Example #1
  def findPipelinesInCategories(self, path):
    categories   = {}
    descriptions = {}
    for filename in os.listdir(path):
      if filename.endswith(".json"):
        pipeline = pc.pipelineConfiguration(allowTermination = False)
        success  = pipeline.getConfigurationData(path + '/' + filename)

        # Store the pipeline description if the pipeline is not developmental.
        if success and not pipeline.isDevelopment:
          descriptions[pipeline.name] = pipeline.description

          # Loop over the categories and populate the data structure.
          for category in pipeline.categories:

            # Check that the category is allowed.
            if category not in self.helpCategories: self.errors.invalidCategory(pipeline.name, category, self.helpCategories)
            if category not in categories: categories[str(category)] = [str(pipeline.name)]
            else: categories[str(category)].append(str(pipeline.name))

    # Return the dictionary containing all the tools connected to each category.
    return categories, descriptions
Example #2
  def listAllPipelines(self, path):
    self.writeSimpleLine('========================', isIndent = False, noLeadingTabs = 0)
    self.writeSimpleLine('all gkno pipelines', isIndent = True, noLeadingTabs = 0)
    self.writeSimpleLine('========================', isIndent = False, noLeadingTabs = 0)
    print(file = sys.stdout)
    self.writeSimpleLine('Following is a list of all of the pipelines currently available:', isIndent = False, noLeadingTabs = 0)
    print(file = sys.stdout)

    # Get the names and descriptions for all the pipelines.
    descriptions    = {}
    failedPipelines = []
    for filename in os.listdir(path):
      if filename.endswith(".json"):
        pipeline                  = pc.pipelineConfiguration()
        pipeline.allowTermination = False
        success                   = pipeline.getConfigurationData(path + '/' + filename)

        # If the pipeline configuration was successfully parsed, get and store the description if the pipeline
        # is not developmental.
        if success:
          if not pipeline.isDevelopment: descriptions[pipeline.name] = pipeline.description

        # If there are errors with the pipeline configuration file, mark it as having errors.
        else: failedPipelines.append(pipeline.name)

    # Write out all the pipelines with their descriptions.
    length = len(max(descriptions.keys(), key = len)) + 3
    for pipeline in sorted(descriptions): self.writeComplexLine([pipeline + ':', descriptions[pipeline]], [length, 0], noLeadingTabs = 1)
    print(file = sys.stdout)

    # Now list all of the pipelines for which there exists a configuration file, but it has errors.
    if failedPipelines:
      self.writeSimpleLine('Following is a list of pipelines with malformed configuration files. These cannot be executed without first ' + \
      'fixing the files. The pipeilne can be run to give a detailed description of the errors:', isIndent = False, noLeadingTabs = 0)
      print(file = sys.stdout)
      length = len(max(failedPipelines, key = len)) + 3
      for pipeline in sorted(failedPipelines): self.writeComplexLine([pipeline], [length], noLeadingTabs = 1)
Example #3
    def getNestedPipelineData(self, files, path, userPath, filename):

        # Get the top level pipeline configuration file data.
        pipeline = pipelineConfiguration.pipelineConfiguration()
        pipeline.path = filename.rstrip(str(pipeline.name + ".json"))[:-1]
        self.pipelineConfigurationData[pipeline.name] = pipeline

        # Store the name of the tier 1 pipeline (e.g. the pipeline selected on the command line).
        self.tiersByPipeline[pipeline.name] = 1
        self.pipelinesByTier[1] = [pipeline.name]
        self.pipeline = pipeline.name

        # Now dig into the nested pipeline and build up the superpipeline structure.
        tier = 2
        checkForNestedPipelines = True
        while checkForNestedPipelines:
            tierHasNestedPipeline = False
            for currentPipelineName in self.pipelinesByTier[tier - 1]:
                currentPipeline = self.pipelineConfigurationData[currentPipelineName]

                # Check for external parameter sets for this pipeline.
                externalFilename = str(currentPipeline.path + "/" + currentPipeline.name + "-parameter-sets.json")

                # Get the configuration file data.
                data = fileHandling.fileHandling.readConfigurationFile(externalFilename, False)
                externalParameterSets = parameterSets.parameterSets()

                # If the external parameter set file exists, copy the parameter sets to the current pipeline configuration
                # data and mark them as external.
                    parameterSetData = data["parameter sets"]
                    parameterSetData = None
                if parameterSetData:
                    if externalParameterSets.checkParameterSets(parameterSetData, False, currentPipelineName, False):
                        for parameterSet in externalParameterSets.sets.keys():
                            if parameterSet in currentPipeline.parameterSets.sets.keys():
                                externalParameterSets.errors.externalSetRepeat(currentPipelineName, parameterSet)
                            externalParameterSets.sets[parameterSet].isExternal = True
                            currentPipeline.parameterSets.sets[parameterSet] = externalParameterSets.sets[parameterSet]

                # If the pipeline contains a pipeline as a task, process the configuration file for that
                # pipeline and add to the pipelines in the current tier.
                if currentPipeline.hasPipelineAsTask:
                    tierHasNestedPipeline = True
                    for taskPointingToNestedPipeline, nestedPipeline in currentPipeline.requiredPipelines:
                        pipeline = pipelineConfiguration.pipelineConfiguration()

                        # Check that the requried pipeline is available (first check in the user defined configuration
                        # file path if defined).
                        isPipeline = False
                        if nestedPipeline in files.userConfigurationFiles:
                            configurationPath = str(userPath)
                            externalFilename = str(configurationPath + "/" + nestedPipeline + "-parameters-sets.json")
                            filename = str(configurationPath + "/" + nestedPipeline + ".json")
                            isPipeline = pipeline.checkConfigurationFile(filename)

                        # If there is a pipeline configuration file with the given name in the user defined configuration
                        # file directory, use this file. Otherwise, default to the standard gkno configuration files.
                        if not isPipeline:
                            configurationPath = str(path)
                            externalFilename = str(path + "/" + nestedPipeline + "-parameters-sets.json")
                            filename = str(path + "/" + nestedPipeline + ".json")

                        # Process the configuration file.
                        pipeline.path = configurationPath

                        # Get the configuration file data.
                        externalData = fileHandling.fileHandling.readConfigurationFile(externalFilename, False)
                        if externalData:
                                "TEST HANDLE EXTERNAL PARAMETER SET FOR NESETD PIPELINE", externalFilename, externalData

                        # Construct the address of the task.
                        pipeline.address = "" if currentPipeline.address == None else str(currentPipeline.address) + "."
                        pipeline.address += str(taskPointingToNestedPipeline)
                        self.pipelineConfigurationData[pipeline.address] = pipeline

                        # Store the pipeline name with the tier it's on.
                        if tier not in self.pipelinesByTier:
                            self.pipelinesByTier[tier] = []
                        self.tiersByPipeline[pipeline.address] = tier

                # Increment the tier. If no pipelines in the just processed tier had a nested pipeline, the
                # loop can end.
                tier += 1
                if not tierHasNestedPipeline:
                    checkForNestedPipelines = False