class DummyController(IReferenceable, IReconfigurable, IOpenable, INotifiable):
    __timer: FixedRateTimer = None
    __logger: CompositeLogger = None
    __message: str = None
    __counter: int = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.__message = "Hello World!"
        self.__logger = CompositeLogger()
        self.__timer = FixedRateTimer(self, 1000, 1000)
        self.__counter = 0

    def message(self) -> str:
        return self.__message

    def message(self, value: str):
        self.__message = value

    def counter(self) -> int:
        return self.__counter

    def counter(self, value: int):
        self.__counter = value

    def configure(self, config: ConfigParams):
        self.__message = config.get_as_string_with_default("message", self.__message)

    def set_references(self, references: IReferences):

    def is_open(self) -> bool:
        return self.__timer.is_started()

    def open(self, correlation_id: Optional[str]):
        self.__logger.trace(correlation_id, "Dummy controller opened")

    def close(self, correlation_id: Optional[str]):
        self.__logger.trace(correlation_id, "Dummy controller closed")

    def notify(self, correlation_id: Optional[str], args: Parameters):
        self.counter += 1, "%d - %s", self.counter, self.message)
class RestService(IOpenable, IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IUnreferenceable,
    Abstract service that receives remove calls via HTTP/REST protocol.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - base_route:              base route for remote URI
    - dependencies:
        - endpoint:              override for HTTP Endpoint dependency
        - controller:            override for Controller dependency
    - connection(s):
        - discovery_key:         (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
        - protocol:              connection protocol: http or https
        - host:                  host name or IP address
        - port:                  port number
        - uri:                   resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0         (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
    - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
    - *:discovery:*:*:1.0        (optional) IDiscovery services to resolve connection
    - *:endpoint:http:*:1.0          (optional) HttpEndpoint reference

        class MyRestService(RestService):
            _controller = None

            def __init__(self):
                super(MyRestService, self).__init__()
                self._dependencyResolver.put("controller", Descriptor("mygroup","controller","*","*","1.0"))

            def set_references(self, references):
                super(MyRestService, self).set_references(references)
                self._controller = self._dependencyResolver.get_required("controller")

            def register():

        service = MyRestService()
        service.configure(ConfigParams.from_tuples("connection.protocol", "http",
                                                       "", "localhost",
                                                       "connection.port", 8080))
        service.set_references(References.from_tuples(Descriptor("mygroup","controller","default","default","1.0"), controller))"123")
    _default_config = None
    _debug = False
    _dependency_resolver = None
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    # _registered = None
    _local_endpoint = None
    _config = None
    _references = None
    _base_route = None
    _endpoint = None
    _opened = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._default_config = ConfigParams.from_tuples(
            "base_route", None, "dependencies.endpoint",
        # self._registered = False
        self._dependency_resolver = DependencyResolver()
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()

    def _instrument(self, correlation_id, name):
        Adds instrumentation to log calls and measure call time. It returns a Timing object that is used to end the time measurement.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param name: a method name.
        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Executing " + name + " method")
        return self._counters.begin_timing(name + ".exec_time")

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.
        self._references = references
        self._endpoint = self._dependency_resolver.get_one_optional('endpoint')

        if self._endpoint is None:
            self._endpoint = self.create_endpoint()
            self._local_endpoint = True
            self._local_endpoint = False


    def configure(self, config):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.
        config = config.set_defaults(self._default_config)
        self._config = config
        self._base_route = config.get_as_string_with_default(
            "base_route", self._base_route)

    def unset_references(self):
        Unsets (clears) previously set references to dependent components.
        if not (self._endpoint is None):
            self._endpoint = None

    def create_endpoint(self):
        endpoint = HttpEndpoint()
        if not (self._config is None):

        if not (self._references is None):

        return endpoint

    def _instrument(self, correlation_id, name):
        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, f"Executing {name} method")
        return self._counters.begin_timing(f"{name}.exec_time")

    def _instrument_error(self, correlation_id, name, error, result, callback):
        if not (error is None):
            self._logger.error(correlation_id, error,
                               f"Failed to execute {name} method")
        if not (callback is None):
            callback(error, result)

    def is_opened(self):
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self._opened

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        if self.is_opened():

        if self._endpoint is None:
            self._endpoint = self.create_endpoint()
            self._local_endpoint = True

        if self._local_endpoint:

        self._opened = True
        # # register route
        # if self._registered != True:
        #     self.add_route()
        #     self._registered = True

    def close(self, correlation_id):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if not self._opened:

        if self._endpoint is None:
            raise InvalidStateException(correlation_id, "NO_ENDPOINT",
                                        "HTTP endpoint is missing")

        if self._local_endpoint:

        self._opened = False

    def send_result(self, result):
        Creates a callback function that sends result as JSON object. That callack function call be called directly or passed as a parameter to business logic components.

        If object is not null it returns 200 status code. For null results it returns
        204 status code. If error occur it sends ErrorDescription with approproate status code.

        :param result: a body object to result.

        :return: execution result.

        return HttpResponseSender.send_result(result)

    def send_created_result(self, result):
        Creates a callback function that sends newly created object as JSON. That callack function call be called directly or passed as a parameter to business logic components.

        If object is not null it returns 201 status code. For null results it returns
        204 status code. If error occur it sends ErrorDescription with approproate status code.

        :param result: a body object to result.

        :return: execution result.
        return HttpResponseSender.send_created_result(result)

    def send_deleted_result(self):
        Creates a callback function that sends newly created object as JSON. That callack function call be called directly or passed as a parameter to business logic components.

        If object is not null it returns 200 status code. For null results it returns
        204 status code. If error occur it sends ErrorDescription with approproate status code.

        :return: execution result.

        return HttpResponseSender.send_deleted_result()

    def send_error(self, error):
        Sends error serialized as ErrorDescription object and appropriate HTTP status code. If status code is not defined, it uses 500 status code.

        :param error: an error object to be sent.

        return HttpResponseSender.send_error(error)

    def fix_route(self, route) -> str:
        if (route is not None and len(route) > 0):
            if (route[0] != '/'):
                route = f'/{route}'
            return route

        return ''

    def register_route(self, method, route, schema, handler):
        Registers an action in this objects REST server (service) by the given method and route.

        :param method: the HTTP method of the route.

        :param route: the route to register in this object's REST server (service).

        :param schema: the schema to use for parameter validation.

        :param handler: the action to perform at the given route.
        if self._endpoint is None:

        route = f"{self.fix_route(self._base_route)}{self.fix_route(route)}"
        # if not (self._base_route is None) and len(self._base_route) > 0:
        #     base_route = self._base_route
        #     if base_route[0] != '/':
        #         base_route = '/' + base_route
        #     if route[0] != '/':
        #         base_route = base_route + '/'
        #     route = base_route + route
        self._endpoint.register_route(method, route, schema, handler)

    def register(self):

    def get_data(self):
        data = bottle.request.json
        if isinstance(data, str):
            return json.loads(bottle.request.json)
        elif bottle.request.json:
            return bottle.request.json
            return None

    def get_request_param(self):

        if (not (bottle is None)) and (not (bottle.request is None)) and (
                not (bottle.request.params is None)):
            return bottle.request.params
            return {}

    def _append_base_route(self, route):
        route = route or ''

        if self._base_route is not None and len(self._base_route) > 0:
            base_route = self._base_route
            if base_route[0] != '/':
                base_route = '/' + base_route
                route = base_route + route
        return route

    def register_route_with_auth(self, method, route, schema, authorize,
        Registers a route with authorization in HTTP endpoint.

        :param method: HTTP method: "get", "head", "post", "put", "delete"
        :param route: a command route. Base route will be added to this route
        :param schema: a validation schema to validate received parameters.
        :param authorize: an authorization interceptor
        :param action: an action function that is called when operation is invoked.
        if self._endpoint is None:

        route = self._append_base_route(self.fix_route(route))

        self._endpoint.register_route_with_auth(method, route, schema,
                                                authorize, method)

    def register_interceptor(self, route, action):
        Registers a middleware for a given route in HTTP endpoint.

        :param route: a command route. Base route will be added to this route
        :param action: an action function that is called when middleware is invoked.
        if self._endpoint is None:

        route = self._append_base_route(self.fix_route(route))

        self._endpoint.register_interceptor(route, action)
Example #3
class MessageQueue(IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IMessageQueue):
    Abstract message queue.

    Abstract message queue that is used as a basis for specific message queue implementations.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

        - name:                        name of the message queue
        - connection(s):
            - discovery_key:             key to retrieve parameters from discovery service
            - protocol:                  connection protocol like http, https, tcp, udp
            - host:                      host name or IP address
            - port:                      port number
            - uri:                       resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
        - credential(s):
        - store_key:                 key to retrieve parameters from credential store
        - username:                  user name
        - password:                  user password
        - access_id:                 application access id
        - access_key:                application secret key

    ### References ###

        - *:logger:*:*:1.0           (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
        - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
        - *:discovery:*:*:1.0        (optional) IDiscovery components to discover connection(s)
        - *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 (optional) ICredentialStore componetns to lookup credential(s)
    _name = None
    _capabilities = None
    _lock = None
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    _credential_resolver = None
    _connection_resolver = None

    def __init__(self, name=None):
        Creates a new instance of the message queue.

        :param name: (optional) a queue name
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()
        self._connection_resolver = ConnectionResolver()
        self._credential_resolver = CredentialResolver()
        self._name = name

    def configure(self, config):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.
        self._name = NameResolver.resolve(config)

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        connection = self._connection_resolver.resolve(correlation_id)
        credential = self._credential_resolver.lookup(correlation_id)
        self._open_with_params(correlation_id, connection, credential)

    def _open_with_params(self, correlation_id, connection, credential):
        Opens the component with given connection and credential parameters.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param connection: connection parameters

        :param credential: credential parameters
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method that shall be overriden')

    def get_name(self):
        Gets the queue name

        :return: the queue name.
        return self._name if self._name != None else "undefined"

    def get_capabilities(self):
        Gets the queue capabilities

        :return: the queue's capabilities object.
        return self._capabilities

    def send_as_object(self, correlation_id, message_type, message):
        Sends an object into the queue.
        Before sending the object is converted into JSON string and wrapped in a [[MessageEnvelop]].

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param message_type: a message type

        :param message: an object value to be sent
        envelop = MessageEnvelop(correlation_id, message_type, message)
        self.send(correlation_id, envelop)

    def begin_listen(self, correlation_id, receiver):
        Listens for incoming messages without blocking the current thread.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param receiver: a receiver to receive incoming messages.
        # Start listening on a parallel tread
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.listen,
                                  args=(correlation_id, receiver))
        thread.daemon = True

    def __str__(self):
        Gets a string representation of the object.

        :return: a string representation of the object.
        return "[" + self.get_name() + "]"
class RestClient(IOpenable, IConfigurable, IReferenceable):
    Abstract client that calls remove endpoints using HTTP/REST protocol.

    ### Configuration parameters ###
    - base_route:              base route for remote URI
    - connection(s):
        - discovery_key:         (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
        - protocol:              connection protocol: http or https
        - host:                  host name or IP address
        - port:                  port number
        - uri:                   resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
    - options:
        - retries:               number of retries (default: 3)
        - connect_timeout:       connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 sec)
        - timeout:               invocation timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 sec)

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0         (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
    - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
    - *:discovery:*:*:1.0        (optional) IDiscovery services to resolve connection

        class MyRestClient(RestClient, IMyClient):
            def get_data(self, correlation_id, id):
                timing = self.instrument(correlationId, 'myclient.get_data')
                result = self._controller.get_data(correlationId, id)
                return result


        client = MyRestClient()
        client.configure(ConfigParams.fromTuples("connection.protocol", "http",
                                                 "", "localhost",
                                                 "connection.port", 8080))

        data = client.getData("123", "1")
    _default_config = None

    _client = None
    _uri = None
    _timeout = 1000
    _connection_resolver = None
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    _options = None
    _base_route = None
    _retries = 1
    _headers = None
    _connect_timeout = 1000

    def __init__(self):
        Creates a new instance of the client.
        self._connection_resolver = HttpConnectionResolver()
        self._default_config = ConfigParams.from_tuples(
            "connection.protocol", "http", "", "",
            "connection.port", 3000, "options.timeout", 10000,
            "options.request_max_size", 1024 * 1024, "options.connect_timeout",
            10000, "options.retries", 3, "options.debug", True)
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()
        self._options = ConfigParams()
        self._headers = {}

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.

    def configure(self, config):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.
        config = config.set_defaults(self._default_config)

        self._retries = config.get_as_integer_with_default(
            "options.retries", self._retries)
        self._connect_timeout = config.get_as_integer_with_default(
            "options.connect_timeout", self._connect_timeout)
        self._timeout = config.get_as_integer_with_default(
            "options.timeout", self._timeout)
        self._base_route = config.get_as_string_with_default(
            "base_route", self._base_route)

    def _instrument(self, correlation_id, name):
        Adds instrumentation to log calls and measure call time. It returns a Timing object that is used to end the time measurement.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        :param name: a method name.
        :return: Timing object to end the time measurement.
        TYPE_NAME = self.__class__.__name__ or 'unknown-target'
                           f"Calling {name} method {TYPE_NAME}")
        return self._counters.begin_timing(f"{TYPE_NAME}.{name}.call_count")

    def _instrument_error(self,
        Adds instrumentation to error handling.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        :param name: a method name.
        :param err: an occured error
        :param result: (optional) an execution result
        :param callback: (optional) an execution callback
        if err is not None:
            TYPE_NAME = self.__class__.__name__ or 'unknown-target'
            self._logger.error(correlation_id, err,
                               f"Failed to call {name} method of {TYPE_NAME}")
        if callback:
            callback(err, result)

    def is_opened(self):
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self._client is not None

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self.is_opened():

        connection = self._connection_resolver.resolve(correlation_id)

        self._uri = connection.get_uri()

        self._client = requests

                           "Connected via REST to " + self._uri)

    def close(self, correlation_id):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self._client is not None:
                               "Disconnected from " + self._uri)

        self._client = None
        self._uri = None

    def _to_json(self, obj):
        if obj is None:
            return None

        if isinstance(obj, set):
            obj = list(obj)
        if isinstance(obj, list):
            result = []
            for item in obj:
                item = self._to_json(item)
            return result

        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            result = {}
            for (k, v) in obj.items():
                v = self._to_json(v)
                result[k] = v
            return result

        if hasattr(obj, 'to_json'):
            return obj.to_json()
        if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'):
            return self._to_json(obj.__dict__)
        return obj

    def fix_route(self, route) -> str:
        if route is not None and len(route) > 0:
            if route[0] != '/':
                route = f'/{route}'
            return route

        return ''

    def createRequestRoute(self, route):
        builder = ''
        if self._uri is not None and len(self._uri) > 0:
            builder = self._uri

            builder += self.fix_route(self._base_route)

        if route[0] != '/':
            builder += '/'
        builder += route

        return builder

    def add_correlation_id(self, correlation_id=None, params=None):
        params = params or {}
        if not (correlation_id is None):
            params['correlation_id'] = correlation_id

        return params

    def add_filter_params(self, params=None, filters=None):
        params = params or {}
        if not (filters is None):

        return params

    def add_paging_params(self, params=None, paging=None):
        params = params or {}
        if not (paging is None):
            if not (paging['total'] is None):
                params['total'] = paging['total']
            if not (paging['skip'] is None):
                params['skip'] = paging['skip']
            if not (paging['take'] is None):
                params['take'] = paging['take']
            # params.update(paging)

        return params

    def call(self, method, route, correlation_id=None, params=None, data=None):
        Calls a remote method via HTTP/REST protocol.

        :param method: HTTP method: "get", "head", "post", "put", "delete"

        :param route: a command route. Base route will be added to this route

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param params: (optional) query parameters.

        :param data: (optional) body object.

        :return: result object
        method = method.upper()

        route = self.createRequestRoute(route)
        params = self.add_correlation_id(correlation_id=correlation_id,
        response = None
        result = None

            # Call the service
            data = self._to_json(data)
            response = requests.request(method,

        except Exception as ex:
            error = InvocationException(correlation_id, 'REST_ERROR',
                                        'REST operation failed: ' +
            raise error

        if response.status_code == 404 or response.status_code == 204:
            return None

            # Retrieve JSON data
            result = response.json()
            # Data is not in JSON
            if response.status_code < 400:
                raise UnknownException(correlation_id, 'FORMAT_ERROR',
                                       'Failed to deserialize JSON data: ' + response.text) \
                    .with_details('response', response.text)
                raise UnknownException(correlation_id, 'UNKNOWN', 'Unknown error occured: ' + response.text) \
                    .with_details('response', response.text)

        # Return result
        if response.status_code < 400:
            return result

        # Raise error
        # Todo: We need to implement proper from_value method
        error = ErrorDescription.from_json(result)
        error.status = response.status_code

        raise ApplicationExceptionFactory.create(error)
class DirectClient(IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IOpenable):
    Abstract client that calls controller directly in the same memory space. It is used when multiple microservices are deployed in a single container (monolyth) and communication between them can be done by direct calls rather then through the network.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - dependencies:
        - controller:            override controller descriptor

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0         (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
    - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
    - *:controller:*:*:1.0     controller to call business methods

        class MyDirectClient(DirectClient, IMyClient):
            def __init__(self):
                super(MyDirectClient, self).__init__()
                self._dependencyResolver.put('controller', Descriptor("mygroup", "controller", "*", "*", "*"))


            def get_data(self, correlation_id, id):
                timing = self.instrument(correlationId, 'myclient.get_data')
                result = self._controller.get_data(correlationId, id)
                return result

            client = MyDirectClient()
            client.set_references(References.from_tuples(Descriptor("mygroup","controller","default","default","1.0"), controller))
            data = client.get_data("123", "1")
    _controller = None
    _opened = True
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    _dependency_resolver = None

    def __init__(self):
        Creates a new instance of the client.
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()
        self._dependency_resolver = DependencyResolver()
        self._dependency_resolver.put('controller', 'none')

    def configure(self, config):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.
        self._controller = self._dependency_resolver.get_one_required('controller')

    def _instrument(self, correlation_id, name):
        Adds instrumentation to log calls and measure call time. It returns a Timing object that is used to end the time measurement.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

        :param name: a method name.

        :return: Timing object to end the time measurement.
        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, f"Executing {name} method")
        return self._counters.begin_timing(f"{name} .call_time")

    def _instrument_error(self, correlation_id, name, err, result, callback):
        Adds instrumentation to error handling.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        :param name: a method name.
        :param err: an occured error
        :param result: (optional) an execution result
        :param callback: (optional) an execution callback
        if err is not None:
            self._logger.error(correlation_id, err, f'Failed to call {name} method')
        if callback:
            callback(err, result)

    def is_opened(self):
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self._opened

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self._opened:

        if self._controller is None:
            raise ConnectionException(correlation_id, 'NO_CONTROLLER', 'Controller references is missing')

        self._opened = True, 'Opened direct client')

    def close(self, correlation_id):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self._opened:
  , 'Closed direct client')

        self._opened = False
class MemoryPersistence(IReferenceable, IOpenable, ICleanable):
    Abstract persistence component that stores data in memory.

    This is the most basic persistence component that is only
    able to store data items of any type. Specific CRUD operations
    over the data items must be implemented in child classes by
    accessing <code>this._items</code> property and calling
    [[save]] method.

    The component supports loading and saving items from another
    data source. That allows to use it as a base class for file
    and other types of persistence components that cache all data
    in memory.

    ### References ###
        - *:logger:*:*:1.0   (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages

        class MyMemoryPersistence(MemoryPersistence):

            def get_by_name(self, correlationId, name):
                item = self.find(name)
                return item

        persistence = MyMemoryPersistence()

        persistence.set("123", MyData("ABC"))
        print str(persistence.get_by_name("123", "ABC")))
    _logger = None
    _items = None
    _loader = None
    _saver = None
    _lock = None
    _opened = False

    def __init__(self, loader = None, saver = None):
        Creates a new instance of the persistence.

        :param loader: (optional) a loader to load items from external datasource.

        :param saver: (optional) a saver to save items to external datasource.
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._items = []
        self._loader = loader
        self._saver = saver

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.

    def is_opened(self):
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self._opened

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        self._opened = True

    def close(self, correlation_id):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        self._opened = False

    def _convert_to_public(self, value):
        return value

    def _convert_from_public(self, value):
        return value

    def load(self, correlation_id):
        if self._loader == None: return

            items = self._loader.load(correlation_id)
            self._items = []
            for item in items:
                item = self._convert_to_public(item)

        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Loaded " + str(len(self._items)) + " items")

    def save(self, correlation_id):
        Saves items to external data source using configured saver component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self._saver == None: return

            items = []
            for item in self._items:
                item = self._convert_from_public(item)
  , items)

        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Saved " + str(len(self._items)) + " items")

    def clear(self, correlation_id):
        Clears component state.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
            del self._items[:]

        self._logger.trace(correlation_id, "Cleared items")

        # Outside of lock to avoid reentry
class HttpEndpoint(IOpenable, IConfigurable, IReferenceable):
    Used for creating HTTP endpoints. An endpoint is a URL, at which a given service can be accessed by a client.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    Parameters to pass to the [[configure]] method for component configuration:

    - connection(s) - the connection resolver's connections;
        - "connection.discovery_key" - the key to use for connection resolving in a discovery service;
        - "connection.protocol" - the connection's protocol;
        - "" - the target host;
        - "connection.port" - the target port;
        - "connection.uri" - the target URI.

    ### References ###

    A logger, counters, and a connection resolver can be referenced by passing the following references to the object's [[setReferences]] method:

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0         (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
    - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
    - *:discovery:*:*:1.0        (optional) IDiscovery services to resolve connection

        def my_method(_config, _references):
            endpoint = HttpEndpoint()
            if (_config)
            if (_references)

    _default_config = None
    _connection_resolver = None
    _logger = None
    _counters = None
    _registrations = None
    _service = None
    _server = None
    _debug = False
    _uri = None
    _file_max_size = 200 * 1024 * 1024
    _maintenance_enabled = False
    _protocol_upgrade_enabled = False

    def __init__(self):
        Creates HttpEndpoint
        self._default_config = ConfigParams.from_tuples(
            "connection.protocol", "http", "", "",
            "connection.port", 3000, "credential.ssl_key_file", None,
            "credential.ssl_crt_file", None, "credential.ssl_ca_file", None,
            "options.maintenance_enabled", False, "options.request_max_size",
            1024 * 1024, "options.file_max_size", 200 * 1024 * 1024,
            "connection.connect_timeout", 60000, "connection.debug", True)
        self._connection_resolver = HttpConnectionResolver()
        self._logger = CompositeLogger()
        self._counters = CompositeCounters()
        self._registrations = []

    def configure(self, config):
        Configures this HttpEndpoint using the given configuration parameters.

        - connection(s) - the connection resolver's connections;
            - "connection.discovery_key" - the key to use for connection resolving in a discovery service;
            - "connection.protocol" - the connection's protocol;
            - "" - the target host;
            - "connection.port" - the target port;
            - "connection.uri" - the target URI.

        :param config: configuration parameters, containing a "connection(s)" section.
        config = config.set_defaults(self._default_config)
        self._file_max_size = config.get_as_boolean_with_default(
            'options.file_max_size', self._file_max_size)
        self._maintenance_enabled = config.get_as_long_with_default(
            'options.maintenance_enabled', self._maintenance_enabled)
        self._protocol_upgrade_enabled = config.get_as_boolean_with_default(
            'options.protocol_upgrade_enabled', self._protocol_upgrade_enabled)
        self._debug = config.get_as_boolean_with_default(
            'connection.debug', self._debug)

    def set_references(self, references):
        Sets references to this endpoint's logger, counters, and connection resolver.

        - *:logger:*:*:1.0         (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
        - *:counters:*:*:1.0         (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
        - *:discovery:*:*:1.0        (optional) IDiscovery services to resolve connection

        :param references: an IReferences object, containing references to a logger, counters, and a connection resolver.

    def is_opened(self):
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: whether or not this endpoint is open with an actively listening REST server.
        return not (self._server is None)

    def open(self, correlation_id):
        Opens a connection using the parameters resolved by the referenced connection resolver and creates a REST server (service) using the set options and parameters.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self.is_opened():

        connection = self._connection_resolver.resolve(correlation_id)
        if connection is None:
            raise ConfigException(correlation_id, "NO_CONNECTION",
                                  "Connection for REST client is not defined")
        self._uri = connection.get_uri()

        # verify https with bottle

        certfile = None
        keyfile = None

        if connection.get_protocol('http') == 'https':
            certfile = connection.get_as_nullable_string('ssl_crt_file')
            keyfile = connection.get_as_nullable_string('ssl_key_file')

        # Create instance of bottle application
        self._service = SessionMiddleware(
            bottle.Bottle(catchall=True, autojson=True)).app

        self._service.config['catchall'] = True
        self._service.config['autojson'] = True

        # Enable CORS requests
        self._service.add_hook('after_request', self._enable_cors)
        self._service.route('/', 'OPTIONS', self._options_handler)
        self._service.route('/<path:path>', 'OPTIONS', self._options_handler)

        self._service.add_hook('after_request', self._do_maintance)
        self._service.add_hook('after_request', self._no_cache)
        self._service.add_hook('before_request', self._add_compatibility)

        # Register routes
        # self.perform_registrations()

        def start_server():
  , debug=self._debug)

        # self.perform_registrations()

        host = connection.get_host()
        port = connection.get_port()
        # Starting service
            self._server = SSLCherryPyServer(host=host,

            # Start server in thread

            # Give 2 sec for initialization
                f"Opened REST service at {self._uri}",
        except Exception as ex:
            self._server = None

            raise ConnectionException(correlation_id, 'CANNOT_CONNECT', 'Opening REST service failed') \
                .wrap(ex).with_details('url', self._uri)

    def close(self, correlation_id):
        Closes this endpoint and the REST server (service) that was opened earlier.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
            if not (self._server is None):
                self._logger.debug(correlation_id, "Closed REST service at %s",

            self._server = None
            self._service = None
            self._uri = None
        except Exception as ex:
                              "Failed while closing REST service: " + str(ex))

    def register(self, registration):
        Registers a registerable object for dynamic endpoint discovery.

        :param registration: the registration to add.

    def unregister(self, registration):
        Unregisters a registerable object, so that it is no longer used in dynamic endpoint discovery.

        :param registration: the registration to remove.

    def perform_registrations(self):
        for registration in self._registrations:

    def fix_route(self, route) -> str:
        if route is not None and len(route) > 0:
            if route[0] != '/':
                route = f'/{route}'
            return route

        return ''

    def register_route(self, method, route, schema, handler):
        Registers an action in this objects REST server (service) by the given method and route.

        :param method: the HTTP method of the route.

        :param route: the route to register in this object's REST server (service).

        :param schema: the schema to use for parameter validation.

        :param handler: the action to perform at the given route.
        method = method.upper()
        # if method == 'DELETE':
        #     method = 'DEL'

        route = self.fix_route(route)

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                if isinstance(schema, Schema):
                    params = self.get_data()
                    correlation_id = params[
                        'correlation_id'] if 'correlation_id' in params else None
                    error = schema.validate_and_throw_exception(
                        correlation_id, params, False)
                return handler(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception as ex:
                return HttpResponseSender.send_error(ex)

        self._service.route(route, method, wrapper)

    def get_data(self):
        if request.json:
            return request.json
            return None

    def _enable_cors(self):
        response.headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '5'
        response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
            'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS'
            'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Authorization, Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With'

    def _do_maintance(self):
        :return: maintenance error code
        # Make this more sophisticated
        if self._maintenance_enabled:
            response.headers['Retry-After'] = 3600
            response.status = 503

    def _no_cache(self):
        Prevents IE from caching REST requests
            'Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
        response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
        response.headers['Expires'] = 0

    def _add_compatibility(self):
        def inner(name):
            if request.query:
                param = request.query[name]
                if param:
                    return param
            if request.body:
                param = request.json[name]
                if param:
                    return param
            if request.params:
                param = request.params[name]
                if param:
                    return param

            return None

        request['param'] = inner
        request['route'] = {'params': request.params}

    def _options_handler(self, ath=None):

    def get_param(self, param, default=None):
        return request.params.get(param, default)

    def get_correlation_id(self):
        return request.query.get('correlation_id')

    def register_route_with_auth(self, method, route, schema, authorize,
        Registers an action with authorization in this objects REST server (service)
        by the given method and route.

        :param method: the HTTP method of the route.
        :param route: the route to register in this object's REST server (service).
        :param schema: the schema to use for parameter validation.
        :param authorize: the authorization interceptor
        :param action: the action to perform at the given route.
        if authorize:
            next_action = action
            action = lambda req, res: authorize(
                request, response, next_action(response, response))

        self.register_route(method, route, schema, action)

    def register_interceptor(self, route, action):
        Registers a middleware action for the given route.

        :param route: the route to register in this object's REST server (service).
        :param action: the middleware action to perform at the given route.
        route = self.fix_route(route)

            'before_request', lambda: action(request, response)
            if not (route is not None and route != '' and request.url.
                    startswith(route)) else None)
class PrometheusCounters(CachedCounters, IReferenceable, IOpenable):
    Performance counters that send their metrics to Prometheus service.

    The component is normally used in passive mode conjunction with :class:`PrometheusMetricsService <>`.
    Alternatively when connection parameters are set it can push metrics to Prometheus PushGateway.

    ### Configuration parameters ###
        - connection(s):
          - discovery_key:         (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from :class:`IDiscovery <pip_services3_components.connect.IDiscovery.IDiscovery>`
          - protocol:              connection protocol: http or https
          - host:                  host name or IP address
          - port:                  port number
          - uri:                   resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
        - options:
          - retries:               number of retries (default: 3)
          - connect_timeout:       connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 sec)
          - timeout:               invocation timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 sec)

    ### References ###
        - `*:logger:*:*:1.0`           (optional) :class:`ILogger <pip_services3_components.log.ILogger.ILogger>` components to pass log messages
        - `*:counters:*:*:1.0`         (optional) :class:`ICounters <pip_services3_components.count.ICounters.ICounters>` components to pass collected measurements
        - `*:discovery:*:*:1.0`        (optional) :class:`IDiscovery <pip_services3_components.connect.IDiscovery.IDiscovery>` services to resolve connection

    See :class:`RestService <>`, :class:`CommandableHttpService <>`,


    .. code-block:: python

        counters = PrometheusCounters()
            "connection.protocol", "http",
            "", "localhost",
            "connection.port", 8080

        timing = counters.begin_timing("mycomponent.mymethod.exec_time")

    def __init__(self):
        Creates a new instance of the performance counters.
        super(PrometheusCounters, self).__init__()
        self.__logger = CompositeLogger()
        self.__connection_resolver = HttpConnectionResolver()
        self.__opened = False
        self.__source: str = None
        self.__instance: str = None
        self.__push_enabled: bool = None
        self.__client: Any = None
        self.__request_route: str = None

    def configure(self, config: ConfigParams):
        Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

        :param config: configuration parameters to be set.

        self.__source = config.get_as_float_with_default(
            'source', self.__source)
        self.__instance = config.get_as_float_with_default(
            'instance', self.__instance)
        self.__push_enabled = config.get_as_float_with_default(
            'push_enabled', True)

    def set_references(self, references: IReferences):
        Sets references to dependent components.

        :param references: references to locate the component dependencies.

        context_info = references.get_one_optional(
            Descriptor("pip-services", "context-info", "default", "*", "1.0"))
        if context_info is not None and self.__source is None:
            self.__source =
        if context_info is not None and self.__instance is None:
            self.__instance = context_info.context_id

    def is_open(self) -> bool:
        Checks if the component is opened.

        :return: true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
        return self.__opened

    def open(self, correlation_id: Optional[str]):
        Opens the component.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        if self.__opened or not self.__push_enabled:

        self.__opened = True

            connection = self.__connection_resolver.resolve(correlation_id)

            job = self.__source or 'unknown'
            instance = self.__instance or socket.gethostname()
            self.__request_route = "/metrics/job/" + job + "/instance/" + instance
            uri = connection.get_as_string('uri').split('://')[-1]
            if connection.get_as_string('protocol') == 'https':
                self.__client = HTTPSConnectionPool(uri)
                self.__client = HTTPConnectionPool(uri)

        except Exception as err:
            self.__client = None
                "Connection to Prometheus server is not configured: " +

    def close(self, correlation_id: Optional[str]):
        Closes component and frees used resources.

        :param correlation_id: (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
        self.__opened = False
        self.__request_route = None
            if self.__client:
            self.__client = None

    def _save(self, counters: List[Counter]):
        Saves the current counters measurements.

        :param counters: current counters measurements to be saves.
        if self.__client is None or not self.__push_enabled: return

        body = PrometheusCounterConverter.to_string(counters, None, None)
        err = None
        response = None
            response = self.__client.request('PUT',
        except Exception as ex:
            err = ex
            if err or response.status >= 400:
                self.__logger.error("prometheus-counters", err,
                                    "Failed to push metrics to prometheus")