Example #1
 def _find_entry_point(self, app: str) -> Optional[EntryPoint]:
     if not self.python_path.exists():
         return None
     dists = Distribution.discover(
     for dist in dists:
         for ep in dist.entry_points:
             if ep.group == "pipx.run" and ep.name == app:
                 return ep
     return None
Example #2
 def create_venv(self, venv_args: List[str], pip_args: List[str]) -> None:
     with animate("creating virtual environment", self.do_animation):
         cmd = [self._python, "-m", "venv", "--without-pip"]
         run(cmd + venv_args + [str(self.root)])
     shared_libs.create(pip_args, self.verbose)
     pipx_pth = get_site_packages(self.python_path) / PIPX_SHARED_PTH
     # write path pointing to the shared libs site-packages directory
     # example pipx_pth location:
     #   ~/.local/pipx/venvs/black/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pipx_shared.pth
     # example shared_libs.site_packages location:
     #   ~/.local/pipx/shared/lib/python3.6/site-packages
     # https://docs.python.org/3/library/site.html
     # A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form 'name.pth'.
     # its contents are additional items (one per line) to be added to sys.path
     pipx_pth.write_text(str(shared_libs.site_packages) + "\n", encoding="utf-8")
Example #3
    def site_packages(self) -> Path:
        if self._site_packages is None:
            self._site_packages = get_site_packages(self.python_path)

        return self._site_packages