def update(self):
	newsize = pipeline_utils.get_file_size(
            #newsize = 0
        if newsize != self.currsize:
            self.oldsize = self.currsize
            self.oldtime = self.currtime
            self.currsize = newsize
        self.currtime = time.time()
Example #2
def presubmission_check(fns):
    """Check to see if datafiles meet the critera for submission.
    # Check that files exist
    missingfiles = [fn for fn in fns if pipeline_utils.get_file_size(fn) <=0 ]
    if missingfiles:
        errormsg = "The following files cannot be found:\n"
        for missing in missingfiles:
            errormsg += "\t%s\n" % missing
        raise pipeline_utils.PipelineError(errormsg) # if files missing want to crash
Example #3
def verify_files():
    """For all downloaded files with status 'unverify' verify the files.
            numverified: The number of files successfully verified.
    toverify = jobtracker.query("SELECT * FROM files " \
                                "WHERE status='unverified'")

    numverified = 0
    for file in toverify:

        actualsize = pipeline_utils.get_file_size(file['filename'])

        expectedsize = file['size']

        last_attempt_id = jobtracker.query("SELECT id " \
                                           "FROM download_attempts " \
                                           "WHERE file_id=%s " \
                                           "ORDER BY id DESC " % file['id'], \
        queries = []
        if actualsize == expectedsize:
            dlm_cout.outs("Download of %s is complete and verified." % \
            # Everything checks out!
            queries.append("UPDATE files " \
                           "SET status='downloaded', " \
                                "details='Download is complete and verified', " \
                                "updated_at='%s'" \
                           "WHERE id=%d" % \
                           (jobtracker.nowstr(), file['id']))
            queries.append("UPDATE download_attempts " \
                           "SET status='downloaded', " \
                                "details='Download is complete and verified', " \
                                "updated_at='%s'" \
                           "WHERE id=%d" % \
                           (jobtracker.nowstr(), last_attempt_id))

	    # Mark the beam as downloaded in the main database

            numverified += 1
            dlm_cout.outs("Verification of %s failed. \n" \
                            "\tActual size (%d bytes) != Expected size (%d bytes)" % \
                            (os.path.split(file['filename'])[-1], actualsize, expectedsize))
            # Boo... verification failed.
            queries.append("UPDATE files " \
                           "SET status='failed', " \
                                "details='Downloaded file failed verification', " \
                                "updated_at='%s'" \
                           "WHERE id=%d" % \
                           (jobtracker.nowstr(), file['id']))
            queries.append("UPDATE download_attempts " \
                           "SET status='verification_failed', " \
                                "details='Downloaded file failed verification', " \
                                "updated_at='%s'" \
                           "WHERE id=%d" % \
                           (jobtracker.nowstr(), last_attempt_id))
    return numverified