Example #1
 J1 = np.append(J_la,J_ra, axis = 0)
 edot1 = -0.01*e1
 Jplus1 = np.linalg.pinv(J1)
 P1 = eye(robot.nq - 1) - Jplus1*J1
 qdot1 = Jplus1 * edot1
 Mrh = robot.Mrh(q)
 e2 = Mrh.translation[0:3,0] - pos_rw_des
 J2 = Mrh.rotation * robot.Jrh(q)[:3,:]
 Jplus2 = npl.pinv(J2)
 e2 = e2
 edot2 = -0.01*e2
 J2 = J2
 Jplus2 = np.linalg.pinv(J2)
 qdot2 = qdot1 + npl.pinv(J2*P1) * (edot2 - J2*qdot1)
 qdot = qdot2
 # Debug :
 x_la = robot.Mrh(q).translation[0,0]
 y_la = robot.Mrh(q).translation[1,0]
 x_ra = robot.Mrh(q).translation[0,0]
 y_ra = robot.Mrh(q).translation[1,0]
 x_com_des = (x_la + x_ra) /2 
 y_com_des = (y_la + y_ra) /2
 Mcom = robot.com(q)
 e_x_com = Mcom.item(0) - x_com_des
 e_y_com = Mcom.item(1) - y_com_des
 #print "( x/y com : ",Mcom[0,0],Mcom[1,0],")"
 #print "( x/y com desired : ",x_com_des,y_com_des,")"
 #print "( Ground contact condition z left/right : ", z_la_des,z_ra_des,")"
 #print "( contact feet with ground z left/right : ",robot.Mrh(q).translation[2,0],robot.Mrh   (q).translation[2,0],")"
Example #2
# Tutorial 4

from pinocchio.romeo_wrapper import RomeoWrapper
robot = RomeoWrapper('/local/bchattop/devel/src/pinocchio/models/romeo.urdf')
import pinocchio as se3
from pinocchio.utils import *
import numpy as np

q = robot.q0
v = rand(robot.nv)

xdes = np.matrix([3.0,1.0,2.0]).T

for i in range(1000):
    Mrh = robot.Mrh(q)
    e = Mrh.translation[0:3,0] - xdes
    J = Mrh.rotation * robot.Jrh(q)[:3,:]
    qdot = -npl.pinv(J)*e
        qp.init(H, g, A, lb, ub, lbA, ubA, np.array([100]))
        qp.hotstart(H, g, A, lb, ub, lbA, ubA, np.array([100]))
    sol = np.zeros(robot.nv)
    a = np.matrix(sol).T


    tau_joints = robot.data.tau[6:]

    ## configuration integration
    v += np.matrix(a*dt)
    ## Display new configuration

'''### manual resolution

## posture task
err_post_pos = Kp_post*(q[7:]-q0[7:])
err_post_vel = Kd_post*(v[6:]-v0[6:])
err_post = eps_post*(err_post_pos + err_post_vel)
J_post = np.hstack([np.zeros([robot.nv-6,6]), np.eye(robot.nv-6) ])
class PinocchioControllerAcceleration(object):
    def __init__(self, dt):
        self.dt = dt
        self.robot = RomeoWrapper("/local/tflayols/softwares/pinocchio/models/romeo.urdf")
        self.robot.loadDisplayModel("world/pinocchio", "pinocchio")
        self.q = np.copy(self.robot.q0)
        self.v = np.copy(self.robot.v0)
        self.a = np.copy(self.robot.v0)
        self.dq = np.matrix(np.zeros([self.robot.nv, 1]))

    def controlLfRfCom(
        Lf=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        dLf=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        Rf=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        dRf=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        Com=[0, 0, 0.63],
        dCom=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        def robotint(q, dq):
            M = se3.SE3(se3.Quaternion(q[6, 0], q[3, 0], q[4, 0], q[5, 0]).matrix(), q[:3])
            dM = se3.exp(dq[:6])
            M = M * dM
            q[:3] = M.translation
            q[3:7] = se3.Quaternion(M.rotation).coeffs()
            q[7:] += dq[6:]

        def robotdoubleint(q, dq, ddq, dt):
            dq += dt * ddq
            robotint(q, dq)

        def errorInSE3(M, Mdes):
            Compute a 6-dim error vector (6x1 np.maptrix) caracterizing the difference
            between M and Mdes, both element of SE3.
            error = se3.log(Mdes.inverse() * M)
            return error.vector()

        def errorInSE3dyn(M, Mdes, v_frame, v_des):
            gMl = se3.SE3.Identity()
            gMl.rotation = M.rotation
            # Compute error
            error = errorInSE3(M, Mdes)
            v_error = v_frame - gMl.actInv(v_des)

            # ~ a_corriolis = self.robot.acceleration(q,v,0*v,self._link_id, update_geometry)
            # ~ a_corriolis.linear += np.cross(v_frame.angular.T, v_frame.linear.T).T
            # ~ a_tot = a_ref - gMl.actInv(a_corriolis)
            return error, v_error.vector()

        def errorLinkInSE3dyn(linkId, Mdes, v_des, q, v):
            # Get the current configuration of the link
            M = self.robot.position(q, linkId)
            gMl = se3.SE3.Identity()
            gMl.rotation = M.rotation
            v_frame = self.robot.velocity(q, v, linkId)
            # Compute error
            error = errorInSE3(M, Mdes)
            v_error = v_frame - gMl.actInv(v_des)

            a_corriolis = self.robot.acceleration(q, v, 0 * v, linkId)
            # ~ a_corriolis.linear += np.cross(v_frame.angular.T, v_frame.linear.T).T

            # ~ a_tot = gMl.actInv(a_corriolis) #a_ref - gMl.actInv(a_corriolis)
            a_tot = a_corriolis
            # ~ dJdq = a_tot.vector() *self.dt
            dJdq = a_corriolis.vector()
            return error, v_error.vector(), dJdq

        def null(A, eps=1e-6):  # -12
            """Compute a base of the null space of A."""
            u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(A)
            padding = max(0, np.shape(A)[1] - np.shape(s)[0])
            null_mask = np.concatenate(((s <= eps), np.ones((padding,), dtype=bool)), axis=0)
            null_space = scipy.compress(null_mask, vh, axis=0)
            return scipy.transpose(null_space)

        XYZ_LF = np.array(Lf) + np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.07])
        RPY_LF = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0]])
        SE3_LF = se3.SE3(se3.utils.rpyToMatrix(RPY_LF), XYZ_LF)

        XYZ_RF = np.array(Rf) + np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.07])
        RPY_RF = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0]])
        SE3_RF = se3.SE3(se3.utils.rpyToMatrix(RPY_RF), XYZ_RF)

        # _RF________________________________________________________________
        Jrf = self.robot.Jrf(self.q).copy()
        Jrf[:3] = self.robot.Mrf(self.q).rotation * Jrf[:3, :]  # Orient in the world base
        v_ref = se3.se3.Motion(np.matrix([dRf[0], dRf[1], dRf[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).T)
        errRf, v_errRf, dJdqRf = errorLinkInSE3dyn(self.robot.rf, SE3_RF, v_ref, self.q, self.v)
        # _LF________________________________________________________________
        Jlf = self.robot.Jlf(self.q).copy()
        Jlf[:3] = self.robot.Mlf(self.q).rotation * Jlf[:3, :]  # Orient in the world base
        v_ref = se3.se3.Motion(np.matrix([dLf[0], dLf[1], dLf[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).T)
        errLf, v_errLf, dJdqLf = errorLinkInSE3dyn(self.robot.lf, SE3_LF, v_ref, self.q, self.v)

        # _COM_______________________________________________________________
        Jcom = self.robot.Jcom(self.q)
        p_com, v_com, a_com = self.robot.com(self.q, self.v, self.v * 0.0)
        errCOM = self.robot.com(self.q) - (np.matrix(Com).T)
        # ~ v_com = Jcom*self.v
        v_errCOM = v_com - (np.matrix(dCom).T)
        dJdqCOM = a_com
        # _Trunk_____________________________________________________________
        idx_Trunk = self.robot.index("root")

        MTrunk0 = self.robot.position(self.robot.q0, idx_Trunk)
        MTrunk = self.robot.position(self.q, idx_Trunk)
        # errTrunk=errorInSE3(MTrunk0,MTrunk)[3:6]
        JTrunk = self.robot.jacobian(self.q, idx_Trunk)[3:6]
        # v_frame = self.robot.velocity(self.q,self.v,idx_Trunk)
        # v_ref= se3.se3.Motion(np.matrix([.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0]).T)
        # errTrunk,v_errTrunk = errorInSE3dyn(MTrunk,MTrunk0,v_frame,v_ref)
        errTrunk, v_errTrunk, dJdqTrunk = errorLinkInSE3dyn(idx_Trunk, MTrunk0, v_ref, self.q, self.v)
        errTrunk = errTrunk[3:6]
        v_errTrunk = v_errTrunk[3:6]
        dJdqTrunk = dJdqTrunk[3:6]

        # _TASK1 STACK_______________________________________________________
        K = 100.0
        Kp_foot = K
        Kp_com = K
        Kp_Trunk = K
        Kp_post = K

        Kd_foot = 2 * np.sqrt(Kp_foot)
        Kd_com = 2 * np.sqrt(Kp_com)
        Kd_Trunk = 2 * np.sqrt(Kp_Trunk)
        Kd_post = 2 * np.sqrt(Kp_post)

        err1 = np.vstack([Kp_foot * errLf, Kp_foot * errRf, Kp_com * errCOM, Kp_Trunk * errTrunk])
        v_err1 = np.vstack([Kd_foot * v_errLf, Kd_foot * v_errRf, Kd_com * v_errCOM, Kd_Trunk * v_errTrunk])
        dJdq1 = np.vstack([dJdqLf, dJdqRf, dJdqCOM, dJdqTrunk])

        J1 = np.vstack([Jlf, Jrf, Jcom, JTrunk])

        # _TASK2 STACK_______________________________________________________
        # _Posture___________________________________________________________
        Jpost = np.hstack([zero([self.robot.nv - 6, 6]), eye(self.robot.nv - 6)])
        errPost = Kp_post * (self.q - self.robot.q0)[7:]
        v_errPost = Kd_post * (self.v - self.robot.v0)[6:]

        errpost = -1 * (self.q - self.robot.q0)[7:]
        err2 = errPost
        v_err2 = v_errPost
        J2 = Jpost
        # Hierarchical solve_________________________________________________
        qddot = npl.pinv(J1) * (-1.0 * err1 - 1.0 * v_err1 - 1.0 * dJdq1)
        Z = null(J1)
        qddot += Z * npl.pinv(J2 * Z) * (-(1.0 * err2 + 1.0 * v_err2) - J2 * qddot)

        self.a = qddot
        self.v += np.matrix(self.a * self.dt)
        self.robot.increment(self.q, np.matrix(self.v * self.dt))

        # ~ robotdoubleint(self.q,self.dq,qddot,self.dt)
        # ~ self.v=self.dq/self.dt

        return self.robot.com(self.q), Jcom * self.v, errCOM, v_errCOM