Example #1
 def compute(self):
   frame_id = self.robot.model.getFrameId('lh_foot')
   print pin.frameJacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, frame_id, self.robot.q0)
   print '---'
   print pin.computeJacobians(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, self.robot.q0)
   print '---'
   print pin.se3.jacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, self.robot.q0, frame_id, False, True) #False == world
Example #2
def finiteDifferencesdA_dq(model, data, q, v, h):
    q0 = q.copy()
    v0 = v.copy()
    tensor_dAi_dq = np.zeros((6, model.nv, model.nv))
    se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q0, v0)
    se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q0)
    pcom_ref = se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q0).copy()
    se3.ccrba(model, data, q0, v0)
    A0i = data.Ag.copy()
    oMc_ref = se3.SE3.Identity()  #data.oMi[1].copy()
    oMc_ref.translation = pcom_ref  #oMc_ref.translation - pcom_ref
    for j in range(model.nv):
        #vary q
        vh = np.matrix(np.zeros((model.nv, 1)))
        vh[j] = h
        q_integrated = se3.integrate(model, q0.copy(), vh)
        se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q_integrated)
        se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q_integrated)
        pcom_int = se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q_integrated).copy()
        se3.ccrba(model, data, q_integrated, v0)
        A0_int = data.Ag.copy()
        oMc_int = se3.SE3.Identity()  #data.oMi[1].copy()
        oMc_int.translation = pcom_int  #oMc_int.translation - pcom_int
        cMc_int = oMc_ref.inverse() * oMc_int
        A0_int = cMc_int.dualAction * A0_int
        tensor_dAi_dq[:, :, j] = (A0_int - A0i) / h
    return tensor_dAi_dq
Example #3
 def update(self, q):
     se3.computeAllTerms(self.model, self.data, self.q, self.v)
     #se3.forwardKinematics(self.model, self.data, q, self.v, self.a)
     #- se3::forwardKinematics
     #- se3::crba
     #- se3::nonLinearEffects
     #- se3::computeJacobians
     #- se3::centerOfMass
     #- se3::jacobianCenterOfMass
     #- se3::kineticEnergy
     #- se3::potentialEnergy
     se3.framesKinematics(self.model, self.data, q)
     se3.computeJacobians(self.model, self.data, q)
     se3.rnea(self.model, self.data, q, self.v, self.a)
     self.biais(self.q, self.v)
     self.q = q.copy()
Example #4
def hessian(robot, q, crossterms=False):
    Compute the Hessian tensor of all the robot joints.
    If crossterms, then also compute the Si x Si terms, 
    that are not part of the true Hessian but enters in some computations like VRNEA.
    H = np.zeros([6, robot.model.nv, robot.model.nv])
    se3.computeJacobians(robot.model, robot.data, q)
    J = robot.data.J
    skiplast = -1 if not crossterms else None
    for joint_i in range(1, robot.model.njoints):
        for joint_j in ancestors(joint_i)[:skiplast]:  # j is a child of i
            for i in iv(joint_i):
                for j in iv(joint_j):
                    Si = J[:, i]
                    Sj = J[:, j]
                    H[:, i, j] = np.asarray(Mcross(Sj, Si))[:, 0]
    return H
Example #5
def finiteDifferencesdJi_dq(model, data, q, h, joint_id, local):
    q0 = q.copy()
    se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q0)
    se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q0)
    tensor_dJi_dq = np.zeros((6, model.nv, model.nv))
    J0i = se3.jacobian(model, data, q0, joint_id, local, True).copy()
    oMi = data.oMi[joint_id].copy()
    for j in range(model.nv):
        vh = np.matrix(np.zeros((model.nv, 1)))
        vh[j] = h  #eps
        q_integrate = se3.integrate(model, q0.copy(), vh)  # dJk/dqi = q0 + v*h
        se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q_integrate)
        se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q_integrate)
        oMint = data.oMi[joint_id].copy()
        iMint = oMi.inverse() * oMint
        J0_int = se3.jacobian(model, data, q_integrate, joint_id, local,
        J0_int_i = J0_int.copy()
        J0_int_i = iMint.action * J0_int_i
        tensor_dJi_dq[:, :, j] = (J0_int_i - J0i) / h
    return tensor_dJi_dq
Example #6
def finiteDifferencesddA_dq(model, data, q, v, h):
    q0 = q.copy()
    v0 = v.copy()
    tensor_ddA_dq = np.zeros((6, model.nv, model.nv))
    se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q0, v0)
    se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q0)
    #se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q0)
    pcom_ref = se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q0).copy()
    vcom_ref = data.vcom[0].copy()
    #se3.ccrba(model, data, q0, v0.copy())
    se3.dccrba(model, data, q0, v0.copy())
    dA0 = np.nan_to_num(data.dAg).copy()
    oMc_ref = se3.SE3.Identity()
    #oMc_ref.translation = pcom_ref
    oMc_ref.translation = vcom_ref
    for j in range(model.nv):
        #vary q
        vh = np.matrix(np.zeros((model.nv, 1)))
        vh[j] = h
        q_integrated = se3.integrate(model, q0.copy(), vh)
        se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q_integrated)  #, v0.copy())
        #se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q_integrated)
        #se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q_integrated)
        pcom_int = se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q_integrated).copy()
        vcom_int = data.vcom[0].copy()
        #se3.ccrba(model, data, q_integrated, v0.copy())
        se3.dccrba(model, data, q_integrated, v0.copy())
        dA0_int = np.nan_to_num(data.dAg).copy()
        oMc_int = se3.SE3.Identity()
        #oMc_int.translation = pcom_int
        oMc_int.translation = vcom_int
        cMc_int = oMc_ref.inverse() * oMc_int
        dA0_int = cMc_int.dualAction * dA0_int
        tensor_ddA_dq[:, :, j] = (dA0_int - dA0) / h
    return tensor_ddA_dq
Example #7
 def computeJacobians(self, q):
     return se3.computeJacobians(self.model, self.data, q)
Example #8
 def updateRobotConfig(self, q):
     se3.computeAllTerms(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, q, self.robot.v)
     se3.framesKinematics(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, q)
     se3.computeJacobians(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, q)