Example #1
    def conditional_headers(self, request):
        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
        resp = self.serializer.loads(request, self.cache.get(cache_url))
        new_headers = {}

        if resp:
            headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)

            if "etag" in headers:
                new_headers["If-None-Match"] = headers["ETag"]

            if "last-modified" in headers:
                new_headers["If-Modified-Since"] = headers["Last-Modified"]

        return new_headers
Example #2
    def conditional_headers(self, request):
        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
        resp = self.serializer.loads(request, self.cache.get(cache_url))
        new_headers = {}

        if resp:
            headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)

            if 'etag' in headers:
                new_headers['If-None-Match'] = headers['ETag']

            if 'last-modified' in headers:
                new_headers['If-Modified-Since'] = headers['Last-Modified']

        return new_headers
Example #3
    def dumps(self, request, response, body=None):
        response_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(response.headers)

        if body is None:
            # When a body isn't passed in, we'll read the response. We
            # also update the response with a new file handler to be
            # sure it acts as though it was never read.
            body = response.read(decode_content=False)
            response._fp = io.BytesIO(body)

        # NOTE: This is all a bit weird, but it's really important that on
        #       Python 2.x these objects are unicode and not str, even when
        #       they contain only ascii. The problem here is that msgpack
        #       understands the difference between unicode and bytes and we
        #       have it set to differentiate between them, however Python 2
        #       doesn't know the difference. Forcing these to unicode will be
        #       enough to have msgpack know the difference.
        data = {
            u"response": {
                u"body": body,  # Empty bytestring if body is stored separately
                u"headers": dict(
                    (text_type(k), text_type(v)) for k, v in response.headers.items()
                u"status": response.status,
                u"version": response.version,
                u"reason": text_type(response.reason),
                u"strict": response.strict,
                u"decode_content": response.decode_content,

        # Construct our vary headers
        data[u"vary"] = {}
        if u"vary" in response_headers:
            varied_headers = response_headers[u"vary"].split(",")
            for header in varied_headers:
                header = text_type(header).strip()
                header_value = request.headers.get(header, None)
                if header_value is not None:
                    header_value = text_type(header_value)
                data[u"vary"][header] = header_value

        return b",".join([b"cc=4", msgpack.dumps(data, use_bin_type=True)])
Example #4
    def prepare_response(self, request, cached, body_file=None):
        """Verify our vary headers match and construct a real urllib3
        HTTPResponse object.
        # Special case the '*' Vary value as it means we cannot actually
        # determine if the cached response is suitable for this request.
        # This case is also handled in the controller code when creating
        # a cache entry, but is left here for backwards compatibility.
        if "*" in cached.get("vary", {}):

        # Ensure that the Vary headers for the cached response match our
        # request
        for header, value in cached.get("vary", {}).items():
            if request.headers.get(header, None) != value:

        body_raw = cached["response"].pop("body")

        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(data=cached["response"]["headers"])
        if headers.get("transfer-encoding", "") == "chunked":

        cached["response"]["headers"] = headers

            if body_file is None:
                body = io.BytesIO(body_raw)
                body = body_file
        except TypeError:
            # This can happen if cachecontrol serialized to v1 format (pickle)
            # using Python 2. A Python 2 str(byte string) will be unpickled as
            # a Python 3 str (unicode string), which will cause the above to
            # fail with:
            #     TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw.encode("utf8"))

        return HTTPResponse(body=body, preload_content=False, **cached["response"])
Example #5
    def prepare_response(self, request, cached):
        """Verify our vary headers match and construct a real urllib3
        HTTPResponse object.
        # Special case the '*' Vary value as it means we cannot actually
        # determine if the cached response is suitable for this request.
        if "*" in cached.get("vary", {}):

        # Ensure that the Vary headers for the cached response match our
        # request
        for header, value in cached.get("vary", {}).items():
            if request.headers.get(header, None) != value:

        body_raw = cached["response"].pop("body")

        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(data=cached['response']['headers'])
        if headers.get('transfer-encoding', '') == 'chunked':

        cached['response']['headers'] = headers

            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw)
        except TypeError:
            # This can happen if cachecontrol serialized to v1 format (pickle)
            # using Python 2. A Python 2 str(byte string) will be unpickled as
            # a Python 3 str (unicode string), which will cause the above to
            # fail with:
            #     TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw.encode('utf8'))

        return HTTPResponse(
Example #6
    def dumps(self, request, response, body=None):
        response_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(response.headers)

        if body is None:
            body = response.read(decode_content=False)

            # NOTE: 99% sure this is dead code. I'm only leaving it
            #       here b/c I don't have a test yet to prove
            #       it. Basically, before using
            #       `cachecontrol.filewrapper.CallbackFileWrapper`,
            #       this made an effort to reset the file handle. The
            #       `CallbackFileWrapper` short circuits this code by
            #       setting the body as the content is consumed, the
            #       result being a `body` argument is *always* passed
            #       into cache_response, and in turn,
            #       `Serializer.dump`.
            response._fp = io.BytesIO(body)

        data = {
            "response": {
                "body": body,
                "headers": dict(response.headers),
                "status": response.status,
                "version": response.version,
                "reason": response.reason,
                "strict": response.strict,
                "decode_content": response.decode_content,

        # Construct our vary headers
        data["vary"] = {}
        if "vary" in response_headers:
            varied_headers = response_headers['vary'].split(',')
            for header in varied_headers:
                header = header.strip()
                data["vary"][header] = request.headers.get(header, None)

        return b",".join([b"cc=3", msgpack.dumps(data, use_bin_type=True)])
Example #7
    def __init__(self):
        super(Response, self).__init__()

        self._content = False
        self._content_consumed = False

        #: Integer Code of responded HTTP Status.
        self.status_code = None

        #: Case-insensitive Dictionary of Response Headers.
        #: For example, ``headers['content-encoding']`` will return the
        #: value of a ``'Content-Encoding'`` response header.
        self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()

        #: File-like object representation of response (for advanced usage).
        #: Requires that ``stream=True` on the request.
        # This requirement does not apply for use internally to Requests.
        self.raw = None

        #: Final URL location of Response.
        self.url = None

        #: Encoding to decode with when accessing r.text.
        self.encoding = None

        #: A list of :class:`Response <Response>` objects from
        #: the history of the Request. Any redirect responses will end
        #: up here. The list is sorted from the oldest to the most recent request.
        self.history = []

        self.reason = None

        #: A CookieJar of Cookies the server sent back.
        self.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict({})

        #: The amount of time elapsed between sending the request
        #: and the arrival of the response (as a timedelta)
        self.elapsed = datetime.timedelta(0)
Example #8
    def send(
        request: PreparedRequest,
        stream: bool = False,
        timeout: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None,
        verify: Union[bool, str] = True,
        cert: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
        proxies: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        pathname = url_to_path(request.url)

        resp = Response()
        resp.status_code = 200
        resp.url = request.url

            stats = os.stat(pathname)
        except OSError as exc:
            # format the exception raised as a io.BytesIO object,
            # to return a better error message:
            resp.status_code = 404
            resp.reason = type(exc).__name__
            resp.raw = io.BytesIO(f"{resp.reason}: {exc}".encode("utf8"))
            modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True)
            content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(pathname)[0] or "text/plain"
            resp.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(
                    "Content-Type": content_type,
                    "Content-Length": stats.st_size,
                    "Last-Modified": modified,

            resp.raw = open(pathname, "rb")
            resp.close = resp.raw.close

        return resp
Example #9
    def send(self,
        parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(request.url)

        # We only work for requests with a host of localhost
        if parsed_url.netloc.lower() != "localhost":
            raise InvalidURL("Invalid URL %r: Only localhost is allowed" %

        real_url = urlparse.urlunparse(parsed_url[:1] + ("", ) +
        pathname = url_to_path(real_url)

        resp = Response()
        resp.status_code = 200
        resp.url = real_url

        stats = os.stat(pathname)
        modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True)
        resp.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict({
            mimetypes.guess_type(pathname)[0] or "text/plain",

        resp.raw = LocalFSResponse(open(pathname, "rb"))
        resp.close = resp.raw.close

        return resp
Example #10
    def cached_request(self, request):
        Return a cached response if it exists in the cache, otherwise
        return False.
        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
        cc = self.parse_cache_control(request.headers)

        # non-caching states
        no_cache = True if 'no-cache' in cc else False
        if 'max-age' in cc and cc['max-age'] == 0:
            no_cache = True

        # Bail out if no-cache was set
        if no_cache:
            return False

        # It is in the cache, so lets see if it is going to be
        # fresh enough
        resp = self.serializer.loads(request, self.cache.get(cache_url))

        # Check to see if we have a cached object
        if not resp:
            return False

        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)

        now = time.time()
        date = calendar.timegm(parsedate_tz(headers['date']))
        current_age = max(0, now - date)

        # TODO: There is an assumption that the result will be a
        #       urllib3 response object. This may not be best since we
        #       could probably avoid instantiating or constructing the
        #       response until we know we need it.
        resp_cc = self.parse_cache_control(headers)

        # determine freshness
        freshness_lifetime = 0

        # Check the max-age pragma in the cache control header
        if 'max-age' in resp_cc and resp_cc['max-age'].isdigit():
            freshness_lifetime = int(resp_cc['max-age'])

        # If there isn't a max-age, check for an expires header
        elif 'expires' in headers:
            expires = parsedate_tz(headers['expires'])
            if expires is not None:
                expire_time = calendar.timegm(expires) - date
                freshness_lifetime = max(0, expire_time)

        # determine if we are setting freshness limit in the req
        if 'max-age' in cc:
                freshness_lifetime = int(cc['max-age'])
            except ValueError:
                freshness_lifetime = 0

        if 'min-fresh' in cc:
                min_fresh = int(cc['min-fresh'])
            except ValueError:
                min_fresh = 0
            # adjust our current age by our min fresh
            current_age += min_fresh

        # see how fresh we actually are
        fresh = (freshness_lifetime > current_age)

        if fresh:
            return resp

        # we're not fresh. If we don't have an Etag, clear it out
        if 'etag' not in headers:

        # return the original handler
        return False
Example #11
    def cache_response(self, request, response, body=None, status_codes=None):
        Algorithm for caching requests.

        This assumes a requests Response object.
        # From httplib2: Don't cache 206's since we aren't going to
        #                handle byte range requests
        cacheable_status_codes = status_codes or self.cacheable_status_codes
        if response.status not in cacheable_status_codes:
            logger.debug('Status code %s not in %s', response.status,

        response_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(response.headers)

        # If we've been given a body, our response has a Content-Length, that
        # Content-Length is valid then we can check to see if the body we've
        # been given matches the expected size, and if it doesn't we'll just
        # skip trying to cache it.
        if (body is not None and "content-length" in response_headers
                and response_headers["content-length"].isdigit()
                and int(response_headers["content-length"]) != len(body)):

        cc_req = self.parse_cache_control(request.headers)
        cc = self.parse_cache_control(response_headers)

        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
        logger.debug('Updating cache with response from "%s"', cache_url)

        # Delete it from the cache if we happen to have it stored there
        no_store = False
        if 'no-store' in cc:
            no_store = True
            logger.debug('Response header has "no-store"')
        if 'no-store' in cc_req:
            no_store = True
            logger.debug('Request header has "no-store"')
        if no_store and self.cache.get(cache_url):
            logger.debug('Purging existing cache entry to honor "no-store"')

        # If we've been given an etag, then keep the response
        if self.cache_etags and 'etag' in response_headers:
            logger.debug('Caching due to etag')
                self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body),

        # Add to the cache any 301s. We do this before looking that
        # the Date headers.
        elif response.status == 301:
            logger.debug('Caching permanant redirect')
            self.cache.set(cache_url, self.serializer.dumps(request, response))

        # Add to the cache if the response headers demand it. If there
        # is no date header then we can't do anything about expiring
        # the cache.
        elif 'date' in response_headers:
            # cache when there is a max-age > 0
            if 'max-age' in cc and cc['max-age'] > 0:
                logger.debug('Caching b/c date exists and max-age > 0')
                    self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body),

            # If the request can expire, it means we should cache it
            # in the meantime.
            elif 'expires' in response_headers:
                if response_headers['expires']:
                    logger.debug('Caching b/c of expires header')
                        self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body),
Example #12
    def cached_request(self, request):
        Return a cached response if it exists in the cache, otherwise
        return False.
        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
        logger.debug('Looking up "%s" in the cache', cache_url)
        cc = self.parse_cache_control(request.headers)

        # Bail out if the request insists on fresh data
        if 'no-cache' in cc:
            logger.debug('Request header has "no-cache", cache bypassed')
            return False

        if 'max-age' in cc and cc['max-age'] == 0:
            logger.debug('Request header has "max_age" as 0, cache bypassed')
            return False

        # Request allows serving from the cache, let's see if we find something
        cache_data = self.cache.get(cache_url)
        if cache_data is None:
            logger.debug('No cache entry available')
            return False

        # Check whether it can be deserialized
        resp = self.serializer.loads(request, cache_data)
        if not resp:
            logger.warning('Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored')
            return False

        # If we have a cached 301, return it immediately. We don't
        # need to test our response for other headers b/c it is
        # intrinsically "cacheable" as it is Permanent.
        # See:
        #   https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.2
        # Client can try to refresh the value by repeating the request
        # with cache busting headers as usual (ie no-cache).
        if resp.status == 301:
            msg = ('Returning cached "301 Moved Permanently" response '
                   '(ignoring date and etag information)')
            return resp

        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)
        if not headers or 'date' not in headers:
            if 'etag' not in headers:
                # Without date or etag, the cached response can never be used
                # and should be deleted.
                logger.debug('Purging cached response: no date or etag')
            logger.debug('Ignoring cached response: no date')
            return False

        now = time.time()
        date = calendar.timegm(parsedate_tz(headers['date']))
        current_age = max(0, now - date)
        logger.debug('Current age based on date: %i', current_age)

        # TODO: There is an assumption that the result will be a
        #       urllib3 response object. This may not be best since we
        #       could probably avoid instantiating or constructing the
        #       response until we know we need it.
        resp_cc = self.parse_cache_control(headers)

        # determine freshness
        freshness_lifetime = 0

        # Check the max-age pragma in the cache control header
        if 'max-age' in resp_cc:
            freshness_lifetime = resp_cc['max-age']
            logger.debug('Freshness lifetime from max-age: %i',

        # If there isn't a max-age, check for an expires header
        elif 'expires' in headers:
            expires = parsedate_tz(headers['expires'])
            if expires is not None:
                expire_time = calendar.timegm(expires) - date
                freshness_lifetime = max(0, expire_time)
                logger.debug("Freshness lifetime from expires: %i",

        # Determine if we are setting freshness limit in the
        # request. Note, this overrides what was in the response.
        if 'max-age' in cc:
            freshness_lifetime = cc['max-age']
            logger.debug('Freshness lifetime from request max-age: %i',

        if 'min-fresh' in cc:
            min_fresh = cc['min-fresh']
            # adjust our current age by our min fresh
            current_age += min_fresh
            logger.debug('Adjusted current age from min-fresh: %i',

        # Return entry if it is fresh enough
        if freshness_lifetime > current_age:
            logger.debug('The response is "fresh", returning cached response')
            logger.debug('%i > %i', freshness_lifetime, current_age)
            return resp

        # we're not fresh. If we don't have an Etag, clear it out
        if 'etag' not in headers:
                'The cached response is "stale" with no etag, purging')

        # return the original handler
        return False
Example #13
    def cache_response(self, request, response, body=None, status_codes=None):
        Algorithm for caching requests.

        This assumes a requests Response object.
        # From httplib2: Don't cache 206's since we aren't going to
        #                handle byte range requests
        cacheable_status_codes = status_codes or self.cacheable_status_codes
        if response.status not in cacheable_status_codes:
            logger.debug("Status code %s not in %s", response.status,

        response_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(response.headers)

        # If we've been given a body, our response has a Content-Length, that
        # Content-Length is valid then we can check to see if the body we've
        # been given matches the expected size, and if it doesn't we'll just
        # skip trying to cache it.
        if (body is not None and "content-length" in response_headers
                and response_headers["content-length"].isdigit()
                and int(response_headers["content-length"]) != len(body)):

        cc_req = self.parse_cache_control(request.headers)
        cc = self.parse_cache_control(response_headers)

        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
        logger.debug('Updating cache with response from "%s"', cache_url)

        # Delete it from the cache if we happen to have it stored there
        no_store = False
        if "no-store" in cc:
            no_store = True
            logger.debug('Response header has "no-store"')
        if "no-store" in cc_req:
            no_store = True
            logger.debug('Request header has "no-store"')
        if no_store and self.cache.get(cache_url):
            logger.debug('Purging existing cache entry to honor "no-store"')
        if no_store:

        # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-4.1:
        # A Vary header field-value of "*" always fails to match.
        # Storing such a response leads to a deserialization warning
        # during cache lookup and is not allowed to ever be served,
        # so storing it can be avoided.
        if "*" in response_headers.get("vary", ""):
            logger.debug('Response header has "Vary: *"')

        # If we've been given an etag, then keep the response
        if self.cache_etags and "etag" in response_headers:
            logger.debug("Caching due to etag")
                           self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body))

        # Add to the cache any 301s. We do this before looking that
        # the Date headers.
        elif response.status == 301:
            logger.debug("Caching permanant redirect")
            self.cache.set(cache_url, self.serializer.dumps(request, response))

        # Add to the cache if the response headers demand it. If there
        # is no date header then we can't do anything about expiring
        # the cache.
        elif "date" in response_headers:
            # cache when there is a max-age > 0
            if "max-age" in cc and cc["max-age"] > 0:
                logger.debug("Caching b/c date exists and max-age > 0")
                    self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body))

            # If the request can expire, it means we should cache it
            # in the meantime.
            elif "expires" in response_headers:
                if response_headers["expires"]:
                    logger.debug("Caching b/c of expires header")
                        self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body))
Example #14
        if not resp:
            return False

<<<<<<< HEAD
        # If we have a cached 301, return it immediately. We don't
        # need to test our response for other headers b/c it is
        # intrinsically "cacheable" as it is Permanent.
        # See:
        #   https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.2
        # Client can try to refresh the value by repeating the request
        # with cache busting headers as usual (ie no-cache).
        if resp.status == 301:
            return resp

        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)
        if not headers or 'date' not in headers:
            # With date or etag, the cached response can never be used
            # and should be deleted.
            if 'etag' not in headers:
            return False
        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)
>>>>>>> bde4533e29dfedadf6bcf9d451baa615bc828a59

        now = time.time()
        date = calendar.timegm(
        current_age = max(0, now - date)
Example #15
        # This case is also handled in the controller code when creating
        # a cache entry, but is left here for backwards compatibility.
>>>>>>> 71358189c5e72ee2ac9883b408a2f540a7f5745e
        if "*" in cached.get("vary", {}):

        # Ensure that the Vary headers for the cached response match our
        # request
        for header, value in cached.get("vary", {}).items():
            if request.headers.get(header, None) != value:

        body_raw = cached["response"].pop("body")

        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(data=cached["response"]["headers"])
        if headers.get("transfer-encoding", "") == "chunked":

        cached["response"]["headers"] = headers

            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw)
        except TypeError:
            # This can happen if cachecontrol serialized to v1 format (pickle)
            # using Python 2. A Python 2 str(byte string) will be unpickled as
            # a Python 3 str (unicode string), which will cause the above to
            # fail with:
            #     TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw.encode("utf8"))
Example #16
    def cached_request(self, request):
        Return a cached response if it exists in the cache, otherwise
        return False.
        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
        cc = self.parse_cache_control(request.headers)

        # non-caching states
        no_cache = True if 'no-cache' in cc else False
        if 'max-age' in cc and cc['max-age'] == 0:
            no_cache = True

        # Bail out if no-cache was set
        if no_cache:
            return False

        # It is in the cache, so lets see if it is going to be
        # fresh enough
        resp = self.serializer.loads(request, self.cache.get(cache_url))

        # Check to see if we have a cached object
        if not resp:
            return False

        # If we have a cached 301, return it immediately. We don't
        # need to test our response for other headers b/c it is
        # intrinsically "cacheable" as it is Permanent.
        # See:
        #   https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.2
        # Client can try to refresh the value by repeating the request
        # with cache busting headers as usual (ie no-cache).
        if resp.status == 301:
            return resp

        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)
        if not headers or 'date' not in headers:
            # With date or etag, the cached response can never be used
            # and should be deleted.
            if 'etag' not in headers:
            return False

        now = time.time()
        date = calendar.timegm(parsedate_tz(headers['date']))
        current_age = max(0, now - date)

        # TODO: There is an assumption that the result will be a
        #       urllib3 response object. This may not be best since we
        #       could probably avoid instantiating or constructing the
        #       response until we know we need it.
        resp_cc = self.parse_cache_control(headers)

        # determine freshness
        freshness_lifetime = 0

        # Check the max-age pragma in the cache control header
        if 'max-age' in resp_cc and resp_cc['max-age'].isdigit():
            freshness_lifetime = int(resp_cc['max-age'])

        # If there isn't a max-age, check for an expires header
        elif 'expires' in headers:
            expires = parsedate_tz(headers['expires'])
            if expires is not None:
                expire_time = calendar.timegm(expires) - date
                freshness_lifetime = max(0, expire_time)

        # determine if we are setting freshness limit in the req
        if 'max-age' in cc:
                freshness_lifetime = int(cc['max-age'])
            except ValueError:
                freshness_lifetime = 0

        if 'min-fresh' in cc:
                min_fresh = int(cc['min-fresh'])
            except ValueError:
                min_fresh = 0
            # adjust our current age by our min fresh
            current_age += min_fresh

        # see how fresh we actually are
        fresh = (freshness_lifetime > current_age)

        if fresh:
            return resp

        # we're not fresh. If we don't have an Etag, clear it out
        if 'etag' not in headers:

        # return the original handler
        return False