def test_unique(self): """ Graphs must have unique names in an Environment """ env = pike.Environment() with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') env.add(graph) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): env.add(graph)
def test_lookup_missing(self): """ Lookup if missing returns None """ env = pike.Environment() with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') env.add(graph) env.run_all() ret = env.lookup('foo') self.assertIsNone(ret)
def test_no_change(self): """ If no files change, return no files """ with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') | pike.ChangeListenerNode(stop=False) self.make_files('foo') ret = self.assert_files_equal(ret['default'], ['foo']) ret = self.assert_files_equal(ret['default'], [])
def main(): """ Run graph forever """ env = pike.Environment(watch=True, cache='.pike-cache') with pike.Graph('docs') as graph: builder = DocBuilderNode() pike.glob('doc', '*.rst') | builder pike.glob('pike', '*.py') | builder env.add(graph) env.run_forever(sleep=1)
def test_watch_graph_caches(self): """ Watching a graph will raise StopProcessing if no file changes """ self.make_files(foo='foo', bar='bar') with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') watcher = pike.watch_graph(graph) ret = self.assertEqual(len(ret['default']), 2) with self.assertRaises(pike.StopProcessing):
def test_change_data(self): """ If file data changes, it is passed on """ with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') | pike.ChangeListenerNode() self.make_files(foo='a', bar='b') ret = self.assert_files_equal(ret['default'], ['foo', 'bar']) self.make_files(foo='asdf', bar='b') ret = self.assert_files_equal(ret['default'], ['foo'])
def test_lookup(self): """ Lookup returns full file path """ env = pike.Environment() self.make_files('foo') with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') env.add(graph) env.run_all() ret = env.lookup('foo') self.assertEqual(ret, os.path.join('.', 'foo'))
def test_clean(self): """ Cleaning directory should delete unknown files """ self.make_files('', 'bar.js') env = pike.Environment() with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*.py') env.add(graph) env.run_all() env.clean('.') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('')) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('bar.js'))
def test_change_mtime(self): """ If watching mtime, update on mtime change """ with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') | pike.ChangeListenerNode(fingerprint='mtime') self.make_files(foo='a', bar='b') ret = self.assert_files_equal(ret['default'], ['foo', 'bar']) new_mtime = time.time() + 1 os.utime('foo', (new_mtime, new_mtime)) ret = self.assert_files_equal(ret['default'], ['foo'])
def test_clean_dry_run(self): """ A dry run will mark files for deletion but leave them on disk """ self.make_files('', 'bar.js') env = pike.Environment() with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*.py') env.add(graph) env.run_all() removed = env.clean('.', dry_run=True) self.assertEqual(removed, [os.path.abspath('bar.js')]) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('bar.js'))
def test_default_output(self): """ Default output is auto appended to all graphs """ env = pike.Environment() output = pike.Graph('output') output.sink = pike.noop() with patch.object(output, 'run') as run: run.return_value = [] env.set_default_output(output) with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') env.add(graph) env.run_all() run.assert_called_with([])
def test_watch_graph_partial_changes(self): """ Watching a graph with partial runs will return new files """ self.make_files(foo='foo', bar='bar') with pike.Graph('g') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') watcher = pike.watch_graph(graph, partial=True) ret = self.assertItemsEqual([ for f in ret['default']], [b'foo', b'bar']) self.make_files(foo='foo', bar='foo') ret = self.assertItemsEqual([ for f in ret['default']], [b'foo', b'foo'])
def main(): """ Run graph forever """ logging.basicConfig() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__) parser.add_argument('-c', '--coverage', action='store_true', help="Collect coverage information") args = parser.parse_args() env = pike.Environment(watch=True, cache='.pike-cache') with pike.Graph('tests') as graph: runner = TestRunnerNode(args.coverage) pike.glob('pike', '*.py') | runner env.add(graph) env.run_forever(sleep=1)
def _run_test(self, settings): """ Run a simple pyramid app and check that serving files works """ config = Configurator(settings=settings) config.include('pike') files = { 'foo.html': b'<h1>hello world</h1>', 'foo.js': b"alert('hello world');", } self.make_files(files) env = config.get_pike_env() with pike.Graph('assets') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') env.add(graph) env.run_all() app = webtest.TestApp(config.make_wsgi_app()) # Fetch a file response = app.get('/gen/foo.html') self.assertEqual(response.body, files['foo.html']) # Fetch a missing file response = app.get('/gen/', expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
def _run_test(self, config): """ Run a simple flask app and check that serving files works """ import flask app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config.update(config) files = { 'foo.html': b'<h1>hello world</h1>', 'foo.js': b"alert('hello world');", } self.make_files(files) env = pike.flaskme(app) with pike.Graph('assets') as graph: pike.glob('.', '*') env.add(graph) env.run_all() client = app.test_client() # Fetch a file response = client.get('/gen/foo.html') self.assertEqual(response.get_data(), files['foo.html']) # Fetch a missing file response = client.get('/gen/') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
def test_multi_sink_explicit(self): """ Explicitly using the sink node fixes ambiguity errors """ with Graph("g") as graph: pike.glob("a", "*") | graph.sink pike.glob("b", "*") | "in2" * graph.sink
def test_multi_sink(self): """ Ambiguous sink nodes cause validation error """ with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): with Graph("g") as graph: pike.glob("a", "*") pike.glob("b", "*")