def toPixmap(self, value: str) -> QtGui.QPixmap: """Create a QPixmap from a text.""" from pineboolib.application.utils import xpm ret_ = QtGui.QPixmap() file_name = xpm.cache_xpm(value) if file_name: ret_ = QtGui.QPixmap(file_name) return ret_
def iconModule(self, id_module: str) -> "QtGui.QPixmap": """ To obtain the icon associated with a module. @param id_moule Identifier of the module from which to obtain the icon @return QPixmap with the icon """ pix = QtGui.QPixmap() mod_obj = self.dict_info_mods_.get(id_module.upper(), None) mod_icono = getattr(mod_obj, "icono", None) if mod_icono is not None: pix = QtGui.QPixmap(xpm.cache_xpm(mod_icono)) return pix
def run(self) -> bool: """Run project. Connects to DB and loads data.""" self.pending_conversion_list = [] if self.actions: del self.actions if self.tables: del self.tables self.actions = {} self.tables = {} if self.dgi is None: raise Exception("DGI not loaded") if not self.conn_manager or "main_conn" not in self.conn_manager.connections_dict.keys( ): raise exceptions.NotConnectedError( "Cannot execute Pineboo Project without a connection in place") conn = self.conn_manager.mainConn() db_name = conn.DBName() # TODO: Refactorizar esta función en otras más sencillas # Preparar temporal if self.delete_cache and os.path.exists(path._dir( "cache/%s" % db_name)): self.message_manager().send("splash", "showMessage", ["Borrando caché ..."]) LOGGER.debug("DEVELOP: delete_cache Activado\nBorrando %s", path._dir("cache/%s" % db_name)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path._dir("cache/%s" % db_name), topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) else: keep_images = settings.config.value( "ebcomportamiento/keep_general_cache", False) if keep_images is False: for file_name in os.listdir(self.tmpdir): if file_name.find(".") > -1 and not file_name.endswith( "sqlite3"): file_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, file_name) try: os.remove(file_path) except Exception: LOGGER.warning( "No se ha podido borrar %s al limpiar la cache", file_path) pass if not os.path.exists(path._dir("cache")): os.makedirs(path._dir("cache")) if not os.path.exists(path._dir("cache/%s" % db_name)): os.makedirs(path._dir("cache/%s" % db_name)) # Conectar: # Se verifica que existen estas tablas for table in ( "flareas", "flmodules", "flfiles", "flgroups", "fllarge", "flserial", "flusers", "flvar", "flmetadata", "flsettings", "flupdates", "flmetadata", "flseqs", "flsettings", ): if not self.conn_manager.manager().existsTable(table): self.conn_manager.manager().createSystemTable(table) cursor_ = self.conn_manager.dbAux().cursor() self.areas = {} cursor_.execute( """ SELECT idarea, descripcion FROM flareas WHERE 1 = 1""") for idarea, descripcion in list(cursor_): self.areas[idarea] = AreaStruct(idarea=idarea, descripcion=descripcion) self.areas["sys"] = AreaStruct(idarea="sys", descripcion="Area de Sistema") # Obtener módulos activos cursor_.execute( """ SELECT idarea, idmodulo, descripcion, icono FROM flmodules WHERE bloqueo = %s """ % conn.driver().formatValue("bool", "True", False)) self.modules = {} for idarea, idmodulo, descripcion, icono in cursor_: icono = xpm.cache_xpm(icono) self.modules[idmodulo] = module.Module(idarea, idmodulo, descripcion, icono) file_object = open( utils_base.filedir(utils_base.get_base_dir(), "system_module", "sys.xpm"), "r") icono = file_object.close() # icono = clearXPM(icono) self.modules["sys"] = module.Module("sys", "sys", "Administración", icono) cursor_.execute( """ SELECT idmodulo, nombre, sha FROM flfiles WHERE NOT sha = '' ORDER BY idmodulo, nombre """ ) file_1 = open(path._dir("project.txt"), "w") self.files = {} count = 0 list_files: List[str] = [] for idmodulo, nombre, sha in list(cursor_): if not self.dgi.accept_file(nombre): continue count += 1 if idmodulo not in self.modules: continue # I fileobj = file.File(idmodulo, nombre, sha, db_name=db_name) if nombre in self.files: LOGGER.warning("run: file %s already loaded, overwritting..." % nombre) self.files[nombre] = fileobj self.modules[idmodulo].add_project_file(fileobj) file_1.write(fileobj.filekey + "\n") fileobjdir = os.path.dirname(path._dir("cache", fileobj.filekey)) file_name = path._dir("cache", fileobj.filekey) if not os.path.exists(fileobjdir): os.makedirs(fileobjdir) if os.path.exists(file_name): if file_name.endswith(".qs"): folder_path = os.path.dirname(file_name) static_flag = "%s/STATIC" % folder_path file_name_py = "" % file_name[:-3] if os.path.exists(static_flag): os.remove(static_flag) if os.path.exists(file_name): os.remove(file_name) if os.path.exists(file_name_py): os.remove(file_name_py) elif os.path.exists(file_name_py): continue elif file_name.endswith(".mtd"): if settings.config.value( "ebcomportamiento/orm_enabled", False) and not settings.config.value( "ebcomportamiento/orm_parser_disabled", False): if os.path.exists( "" % path._dir("cache", fileobj.filekey[:-4])): continue else: continue cur2 = self.conn_manager.useConn("dbAux").cursor() sql = ( "SELECT contenido FROM flfiles WHERE idmodulo = %s AND nombre = %s AND sha = %s" % ( conn.driver().formatValue("string", idmodulo, False), conn.driver().formatValue("string", nombre, False), conn.driver().formatValue("string", sha, False), )) cur2.execute(sql) for (contenido, ) in list(cur2): encode_ = "utf-8" if str(nombre).endswith( (".kut", ".ts", ".py")) else "ISO-8859-15" folder = path._dir( "cache", "/".join( fileobj.filekey.split("/") [:len(fileobj.filekey.split("/")) - 1]), ) if os.path.exists(folder) and not os.path.exists( file_name ): # Borra la carpeta si no existe el fichero destino for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder): for file_item in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, file_item)) if contenido and not os.path.exists(file_name): self.message_manager().send( "splash", "showMessage", ["Volcando a caché %s..." % nombre]) file_2 = open(file_name, "wb") txt = contenido.encode(encode_, "replace") file_2.write(txt) file_2.close() if self.parse_project and nombre.endswith(".qs"): if os.path.exists(file_name): list_files.append(file_name) file_1.close() self.message_manager().send("splash", "showMessage", ["Convirtiendo a Python ..."]) if list_files: self.parse_script_list(list_files) # Cargar el núcleo común del proyecto for root, dirs, files in os.walk( utils_base.filedir(utils_base.get_base_dir(), "system_module")): # list_files = [] for nombre in files: if root.find("modulos") == -1: fileobj = file.File("sys", nombre, basedir=root, db_name=db_name) self.files[nombre] = fileobj self.modules["sys"].add_project_file(fileobj) # if self.parse_project and nombre.endswith(".qs"): # self.parseScript(path._dir(root, nombre)) # list_files.append(path._dir(root, nombre)) # self.parse_script_lists(list_files) if settings.config.value( "ebcomportamiento/orm_enabled", False) and not settings.config.value( "ebcomportamiento/orm_load_disabled", False): self.message_manager().send("splash", "showMessage", ["Cargando objetos ..."]) from pineboolib.application.parsers.mtdparser import pnormmodelsfactory pnormmodelsfactory.load_models() # FIXME: ACLs needed at this level? # self.acl_ = FLAccessControlLists() # self.acl_.init() return True
def data(self, index: QtCore.QModelIndex, role: int = QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole) -> Any: """ Retrieve information about a record. (overload of QAbstractTableModel) Could return alignment, backgroun color, value... depending on role. @param index. Register position @param role. information type required @return solicited data """ row = index.row() col = index.column() field = self.metadata().indexFieldObject(col) _type = field.type() res_color_function: List[str] = [] if _type != "check": # r = [x for x in self._data[row]] # self._data[row] = r # d = r[col] # self.seekRow(row) # d = self._current_row_data[col] # d = self._data[row][col] result: Any = None if row not in self.grid_row_tmp.keys(): self.grid_row_tmp = {} self.grid_row_tmp[row] = self.driver_sql().getRow( row, self._curname, self.cursorDB() ) if not self.grid_row_tmp[row]: # refresh grid if cursor is deleted. self.refresh() return tuple = self.grid_row_tmp[row] if tuple: result = tuple[col] else: primary_key = str(self.value(row, self.metadata().primaryKey())) if primary_key not in self._check_column.keys(): result = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() self._check_column[primary_key] = result if self.parent_view and role in [QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole, QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole]: fun_get_color, iface = self.parent_view.functionGetColor() if fun_get_color is not None: context_ = None fun_name_ = None if fun_get_color.find(".") > -1: list_ = fun_get_color.split(".") from pineboolib.application.safeqsa import SafeQSA qsa_widget = SafeQSA.get_any(list_[0]) fun_name_ = list_[1] if qsa_widget: context_ = qsa_widget.iface else: context_ = iface fun_name_ = fun_get_color function_color = getattr(context_, fun_name_, None) if function_color is not None: field_name = field_value = result cursor = self._parent selected = False res_color_function = function_color( field_name, field_value, cursor, selected, _type ) else: raise Exception( "No se ha resuelto functionGetColor %s desde %s" % (fun_get_color, context_) ) # print("Data ", index, role) # print("Registros", self.rowCount()) # roles # 0 QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole # 1 QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole # 2 QtCore.Qt.EditRole # 3 QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole # 4 QtCore.Qt.StatusTipRole # 5 QtCore.Qt.WhatThisRole # 6 QtCore.Qt.FontRole # 7 QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole # 8 QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole # 9 QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole if role == QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole and _type == "check": if primary_key in self._check_column.keys(): if self._check_column[primary_key].isChecked(): return QtCore.Qt.Checked return QtCore.Qt.Unchecked elif role == QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole: result = QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter if _type in ("int", "double", "uint"): result = result | QtCore.Qt.AlignRight elif _type in ("bool", "date", "time"): result = result | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter elif _type in ("unlock", "pixmap"): result = result | QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter return result elif role in (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, QtCore.Qt.EditRole): if not field.visible(): result = None # r = self._vdata[row] elif _type == "bool": if result in (True, "1"): result = "Sí" else: result = "No" elif _type in ("unlock", "pixmap"): result = None elif _type in ("string", "stringlist", "timestamp") and not result: result = "" elif _type == "time" and result: result = str(result) elif _type == "date": # Si es str lo paso a if isinstance(result, str): if len(result.split("-")[0]) == 4: result = date_conversion.date_amd_to_dma(result) if result: list_ = result.split("-") result =[2]), int(list_[1]), int(list_[0])) if isinstance(result, # Cogemos el locale para presentar lo mejor posible la fecha try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "") if == "nt": date_format = "%%d/%%m/%%y" else: date_format = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_FMT) date_format = date_format.replace("y", "Y") # Año con 4 dígitos date_format = date_format.replace("/", "-") # Separadores result = result.strftime(date_format) except AttributeError: import platform self.logger.warning( "locale specific date format is not yet implemented for %s", platform.system(), ) elif _type == "check": return elif _type == "double": if result is not None: # d = QtCore.QLocale.system().toString(float(d), "f", field.partDecimal()) result = utils_base.format_double( result, field.partInteger(), field.partDecimal() ) elif _type in ("int", "uint"): if result is not None: result = QtCore.QLocale.system().toString(int(result)) if self.parent_view is not None: self.parent_view.resize_column(col, result) return result elif role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole: pixmap = None if _type in ("unlock", "pixmap") and self.parent_view: row_height = self.parent_view.rowHeight(row) # Altura row row_width = self.parent_view.columnWidth(col) if _type == "unlock": if result in (True, "1"): pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap( utils_base.filedir("./core/images/icons", "unlock.png") ) else: pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap( utils_base.filedir("./core/images/icons", "lock.png") ) else: if not self._parent.private_cursor._is_system_table: data = self.db().connManager().manager().fetchLargeValue(result) else: data = xpm.cache_xpm(result) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(data) if not pixmap.isNull(): new_size = row_height - 1 if new_size > row_width: new_size = row_width pixmap = pixmap.scaled(new_size, new_size) if self.parent_view.showAllPixmap() or row == if pixmap and not pixmap.isNull() and self.parent_view: new_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(row_width, row_height) # w , h center_width = (row_width - pixmap.width()) / 2 center_height = (row_height - pixmap.height()) / 2 new_pixmap.fill(QtCore.Qt.transparent) painter = Qt.QPainter(new_pixmap) painter.drawPixmap( center_width, center_height, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height(), pixmap ) pixmap = new_pixmap return pixmap elif role == QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole: if _type == "bool": if result in (True, "1"): result = QtGui.QBrush( else: result = QtGui.QBrush( elif _type == "check": obj_ = self._check_column[primary_key] result = ( QtGui.QBrush( if obj_.isChecked() else QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.white) ) else: if res_color_function and len(res_color_function) and res_color_function[0] != "": color_ = QtGui.QColor(res_color_function[0]) style_ = getattr(QtCore.Qt, res_color_function[2], None) result = QtGui.QBrush(color_) result.setStyle(style_) else: result = None return result elif role == QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole: if _type == "bool": if result in (True, "1"): result = QtGui.QBrush( else: result = QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.white) else: if res_color_function and len(res_color_function) and res_color_function[1] != "": color_ = QtGui.QColor(res_color_function[1]) style_ = getattr(QtCore.Qt, res_color_function[2], None) result = QtGui.QBrush(color_) result.setStyle(style_) else: result = None return result # else: # print("role desconocido", role) return None
def parseKey(self, ref_key: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """ Get filename of .png file cached on tempdata. If it does not exist it is created. @param. String of related tuple in fllarge. @return. Path to the file in tempdata. """ ret = None table_name = "fllarge" if ref_key is not None: from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap value = None tmp_dir = config.value("ebcomportamiento/temp_dir") img_file = "%s/%s.png" % (tmp_dir, ref_key) if not os.path.exists(img_file) and ref_key[0:3] == "RK@": single_query = pnsqlquery.PNSqlQuery() single_query.exec_( "SELECT valor FROM flsettings WHERE flkey='FLLargeMode'") one_fllarge = True if if single_query.value(0) == "True": one_fllarge = False if ( not one_fllarge ): # Si no es FLLarge modo único añadimos sufijo "_nombre" a fllarge table_name += "_%s" % ref_key.split("@")[1] qry = pnsqlquery.PNSqlQuery() qry.exec_("SELECT contenido FROM %s WHERE refkey='%s'" % (table_name, ref_key)) if value = xpm.cache_xpm(qry.value(0)) if value: ret = img_file pix = QPixmap(value) if not self.logger.warning( "%s:refkey2cache No se ha podido guardar la imagen %s" % (__name__, img_file)) ret = None else: ret = img_file elif ref_key.endswith(".xpm"): pix = QPixmap(ref_key) img_file = ref_key.replace(".xpm", ".png") if not self.logger.warning( "%s:refkey2cache No se ha podido guardar la imagen %s" % (__name__, img_file)) ret = None else: ret = img_file else: ret = img_file return ret