Example #1
   def __init__(self, gpio_0, gpio_1, callback, bit_timeout=5):

      Instantiate with the gpio for 0 (green wire), the gpio for 1 (white wire),
      the callback function, and the bit timeout in milliseconds which indicates
      the end of a code.

      The callback is passed the code length in bits and the value.

      self.gpio_0 = gpio_0
      self.gpio_1 = gpio_1

      self.callback = callback

      self.bit_timeout = bit_timeout

      self.in_code = False

      pigpio.set_mode(gpio_0, pigpio.INPUT)
      pigpio.set_mode(gpio_1, pigpio.INPUT)

      pigpio.set_pull_up_down(gpio_0, pigpio.PUD_UP)
      pigpio.set_pull_up_down(gpio_1, pigpio.PUD_UP)

      self.cb_0 = pigpio.callback(gpio_0, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, self._cb)
      self.cb_1 = pigpio.callback(gpio_1, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, self._cb)
Example #2
 def start(self):
     pigpio.set_mode(self.GPIO_TRIGGER, pigpio.OUTPUT)
     pigpio.set_mode(self.GPIO_ECHO, pigpio.INPUT)
     pigpio.write(self.GPIO_TRIGGER, 0)
     self.echo_cb = pigpio.callback(
         self.GPIO_ECHO, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, self.on_echo)
     pigpio.set_watchdog(self.GPIO_ECHO, 100)
Example #3
def t2():
    global t2_count

    print("PWM dutycycle/range/frequency tests.")

    pigpio.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 255)
    pigpio.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 0)
    f = pigpio.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO)
    CHECK(2, 1, f, 10, 0, "set PWM range, set/get PWM frequency")

    t2cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, t2cbf)

    pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0)
    time.sleep(0.5)  # allow old notifications to flush
    oc = t2_count
    f = t2_count - oc
    CHECK(2, 2, f, 0, 0, "set PWM dutycycle, callback")

    pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 128)
    oc = t2_count
    f = t2_count - oc
    CHECK(2, 3, f, 40, 5, "set PWM dutycycle, callback")

    pigpio.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 100)
    f = pigpio.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO)
    CHECK(2, 4, f, 100, 0, "set/get PWM frequency")

    oc = t2_count
    f = t2_count - oc
    CHECK(2, 5, f, 400, 1, "callback")

    pigpio.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 1000)
    f = pigpio.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO)
    CHECK(2, 6, f, 1000, 0, "set/get PWM frequency")

    oc = t2_count
    f = t2_count - oc
    CHECK(2, 7, f, 4000, 1, "callback")

    r = pigpio.get_PWM_range(GPIO)
    CHECK(2, 8, r, 255, 0, "get PWM range")

    rr = pigpio.get_PWM_real_range(GPIO)
    CHECK(2, 9, rr, 200, 0, "get PWM real range")

    pigpio.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 2000)
    r = pigpio.get_PWM_range(GPIO)
    CHECK(2, 10, r, 2000, 0, "set/get PWM range")

    rr = pigpio.get_PWM_real_range(GPIO)
    CHECK(2, 11, rr, 200, 0, "get PWM real range")

    pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0)
Example #4
def t2():
   global t2_count

   print("PWM dutycycle/range/frequency tests.")

   pigpio.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 255)
   f = pigpio.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO)
   CHECK(2, 1, f, 10, 0, "set PWM range, set/get PWM frequency")

   t2cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, t2cbf)

   pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0)
   time.sleep(0.5) # allow old notifications to flush
   oc = t2_count
   f = t2_count - oc
   CHECK(2, 2, f, 0, 0, "set PWM dutycycle, callback")

   pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 128)
   oc = t2_count
   f = t2_count - oc
   CHECK(2, 3, f, 40, 5, "set PWM dutycycle, callback")

   f = pigpio.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO)
   CHECK(2, 4, f, 100, 0, "set/get PWM frequency")

   oc = t2_count
   f = t2_count - oc
   CHECK(2, 5, f, 400, 1, "callback")

   f = pigpio.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO)
   CHECK(2, 6, f, 1000, 0, "set/get PWM frequency")

   oc = t2_count
   f = t2_count - oc
   CHECK(2, 7, f, 4000, 1, "callback")

   r = pigpio.get_PWM_range(GPIO)
   CHECK(2, 8, r, 255, 0, "get PWM range")

   rr = pigpio.get_PWM_real_range(GPIO)
   CHECK(2, 9, rr, 200, 0, "get PWM real range")

   pigpio.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 2000)
   r = pigpio.get_PWM_range(GPIO)
   CHECK(2, 10, r, 2000, 0, "set/get PWM range")

   rr = pigpio.get_PWM_real_range(GPIO)
   CHECK(2, 11, rr, 200, 0, "get PWM real range")

   pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0)
Example #5
def t9():
   print("Script store/run/status/stop/delete tests.")

   pigpio.write(GPIO, 0) # need known state

   # 100 loops per second
   # p0 number of loops
   # p1 GPIO
   ldap 0
   ldva 0
   label 0
   w p1 1
   milli 5
   w p1 0
   milli 5
   dcrv 0
   ldav 0
   ldpa 9
   jp 0"""

   t9cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO)

   s = pigpio.store_script(script)
   oc = t9cb.tally()
   pigpio.run_script(s, [99, GPIO])
   c = t9cb.tally() - oc
   CHECK(9, 1, c, 100, 0, "store/run script")

   oc = t9cb.tally()
   pigpio.run_script(s, [200, GPIO])
   while True:
      e, p = pigpio.script_status(s)
      if e != pigpio.PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING:
   c = t9cb.tally() - oc
   CHECK(9, 2, c, 201, 0, "run script/script status")

   oc = t9cb.tally()
   pigpio.run_script(s, [2000, GPIO])
   while True:
      e, p = pigpio.script_status(s)
      if e != pigpio.PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING:
      if p[9] < 1900:
   c = t9cb.tally() - oc
   CHECK(9, 3, c, 110, 10, "run/stop script/script status")

   e = pigpio.delete_script(s)
   CHECK(9, 4, e, 0, 0, "delete script")
Example #6
def t9():
    print("Script store/run/status/stop/delete tests.")

    pigpio.write(GPIO, 0)  # need known state

    # 100 loops per second
    # p0 number of loops
    # p1 GPIO
    script = """
   lda p0
   sta v0
   tag 0
   w p1 1
   mils 5
   w p1 0
   mils 5
   dcr v0
   lda v0
   sta p9
   jp 0"""

    t9cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO)

    s = pigpio.store_script(script)
    oc = t9cb.tally()
    pigpio.run_script(s, [99, GPIO])
    c = t9cb.tally() - oc
    CHECK(9, 1, c, 100, 0, "store/run script")

    oc = t9cb.tally()
    pigpio.run_script(s, [200, GPIO])
    while True:
        e, p = pigpio.script_status(s)
        if e != pigpio.PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING:
    c = t9cb.tally() - oc
    CHECK(9, 2, c, 201, 0, "run script/script status")

    oc = t9cb.tally()
    pigpio.run_script(s, [2000, GPIO])
    while True:
        e, p = pigpio.script_status(s)
        if e != pigpio.PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING:
        if p[9] < 1900:
    c = t9cb.tally() - oc
    CHECK(9, 3, c, 110, 10, "run/stop script/script status")

    e = pigpio.delete_script(s)
    CHECK(9, 4, e, 0, 0, "delete script")
Example #7
    def __init__(self, gpio, callback, timeout=5):
      Initialises an IR remote hasher on a gpio.  A gap of timeout
      milliseconds indicates the end of the remote key press.

        self.gpio = gpio
        self.code_timeout = timeout
        self.callback = callback

        self.in_code = False

        pigpio.set_mode(gpio, pigpio.INPUT)

        self.cb = pigpio.callback(gpio, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, self._cb)
Example #8
def t3():
   global t3_reset, t3_count, t3_on, t3_off

   pw=[500.0, 1500.0, 2500.0]
   dc=[0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]

   print("PWM/Servo pulse accuracy tests.")

   t3cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, t3cbf)

   t = 0
   for x in pw:
      t += 1
      pigpio.set_servo_pulsewidth(GPIO, x)
      t3_reset = True
      c = t3_count
      on = t3_on
      off = t3_off
      CHECK(3, t, int((1E3*(on+off))/on), int(2E7/x), 1, "set servo pulsewidth")

   pigpio.set_servo_pulsewidth(GPIO, 0)
   pigpio.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 1000)
   f = pigpio.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO)
   CHECK(3, 4, f, 1000, 0, "set/get PWM frequency")

   rr = pigpio.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 100)
   CHECK(3, 5, rr, 200, 0, "set PWM range")

   t = 5
   for x in dc:
      t += 1
      pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, x*100)
      t3_reset = True
      c = t3_count
      on = t3_on
      off = t3_off
      CHECK(3, t, int((1E3*on)/(on+off)), int(1E3*x), 1, "set PWM dutycycle")

   pigpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0)
Example #9
def t7():
    global t7_count

    print("Watchdog tests.")

    # type of edge shouldn't matter for watchdogs
    t7cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, t7cbf)

    pigpio.set_watchdog(GPIO, 10)  # 10 ms, 100 per second
    oc = t7_count
    c = t7_count - oc
    CHECK(7, 1, c, 200, 1, "set watchdog on count")

    pigpio.set_watchdog(GPIO, 0)  # 0 switches watchdog off
    oc = t7_count
    c = t7_count - oc
    CHECK(7, 2, c, 0, 1, "set watchdog off count")
Example #10
   def __init__(self, trigger, echo):
      The class is instantiated with the gpios connected to
      the trigger and echo pins.
      self._trig = trigger
      self._echo = echo

      self._ping = False
      self._high = None
      self._time = None

      self._trig_mode = pigpio.get_mode(self._trig)
      self._echo_mode = pigpio.get_mode(self._echo)

      pigpio.set_mode(self._trig, pigpio.OUTPUT)
      pigpio.set_mode(self._echo, pigpio.INPUT)

      self._cb = pigpio.callback(self._echo, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, self._cbf)

      self._inited = True
Example #11
def t7():
   global t7_count

   print("Watchdog tests.")

   # type of edge shouldn't matter for watchdogs
   t7cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, t7cbf)

   pigpio.set_watchdog(GPIO, 10) # 10 ms, 100 per second
   oc = t7_count
   c = t7_count - oc
   CHECK(7, 1, c, 200, 1, "set watchdog on count")

   pigpio.set_watchdog(GPIO, 0) # 0 switches watchdog off
   oc = t7_count
   c = t7_count - oc
   CHECK(7, 2, c, 0, 1, "set watchdog off count")
Example #12
def t6():
    global t6_count, t6_on

    print("Trigger tests.")

    pigpio.write(GPIO, pigpio.LOW)

    tp = 0

    t6cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, t6cbf)

    for t in range(5):
        p = 10 + (t * 10)
        tp += p
        pigpio.gpio_trigger(GPIO, p, 1)


    CHECK(6, 1, t6_count, 5, 0, "gpio trigger count")

    CHECK(6, 2, t6_on, tp, 25, "gpio trigger pulse length")
Example #13
def t6():
   global t6_count, t6_on

   print("Trigger tests.")

   pigpio.write(GPIO, pigpio.LOW)

   tp = 0

   t6cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, t6cbf)

   for t in range(10):
      p = 10 + (t*10)
      tp += p;
      pigpio.gpio_trigger(4, p, 1)


   CHECK(6, 1, t6_count, 10, 0, "gpio trigger count")

   CHECK(6, 2, t6_on, tp, 25, "gpio trigger pulse length")
Example #14
   def __init__(self, gpio):
      Instantiate with the gpio to which the DHT22 output pin is connected.

      self.gpio = gpio

      self.bad_CS = 0 # checksum
      self.bad_TO = 0 # time-out

      self.accumulating = False

      self.rhum = -999
      self.temp = -999

      self.tov = None

      self.tick = 0

      pigpio.set_mode(gpio, pigpio.INPUT)

      pigpio.set_pull_up_down(gpio, pigpio.PUD_OFF)

      self.cb = pigpio.callback(gpio, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, self._cb)
Example #15
def t5():
    global t5_count

    BAUD = 4800

    TEXT = """
Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;
And now, instead of mounting barded steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.

    print("Waveforms & serial read/write tests.")

    t5cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, t5cbf)

    pigpio.set_mode(GPIO, pigpio.OUTPUT)

    e = pigpio.wave_clear()
    CHECK(5, 1, e, 0, 0, "callback, set mode, wave clear")

    wf = []

    wf.append(pigpio.pulse(1 << GPIO, 0, 10000))
    wf.append(pigpio.pulse(0, 1 << GPIO, 30000))
    wf.append(pigpio.pulse(1 << GPIO, 0, 60000))
    wf.append(pigpio.pulse(0, 1 << GPIO, 100000))

    e = pigpio.wave_add_generic(wf)
    CHECK(5, 2, e, 4, 0, "pulse, wave add generic")

    e = pigpio.wave_tx_repeat()
    CHECK(5, 3, e, 9, 0, "wave tx repeat")

    oc = t5_count
    c = t5_count - oc
    CHECK(5, 4, c, 50, 1, "callback")

    e = pigpio.wave_tx_stop()
    CHECK(5, 5, e, 0, 0, "wave tx stop")

    e = pigpio.serial_read_open(GPIO, BAUD)
    CHECK(5, 6, e, 0, 0, "serial read open")

    e = pigpio.wave_add_serial(GPIO, BAUD, 5000000, TEXT)
    CHECK(5, 7, e, 3405, 0, "wave clear, wave add serial")

    e = pigpio.wave_tx_start()
    CHECK(5, 8, e, 6811, 0, "wave tx start")

    oc = t5_count
    c = t5_count - oc
    CHECK(5, 9, c, 0, 0, "callback")

    oc = t5_count
    while pigpio.wave_tx_busy():
    c = t5_count - oc
    CHECK(5, 10, c, 1702, 0, "wave tx busy, callback")

    c, text = pigpio.serial_read(GPIO)
    CHECK(5, 11, TEXT == text, True, 0, "wave tx busy, serial read")

    e = pigpio.serial_read_close(GPIO)
    CHECK(5, 12, e, 0, 0, "serial read close")

    c = pigpio.wave_get_micros()
    CHECK(5, 13, c, 6158704, 0, "wave get micros")

    CHECK(5, 14, 0, 0, 0, "NOT APPLICABLE")

    c = pigpio.wave_get_max_micros()
    CHECK(5, 15, c, 1800000000, 0, "wave get max micros")

    c = pigpio.wave_get_pulses()
    CHECK(5, 16, c, 3405, 0, "wave get pulses")

    CHECK(5, 17, 0, 0, 0, "NOT APPLICABLE")

    c = pigpio.wave_get_max_pulses()
    CHECK(5, 18, c, 12000, 0, "wave get max pulses")

    c = pigpio.wave_get_cbs()
    CHECK(5, 19, c, 6810, 0, "wave get cbs")

    CHECK(5, 20, 0, 0, 0, "NOT APPLICABLE")

    c = pigpio.wave_get_max_cbs()
    CHECK(5, 21, c, 25016, 0, "wave get max cbs")

    e = pigpio.wave_clear()
    CHECK(5, 22, e, 0, 0, "wave clear")

    e = pigpio.wave_add_generic(wf)
    CHECK(5, 23, e, 4, 0, "pulse, wave add generic")

    w1 = pigpio.wave_create()
    CHECK(5, 24, w1, 0, 0, "wave create")

    e = pigpio.wave_send_repeat(w1)
    CHECK(5, 25, e, 9, 0, "wave send repeat")

    oc = t5_count
    c = t5_count - oc
    CHECK(5, 26, c, 50, 1, "callback")

    e = pigpio.wave_tx_stop()
    CHECK(5, 27, e, 0, 0, "wave tx stop")

    e = pigpio.wave_add_serial(GPIO, BAUD, 5000000, TEXT)
    CHECK(5, 28, e, 3405, 0, "wave add serial")

    w2 = pigpio.wave_create()
    CHECK(5, 29, w2, 1, 0, "wave create")

    e = pigpio.wave_send_once(w2)
    CHECK(5, 30, e, 6811, 0, "wave send once")

    oc = t5_count
    c = t5_count - oc
    CHECK(5, 31, c, 0, 0, "callback")

    oc = t5_count
    while pigpio.wave_tx_busy():
    c = t5_count - oc
    CHECK(5, 32, c, 1702, 0, "wave tx busy, callback")

    e = pigpio.wave_delete(0)
    CHECK(5, 33, e, 0, 0, "wave delete")
Example #16
def start_gpio_monitor():
    global gpioCallbackControl
    gpioCallbackControl = pigpio.callback(GPIO_PIN, pigpio.RISING_EDGE,
		if listFull > 0:
			del imageList[0]
		print "List Length = " + str(len(imageList))
	listFull = updateDisplay(imageList, False)

# ########################################################################
# Main Program
# ########################################################################
#Setup the GPIO stuff

pigpio.set_pull_up_down(24, pigpio.PUD_UP)
cb = pigpio.callback(24, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, cbf)

myDirs = readDirs()
print myDirs
if myDirs:
	lastDirectory = len(myDirs)-1 #List is zero-referenced, first directory begins with 1
	lastDirectory = 1

loadFiles(lastDirectory) # This should populate the list of images with something...
listFull = updateDisplay(imageList) #Make sure that the faces are displayed onscreen
print "Length of myDirs is " + str(len(myDirs))
#create a directory for this run's worth of files
currentDir = os.path.join(imageRoot, 'imagesFolder/', str(len(myDirs)+1))
print currentDir
if not os.path.isdir(currentDir):
Example #18
import time

tick0 = None
tick1 = None

def mycallback(gpio, level, tick):
    global tick0, tick1

    if level == 0:
        tick0 = tick
        if tick1 is not None:
            diff = pigpio.tickDiff(tick1, tick)
            print "high for " + str(diff) + " microseconds"

        tick1 = tick
        if tick0 is not None:
            diff = pigpio.tickDiff(tick0, tick)
            print "low for " + str(diff) + " microseconds"


cb = pigpio.callback(4, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, mycallback)


cb.cancel()  # cancel callback

Example #19


stdscr = curses.initscr()


cb = []

for g in range(GPIOS):
    cb.append(pigpio.callback(g, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE))

# disable gpio 28 as the PCM clock is swamping the system



stdscr.addstr(0, 23, "Status of gpios 0-31", curses.A_REVERSE)

while True:

    for g in range(GPIOS):
        tally = cb[g].tally()
        mode = pigpio.get_mode(g)
Example #20
            del imageList[0]
        print "List Length = " + str(len(imageList))
    listFull = updateDisplay(imageList, False)

# ########################################################################
# Main Program
# ########################################################################
#Setup the GPIO stuff

pigpio.set_pull_up_down(24, pigpio.PUD_UP)
cb = pigpio.callback(24, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, cbf)

myDirs = readDirs()
print myDirs
if myDirs:
    lastDirectory = len(
        myDirs) - 1  #List is zero-referenced, first directory begins with 1
    lastDirectory = 1

    lastDirectory)  # This should populate the list of images with something...
listFull = updateDisplay(
    imageList)  #Make sure that the faces are displayed onscreen
print "Length of myDirs is " + str(len(myDirs))
#create a directory for this run's worth of files
Example #21
def t5():
   global t5_count


Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;
And now, instead of mounting barded steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.

   print("Waveforms & serial read/write tests.")

   t5cb = pigpio.callback(GPIO, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, t5cbf)

   pigpio.set_mode(GPIO, pigpio.OUTPUT)

   e = pigpio.wave_clear()
   CHECK(5, 1, e, 0, 0, "callback, set mode, wave clear")

   wf = []

   wf.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<GPIO, 0,  10000))
   wf.append(pigpio.pulse(0, 1<<GPIO,  30000))
   wf.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<GPIO, 0,  60000))
   wf.append(pigpio.pulse(0, 1<<GPIO, 100000))

   e = pigpio.wave_add_generic(wf)
   CHECK(5, 2, e, 4, 0, "pulse, wave add generic")

   e = pigpio.wave_tx_repeat()
   CHECK(5, 3, e, 9, 0, "wave tx repeat")

   oc = t5_count
   c = t5_count - oc
   CHECK(5, 4, c, 50, 1, "callback")

   e = pigpio.wave_tx_stop()
   CHECK(5, 5, e, 0, 0, "wave tx stop")

   e = pigpio.serial_read_open(GPIO, BAUD)
   CHECK(5, 6, e, 0, 0, "serial read open")

   e = pigpio.wave_add_serial(GPIO, BAUD, 5000000, TEXT)
   CHECK(5, 7, e, 3405, 0, "wave clear, wave add serial")

   e = pigpio.wave_tx_start()
   CHECK(5, 8, e, 6811, 0, "wave tx start")

   oc = t5_count
   c = t5_count - oc
   CHECK(5, 9, c, 0, 0, "callback")

   oc = t5_count
   while pigpio.wave_tx_busy():
   c = t5_count - oc
   CHECK(5, 10, c, 1702, 0, "wave tx busy, callback")

   c, text = pigpio.serial_read(GPIO)
   CHECK(5, 11, TEXT == text, True, 0, "wave tx busy, serial read");

   e = pigpio.serial_read_close(GPIO)
   CHECK(5, 12, e, 0, 0, "serial read close")

   c = pigpio.wave_get_micros()
   CHECK(5, 13, c, 6158704, 0, "wave get micros")

   CHECK(5, 14, 0, 0, 0, "NOT APPLICABLE")

   c = pigpio.wave_get_max_micros()
   CHECK(5, 15, c, 1800000000, 0, "wave get max micros")

   c = pigpio.wave_get_pulses()
   CHECK(5, 16, c, 3405, 0, "wave get pulses")

   CHECK(5, 17, 0, 0, 0, "NOT APPLICABLE")

   c = pigpio.wave_get_max_pulses()
   CHECK(5, 18, c, 12000, 0, "wave get max pulses")

   c = pigpio.wave_get_cbs()
   CHECK(5, 19, c, 6810, 0, "wave get cbs")

   CHECK(5, 20, 0, 0, 0, "NOT APPLICABLE")

   c = pigpio.wave_get_max_cbs()
   CHECK(5, 21, c, 25016, 0, "wave get max cbs")