def plot_clustering_quality(probe_insertion, clustering_method=None, axs=None): probe_insertion = probe_insertion.proj() if clustering_method is None: try: clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(probe_insertion) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( str(e) + '\nPlease specify one with the kwarg "clustering_method"') amp, snr, spk_rate, isi_violation = ( ephys.Unit * ephys.UnitStat * ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation & probe_insertion & { 'clustering_method': clustering_method }).fetch('unit_amp', 'unit_snr', 'avg_firing_rate', 'isi_violation') metrics = { 'amp': amp, 'snr': snr, 'isi': np.array(isi_violation) * 100, # to percentage 'rate': np.array(spk_rate) } label_mapper = { 'amp': 'Amplitude', 'snr': 'Signal to noise ratio (SNR)', 'isi': 'ISI violation (%)', 'rate': 'Firing rate (spike/s)' } fig = None if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 8)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4) assert axs.size == 6 for (m1, m2), ax in zip(itertools.combinations(list(metrics.keys()), 2), axs.flatten()): ax.plot(metrics[m1], metrics[m2], '.k') ax.set_xlabel(label_mapper[m1]) ax.set_ylabel(label_mapper[m2]) # cosmetic ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) return fig
def make(self, key): # import here to avoid circular imports from pipeline.ingest import ephys as ephys_ingest from pipeline.util import _get_clustering_method ephys_file = (ephys_ingest.EphysIngest.EphysFile.proj( insertion_number='probe_insertion_number') & key).fetch1('ephys_file') rigpaths = ephys_ingest.get_ephys_paths() for rigpath in rigpaths: rigpath = pathlib.Path(rigpath) if (rigpath / ephys_file).exists(): session_ephys_dir = rigpath / ephys_file break else: raise FileNotFoundError( 'Error - No ephys data directory found for {}'.format( ephys_file)) key['clustering_method'] = _get_clustering_method(key) units = (Unit & key).fetch('unit') unit_quality_types = UnitQualityType.fetch('unit_quality') ks = ephys_ingest.Kilosort(session_ephys_dir) curated_cluster_notes = ks.extract_curated_cluster_notes() cluster_notes = [] for curation_source, cluster_note in curated_cluster_notes.items(): if curation_source == 'group': continue cluster_notes.extend([{ **key, 'note_source': curation_source, 'unit': u, 'unit_quality': note } for u, note in zip(cluster_note['cluster_ids'], cluster_note['cluster_notes']) if u in units and note in unit_quality_types ]) self.insert(cluster_notes)
def plot_unit_characteristic(probe_insertion, clustering_method=None, axs=None): probe_insertion = probe_insertion.proj() if clustering_method is None: try: clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(probe_insertion) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(str(e) + '\nPlease specify one with the kwarg "clustering_method"') if clustering_method in ('kilosort2'): q_unit = (ephys.Unit * ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation.proj('depth') * ephys.UnitStat * lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode.proj() * lab.ProbeType.Electrode.proj('x_coord', 'y_coord') & probe_insertion & {'clustering_method': clustering_method} & 'unit_quality != "all"').proj( ..., x='x_coord', y='y_coord') else: q_unit = (ephys.Unit * ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation.proj('depth') * ephys.UnitStat & probe_insertion & {'clustering_method': clustering_method} & 'unit_quality != "all"').proj( ..., x='unit_posx', y='unit_posy') amp, snr, spk_rate, x, y, insertion_depth = q_unit.fetch( 'unit_amp', 'unit_snr', 'avg_firing_rate', 'x', 'y', 'depth') metrics = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*(amp/amp.max(), snr/snr.max(), spk_rate/spk_rate.max(), x, insertion_depth.astype(float) + y)))) metrics.columns = ['amp', 'snr', 'rate', 'x', 'y'] # --- prepare for plotting shank_count = (ephys.ProbeInsertion & probe_insertion).aggr(lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode * lab.ProbeType.Electrode, shank_count='count(distinct shank)').fetch1('shank_count') m_scale = get_m_scale(shank_count) ymin = metrics.y.min() - 100 ymax = metrics.y.max() + 200 xmax = 1.3 * metrics.x.max() xmin = -1/6*xmax cosmetic = {'legend': None, 'linewidth': 1.75, 'alpha': 0.9, 'facecolor': 'none', 'edgecolor': 'k'} # --- plot fig = None if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 8)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.6) assert axs.size == 3 sns.scatterplot(data=metrics, x='x', y='y', s=metrics.amp*m_scale, ax=axs[0], **cosmetic) sns.scatterplot(data=metrics, x='x', y='y', s=metrics.snr*m_scale, ax=axs[1], **cosmetic) sns.scatterplot(data=metrics, x='x', y='y', s=metrics.rate*m_scale, ax=axs[2], **cosmetic) # manually draw the legend lg_ypos = ymax data = pd.DataFrame({'x': [0.1*xmax, 0.4*xmax, 0.75*xmax], 'y': [lg_ypos, lg_ypos, lg_ypos], 'size_ratio': np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.8])}) for ax, ax_maxval in zip(axs.flatten(), (amp.max(), snr.max(), spk_rate.max())): sns.scatterplot(data=data, x='x', y='y', s=data.size_ratio*m_scale, ax=ax, **dict(cosmetic, facecolor='k')) for _, r in data.iterrows(): ax.text(r['x']-4, r['y']+70, (r['size_ratio']*ax_maxval).astype(int)) # cosmetic for title, ax in zip(('Amplitude', 'SNR', 'Firing rate'), axs.flatten()): ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.plot([0.5*xmin, xmax], [lg_ypos-80, lg_ypos-80], '-k') ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax + 150)) return fig
def plot_driftmap(probe_insertion, clustering_method=None, shank_no=1): probe_insertion = probe_insertion.proj() assert histology.InterpolatedShankTrack & probe_insertion if clustering_method is None: try: clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(probe_insertion) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(str(e) + '\nPlease specify one with the kwarg "clustering_method"') units = (ephys.Unit * lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode & probe_insertion & {'clustering_method': clustering_method} & 'unit_quality != "all"') units = (units.proj('spike_times', 'spike_depths', 'unit_posy') * ephys.ProbeInsertion.proj() * lab.ProbeType.Electrode.proj('shank') & {'shank': shank_no}) # ---- ccf region ---- annotated_electrodes = (lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode * lab.ProbeType.Electrode * ephys.ProbeInsertion * histology.ElectrodeCCFPosition.ElectrodePosition * ccf.CCFAnnotation * ccf.CCFBrainRegion.proj(..., annotation='region_name') & probe_insertion & {'shank': shank_no}) pos_y, ccf_y, color_code = annotated_electrodes.fetch( 'y_coord', 'ccf_y', 'color_code', order_by='y_coord DESC') # CCF position of most ventral recording site last_electrode_site = np.array((histology.InterpolatedShankTrack.DeepestElectrodePoint & probe_insertion & {'shank': shank_no}).fetch1( 'ccf_x', 'ccf_y', 'ccf_z')) # CCF position of the brain surface where this shank crosses brain_surface_site = np.array((histology.InterpolatedShankTrack.BrainSurfacePoint & probe_insertion & {'shank': shank_no}).fetch1( 'ccf_x', 'ccf_y', 'ccf_z')) # CCF position of most ventral recording site, with respect to the brain surface y_ref = -np.linalg.norm(last_electrode_site - brain_surface_site) # ---- spikes ----brain_surface_site spike_times, spike_depths = units.fetch('spike_times', 'spike_depths', order_by='unit') spike_times = np.hstack(spike_times) spike_depths = np.hstack(spike_depths) # histogram # time_res = 10 # time resolution: 1sec # depth_res = 10 # depth resolution: 10um # # spike_bins = np.arange(0, spike_times.max() + time_res, time_res) # depth_bins = np.arange(spike_depths.min() - depth_res, spike_depths.max() + depth_res, depth_res) # time-depth 2D histogram time_bin_count = 1000 depth_bin_count = 200 spike_bins = np.linspace(0, spike_times.max(), time_bin_count) depth_bins = np.linspace(0, np.nanmax(spike_depths), depth_bin_count) spk_count, spk_edges, depth_edges = np.histogram2d(spike_times, spike_depths, bins=[spike_bins, depth_bins]) spk_rates = spk_count / np.mean(np.diff(spike_bins)) spk_edges = spk_edges[:-1] depth_edges = depth_edges[:-1] # region colorcode, by depths binned_hexcodes = [] y_spacing = np.abs(np.nanmedian(np.where(np.diff(pos_y)==0, np.nan, np.diff(pos_y)))) anno_depth_bins = np.arange(0, depth_bins[-1], y_spacing) for s, e in zip(anno_depth_bins[:-1], anno_depth_bins[1:]): hexcodes = color_code[np.logical_and(pos_y > s, pos_y <= e)] if len(hexcodes): binned_hexcodes.append(Counter(hexcodes).most_common()[0][0]) else: binned_hexcodes.append('FFFFFF') region_rgba = np.array([list(ImageColor.getcolor("#" + chex, "RGBA")) for chex in binned_hexcodes]) region_rgba = np.repeat(region_rgba[:, np.newaxis, :], 10, axis=1) # canvas setup fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8)) grid = plt.GridSpec(12, 12) ax_main = plt.subplot(grid[1:, 0:9]) ax_cbar = plt.subplot(grid[0, 0:9]) ax_spkcount = plt.subplot(grid[1:, 9:11]) ax_anno = plt.subplot(grid[1:, 11:]) # -- plot main -- im = ax_main.imshow(spk_rates.T, aspect='auto', cmap='gray_r', extent=[spike_bins[0], spike_bins[-1], depth_bins[-1], depth_bins[0]]) # cosmetic ax_main.invert_yaxis() ax_main.set_xlabel('Time (sec)') ax_main.set_ylabel('Distance from tip sites (um)') ax_main.set_ylim(depth_edges[0], depth_edges[-1]) ax_main.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax_main.spines['top'].set_visible(False) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=ax_cbar, orientation='horizontal') cb.outline.set_visible(False) cb.set_label('Firing rate (Hz)')'top') # -- plot spikecount -- ax_spkcount.plot(spk_count.sum(axis=0) / 10e3, depth_edges, 'k') ax_spkcount.set_xlabel('Spike count (x$10^3$)') ax_spkcount.set_yticks([]) ax_spkcount.set_ylim(depth_edges[0], depth_edges[-1]) ax_spkcount.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax_spkcount.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax_spkcount.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax_spkcount.spines['left'].set_visible(False) # -- plot colored region annotation ax_anno.imshow(region_rgba, aspect='auto', extent=[0, 10, (anno_depth_bins[-1] + y_ref) / 1000, (anno_depth_bins[0] + y_ref) / 1000]) ax_anno.invert_yaxis() ax_anno.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax_anno.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax_anno.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax_anno.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax_anno.set_xticks([]) ax_anno.yaxis.tick_right() ax_anno.set_ylabel('Depth in the brain (mm)') ax_anno.yaxis.set_label_position('right') return fig
def plot_unit_bilateral_photostim_effect(probe_insertion, clustering_method=None, axs=None): probe_insertion = probe_insertion.proj() if not (psth.TrialCondition().get_trials('all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim') & probe_insertion): raise PhotostimError('No Bilateral ALM Photo-stimulation present') if clustering_method is None: try: clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(probe_insertion) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(str(e) + '\nPlease specify one with the kwarg "clustering_method"') dv_loc = (ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation & probe_insertion).fetch1('depth') no_stim_cond = (psth.TrialCondition & {'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_nostim'}).fetch1('KEY') bi_stim_cond = (psth.TrialCondition & {'trial_condition_name': 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim'}).fetch1('KEY') units = ephys.Unit & probe_insertion & {'clustering_method': clustering_method} & 'unit_quality != "all"' metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['unit', 'x', 'y', 'frate_change']) # get photostim onset and duration stim_durs = np.unique((experiment.Photostim & experiment.PhotostimEvent * psth.TrialCondition().get_trials('all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim') & probe_insertion).fetch('duration')) stim_dur = _extract_one_stim_dur(stim_durs) stim_time = _get_stim_onset_time(units, 'all_noearlylick_both_alm_stim') # XXX: could be done with 1x fetch+join for u_idx, unit in enumerate(units.fetch('KEY', order_by='unit')): if clustering_method in ('kilosort2'): x, y = (ephys.Unit * lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode.proj() * lab.ProbeType.Electrode.proj('x_coord', 'y_coord') & unit).fetch1('x_coord', 'y_coord') else: x, y = (ephys.Unit & unit).fetch1('unit_posx', 'unit_posy') # obtain unit psth per trial, for all nostim and bistim trials nostim_trials = ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes & unit & psth.TrialCondition.get_trials(no_stim_cond['trial_condition_name']) bistim_trials = ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes & unit & psth.TrialCondition.get_trials(bi_stim_cond['trial_condition_name']) nostim_psths, nostim_edge = psth.compute_unit_psth(unit, nostim_trials.fetch('KEY'), per_trial=True) bistim_psths, bistim_edge = psth.compute_unit_psth(unit, bistim_trials.fetch('KEY'), per_trial=True) # compute the firing rate difference between contra vs. ipsi within the stimulation time window ctrl_frate = np.array([nostim_psth[np.logical_and(nostim_edge >= stim_time, nostim_edge <= stim_time + stim_dur)].mean() for nostim_psth in nostim_psths]) stim_frate = np.array([bistim_psth[np.logical_and(bistim_edge >= stim_time, bistim_edge <= stim_time + stim_dur)].mean() for bistim_psth in bistim_psths]) frate_change = (stim_frate.mean() - ctrl_frate.mean()) / ctrl_frate.mean() frate_change = abs(frate_change) if frate_change < 0 else 0.0001 metrics.loc[u_idx] = (int(unit['unit']), x, float(dv_loc) + y, frate_change) metrics.frate_change = metrics.frate_change / metrics.frate_change.max() # --- prepare for plotting shank_count = (ephys.ProbeInsertion & probe_insertion).aggr(lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode * lab.ProbeType.Electrode, shank_count='count(distinct shank)').fetch1('shank_count') m_scale = get_m_scale(shank_count) fig = None if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 8)) xmax = 1.3 * metrics.x.max() xmin = -1/6*xmax cosmetic = {'legend': None, 'linewidth': 1.75, 'alpha': 0.9, 'facecolor': 'none', 'edgecolor': 'k'} sns.scatterplot(data=metrics, x='x', y='y', s=metrics.frate_change*m_scale, ax=axs, **cosmetic) axs.spines['right'].set_visible(False) axs.spines['top'].set_visible(False) axs.set_title('% change') axs.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) return fig
def plot_unit_selectivity(probe_insertion, clustering_method=None, axs=None): probe_insertion = probe_insertion.proj() if clustering_method is None: try: clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(probe_insertion) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(str(e) + '\nPlease specify one with the kwarg "clustering_method"') if clustering_method in ('kilosort2'): q_unit = (psth.PeriodSelectivity * ephys.Unit * ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation * lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode.proj() * lab.ProbeType.Electrode.proj('x_coord', 'y_coord') * experiment.Period & probe_insertion & {'clustering_method': clustering_method} & 'period_selectivity != "non-selective"').proj(..., x='unit_posx', y='unit_posy').proj( ..., x='x_coord', y='y_coord') else: q_unit = (psth.PeriodSelectivity * ephys.Unit * ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation * experiment.Period & probe_insertion & {'clustering_method': clustering_method} & 'period_selectivity != "non-selective"').proj(..., x='unit_posx', y='unit_posy') attr_names = ['unit', 'period', 'period_selectivity', 'contra_firing_rate', 'ipsi_firing_rate', 'x', 'y', 'depth'] selective_units = q_unit.fetch(*attr_names) selective_units = pd.DataFrame(selective_units).T selective_units.columns = attr_names selective_units.period_selectivity.astype('category') # --- account for insertion depth (manipulator depth) selective_units.y = selective_units.depth.values.astype(float) + selective_units.y # --- get ipsi vs. contra firing rate difference f_rate_diff = np.abs(selective_units.ipsi_firing_rate - selective_units.contra_firing_rate) selective_units['f_rate_diff'] = f_rate_diff / f_rate_diff.max() # --- prepare for plotting shank_count = (ephys.ProbeInsertion & probe_insertion).aggr(lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode * lab.ProbeType.Electrode, shank_count='count(distinct shank)').fetch1('shank_count') m_scale = get_m_scale(shank_count) cosmetic = {'legend': None, 'linewidth': 0.0001} ymin = selective_units.y.min() - 100 ymax = selective_units.y.max() + 100 xmax = 1.3 * selective_units.x.max() xmin = -1/6*xmax # a bit of hack to get the 'open circle' pts = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, 24) circ = np.c_[np.sin(pts) / 2, -np.cos(pts) / 2] vert = np.r_[circ, circ[::-1] * .7] open_circle = mpl.path.Path(vert) # --- plot fig = None if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 8)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.6) assert axs.size == 3 for (title, df), ax in zip(((p, selective_units[selective_units.period == p]) for p in ('sample', 'delay', 'response')), axs): sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='x', y='y', s=df.f_rate_diff.values.astype(float)*m_scale, hue='period_selectivity', marker=open_circle, palette={'contra-selective': 'b', 'ipsi-selective': 'r'}, ax=ax, **cosmetic) contra_p = (df.period_selectivity == 'contra-selective').sum() / len(df) * 100 # cosmetic ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_title(f'{title}\n% contra: {contra_p:.2f}\n% ipsi: {100-contra_p:.2f}') ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) return fig
def _export_recording(insert_key, output_dir='./', filename=None, overwrite=False): ''' Export a 'recording' (probe specific data + related events) to a file. Parameters: - insert_key: an ephys.ProbeInsertion.primary_key currently: {'subject_id', 'session', 'insertion_number'}) - output_dir: directory to save the file at (default to be the current working directory) - filename: an optional output file path string. If not provided, filename will be autogenerated using the 'mkfilename' function. ''' if filename is None: filename = mkfilename(insert_key) filepath = pathlib.Path(output_dir) / filename if filepath.exists() and not overwrite: print('{} already exists, skipping...'.format(filepath)) return print( '\n========================================================================' ) print('exporting {} to {}'.format(insert_key, filepath)) print('fetching spike/behavior data') try: insertion = (ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation * ephys.ProbeInsertion.proj('probe_type') & insert_key).fetch1() loc = (ephys.ProbeInsertion & insert_key).aggr( ephys.ProbeInsertion.RecordableBrainRegion.proj( brain_region='CONCAT(hemisphere, " ", brain_area)'), brain_regions='GROUP_CONCAT(brain_region SEPARATOR ", ")').fetch1( 'brain_regions') except dj.DataJointError: raise KeyError('Probe Insertion Location not yet available') clustering_method = _get_clustering_method(insert_key) q_unit = (ephys.Unit * lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode.proj() * lab.ProbeType.Electrode.proj('shank') & insert_key & { 'clustering_method': clustering_method }) units = q_unit.fetch(order_by='unit') behav = (experiment.BehaviorTrial & insert_key).aggr( experiment.TrialNote & 'trial_note_type="autolearn"', ..., auto_learn='trial_note', keep_all_rows=True).fetch(order_by='trial asc') trials = behav['trial'] exports = [ 'probe_insertion_info', 'neuron_single_units', 'neuron_unit_waveforms', 'neuron_unit_info', 'neuron_unit_quality_control', 'behavior_report', 'behavior_early_report', 'behavior_lick_times', 'behavior_lick_directions', 'behavior_is_free_water', 'behavior_is_auto_water', 'behavior_auto_learn', 'task_trial_type', 'task_stimulation', 'trial_end_time', 'task_sample_time', 'task_delay_time', 'task_cue_time', 'tracking', 'histology' ] edata = {k: [] for k in exports} print('reshaping/processing for export') # probe_insertion_info # ------------------- edata['probe_insertion_info'] = { k: float(v) if isinstance(v, Decimal) else v for k, v in dict(insertion, recordable_brain_regions=loc).items() if k not in ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation.primary_key } # neuron_single_units # ------------------- # [[u0t0.spikes, ..., u0tN.spikes], ..., [uNt0.spikes, ..., uNtN.spikes]] print('... neuron_single_units:', end='') q_trial_spikes = (experiment.SessionTrial.proj() * ephys.Unit.proj() & insert_key).aggr(ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes, ..., spike_times='spike_times', keep_all_rows=True) trial_spikes = q_trial_spikes.fetch(format='frame', order_by='trial asc').reset_index() # replace None with np.array([]) isna = trial_spikes.spike_times.isna() trial_spikes.loc[isna, 'spike_times'] = pd.Series([np.array([])] * isna.sum()).values single_units = defaultdict(list) for u in set(trial_spikes.unit): single_units[u] = trial_spikes.spike_times[trial_spikes.unit == u].values.tolist() # reformat to a MATLAB compatible form ndarray_object = np.empty((len(single_units.keys()), 1), dtype=np.object) for idx, i in enumerate(sorted(single_units.keys())): ndarray_object[idx, 0] = np.array(single_units[i], ndmin=2).T edata['neuron_single_units'] = ndarray_object print('ok.') # neuron_unit_waveforms # ------------------- edata['neuron_unit_waveforms'] = np.array(units['waveform'], ndmin=2).T # neuron_unit_info # ---------------- # # [[unit_id, unit_quality, unit_x_in_um, depth_in_um, associated_electrode, shank, cell_type, recording_location] ...] print('... neuron_unit_info:', end='') dv = float(insertion['depth']) if insertion['depth'] else np.nan cell_types = { u['unit']: u['cell_type'] for u in (ephys.UnitCellType & insert_key).fetch(as_dict=True, order_by='unit') } _ui = [] for u in units: typ = cell_types[u['unit']] if u['unit'] in cell_types else 'unknown' _ui.append([ u['unit'], u['unit_quality'], u['unit_posx'], u['unit_posy'] + dv, u['electrode'], u['shank'], typ, loc ]) edata['neuron_unit_info'] = np.array(_ui, dtype='O') print('ok.') # neuron_unit_quality_control # ---------------- # structure of all of the QC fields, each contains 1d array of length equals to the number of unit. E.g.: # presence_ratio: (Nx1) # unit_amp: (Nx1) # unit_snr: (Nx1) # ... q_qc = (ephys.Unit & insert_key).proj('unit_amp', 'unit_snr').aggr( ephys.UnitStat, ..., **{ n: n for n in ephys.UnitStat.heading.names if n not in ephys.UnitStat.heading.primary_key }, keep_all_rows=True).aggr( ephys.MAPClusterMetric.DriftMetric, ..., **{ n: n for n in ephys.MAPClusterMetric.DriftMetric.heading.names if n not in ephys.MAPClusterMetric.DriftMetric.heading.primary_key }, keep_all_rows=True).aggr( ephys.ClusterMetric, ..., **{ n: n for n in ephys.ClusterMetric.heading.names if n not in ephys.ClusterMetric.heading.primary_key }, keep_all_rows=True).aggr( ephys.WaveformMetric, ..., **{ n: n for n in ephys.WaveformMetric.heading.names if n not in ephys.WaveformMetric.heading.primary_key }, keep_all_rows=True) qc_names = [n for n in q_qc.heading.names if n not in q_qc.primary_key] if q_qc: qc = (q_qc & insert_key).fetch(*qc_names, order_by='unit') qc_df = pd.DataFrame(qc).T qc_df.columns = qc_names edata['neuron_unit_quality_control'] = { n: qc_df.get(n).values for n in qc_names if not np.all(np.isnan(qc_df.get(n).values)) } # behavior_report # --------------- print('... behavior_report:', end='') behavior_report_map = {'hit': 1, 'miss': 0, 'ignore': -1} edata['behavior_report'] = np.array( [behavior_report_map[i] for i in behav['outcome']]) print('ok.') # behavior_early_report # --------------------- print('... behavior_early_report:', end='') early_report_map = {'early': 1, 'no early': 0} edata['behavior_early_report'] = np.array( [early_report_map[i] for i in behav['early_lick']]) print('ok.') # behavior_is_free_water # --------------------- print('... behavior_is_free_water:', end='') edata['behavior_is_free_water'] = np.array( [i for i in behav['free_water']]) print('ok.') # behavior_is_auto_water # --------------------- print('... behavior_is_auto_water:', end='') edata['behavior_is_auto_water'] = np.array( [i for i in behav['auto_water']]) print('ok.') # behavior_auto_learn # --------------------- print('... behavior_auto_learn:', end='') edata['behavior_auto_learn'] = np.array( [i or 'n/a' for i in behav['auto_learn']]) print('ok.') # behavior_touch_times # -------------------- behavior_touch_times = None # NOQA no data (see ActionEventType()) # behavior_lick_times - 0: left lick; 1: right lick # ------------------- print('... behavior_lick_times:', end='') lick_direction_mapper = {'left lick': 0, 'right lick': 1} _lt, _ld = [], [] licks = (experiment.ActionEvent() & insert_key & "action_event_type in ('left lick', 'right lick')").fetch() for t in trials: _lt.append([ float(i) for i in # decimal -> float licks[licks['trial'] == t]['action_event_time'] ] if t in licks['trial'] else []) _ld.append([ lick_direction_mapper[i] for i in # decimal -> float licks[licks['trial'] == t]['action_event_type'] ] if t in licks['trial'] else []) edata['behavior_lick_times'] = np.array(_lt) edata['behavior_lick_directions'] = np.array(_ld) behavior_whisker_angle = None # NOQA no data behavior_whisker_dist2pol = None # NOQA no data print('ok.') # task_trial_type # --------------- print('... task_trial_type:', end='') task_trial_type_map = {'left': 'l', 'right': 'r'} edata['task_trial_type'] = np.array( [task_trial_type_map[i] for i in behav['trial_instruction']], dtype='O') print('ok.') # task_stimulation # ---------------- print('... task_stimulation:', end='') _ts = [] # [[power, type, on-time, off-time], ...] q_photostim = (experiment.Photostim * experiment.PhotostimBrainRegion.proj( stim_brain_region='CONCAT(stim_laterality, " ", stim_brain_area)') & insert_key) photostim_keyval = {'left ALM': 1, 'right ALM': 2, 'both ALM': 6} photostim_map, photostim_dat = {}, {} for pstim in q_photostim.fetch(): photostim_map[pstim['photo_stim']] = photostim_keyval[ pstim['stim_brain_region']] photostim_dat[pstim['photo_stim']] = pstim photostim_ev = (experiment.PhotostimEvent & insert_key).fetch() for t in trials: if t in photostim_ev['trial']: ev = photostim_ev[np.where(photostim_ev['trial'] == t)] ps = photostim_map[ev['photo_stim'][0]] pdat = photostim_dat[ev['photo_stim'][0]] _ts.append([ float(ev['power']), ps, float(ev['photostim_event_time']), float(ev['photostim_event_time'] + pdat['duration']) ]) else: _ts.append([0, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan]) edata['task_stimulation'] = np.array(_ts) print('ok.') # task_pole_time # -------------- task_pole_time = None # NOQA no data # task_sample_time - (sample period) - list of (onset, duration) - the LAST "sample" event in a trial # ------------- print('... task_sample_time:', end='') _tst, _tsd = ((experiment.BehaviorTrial & insert_key).aggr( experiment.TrialEvent & 'trial_event_type = "sample"', trial_event_id='max(trial_event_id)') * experiment.TrialEvent).fetch( 'trial_event_time', 'duration', order_by='trial') edata['task_sample_time'] = np.array([_tst, _tsd]).astype(float) print('ok.') # task_delay_time - (delay period) - list of (onset, duration) - the LAST "delay" event in a trial # ------------- print('... task_delay_time:', end='') _tdt, _tdd = ((experiment.BehaviorTrial & insert_key).aggr( experiment.TrialEvent & 'trial_event_type = "delay"', trial_event_id='max(trial_event_id)') * experiment.TrialEvent).fetch( 'trial_event_time', 'duration', order_by='trial') edata['task_delay_time'] = np.array([_tdt, _tdd]).astype(float) print('ok.') # task_cue_time - (response period) - list of (onset, duration) - the LAST "go" event in a trial # ------------- print('... task_cue_time:', end='') _tct, _tcd = ((experiment.BehaviorTrial & insert_key).aggr( experiment.TrialEvent & 'trial_event_type = "go"', trial_event_id='max(trial_event_id)') * experiment.TrialEvent).fetch( 'trial_event_time', 'duration', order_by='trial') edata['task_cue_time'] = np.array([_tct, _tcd]).astype(float) print('ok.') # trial_end_time - list of (onset, duration) - the FIRST "trialend" event in a trial # ------------- print('... trial_end_time:', end='') _tet, _ted = ((experiment.BehaviorTrial & insert_key).aggr( experiment.TrialEvent & 'trial_event_type = "trialend"', trial_event_id='min(trial_event_id)') * experiment.TrialEvent).fetch( 'trial_event_time', 'duration', order_by='trial') edata['trial_end_time'] = np.array([_tet, _ted]).astype(float) print('ok.') # tracking # ---------------- print('... tracking:', end='') tracking_struct = {} for feature, feature_tbl in tracking.Tracking().tracking_features.items(): ft_attrs = [ n for n in feature_tbl.heading.names if n not in feature_tbl.primary_key ] trk_data = ( tracking.Tracking * feature_tbl * tracking.TrackingDevice.proj( fs='sampling_rate', camera='concat(tracking_device, "_", tracking_position)') & insert_key).fetch('camera', 'fs', 'tracking_samples', 'trial', *ft_attrs, order_by='trial', as_dict=True) for trk_d in trk_data: camera = trk_d['camera'].replace(' ', '_').lower() if camera not in tracking_struct: tracking_struct[camera] = { 'fs': float(trk_d['fs']), 'Nframes': [], 'trialNum': [] } if trk_d['trial'] not in tracking_struct[camera]['trialNum']: tracking_struct[camera]['trialNum'].append(trk_d['trial']) tracking_struct[camera]['Nframes'].append(trk_d[ft_attrs[0]]) for ft in ft_attrs: if ft not in tracking_struct[camera]: tracking_struct[camera][ft] = [] tracking_struct[camera][ft].append(trk_d[ft]) if tracking_struct: edata['tracking'] = tracking_struct print('ok.') else: print('n/a') # histology - unit ccf # ---------------- print('... histology:', end='') unit_ccfs = [] for ccf_tbl in (histology.ElectrodeCCFPosition.ElectrodePosition, histology.ElectrodeCCFPosition.ElectrodePositionError): unit_ccf = (ephys.Unit * ccf_tbl & insert_key & { 'clustering_method': clustering_method }).aggr(ccf.CCFAnnotation, ..., annotation='IFNULL(annotation, "")', keep_all_rows=True).fetch('unit', 'ccf_x', 'ccf_y', 'ccf_z', 'annotation', order_by='unit') unit_ccfs.extend(list(zip(*unit_ccf))) if unit_ccfs: unit_id, ccf_x, ccf_y, ccf_z, anno = zip( *sorted(unit_ccfs, key=lambda x: x[0])) edata['histology'] = { 'unit': unit_id, 'ccf_x': ccf_x, 'ccf_y': ccf_y, 'ccf_z': ccf_z, 'annotation': anno } print('ok.') else: print('n/a') # savemat # ------- print('... saving to {}:'.format(filepath), end='') scio.savemat(filepath, edata) print('ok.')