class Component(IConfigurable, IReferenceable):
    Component class implementation.
    Abstract component that supportes configurable dependencies,
    logging and performance counters.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

        - dependencies:
            - [dependency name 1]: Dependency 1 locator (descriptor)
            - ...
            - [dependency name N]: Dependency N locator (descriptor)

    ### References ###
        - *:counters:*:*:1.0     (optional) [[ICounters]] components to pass collected measurements
        - *:logger:*:*:1.0       (optional) [[ILogger]] components to pass log messages
        - ...                                    References must match configured dependencies.
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    _dependency_resolver = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()
        self._dependency_resolver = DependencyResolver()

    def configure(self, config):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.
class RestService(IOpenable, IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IUnreferenceable,
    Abstract service that receives remove calls via HTTP/REST protocol.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - base_route:              base route for remote URI
    - dependencies:
        - endpoint:              override for HTTP Endpoint dependency
        - controller:            override for Controller dependency
    - connection(s):
        - discovery_key:         (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
        - protocol:              connection protocol: http or https
        - host:                  host name or IP address
        - port:                  port number
        - uri:                   resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0         (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
    - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
    - *:discovery:*:*:1.0        (optional) IDiscovery services to resolve connection
    - *:endpoint:http:*:1.0          (optional) HttpEndpoint reference

        class MyRestService(RestService):
            _controller = None

            def __init__(self):
                super(MyRestService, self).__init__()
                self._dependencyResolver.put("controller", Descriptor("mygroup","controller","*","*","1.0"))

            def set_references(self, references):
                super(MyRestService, self).set_references(references)
                self._controller = self._dependencyResolver.get_required("controller")

            def register():

        service = MyRestService()
        service.configure(ConfigParams.from_tuples("connection.protocol", "http",
                                                       "", "localhost",
                                                       "connection.port", 8080))
        service.set_references(References.from_tuples(Descriptor("mygroup","controller","default","default","1.0"), controller))"123")
    _default_config = None
    _debug = False
    _dependency_resolver = None
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    # _registered = None
    _local_endpoint = None
    _config = None
    _references = None
    _base_route = None
    _endpoint = None
    _opened = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._default_config = ConfigParams.from_tuples(
            "base_route", None, "dependencies.endpoint",
        # self._registered = False
        self._dependency_resolver = DependencyResolver()
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()

    def _instrument(self, correlation_id, name):
        Adds instrumentation to log calls and measure call time. It returns a Timing object that is used to end the time measurement.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param name: a method name.
        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Executing " + name + " method")
        return self._counters.begin_timing(name + ".exec_time")

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.
        self._references = references
        self._endpoint = self._dependency_resolver.get_one_optional('endpoint')

        if self._endpoint is None:
            self._endpoint = self.create_endpoint()
            self._local_endpoint = True
            self._local_endpoint = False


    def configure(self, config):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.
        config = config.set_defaults(self._default_config)
        self._config = config
        self._base_route = config.get_as_string_with_default(
            "base_route", self._base_route)

    def unset_references(self):
        Unsets (clears) previously set references to dependent components.
        if not (self._endpoint is None):
            self._endpoint = None

    def create_endpoint(self):
        endpoint = HttpEndpoint()
        if not (self._config is None):

        if not (self._references is None):

        return endpoint

    def _instrument(self, correlation_id, name):
        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, f"Executing {name} method")
        return self._counters.begin_timing(f"{name}.exec_time")

    def _instrument_error(self, correlation_id, name, error, result, callback):
        if not (error is None):
            self._logger.error(correlation_id, error,
                               f"Failed to execute {name} method")
        if not (callback is None):
            callback(error, result)

    def is_opened(self):
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self._opened

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        if self.is_opened():

        if self._endpoint is None:
            self._endpoint = self.create_endpoint()
            self._local_endpoint = True

        if self._local_endpoint:

        self._opened = True
        # # register route
        # if self._registered != True:
        #     self.add_route()
        #     self._registered = True

    def close(self, correlation_id):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if not self._opened:

        if self._endpoint is None:
            raise InvalidStateException(correlation_id, "NO_ENDPOINT",
                                        "HTTP endpoint is missing")

        if self._local_endpoint:

        self._opened = False

    def send_result(self, result):
        Creates a callback function that sends result as JSON object. That callack function call be called directly or passed as a parameter to business logic components.

        If object is not null it returns 200 status code. For null results it returns
        204 status code. If error occur it sends ErrorDescription with approproate status code.

        :param result: a body object to result.

        :return: execution result.

        return HttpResponseSender.send_result(result)

    def send_created_result(self, result):
        Creates a callback function that sends newly created object as JSON. That callack function call be called directly or passed as a parameter to business logic components.

        If object is not null it returns 201 status code. For null results it returns
        204 status code. If error occur it sends ErrorDescription with approproate status code.

        :param result: a body object to result.

        :return: execution result.
        return HttpResponseSender.send_created_result(result)

    def send_deleted_result(self):
        Creates a callback function that sends newly created object as JSON. That callack function call be called directly or passed as a parameter to business logic components.

        If object is not null it returns 200 status code. For null results it returns
        204 status code. If error occur it sends ErrorDescription with approproate status code.

        :return: execution result.

        return HttpResponseSender.send_deleted_result()

    def send_error(self, error):
        Sends error serialized as ErrorDescription object and appropriate HTTP status code. If status code is not defined, it uses 500 status code.

        :param error: an error object to be sent.

        return HttpResponseSender.send_error(error)

    def fix_route(self, route) -> str:
        if (route is not None and len(route) > 0):
            if (route[0] != '/'):
                route = f'/{route}'
            return route

        return ''

    def register_route(self, method, route, schema, handler):
        Registers an action in this objects REST server (service) by the given method and route.

        :param method: the HTTP method of the route.

        :param route: the route to register in this object's REST server (service).

        :param schema: the schema to use for parameter validation.

        :param handler: the action to perform at the given route.
        if self._endpoint is None:

        route = f"{self.fix_route(self._base_route)}{self.fix_route(route)}"
        # if not (self._base_route is None) and len(self._base_route) > 0:
        #     base_route = self._base_route
        #     if base_route[0] != '/':
        #         base_route = '/' + base_route
        #     if route[0] != '/':
        #         base_route = base_route + '/'
        #     route = base_route + route
        self._endpoint.register_route(method, route, schema, handler)

    def register(self):

    def get_data(self):
        data = bottle.request.json
        if isinstance(data, str):
            return json.loads(bottle.request.json)
        elif bottle.request.json:
            return bottle.request.json
            return None

    def get_request_param(self):

        if (not (bottle is None)) and (not (bottle.request is None)) and (
                not (bottle.request.params is None)):
            return bottle.request.params
            return {}

    def _append_base_route(self, route):
        route = route or ''

        if self._base_route is not None and len(self._base_route) > 0:
            base_route = self._base_route
            if base_route[0] != '/':
                base_route = '/' + base_route
                route = base_route + route
        return route

    def register_route_with_auth(self, method, route, schema, authorize,
        Registers a route with authorization in HTTP endpoint.

        :param method: HTTP method: "get", "head", "post", "put", "delete"
        :param route: a command route. Base route will be added to this route
        :param schema: a validation schema to validate received parameters.
        :param authorize: an authorization interceptor
        :param action: an action function that is called when operation is invoked.
        if self._endpoint is None:

        route = self._append_base_route(self.fix_route(route))

        self._endpoint.register_route_with_auth(method, route, schema,
                                                authorize, method)

    def register_interceptor(self, route, action):
        Registers a middleware for a given route in HTTP endpoint.

        :param route: a command route. Base route will be added to this route
        :param action: an action function that is called when middleware is invoked.
        if self._endpoint is None:

        route = self._append_base_route(self.fix_route(route))

        self._endpoint.register_interceptor(route, action)
Example #3
class MongoDbPersistence(IReferenceable, IUnreferenceable, IConfigurable,
                         IOpenable, ICleanable):
    Abstract persistence component that stores data in MongoDB
    using the official MongoDB driver.

    This is the most basic persistence component that is only
    able to store data items of any type. Specific CRUD operations
    over the data items must be implemented in child classes by
    accessing **self.__collection** or **self.__model** properties.

    ### Configuration parameters ###
        - collection:                  (optional) MongoDB collection name
        - connection(s):
            - discovery_key:             (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from :class:`IDiscovery <pip_services3_components.connect.IDiscovery.IDiscovery>`
            - host:                      host name or IP address
            - port:                      port number (default: 27017)
            - uri:                       resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
        - credential(s):
            - store_key:                 (optional) a key to retrieve the credentials from :class:`ICredentialStore <pip_services3_components.auth.ICredentialStore.ICredentialStore>`
            - username:                  (optional) user name
            - password:                  (optional) user password
        - options:
            - max_pool_size:             (optional) maximum connection pool size (default: 2)
            - keep_alive:                (optional) enable connection keep alive (default: true)
            - connect_timeout:           (optional) connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)
            - socket_timeout:            (optional) socket timeout in milliseconds (default: 360000)
            - auto_reconnect:            (optional) enable auto reconnection (default: true)
            - reconnect_interval:        (optional) reconnection interval in milliseconds (default: 1000)
            - max_page_size:             (optional) maximum page size (default: 100)
            - replica_set:               (optional) name of replica set
            - ssl:                       (optional) enable SSL connection (default: false)
            - auth_source:               (optional) authentication source
            - debug:                     (optional) enable debug output (default: false).

    ### References ###
        - `*:logger:*:*:1.0`           (optional) :class:`ILogger <pip_services3_components.log.ILogger.ILogger>` components to pass log messages
        - `*:discovery:*:*:1.0`        (optional) :class:`IDiscovery <pip_services3_components.connect.IDiscovery.IDiscovery>` services
        - `*:credential-store:*:*:1.0` (optional) :class:`ICredentialStore <pip_services3_components.auth.ICredentialStore.ICredentialStore>` stores to resolve credentials


    .. code-block:: python

        class MyMongoDbPersistence(MongoDbPersistence):
            def __init__(self):
                super(MyMongoDbPersistence, self).__init__("mydata", MyData)

            def get_by_name(self, correlationId, name):
                item =  self._collection.find_one({ 'name': name })
                return item

            def set(self, correlationId, item):
                item = self._collection.find_one_and_update(
                    { '_id': }, { '$set': item },
                    return_document = pymongo.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
                    upsert = True

        persistence = MyMongoDbPersistence()
        persistence.configure(ConfigParams.from_tuples("host", "localhost", "port", 27017))"123")

        persistence.set("123", { name: "ABC" })
        item = persistence.get_by_name("123", "ABC")

        print (item)
    __default_config = ConfigParams.from_tuples(

        # "connect.type", "mongodb",
        # "connect.database", "test",
        # "", "localhost",
        # "connect.port", 27017,

    def __init__(self, collection: str = None):
        Creates a new instance of the persistence component.

        :param collection: (optional) a collection name.
        self._lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock()
        self._connection_resolver: MongoDbConnectionResolver = MongoDbConnectionResolver(
        self._options: ConfigParams = ConfigParams()

        # The logger.
        self._logger: CompositeLogger = CompositeLogger()

        # The dependency resolver.
        self._dependency_resolver = DependencyResolver(self.__default_config)

        # The MongoDB database name.
        self._database_name: str = None
        # The MongoDb database object.
        self._db: Any = None
        # The MongoDb collection object.
        self._collection: Collection = None
        # The MongoDB connection object.
        self._client: Any = None
        # The MongoDB connection component.
        self._connection: MongoDbConnection = None

        self._max_page_size = 100

        # The MongoDB colleciton object.
        self._collection_name: str = collection

        self.__config: ConfigParams = None
        self.__references: IReferences = None
        self.__opened = False
        self.__local_connection = False
        self.__indexes: List[MongoDbIndex] = []

    def configure(self, config: ConfigParams):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.
        config = config.set_defaults(self.__default_config)
        self.__config = config


        self._max_page_size = config.get_as_integer_with_default(
            "options.max_page_size", self._max_page_size)
        self._collection_name = config.get_as_string_with_default(
            'collection', self._collection_name)

    def set_references(self, references: IReferences):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.
        self.__references = references

        # Get connection
        self._connection = self._dependency_resolver.get_one_optional(
        # Or create a local one
        if self._connection is None:
            self._connection = self.__create_connection()
            self.__local_connection = True
            self.__local_connection = False

    def unset_references(self):
        Unsets (clears) previously set references to dependent components.
        self._connection = None

    def __create_connection(self) -> MongoDbConnection:
        connection = MongoDbConnection()

        if self.__config:

        if self.__references:

        return connection

    def _ensure_index(self, keys: Any, options: Any = None):
        Adds index definition to create it on opening

        :param keys: index keys (fields)
        :param options: index options
        if not keys:
        self.__indexes.append(MongoDbIndex(keys, options))

    def _clear_schema(self):
        Clears all auto-created objects
        self.__indexes = []

    def _define_schema(self):
        # TODO: override in child class

    def _convert_to_public(self, value: Any) -> Any:
        Converts object value from internal to public format.

        :param value: an object in internal format to convert.

        :return: converted object in public format.
        if value is None: return None
        if value.get('_id'):
            value['id'] = value['_id']
            value.pop('_id', None)

        return type('object', (object, ), value)

    def _convert_from_public(self, value: Any) -> Any:
        Convert object value from public to internal format.

        :param value: an object in public format to convert.

        :return: converted object in internal format.
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            return deepcopy(value)

        value = PropertyReflector.get_properties(value)

        if value.get('id'):
            value['_id'] = value.get('id') or value.get('_id')
            value.pop('id', None)
        return value

    def is_open(self) -> bool:
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self.__opened

    def open(self, correlation_id: Optional[str]):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self.__opened:

        if self._connection is None:
            self._connection = self.__create_connection()
            self.__local_connection = True

        if self.__local_connection:

        if self._connection is None:
            raise InvalidStateException(correlation_id, 'NO_CONNECTION',
                                        'MongoDB connection is missing')

        if not self._connection.is_open():
            raise ConnectionException(correlation_id, "CONNECT_FAILED",
                                      "MongoDB connection is not opened")

        self.__opened = False

        self._client = self._connection.get_connection()
        self._db = self._connection.get_database()
        self._database_name = self._connection.get_database_name()

            self._collection = self._db.get_collection(self._collection_name)

            # Define database schema

            # Recreate indexes
            for index in self.__indexes:
                keys = [(k, pymongo.ASCENDING) if v > 0 else
                        (k, pymongo.DESCENDING) for k, v in index.keys.items()]
                index.options = index.options or {}

                self._collection.create_index(keys, **(index.options or {}))

                index_name = index.options.get('name') or ','.join(
                                   "Created index %s for collection %s",
                                   index_name, self._collection_name)

            self.__opened = True
                "Connected to mongodb database %s, collection %s",
                self._database_name, self._collection_name)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ConnectionException(
                correlation_id, "CONNECT_FAILED",
                "Connection to mongodb failed").with_cause(ex)

    def __del_none_objects(self, settings):
        new_settings = {}
        for k in settings.keys():
            if settings[k] is not None:
                new_settings[k] = settings[k]
        return new_settings

    def close(self, correlation_id: Optional[str]):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if not self.__opened:

            if self._client is not None:

            if self._connection is None:
                raise InvalidStateException(correlation_id, 'NO_CONNECTION',
                                            'MongoDb connection is missing')

            if self.__local_connection:

            self._collection = None
            self._db = None
            self._client = None

            self.__opened = False
                correlation_id, "Disconnected from mongodb database " +
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ConnectionException(None, 'DISCONNECT_FAILED', 'Disconnect from mongodb failed: ' + str(ex)) \

    def clear(self, correlation_id: Optional[str]):
        Clears component state.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self._collection_name is None:
            raise Exception("Collection name is not defined")


    def create(self, correlation_id: Optional[str], item: T) -> T:
        Creates a data item.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param item: an item to be created.

        :return: a created item
        if item is None:

        new_item = self._convert_from_public(item)

        result = self._collection.insert_one(new_item)
        item = self._collection.find_one({'_id': result.inserted_id})

        item = self._convert_to_public(item)
        return item

    def delete_by_filter(self, correlation_id: Optional[str], filter: Any):
        Deletes data items that match to a given filter.

        This method shall be called by a public :func:`delete_by_filter` method from child class that
        receives :class:`FilterParams <>` and converts them into a filter function.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param filter: (optional) a filter function to filter items.
        result = self._collection.delete_many(filter)
        count = 0 if result is None else result.deleted_count
        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Deleted %d items from %s", count,

    def get_one_random(self, correlation_id: Optional[str],
                       filter: Any) -> Optional[T]:
        Gets a random item from items that match to a given filter.

        This method shall be called by a public get_one_random method from child class
        that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :return: a random item.
        count = self._collection.count_documents(filter)

        pos = random.randint(0, count)

        statement = self._collection.find(filter).skip(
            pos if pos > 0 else 0).limit(1)

        for item in statement:
            if item is None:
                                   "Random item wasn't found from %s",
                                   "Retrieved random item from %s",

            item = self._convert_to_public(item)

            return item

        return None

    def get_page_by_filter(self,
                           correlation_id: Optional[str],
                           filter: Any,
                           paging: PagingParams,
                           sort: Any = None,
                           select: Any = None) -> DataPage:
        Gets a page of data items retrieved by a given filter and sorted according to sort parameters.

        This method shall be called by a public get_page_by_filter method from child class that
        receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        :param filter: (optional) a filter JSON object
        :param paging: (optional) paging parameters
        :param sort: (optional) sorting JSON object
        :param select: (optional) projection JSON object
        :return: a data page of result by filter
        # Adjust max item count based on configuration
        paging = paging if paging is not None else PagingParams()
        skip = paging.get_skip(-1)
        take = paging.get_take(self._max_page_size)
        paging_enabled =

        # Configure statement
        statement = self._collection.find(filter, projection=select or {})

        if skip >= 0:
            statement = statement.skip(skip)
        statement = statement.limit(take)
        if sort is not None:
            statement = statement.sort(sort)

        # Retrive page items
        items = []
        for item in statement:
            item = self._convert_to_public(item)

        if items:
            self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Retrieved %d from %s",
                               len(items), self._collection_name)

        # Calculate total if needed
        total = None
        if paging_enabled:
            total = self._collection.count_documents(filter)

        return DataPage(items, total)

    def get_list_by_filter(self,
                           correlation_id: Optional[str],
                           filter: Any,
                           sort: Any = None,
                           select: Any = None) -> List[T]:
        Gets a list of data items retrieved by a given filter and sorted according to sort parameters.

        This method shall be called by a public get_list_by_filter method from child class that
        receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param filter: (optional) a filter function to filter items

        :param sort: (optional) sorting parameters

        :param select: (optional) projection parameters (not used yet)

        :return: a data list of results by filter.
        # Configure statement
        statement = self._collection.find(filter, projection=select or {})

        if sort is not None:
            statement = statement.sort(sort)

        # Retrive page items
        items = []
        for item in statement:
            item = self._convert_to_public(item)

        if items:
            self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Retrieved %d from %s",
                               len(items), self._collection_name)

        return items

    def get_count_by_filter(self, correlation_id: Optional[str],
                            filter: Any) -> int:
        Gets a number of data items retrieved by a given filter.

        This method shall be called by a public get_count_by_filter method from child class that
        receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        :param filter: (optional) a filter JSON object
        :return: a number of filtered items.
        count = self._collection.count_documents(filter)

        if count is not None:
            self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Counted %d items in %s", count,

        return count
class DirectClient(IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IOpenable):
    Abstract client that calls controller directly in the same memory space. It is used when multiple microservices are deployed in a single container (monolyth) and communication between them can be done by direct calls rather then through the network.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - dependencies:
        - controller:            override controller descriptor

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0         (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
    - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
    - *:controller:*:*:1.0     controller to call business methods

        class MyDirectClient(DirectClient, IMyClient):
            def __init__(self):
                super(MyDirectClient, self).__init__()
                self._dependencyResolver.put('controller', Descriptor("mygroup", "controller", "*", "*", "*"))


            def get_data(self, correlation_id, id):
                timing = self.instrument(correlationId, 'myclient.get_data')
                result = self._controller.get_data(correlationId, id)
                return result

            client = MyDirectClient()
            client.set_references(References.from_tuples(Descriptor("mygroup","controller","default","default","1.0"), controller))
            data = client.get_data("123", "1")
    _controller = None
    _opened = True
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    _dependency_resolver = None

    def __init__(self):
        Creates a new instance of the client.
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()
        self._dependency_resolver = DependencyResolver()
        self._dependency_resolver.put('controller', 'none')

    def configure(self, config):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.
        self._controller = self._dependency_resolver.get_one_required('controller')

    def _instrument(self, correlation_id, name):
        Adds instrumentation to log calls and measure call time. It returns a Timing object that is used to end the time measurement.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param name: a method name.

        :return: Timing object to end the time measurement.
        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, f"Executing {name} method")
        return self._counters.begin_timing(f"{name} .call_time")

    def _instrument_error(self, correlation_id, name, err, result, callback):
        Adds instrumentation to error handling.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        :param name: a method name.
        :param err: an occured error
        :param result: (optional) an execution result
        :param callback: (optional) an execution callback
        if err is not None:
            self._logger.error(correlation_id, err, f'Failed to call {name} method')
        if callback:
            callback(err, result)

    def is_opened(self):
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self._opened

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self._opened:

        if self._controller is None:
            raise ConnectionException(correlation_id, 'NO_CONTROLLER', 'Controller references is missing')

        self._opened = True, 'Opened direct client')

    def close(self, correlation_id):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self._opened:
  , 'Closed direct client')

        self._opened = False