST_ANG # # only check for plate if wanted: if (my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 2 and not self.passedCW): used_count_detect_mode_lim = CORRECTED_COUNT_DETECT_MODE_LIM used_loop_count_lim = CORRECTED_LOOP_COUNT_LIM elif (my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 2 and self.foundPlate) or not self.passedCW: used_count_detect_mode_lim = COUNT_DETECT_MODE_LIM used_loop_count_lim = LOOP_COUNT_LIM elif my_plate_locator.numSavedImages == 3: used_count_detect_mode_lim = LESS_COUNT_DETECT_MODE_LIM used_loop_count_lim = LESS_LOOP_COUNT_LIM else: used_count_detect_mode_lim = LAST_COUNT_DETECT_MODE_LIM used_loop_count_lim = LAST_LOOP_COUNT_LIM if (not self.passedCW and not self.detected_pedestrian) or (self.passedCW and self.foundPlate): if self.thirdCorCount > LAST_PLATE_COUNT_LIM or ( not self.savedImage and self.count_detect_mode > used_count_detect_mode_lim): print("checking for plates") if self.noPlateCount < NO_PLATE_MOVE_ON_LIM or self.foundPlate: self.stopForPlate = True # make it stop IMMEDIATELY, it will be too late if wait until method finishes self.move.linear.x = 0 self.move.angular.z = 0 self.count_detect_mode = 0 try: print("entered try block!") if my_plate_locator.locate_plate( gr_cap, self.count_loop_save): self.savedImage = True self.stopForPlate = False # Resume self.count_loop_save = 0 self.count_loop = 0 else: self.count_loop_save += 1 self.count_detect_mode = used_count_detect_mode_lim + 1 if self.count_loop_save > 1: self.noPlateCount += 1 self.loopcount += 1 except (ValueError, UnboundLocalError, IndexError, AttributeError): print("error caught") self.noPlateCount += 1 self.loopcount += 1 else: print("could not find plate, move on") self.stopForPlate = False self.noPlateCount = 0 self.loopcount = 0 self.count_loop_save = 0 self.count_detect_mode = 0 else: print("not checking for plates") self.stopForPlate = False self.loopcount += 1 self.count_detect_mode += 1 if self.loopcount > used_loop_count_lim: self.savedImage = False self.loopcount = 0 cv2.imshow("robot cap", gr_cap) cv2.waitKey(1)