Example #1
    def process(self, baton):
        markov = self.context_dependency.get_resource()

        word_1, word_2 = None, None

        sentence = list()
        length = 0

        # we must at least have room for a space in order to
        while length < 140:
            # pick a random word from our model:
            word = random.choice(markov[(word_1, word_2)])

            length += len(word or '')

            # we used None to signify the end of a sentence:
            if word is None or length > 140:
                sentence.pop() # remove the None from the sentence

            word_1, word_2 = word_2, word

        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, ' '.join(sentence))

        return baton
Example #2
    def get_resulting_baton(self, baton, path, value):
        """ Returns the new baton after optionally setting an output value.

        Example usage::

            def process(self, baton):
                value = self._calculate(baton)
                return self.get_resulting_baton(baton, self.output_path, value)

        :param baton: The baton in which the output value may be set.
        :param path: The path in the baton to set the value. Some paths have special meanings:

                The value should be discarded and the baton returned unchanged.
            An empty string:
                The value should completely replace the baton.
        :return: The new baton.
        if path is None:
            return baton
        elif path == '':
            return value

        util.dict_set_path(baton, path, value)
        return baton
Example #3
 def process(self, baton):
     groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
     items = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path, list())
     for item in items:
         value = util.dict_get_path(item, self.key_path, self.fallback)
     util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, groups)
     return baton
Example #4
    def set(self, path, value):
        """ Sets the configuration key specified by *path* to *value*.
        .. seealso::

                for more on the behaviour of setting with key paths.
        util.dict_set_path(self._config, path, value)
        return value
    def process_input_using_pipeline(self, input, baton, pipeline):
        if self.trace_path:
            results, trace = yield pipeline.traced_process(input)
            util.dict_set_path(baton, self.trace_path, trace)
            results = yield pipeline.process(input)

        if hasattr(results, '__getitem__') and self.only_last_result:
            results = results[-1]

Example #6
    def process(self, baton):
        any = reflect.namedAny(self.name)

        result = any(*self.args, **self.kwargs)

        if self.output_path == '':
            return result

        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, result)

        return baton
    def process(self, baton):
        pipeline_provider = yield self.pipeline_provider_dependency.wait_for_resource()

        subgraphs = []
        for pipeline_name, pipeline in pipeline_provider.pipeline_by_name.items():
            dot = pipeline.processor_graph.get_dot()
            dot = dot.replace('digraph G {', 'subgraph "cluster%s" { label="%s"; ' % (pipeline_name, pipeline_name))

        dot = u'digraph G {\n%s\n}' % '\n'.join(subgraphs)
        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, dot)
Example #8
    def process(self, baton):
        root = yield self.root_dependency.wait_for_resource()

        args = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.args_path, list()) if self.args_path is not None else list()
        kwargs = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.kwargs_path, dict()) if self.kwargs_path is not None else dict()

        result = yield root.callRemote(self.remote_name, *args, **kwargs)

        if self.output_path == "":

        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, result)
Example #9
    def test_setting_attribute(self):

        class Bar(object):
            def __init__(self, wrapped):
                self.wrapped = wrapped

        d = dict(a=Bar(dict(b=Bar('c'))))
        util.dict_set_path(d, 'a.wrapped.b.wrapped', 'not c')
        self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.wrapped.b.wrapped'), 'not c')
        util.dict_set_path(d, 'a.wrapped', 'not a bar')
        self.assertEquals(util.dict_get_path(d, 'a.wrapped'), 'not a bar')

        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, util.dict_set_path, d, 'a.no-such-attribute', 'whatever')
Example #10
    def process_request(self, request, baton):
        proxy_url = self.get_input(baton, self.url)
        remaining_path = '/'.join(urllib2.quote(segment, safe='') for segment in request.postpath)
        base_url_here = self._construct_base_url_here(request, proxy_url, remaining_path)
        proxied_url_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(proxy_url)

        proxied_path = self._create_proxied_request_path(proxied_url_parsed, remaining_path)
        proxied_query_string = self._create_query_string(request)

        rest = proxied_path + proxied_query_string

        # TODO: support for streaming large files etc.
        # create the proxied request object and add it to the baton
        proxied_request = web_provider.DummyRequest(request.postpath)
        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.proxied_request_path, proxied_request)

        # rewind the original requests content buffer before reading the data from it, since another processor
        # might have read its contents.
        request.content.seek(0, 0)
        data = request.content.read()

        headers = request.getAllHeaders()
        # we need to set the 'host' header, as our host can differ from the proxied host
        headers['host'] = proxied_url_parsed.netloc

        clientFactory = self.proxy_client_factory(request.method, rest, request.clientproto, headers, data, proxied_request)
        clientFactory.noisy = self.noisy

        reactor.connectTCP(proxied_url_parsed.hostname, proxied_url_parsed.port or 80, factory=clientFactory)

        # wait until the proxied request is finished:
        if not proxied_request.finished:
            yield proxied_request.notifyFinish()

        # We attempt to rewrite redirects coming from the proxied server in order to try to get the redirected request
        # to use this proxy too.
        if proxied_request.code in (301, 302, 303, 307):
            if self.rewrite_redirects:
                location = proxied_request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('location')[-1]
                proxied_request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders('location', [location.replace(self.url, base_url_here)])

            if self.stop_if_redirected:
                for key, values in proxied_request.responseHeaders.getAllRawHeaders():
                    request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(key, values)

                request.setResponseCode(proxied_request.code, proxied_request.code_message)

Example #11
    def process(self, baton):
        reporter_arguments = dict()

        for key, value in self.arguments.items():
            if key.endswith('_path'):
                key = key[:len('_path')+1]
                value = util.dict_get_path(baton, value)

            reporter_arguments[key] = value
        reporter = self.reporter_class(self.pipeline_dependency, **reporter_arguments)

        if self.output_path == '':
            return reporter

        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, reporter)
        return baton
Example #12
    def process(self, baton):
        for path in self.remove:
            util.dict_remove_path(baton, path)
        if self.keep:
            keepers = dict()
            for path in self.keep:
                value = util.dict_get_path(baton, path, Ellipsis)
                if value is Ellipsis:

                util.dict_set_path(keepers, path, value)

            # Modify baton in-place

        return baton
Example #13
    def process(self, baton):
        input = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path, Ellipsis)

        if input is Ellipsis:
            if self.skip_if_nonexistent:
            input = self.input_fallback

        output = yield self.process_input(input=input, baton=baton)

        if self.output_path == '':
            defer.returnValue(output) # the output replaces the baton

        if self.output_path is None:
            defer.returnValue(baton) # discard the output

        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, output)
Example #14
    def process(self, baton):
        msg = message.Message()

        for key, value in self.headers.items():
            msg.add_header(key, value)

        if self.payload_path:
            payload = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.payload_path)
            if hasattr(payload, 'read'):
                payload = payload.read()


        if self.output_path == '':
            return msg

        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, msg)

        return baton
Example #15
 def _set_threshold(self, module_name, threshold):
     """ Sets a special loglevel for the given module. """
     util.dict_set_path(self.modules, module_name, dict(__threshold__=threshold))
 def process(self, baton):
     logger.info('Loading tables.')
     util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, (yield self._load_every_jumprun_table()))
Example #17
 def process(self, baton):
     input = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.input_path)
     util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, self.schema.to_python(input))
     return baton
Example #18
 def process(self, baton):
     context = self.context_dependency.get_resource()
     if self.output_path == '':
         return context
     util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, context)
     return baton
Example #19
 def test_setting_simple_unnested(self):
     d = dict(foo='bar')
     util.dict_set_path(d, 'foo', 'baz')
     self.assertEquals(d, dict(foo='baz'))
Example #20
 def process(self, baton):
     util.dict_set_path(baton, self.path, self.value)
     return baton
 def process(self, baton):
     util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, (yield self._get_changes()))
Example #22
 def set_output(self, baton, output, output_path, **kwargs):
     """ Set the output. """
     util.dict_set_path(baton, output_path, output)
Example #23
 def test_setting_nonexistent(self):
     d = dict(a='b')
     util.dict_set_path(d, 'b.c', 'd')
     self.assertEquals(d, dict(a='b', b=dict(c='d')))
Example #24
 def test_setting_nested(self):
     d = dict(a=dict(b='c'))
     util.dict_set_path(d, 'a.b', 'd')
     self.assertEquals(d, dict(a=dict(b='d')))
     util.dict_set_path(d, ('a', 'b'), 'e')
     self.assertEquals(d, dict(a=dict(b='e')))
Example #25
 def process(self, baton):
     for path in self.paths:
         value = util.dict_get_path(baton, path, None)
         if isinstance(value, list):
             util.dict_set_path(baton, path, util.flatten(value))
     return baton
 def process(self, baton):
     dot = self.dependency_manager.get_dot()
     util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, dot)
     return baton
Example #27
 def process(self, baton):
     for path, value in self.mapping.items():
         path = self.path_prefix + path
         util.dict_set_path(baton, path, value)
     return baton
    def process(self, baton):
        # For every specified attribute path, check if there's
        # anything processable. If there is, process it and store the
        # result in the supplied attribute.

        ds = []
        for mapped_attribute in self.mapping:
            input_path = self.input_path_prefix + mapped_attribute.get('input_path', '')
            input_baton = util.dict_get_path(baton, input_path, Ellipsis)
            if input_baton is Ellipsis:

            pipeline_name = mapped_attribute['pipeline']
            output_path = self.output_path_prefix + mapped_attribute.get('output_path', pipeline_name)
            pipeline = self.get_pipeline(pipeline_name)

            input_baton = self.preprocess_baton(self._maybe_copy(input_baton))

            d = defer.maybeDeferred(pipeline.process, input_baton)
            d.addCallback(lambda _, resulting_baton=input_baton, output_path=output_path: util.dict_set_path(baton, output_path, resulting_baton))


        results = yield defer.DeferredList(ds)
        for success, result in results:
            if not success:
                # It's a failure. Reraise it, so the resulting
                # stack-trace is correct. Note that if there are
                # failures in multiple pipelines, only the first one
                # is raised.

Example #29
    def process(self, baton):
        value = util.dict_get_path(baton, self.counter_path)
        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.counter_path, value + self.increment)

        return baton
Example #30
    def process_request(self, request, baton):
        ip = self._determine_ip(request)

        util.dict_set_path(baton, self.output_path, ip)

        return baton