Example #1
    def rpc(self, method, callback=None, acceptable_replies=[]):
        Shortcut wrapper to the Connection's rpc command using its callback
        stack, passing in our channel number
        # Make sure the channel is open

        # If we're blocking, add subsequent commands to our stack
        if self.blocking:
            log.debug('%s: %s is blocking this channel',
                          self.__class__.__name__, self.blocking)

            self._blocked.append([method, callback, acceptable_replies])

        # If this is a synchronous method, block connections until we're done
        if method.synchronous:
            log.debug('%s: %s turning on blocking',
                          self.__class__.__name__, method.NAME)
            self.blocking = method.NAME

        for reply in acceptable_replies:
            self.callbacks.add(self.channel_number, reply,
            if callback:
                self.callbacks.add(self.channel_number, reply, callback)

Example #2
 def _close_connection(self):
     """Close the connection with the AMQP Connection-Forced value."""
     duration = self._missed * self._interval
     log.debug('heartbeat: %s - close connection; missed %s' 
               % (self, duration))
                            HeartbeatChecker._STALE_CONNECTION % duration)
Example #3
    def process(self, prefix, key, caller, *args, **keywords):
        Run through and process all the callbacks for the specified keys.
        Caller should be specified at all times so that callbacks which
        require a specific function to call CallbackManager.process will
        not be processed.
        # Lets not use objects, since we could have module class/obj
        key = self.sanitize(key)

        # Make sure we have a callback for this event
        if prefix not in self._callbacks or key not in self._callbacks[prefix]:
            return None

        callbacks = list()
        one_shot_remove = list()

        # Loop through callbacks that want all prefixes and what we asked for
        for callback in self._callbacks[prefix][key]:
            if 'only' not in callback or callback['only'] == caller.__class__:

                # If it's a one shot callback, add it to a list for removal
                if callback['one_shot']:
                    one_shot_remove.append([prefix, key, callback])

        # Remove the one shot callbacks that were called
        for prefix, key, callback in one_shot_remove:
            self.remove(prefix, key, callback)

        # Prevent recursion
        for callback in callbacks:
            log.debug('CallbackManager: Calling %s for "%s:%s"' % \
                          (callback, prefix, key))
            callback(*args, **keywords)
Example #4
    def send_and_check(self):
        """Invoked by a timer to send a heartbeat when we need to, check to see
        if we've missed any heartbeats and disconnect our connection if it's
        been idle too long.

        log.debug('send_and_check: heartbeat: %s -s old bytes sent: %s and received: %s'
                  % (self, self._sent, self._received))
        # If too many heartbeats have been missed, close & reset the connection
        if self._too_many_missed_heartbeats():
            log.debug('heartbeat: %s - missed too many heartbeats; close connection' 
                      % self)

        # If there have been no bytes received since the last check
        if self._should_send_heartbeat_frame():
            log.debug('heartbeat: %s - send heartbeat frame' % self)
            log.debug('heartbeat: %s - no heartbeat to send' % self)

        # Update the byte counts for the next check
        log.debug('heartbeat: %s - updated byte counts: sent: %s; received: %s' 
                  % (self, self._sent, self._received))

        # Update the timer to fire again
Example #5
	def derive(self, name, mtype, value, ts=None):
		ts_now = time()
		cache = ft.partial(self._cache, 'counters', ts=ts_now)
		ts = ts or ts_now
		if mtype == 'counter':
			try: v0, ts0, _ = cache(name)
			except KeyError:
				self.log.debug('Initializing bucket for new counter: {}'.format(name))
				cache(name, (value, ts))
				raise self.IgnoreValue(name)
			value = float(value - v0) / (ts - ts0)
			cache(name, (value, ts))
			if value < 0:
				self.log.debug( 'Detected counter overflow'
					' (negative delta): {}, {} -> {}'.format(name, v0, value) )
				raise self.IgnoreValue(name)
		elif mtype == 'gauge': value = value
		elif mtype == 'timestamp':
			try: ts = cache(name)
			except KeyError: ts = None
			if ts == value:
				log.debug( 'Ignoring duplicate'
					' timestamp value for {}: {}'.format(name, value) )
				raise self.IgnoreValue(name)
			value, ts = 1, cache(name, value)
		else: raise TypeError('Unknown type: {}'.format(mtype))
		return value, ts
Example #6
    def _handle_error(self, error):
        Internal error handling method. Here we expect a socket.error coming in
        and will handle different socket errors differently.
        # Handle version differences in Python
        if hasattr(error, 'errno'):  # Python >= 2.6
            error_code = errno.errorcode[error.errno]
        elif error:
            error_code = error[0]  # Python <= 2.5

        # Ok errors, just continue what we were doing before
        if error_code in ERRORS_TO_IGNORE:
            log.debug("Ignoring %s", error_code)
            return None

        # Socket is closed, so lets just go to our handle_close method
        elif error_code == errno.EBADF:
            log.error("%s: Socket is closed", self.__class__.__name__)

        elif self.parameters.ssl and isinstance(error, ssl.SSLError):
            # Haven't run into this one yet, log it.
            log.error("%s: Socket Error on fd %d: %s",

        log.debug("Not handled?")
        # Disconnect from our IOLoop and let Connection know what's up
Example #7
    def _setup_timer(self):
        """Use the connection objects delayed_call function which is
        implemented by the Adapter for calling the check_heartbeats function
        every interval seconds.

        log.debug('heartbeat: %s - add heartbeat timeout' % self)
        self._connection.add_timeout(self._interval, self.send_and_check)
Example #8
    def poll(self):

        # Poll until TIMEOUT waiting for an event
        events = self._poll.poll(int(SelectPoller.TIMEOUT * 1000))

        # If we didn't timeout pass the event to the handler
        if events:
            log.debug("%s: Calling %s", self.__class__.__name__, self._handler)
            self._handler(events[0][0], events[0][1])
Example #9
 def _flush_outbound(self):
         self._socket_timeouts = 0
     except socket.timeout:
         self._socket_timeouts += 1
         log.debug('_flush_outbound: write socket.timeout number: %s' % self._socket_timeouts)
         if self._socket_timeouts > SOCKET_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD:
Example #10
    def process_timeouts(self):
        Process our self._timeouts event stack.
        # Process our timeout events
        keys = self._timeouts.keys()

        start_time = time.time()
        for timeout_id in keys:
            if timeout_id in self._timeouts and self._timeouts[timeout_id]["deadline"] <= start_time:
                log.debug("%s: Timeout calling %s", self.__class__.__name__, self._timeouts[timeout_id]["handler"])
Example #11
 def add_timeout(self, deadline, callback):
     Add a timeout to the stack by deadline as offset.
     t = time.time()
     timeout_id = '%.8f' % t
     dl = t + deadline
     log.debug('add timeout: time: %s; deadline: %s; and callback: %s' 
               % (t, dl, callback))
     self._timeouts[timeout_id] = {'deadline': dl,
                                   'handler': callback}
     return timeout_id
Example #12
    def process_timeouts(self):
        Process our self._timeouts event stack.
        # Process our timeout events
        keys = self._timeouts.keys()

        start_time = time.time()
        for timeout_id in keys:
            if timeout_id in self._timeouts and \
                self._timeouts[timeout_id]['deadline'] <= start_time:
                log.debug('%s: Timeout calling %s', self.__class__.__name__,
Example #13
    def _do_ssl_handshake(self):
        Copied from python stdlib test_ssl.py.

        except ssl.SSLError, err:
            if err.args[0] in (ssl.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, ssl.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE):
            elif err.args[0] == ssl.SSL_ERROR_EOF:
                return self._handle_disconnect()
Example #14
    def _do_ssl_handshake(self):
        Copied from python stdlib test_ssl.py.

        except ssl.SSLError, err:
            if err.args[0] in (ssl.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ,
            elif err.args[0] == ssl.SSL_ERROR_EOF:
                return self._handle_disconnect()
Example #15
    def process_timeouts(self):
        Process our self._timeouts event stack
        # Process our timeout events
        keys = self._timeouts.keys()

        start_time = time.time()
        for timeout_id in keys:
            if timeout_id in self._timeouts and \
                self._timeouts[timeout_id]['deadline'] <= start_time:
                log.debug('%s: Timeout calling %s',
Example #16
	def fetch_from_src(source):
			with Timeout(to_break),\
						socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )) as sock:
				log.debug('Fetching from source: {}'.format(source))
				buff = bytes()
				while True:
					chunk = sock.recv(1*2**20)
					if not chunk: return buff
					buff += chunk
		except (Timeout, socket.error) as err:
			log.debug('Connection to source {} failed ({err})'.format(source, err=err))
			return DataPollError # indicates failure
Example #17
    def _missed_heartbeat_responses(self):
        """Check to see if the received byte count matches the connection
        object received byte count. If the bytes are equal, there has not been
        a heartbeat sent since the last check.

        log.debug('heartbeat: %s - check missed heartbeat: old received: %s, received: %s'
                  % (self, self._received, self._connection_bytes_received()))
        if self._received == self._connection_bytes_received():
            self._missed += 1
            # The server has said something. Reset our count.
            self._missed = 0

        # Return the missed heartbeat response count
        return self._missed
Example #18
    def _handle_error(self, error):
        Internal error handling method. Here we expect a socket.error coming in
        and will handle different socket errors differently.
        # Handle version differences in Python
        if hasattr(error, 'errno'):  # Python >= 2.6
            error_code = error.errno
        elif error is not None:
            error_code = error[0]  # Python <= 2.5
            # This shouldn't happen, but log it in case it does
            log.error("%s: Tried to handle an error where no error existed",
            # Cannot continue as error_code is not set

        # Ok errors, just continue what we were doing before
        if error_code in ERRORS_TO_IGNORE:
            log.debug("Ignoring %s", error_code)
            return None

        # Socket is closed, so lets just go to our handle_close method
        elif error_code in (errno.EBADF, errno.ECONNABORTED):
            log.error("%s: Socket is closed",

        elif self.parameters.ssl and isinstance(error, ssl.SSLError):
            # SSL socket operation needs to be retried
            if error_code in (ssl.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ,
                return None
                log.error("%s: SSL Socket error on fd %d: %s",
            # Haven't run into this one yet, log it.
            log.error("%s: Socket Error on fd %d: %s",

        # Disconnect from our IOLoop and let Connection know what's up
        return None
Example #19
    def _handle_error(self, error):
        Internal error handling method. Here we expect a socket.error coming in
        and will handle different socket errors differently.
        # Handle version differences in Python
        if hasattr(error, 'errno'):  # Python >= 2.6
            error_code = error.errno
        elif error is not None:
            error_code = error[0]  # Python <= 2.5
            # This shouldn't happen, but log it in case it does
            log.error("%s: Tried to handle an error where no error existed",

        # Ok errors, just continue what we were doing before
        if error_code in ERRORS_TO_IGNORE:
            log.debug("Ignoring %s", error_code)
            return None

        # Socket is closed, so lets just go to our handle_close method
        elif error_code in (errno.EBADF, errno.ECONNABORTED):
            log.error("%s: Socket is closed",

        elif self.parameters.ssl and isinstance(error, ssl.SSLError):
            # SSL socket operation needs to be retried
            if error_code in (ssl.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ,
                return None
                log.error("%s: SSL Socket error on fd %d: %s",
            # Haven't run into this one yet, log it.
            log.error("%s: Socket Error on fd %d: %s",

        # Disconnect from our IOLoop and let Connection know what's up
        return None
Example #20
    def __init__(self, connection, interval):
        """Create a heartbeat on connection sending a heartbeat frame every
        interval seconds.

        :param pika.connection.Connection: Connection object
        :param int interval: Heartbeat check interval

        # We need to reference our connection object to close a connection
        self._connection = connection
        self._interval = interval

        # Initialize counters
        self._missed = 0
        self._received = 0
        self._sent = 0

        log.debug('heartbeat: %s - with interval: %s' % (self, self._interval))

        # Setup the timer to fire in _interval seconds
Example #21
    def process_data_events(self):
        # Make sure we're open, if not raise the exception
        if not self.is_open and not self.is_closing:
            raise AMQPConnectionError

        # Read data
            self._socket_timeouts = 0
        except socket.timeout:
            self._socket_timeouts += 1
            log.debug('process_data_events: read socket.timeout number: %s' % self._socket_timeouts)
            if self._socket_timeouts > SOCKET_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD:

        # Process our timeout events

        # Write our data
Example #22
    def add(self, prefix, key, callback, one_shot=True, only_caller=None):
        Add a callback to the stack for the specified key. If the call is
        specified as one_shot, it will be removed after being fired

        The prefix is usually the channel number but the class is generic
        and prefix and key may be any value. If you pass in only_caller
        CallbackManager will restrict processing of the callback to only
        the calling function/object that you specify.
        # Lets not use objects, since we could have object/class issues
        key = self.sanitize(key)

        # Make sure we've seen the prefix before
        if prefix not in self._callbacks:
            self._callbacks[prefix] = dict()

        # If we don't have the key in our callbacks, add it
        if key not in self._callbacks[prefix]:
            self._callbacks[prefix][key] = list()

        # Our callback info we need elsewhere in the class
        callback_dict = {'handle': callback, 'one_shot': one_shot}
        if only_caller:
            callback_dict['only'] = only_caller

        # If we passed in that we do not want duplicates, check and keep us
        # from adding it a second time
        if callback_dict in self._callbacks[prefix][key]:
            log.warning('%s.add: Duplicate callback found for "%s:%s"',
                            self.__class__.__name__, prefix, key)

        # Append the callback to our key list
        log.debug('%s: Added "%s:%s" with callback: %s',
                      self.__class__.__name__, prefix, key, callback)
        return prefix, key
Example #23
        def handler(body_frame):
            # Make sure it's a body frame
            if not isinstance(body_frame, Body):
                raise exceptions.UnexpectedFrameError(body_frame)

            # Increment our counter so we know when we've had enough
            seen_so_far[0] += len(body_frame.fragment)

            # Append the fragment to our list

            # Did we get enough bytes? If so finish
            if seen_so_far[0] == header_frame.body_size:
            elif seen_so_far[0] < header_frame.body_size:
                log.debug("Received message Body frame, %i of %i bytes of \
message body received.",
                          seen_so_far[0], header_frame.body_size)
            # Did we get too many bytes?
            elif seen_so_far[0] > header_frame.body_size:
                error = 'Received %i and only expected %i' % \
                        (seen_so_far[0], header_frame.body_size)
                raise exceptions.BodyTooLongError(error)
Example #24
File: frame.py Project: Kozea/pika
        def handler(body_frame):
            # Make sure it's a body frame
            if not isinstance(body_frame, Body):
                raise exceptions.UnexpectedFrameError(body_frame)

            # Increment our counter so we know when we've had enough
            seen_so_far[0] += len(body_frame.fragment)

            # Append the fragment to our list

            # Did we get enough bytes? If so finish
            if seen_so_far[0] == header_frame.body_size:
            elif seen_so_far[0] < header_frame.body_size:
                log.debug("Received message Body frame, %i of %i bytes of \
message body received.",
                          seen_so_far[0], header_frame.body_size)
            # Did we get too many bytes?
            elif seen_so_far[0] > header_frame.body_size:
                error = 'Received %i and only expected %i' % \
                        (seen_so_far[0], header_frame.body_size)
                raise exceptions.BodyTooLongError(error)
Example #25
        if self.parameters.ssl and self._ssl_connecting:
            return self._do_ssl_handshake()
            if self.parameters.ssl and self.socket.pending():
                data = self.socket.read(self._suggested_buffer_size)
                data = self.socket.recv(self._suggested_buffer_size)
        except socket.timeout:
        except socket.error, error:
            return self._handle_error(error)

        # We received no data, so disconnect
        if not data:
            log.debug('Calling disconnect')
            return self._adapter_disconnect()

        # Pass the data into our top level frame dispatching method

    def _handle_write(self):
        We only get here when we have data to write, so try and send
        Pika's suggested buffer size of data (be nice to Windows).
        if self.parameters.ssl and self._ssl_connecting:
            return self._do_ssl_handshake()

        if not self.write_buffer:
            self.write_buffer = \
Example #26
 def __init__(self, parameters=None, reconnection_strategy=None):
     BaseConnection.__init__(self, parameters, None, reconnection_strategy)
     for h in log.logger.handlers:
         log.debug('pika handlers: %s' % h)
Example #27
    def remove(self, prefix, key, callback=None):
        Remove a callback from the stack by prefix, key and optionally
        the callback itself. If you only pass in prefix and key, all
        callbacks for that prefix and key will be removed.
        # Cast our key to a string so we don't get any weirdness
        # Lets not use objects, since we could have module class/obj
        key = self.sanitize(key)

        if prefix in self._callbacks and key in self._callbacks[prefix]:

            if callback:
                # Remove the callback from the _callbacks dict
                if callback in self._callbacks[prefix][key]:
                    log.debug('%s: Removed %s for "%s:%s"',
                                  self.__class__.__name__, callback,
                                  prefix, key)

                # Remove the list from the dict if it's empty
                if not self._callbacks[prefix][key]:
                    log.debug('%s: Removed empty key "%s:%s"',
                                  self.__class__.__name__, prefix, key)

                # Remove the prefix if it's empty
                if not self._callbacks[prefix]:
                    log.debug('%s: Removed empty prefix "%s"',
                                  self.__class__.__name__, prefix)
                return True
                # Remove the list from the dict if it's empty
                log.debug('%s: Removed key "%s:%s"',
                              self.__class__.__name__, prefix, key)

                # Remove the prefix if it's empty
                if not self._callbacks[prefix]:
                    log.debug('%s: Removed empty prefix "%s"',
                                  self.__class__.__name__, prefix)

            # If we just passed in a prefix for a key
            if prefix in self._callbacks and key in self._callbacks[prefix]:
                log.debug('%s: Removed all callbacks for "%s:%s"',
                              self.__class__.__name__, prefix, key)
            return True

        # Prefix, Key or Callback could not be found
        return False
Example #28
        if self.parameters.ssl and self._ssl_connecting:
            return self._do_ssl_handshake()
            if self.parameters.ssl and self.socket.pending():
                data = self.socket.read(self._suggested_buffer_size)
                data = self.socket.recv(self._suggested_buffer_size)
        except socket.timeout:
        except socket.error, error:
            return self._handle_error(error)

        # We received no data, so disconnect
        if not data:
            log.debug('Calling disconnect')
            return self._adapter_disconnect()

        # Pass the data into our top level frame dispatching method

    def _handle_write(self):
        We only get here when we have data to write, so try and send
        Pika's suggested buffer size of data (be nice to Windows).
        if self.parameters.ssl and self._ssl_connecting:
            return self._do_ssl_handshake()

        if not self.write_buffer:
            self.write_buffer = \
Example #29
def decode_frame(data_in):
    Receives raw socket data and attempts to turn it into a frame.
    Returns bytes used to make the frame and the frame
    # Look to see if it's a protocol header frame
        if data_in[0:4] == 'AMQP':
            major, minor, revision = struct.unpack_from('BBB', data_in, 5)
            return 8, ProtocolHeader(major, minor, revision)
    except IndexError:
        # We didn't get a full frame
        return 0, None
    except struct.error:
        # We didn't get a full frame
        return 0, None

    # Get the Frame Type, Channel Number and Frame Size
        frame_type, channel_number, frame_size = \
            struct.unpack('>BHL', data_in[0:7])
    except struct.error:
        # We didn't get a full frame
        return 0, None

    # Get the frame data
    frame_end = spec.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE +\
                frame_size +\

    # We don't have all of the frame yet
    if frame_end > len(data_in):
        return 0, None

    # The Frame termination chr is wrong
    if data_in[frame_end - 1] != chr(spec.FRAME_END):
        raise exceptions.InvalidFrameError("Invalid FRAME_END marker")

    # Get the raw frame data
    frame_data = data_in[spec.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE:frame_end - 1]

    if frame_type == spec.FRAME_METHOD:

        # Get the Method ID from the frame data
        method_id = struct.unpack_from('>I', frame_data)[0]

        # Get a Method object for this method_id
        method = spec.methods[method_id]()

        # Decode the content
        method.decode(frame_data, 4)

        # Return the amount of data consumed and the Method object
        return frame_end, Method(channel_number, method)

    elif frame_type == spec.FRAME_HEADER:

        # Return the header class and body size
        class_id, weight, body_size = struct.unpack_from('>HHQ', frame_data)

        # Get the Properties type
        properties = spec.props[class_id]()

        log.debug("<%r>", properties)

        # Decode the properties
        out = properties.decode(frame_data[12:])

        log.debug("<%r>", out)

        # Return a Header frame
        return frame_end, Header(channel_number, body_size, properties)

    elif frame_type == spec.FRAME_BODY:

        # Return the amount of data consumed and the Body frame w/ data
        return frame_end, Body(channel_number, frame_data)

    elif frame_type == spec.FRAME_HEARTBEAT:

        # Return the amount of data and a Heartbeat frame
        return frame_end, Heartbeat()

    raise exceptions.InvalidFrameError("Unknown frame type: %i" % frame_type)
Example #30
def decode_frame(data_in):
    Receives raw socket data and attempts to turn it into a frame.
    Returns bytes used to make the frame and the frame
    # Look to see if it's a protocol header frame
        if data_in[0:4] == 'AMQP':
            major, minor, revision = struct.unpack_from('BBB', data_in, 5)
            return 8, ProtocolHeader(major, minor, revision)
    except IndexError:
        # We didn't get a full frame
        return 0, None
    except struct.error:
        # We didn't get a full frame
        return 0, None

    # Get the Frame Type, Channel Number and Frame Size
        frame_type, channel_number, frame_size = \
            struct.unpack('>BHL', data_in[0:7])
    except struct.error:
        # We didn't get a full frame
        return 0, None

    # Get the frame data
    frame_end = spec.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE +\
                frame_size +\

    # We don't have all of the frame yet
    if frame_end > len(data_in):
        return 0, None

    # The Frame termination chr is wrong
    if data_in[frame_end - 1] != chr(spec.FRAME_END):
        raise exceptions.InvalidFrameError("Invalid FRAME_END marker")

    # Get the raw frame data
    frame_data = data_in[spec.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE:frame_end - 1]

    if frame_type == spec.FRAME_METHOD:

        # Get the Method ID from the frame data
        method_id = struct.unpack_from('>I', frame_data)[0]

        # Get a Method object for this method_id
        method = spec.methods[method_id]()

        # Decode the content
        method.decode(frame_data, 4)

        # Return the amount of data consumed and the Method object
        return frame_end, Method(channel_number, method)

    elif frame_type == spec.FRAME_HEADER:

        # Return the header class and body size
        class_id, weight, body_size = struct.unpack_from('>HHQ', frame_data)

        # Get the Properties type
        properties = spec.props[class_id]()

        log.debug("<%r>", properties)

        # Decode the properties
        out = properties.decode(frame_data[12:])

        log.debug("<%r>", out)

        # Return a Header frame
        return frame_end, Header(channel_number, body_size, properties)

    elif frame_type == spec.FRAME_BODY:

        # Return the amount of data consumed and the Body frame w/ data
        return frame_end, Body(channel_number, frame_data)

    elif frame_type == spec.FRAME_HEARTBEAT:

        # Return the amount of data and a Heartbeat frame
        return frame_end, Heartbeat()

    raise exceptions.InvalidFrameError("Unknown frame type: %i" % frame_type)
Example #31
def main():
	global graphite_min_cycle # can be updated

	import argparse
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
		description='Collect various metrics from gmond and dispatch'
			' them graphite-style at regular intervals to amqp (so they can be routed to carbon).')
	parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='append', default=list(),
		help='Additional configuration files to read. Can be specified'
			' multiple times, values from later ones override values in the former.')
	parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Do not actually send data.')
	parser.add_argument('--dump', action='store_true', help='Dump polled data to stdout.')
	parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Verbose operation mode.')
	optz = parser.parse_args()

	cfg = AttrDict.from_yaml('{}.yaml'.format(
		os.path.splitext(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] ), if_exists=True)
	for k in optz.config: cfg.update_yaml(k)
	configure_logging( cfg.logging,
		logging.DEBUG if optz.debug else logging.WARNING )

	optz.dump = optz.dump or cfg.debug.dump_data
	optz.dry_run = optz.dry_run or cfg.debug.dry_run
	graphite_min_cycle = cfg.metrics.interval

	mangler = DataMangler(
		name_aliases=cfg.metrics.name.aliases )

	log = logging.getLogger('gmond_amqp.amqp_link')
	if not cfg.logging.tracebacks: log.exception = log.error
	amqp = AMQPPublisher( host=cfg.net.amqp.host,
		auth=(cfg.net.amqp.user, cfg.net.amqp.password),
		exchange=cfg.net.amqp.exchange, heartbeat=cfg.net.amqp.heartbeat,
		log=log, libc_gethostbyname=gethostbyname\
			if not cfg.net.bypass_libc_gethostbyname else False )

	log = logging.getLogger('gmond_amqp.main_loop')

	ts, data = time(), list()
	self_profiling = cfg.metrics.self_profiling and '{}.gmond_amqp'.format(
		socket.gethostname() if cfg.net.bypass_libc_gethostbyname else gethostname() )
	while True:
		ts_now = time()

		xml = gmond_poll( cfg.net.gmond.hosts,
				if not cfg.net.bypass_libc_gethostbyname else False,
			default_port=cfg.net.gmond.default_port )
		if self_profiling:
			ts_new, ts_prof = time(), ts_now
			val, ts_prof = ts_new - ts_prof, ts_new
			data.append(('{}.poll'.format(self_profiling), ts_now, val, val))

		xml = gmond_xml_process( xml,
			validate_strict=cfg.net.gmond.validate_strict )
		if self_profiling:
			ts_new = time()
			val, ts_prof = ts_new - ts_prof, ts_new
			data.append(('{}.process'.format(self_profiling), ts_now, val, val))

			ft.partial(mangler.process_cluster, ts=ts_now), xml )))
		log.debug('Publishing {} datapoints'.format(len(data)))
		if optz.dump: pprint(data)
		if not optz.dry_run: amqp.publish(data)
		if self_profiling:
			ts_new = time()
			val, ts_prof = ts_new - ts_prof, ts_new
			data = [('{}.publish'.format(self_profiling), ts_now, val, val)]

		while ts <= ts_now: ts += cfg.metrics.interval
		ts_sleep = max(0, ts - time())
		log.debug('Sleep: {}s'.format(ts_sleep))
Example #32
def gmond_poll( sources,
		timeout=graphite_min_cycle, to_escalate=None, to_break=None,
		src_escalate=[1, 1, 2.0], default_port=8649, libc_gethostbyname=gethostname ):
	'''XML with values is fetched from possibly-multiple sources,
			first full dump received is returned.
		sources: iterable of sources to query - either hostname/ip or tuple of (hostname/ip, port)
			# number of sources to query simultaneously in the beginning and add after each to_escalate
			int - how many sources to query after each to_escalate passes,
			float (0-1.0) - percentage of sources,
			or iterable of ints/floats - value to use for each step, last one being used for the rest
		to_escalate: # timeout before starting querying additional sources
			int/float or iterable of these ([1,2,3] would mean "wait 1s, then 2s, then 3s")
		to_break: int/float # timeout to stop waiting for data for one source (break connection)
		timeout: int/float # global timeout
			(not counting libc.gethostbyname for all sources, if used),
			also used to calculate sensible values for to_*, if none specified'''
	log = logging.getLogger('gmond_amqp.poller')

	# Otherwise gevent does it's own (although parallel)
	#  gethostbyname, ignoring libc (ldap, nis, /etc/hosts), which is wrong
	# Obvious downside, is that it's serial - i.e. all hosts will be resolved here and now,
	#  before any actual xml fetching takes place, can be delayed but won't suck any less
	if not libc_gethostbyname: libc_gethostbyname = lambda x: x
	sources = list(
		(libc_gethostbyname(src[0]), int(src[1]) if len(src)>1 else default_port)
		for src in ((src.rsplit(':', 1) if isinstance( src,
			types.StringTypes ) else src) for src in sources) )

	# First calculate number of escalation tiers, then pick proper intervals
	src_escalate = list(reversed( src_escalate
		if isinstance(src_escalate, Iterable) else [src_escalate] ))
	src_slice, src_count = src_escalate.pop(), len(sources)
	src_tiers = list()
	while sources:
		src_tier, sources = sources[:src_slice], sources[src_slice:]
		if src_escalate: src_slice = src_escalate.pop()
		if isinstance(src_slice, float): src_slice = int(src_count / src_slice)

	if to_escalate is None:
		to_escalate = [ 1, # 1s should be enough for everyone!
			((timeout - 1) / 2.0) / ((len(src_tiers) - 1) or 1) ] # so they'll fit in half-timeout
	if not isinstance(to_escalate, Iterable): to_escalate = [to_escalate]
	if to_break is None: to_break = timeout
	src_tiers = zip(it.chain(to_escalate, it.repeat(to_escalate[-1])), src_tiers)
	log.debug('Escalation tiers: {}'.format(src_tiers))

	def fetch_from_src(source):
			with Timeout(to_break),\
						socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )) as sock:
				log.debug('Fetching from source: {}'.format(source))
				buff = bytes()
				while True:
					chunk = sock.recv(1*2**20)
					if not chunk: return buff
					buff += chunk
		except (Timeout, socket.error) as err:
			log.debug('Connection to source {} failed ({err})'.format(source, err=err))
			return DataPollError # indicates failure

	src_tiers = list(reversed(src_tiers))
	queries, result, sentinel = Group(), Queue(), None
		with Timeout(timeout):
			while src_tiers:
				to, src_tier = src_tiers.pop()
				for src in src_tier:
					src = queries.spawn(fetch_from_src, src)
				if sentinel is None or sentinel.ready():
					sentinel = gevent.spawn(queries.join)
					sentinel.link(result.put) # to break/escalate if they all died
					with Timeout(to if src_tiers else None):
						while True:
							res = result.get(block=True).get(block=True, timeout=0)
							if res is None: raise Timeout
							elif res is not DataPollError: return res
				except Timeout: pass
				if src_tiers: log.debug('Escalating to the next tier: {}'.format(src_tiers[-1]))
				else: raise Timeout
	except Timeout: raise DataPollError('No sources could be reached in time')
	finally: queries.kill(block=True)