def main(): # Read RGB image and it's noisy version x = torch.tensor(imread('tests/assets/i01_01_5.bmp')).permute(2, 0, 1) / 255. y = torch.tensor(imread('tests/assets/I01.BMP')).permute(2, 0, 1) / 255. if torch.cuda.is_available(): # Move to GPU to make computaions faster x = x.cuda() y = y.cuda() # To compute BRISQUE score as a measure, use lower case function from the library brisque_index: torch.Tensor = piq.brisque(x, data_range=1., reduction='none') # In order to use BRISQUE as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module. # Note: the back propagation is not available using torch==1.5.0. # Update the environment with latest torch and torchvision. brisque_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.BRISQUELoss(data_range=1., reduction='none')(x) print( f"BRISQUE index: {brisque_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {brisque_loss.item():0.4f}" ) # To compute Content score as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module # By default VGG16 model is used, but any feature extractor model is supported. # Don't forget to adjust layers names accordingly. Features from different layers can be weighted differently. # Use weights parameter. See other options in class docstring. content_loss = piq.ContentLoss(feature_extractor="vgg16", layers=("relu3_3", ), reduction='none')(x, y) print(f"ContentLoss: {content_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute DISTS as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module # By default input images are normalized with ImageNet statistics before forwarding through VGG16 model. # If there is no need to normalize the data, use mean=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] and std=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]. dists_loss = piq.DISTS(reduction='none')(x, y) print(f"DISTS: {dists_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute FSIM as a measure, use lower case function from the library fsim_index: torch.Tensor = piq.fsim(x, y, data_range=1., reduction='none') # In order to use FSIM as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module fsim_loss = piq.FSIMLoss(data_range=1., reduction='none')(x, y) print( f"FSIM index: {fsim_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {fsim_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute GMSD as a measure, use lower case function from the library # This is port of MATLAB version from the authors of original paper. # In any case it should me minimized. Usually values of GMSD lie in [0, 0.35] interval. gmsd_index: torch.Tensor = piq.gmsd(x, y, data_range=1., reduction='none') # In order to use GMSD as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module: gmsd_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.GMSDLoss(data_range=1., reduction='none')(x, y) print( f"GMSD index: {gmsd_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {gmsd_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute HaarPSI as a measure, use lower case function from the library # This is port of MATLAB version from the authors of original paper. haarpsi_index: torch.Tensor = piq.haarpsi(x, y, data_range=1., reduction='none') # In order to use HaarPSI as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module haarpsi_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.HaarPSILoss(data_range=1., reduction='none')(x, y) print( f"HaarPSI index: {haarpsi_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {haarpsi_loss.item():0.4f}" ) # To compute LPIPS as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module lpips_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.LPIPS(reduction='none')(x, y) print(f"LPIPS: {lpips_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute MDSI as a measure, use lower case function from the library mdsi_index: torch.Tensor = piq.mdsi(x, y, data_range=1., reduction='none') # In order to use MDSI as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module mdsi_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.MDSILoss(data_range=1., reduction='none')(x, y) print( f"MDSI index: {mdsi_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {mdsi_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute MS-SSIM index as a measure, use lower case function from the library: ms_ssim_index: torch.Tensor = piq.multi_scale_ssim(x, y, data_range=1.) # In order to use MS-SSIM as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module: ms_ssim_loss = piq.MultiScaleSSIMLoss(data_range=1., reduction='none')(x, y) print( f"MS-SSIM index: {ms_ssim_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {ms_ssim_loss.item():0.4f}" ) # To compute Multi-Scale GMSD as a measure, use lower case function from the library # It can be used both as a measure and as a loss function. In any case it should me minimized. # By defualt scale weights are initialized with values from the paper. # You can change them by passing a list of 4 variables to scale_weights argument during initialization # Note that input tensors should contain images with height and width equal 2 ** number_of_scales + 1 at least. ms_gmsd_index: torch.Tensor = piq.multi_scale_gmsd(x, y, data_range=1., chromatic=True, reduction='none') # In order to use Multi-Scale GMSD as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module ms_gmsd_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.MultiScaleGMSDLoss(chromatic=True, data_range=1., reduction='none')(x, y) print( f"MS-GMSDc index: {ms_gmsd_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {ms_gmsd_loss.item():0.4f}" ) # To compute PSNR as a measure, use lower case function from the library. psnr_index = piq.psnr(x, y, data_range=1., reduction='none') print(f"PSNR index: {psnr_index.item():0.4f}") # To compute PieAPP as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module: pieapp_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.PieAPP(reduction='none', stride=32)(x, y) print(f"PieAPP loss: {pieapp_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute SSIM index as a measure, use lower case function from the library: ssim_index = piq.ssim(x, y, data_range=1.) # In order to use SSIM as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module: ssim_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.SSIMLoss(data_range=1.)(x, y) print( f"SSIM index: {ssim_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {ssim_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute Style score as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module: # By default VGG16 model is used, but any feature extractor model is supported. # Don't forget to adjust layers names accordingly. Features from different layers can be weighted differently. # Use weights parameter. See other options in class docstring. style_loss = piq.StyleLoss(feature_extractor="vgg16", layers=("relu3_3", ))(x, y) print(f"Style: {style_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute TV as a measure, use lower case function from the library: tv_index: torch.Tensor = piq.total_variation(x) # In order to use TV as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module: tv_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.TVLoss(reduction='none')(x) print(f"TV index: {tv_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {tv_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute VIF as a measure, use lower case function from the library: vif_index: torch.Tensor = piq.vif_p(x, y, data_range=1.) # In order to use VIF as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch class: vif_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.VIFLoss(sigma_n_sq=2.0, data_range=1.)(x, y) print(f"VIFp index: {vif_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {vif_loss.item():0.4f}") # To compute VSI score as a measure, use lower case function from the library: vsi_index: torch.Tensor = piq.vsi(x, y, data_range=1.) # In order to use VSI as a loss function, use corresponding PyTorch module: vsi_loss: torch.Tensor = piq.VSILoss(data_range=1.)(x, y) print(f"VSI index: {vsi_index.item():0.4f}, loss: {vsi_loss.item():0.4f}")
'GMSD': ( 2, { 'piq.gmsd': piq.gmsd, 'piq.GMSD': piq.GMSDLoss(), # 'IQA.GMSD': IQA.GMSD(), 'piqa.GMSD': piqa.GMSD(), }), 'MS-GMSD': (2, { 'piq.ms_gmsd': piq.multi_scale_gmsd, 'piq.MS_GMSD': piq.MultiScaleGMSDLoss(), 'piqa.MS_GMSD': piqa.MS_GMSD(), }), 'MDSI': (2, { 'piq.mdsi': piq.mdsi, 'piq.MDSI-loss': piq.MDSILoss(), 'piqa.MDSI': piqa.MDSI(), }), 'HaarPSI': (2, { 'piq.haarpsi': piq.haarpsi, 'piq.HaarPSI-loss': piq.HaarPSILoss(), 'piqa.HaarPSI': piqa.HaarPSI(), }), } def timeit(f, n: int) -> float: start = time.perf_counter() for _ in range(n): f()
def train(models, args, hyperparams, loss_dict, loss_stats, **kwargs): for scale_index, scale in enumerate(hyperparams["valid_scales"]): scale_num += 1 epochs = hyperparams["epochs_by_scale"][scale] batch_size = hyperparams["batch_size_by_scale"][scale] args["SAVE_IMAGES_EACH"] = 25 if scale > 64 else 50 args["SAVE_IMAGES_EACH"] = args["SAVE_IMAGES_EACH"] // 10 if scale > 512 else args["SAVE_IMAGES_EACH"] if scale_index > 0: epoch_len = hyperparams["steps_per_scale"][scale] for key, tracker in loss_stats.items(): tracker.expand_buffer(block_size=epoch_len) tracked_images = 0 total_images_phase = args["TOTAL_IMAGES"] * epochs limit = int(0.5 * total_images_phase) alpha = utils.find_alpha(tracked_images, limit) n_blocks = int(log2(scale) - 1) if args["CONTRAST_ENABLE"]: loss_dict["nce"] = [] for idx, (_, batch_size_temp) in enumerate(hyperparams["bs_per_scale"].items()): loss_dict["nce"].append(PatchNCELoss(hyperparams["nce_t"], batch_size=batch_size_temp).to(args["DEVICE"])) models["Fp"] = net.PatchSampleFeatureProjection(scale, patch_size=max(scale//8, 8), gpu_ids=[args["DEVICE"]], nc=5, use_perceptual=True, use_mlp=True) models["optF"] = Adam([ {'params': models["Fp"].parameters()}, ], lr=0.0002, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) if n_blocks > args["ENABLE_DISC_PATCH"]: models["Dp"] = net.PatchDiscriminator(patch_size=max(scale//8, 8), n_layers=n_blocks, ndf=32, no_antialias=True, scale=scale).to(args["DEVICE"]) models["optDp"] = Adam([ {'params': list(models["G"].parameters()) + list(models["Dp"].parameters())}, ], lr=lr_per_resolution[4], betas=(0.5, 0.99)) warmup = True epoch_start = time() print(f"[INFO]\t Starting phase {scale_num} at {scale}x{scale} scale training, {total_images_phase} total images this phase - alpha becomes 1 at {limit} and output saved every {args["SAVE_IMAGES_EACH"]} batches ({int(args["SAVE_IMAGES_EACH"]*batch_size)} images)") # Set necessary learning rate for opt in [models["optAE"], models["optG"], models["optD"]]: adjust_lr(opt, lr_per_resolution[scale]) total_batches = len(fract)//batch_size extra_images = len(fract)%batch_size with tqdm_notebook(total=epochs*total_batches*batch_size, unit='Images', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1, desc="Epochs") as pbar: dataloader = dataset.make_fractal_alae_dataloader(fract, batch_size, image_size=scale, num_workers=3) loss_dict["per"] = GeneralPerceptualLoss(models["D"], 4) for epoch in range(epochs): for batch_idx, real_samples in enumerate(dataloader): labels = torch.Tensor(np.array(list(range(batch_idx*batch_size, (batch_idx*batch_size)+batch_size)))).to(args["DEVICE"]) bs = batch_size ncrops = 1 # In the paper 500k with blending & 500k with alpha=1 for each scale alpha = utils.find_alpha(tracked_images, limit) # Discriminator loss z1 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) z2 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) w = models["F"](z1, scale, z2, p_mix=0.9) real_samp =["DEVICE"]).requires_grad_() fake_samples = models["G"](w, scale, alpha).detach() lossD = loss_dict["discriminator"](models["E"], models["D"], alpha, real_samp, fake_samples) models["optD"].zero_grad() loss_stats["D"].update(lossD) models["optD"].step() # Sample 'styles' from normal distibution to be mixed z1 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) z2 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) # Project styles to latent space w = models["F"](z1, scale, z2, p_mix=0.9) fake_samples = models["G"](w, scale, alpha) # Generator loss lossG = loss_dict["generator"](models["E"], models["D"], alpha, fake_samples) models["optG"].zero_grad() loss_stats["G"].update(lossG) z1 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) z2 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) w = models["F"](z1, scale, z2, p_mix=0.9).detach() lossGAvg = loss_dict["avg_generator"](models["G"], models["G_average"], w, scale, alpha) loss_stats["Ga"].update(lossGAvg) # Sample 'styles' from normal distibution to be mixed z1 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) real_samp =["DEVICE"]) E_z = models["E"](real_samp, alpha) # Project styles to latent space w = models["F"](z1, scale, E_z, p_mix=0.75).detach() fake_samples = models["G"](w, scale, alpha) real_samples_grad =["DEVICE"]).requires_grad_() lossGcon = loss_dict["generator_consistency"](fake_samples, real_samples_grad, loss_fn=lambda x,y: piq.MSID()(x.reshape(batch_size, -1), y.reshape(batch_size, -1)), use_perceptual=True, use_ssim=True, ssim_weight=10, use_ssim_tv=False, use_sobel=True, sobel_weight=0.1, use_sobel_tv=True, sobel_fn=nn.L1Loss()) loss_stats["Gc"].update(lossGcon) # Sample 'styles' from normal distibution to be mixed z1 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) real_samp =["DEVICE"]) E_z = models["E"](real_samp, alpha) # Project styles to latent space w = models["F"](z1, scale, E_z, p_mix=0.75).detach() fake_samples = models["G"](w, scale, alpha) rand_samples = torch.randn(batch_size, 3, scale, scale).to(args["DEVICE"]).requires_grad_() lossGsanity = loss_dict["generator_consistency"](fake_samples, rand_samples, loss_fn=lambda x,y: loss_dict["fft"](x, y).mean(), use_ssim=False, ssim_weight=1000, use_ssim_tv=False, use_sobel=False, sobel_weight=1, use_sobel_tv=False, sobel_fn=piq.ssim) loss_stats["Gs"].update(lossGsanity) # Reconstruction loss to make generator more like real samples try: real_samp =["DEVICE"]).requires_grad_() E_z = models["E"](real_samp, alpha).repeat(batch_size, int(log2(scale)-1), 1).detach() recon_samples = models["G"](E_z, scale, alpha) lossGmsd = piq.MDSILoss(data_range=1.)(stand(recon_samples), stand(real_samp)) loss_stats["Gm"].update(lossGmsd) except: loss_stats["Gm"].update(losses.ssim_loss(recon_samples, real_samp)) real_samp =["DEVICE"]).requires_grad_() E_z = models["E"](real_samp, alpha).repeat(batch_size, int(log2(scale)-1), 1).detach() recon_samples = models["G"](E_z, scale, alpha) lossGrec = loss_dict["generator_consistency"](recon_samples, real_samp, loss_fn=color_vect_loss, use_perceptual=False, use_ssim=True, ssim_weight=100, use_ssim_tv=False, use_sobel=False, sobel_weight=10, use_sobel_tv=False, sobel_fn=loss_dict["fft"]) loss_stats["Gr"].update(lossGrec) models["optG"].step() # Autoencoder loss z_input = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) lossAE = loss_dict["autoencoder"](models["F"], models["G"], models["E"], scale, alpha, z_input, loss_fn=nn.CosineEmbeddingLoss(),[torch.ones([batch_size]), torch.zeros([batch_size])]).to(args["DEVICE"])) models["optAE"].zero_grad() loss_stats["AE"].update(lossAE) models["optAE"].step() # Contrastive if args["CONTRAST_ENABLE"]: real_samp =["DEVICE"]).requires_grad_() E_z = models["E"](real_samp, alpha).repeat(batch_size, int(log2(scale)-1), 1).detach() recon_samples = models["G"](E_z, scale, alpha) lossNCE = loss_dict["NCE_new"](models["Fp"], loss_dict["nce"], labels, 5, recon_samples, real_samp, bs * ncrops, scale, alpha) models["optF"].zero_grad() models["optG"].zero_grad() loss_stats["NCE"].update(lossNCE) models["optF"].step() models["optG"].step() elif args["CONTRAST_ORIG_ENABLE"]: z1 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) z2 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) w_tgt = models["F"](z1, scale, z2, p_mix=0.9).detach() E_z = models["E"](real_samp, alpha) w_src = models["F"](E_z, scale, E_z, p_mix=0.9) lossNCE = loss_dict["NCE_orig"](models["G"], models["Fp"], loss_dict["nce"], [n for n in range(n_blocks)], w_src, w_tgt, 4, scale, alpha) models["optF"].zero_grad() models["optG"].zero_grad() loss_stats["NCE"].update(lossNCE) models["optF"].step() models["optG"].step() # Discriminator patch loss if n_blocks > args["ENABLE_DISC_PATCH"]: z1 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) z2 = utils.sample_noise(batch_size, code=code_length, device=args["DEVICE"]) w = models["F"](z1, scale, z2, p_mix=0.9).detach() real_samp =["DEVICE"]).requires_grad_() fake_samples = models["G"](w, scale, alpha).detach() lossD2 = loss_dict["discriminator_patch"](models["Dp"], real_samp, fake_samples, gamma=5, use_bce=True) models["optDp"].zero_grad() loss_stats["Dp"].update(lossD2) models["optDp"].step() tracked_images += real_samples.shape[0] # Keep average version of Generator models["G_average"].ema(models["G"], beta=0.999) # increment progress bar experiment.set_step(step) step += 1 increment_amount = real_samples.shape[0] pbar.update(increment_amount) if (step % args["SAVE_IMAGES_EACH"]) == 0: data = { "real_samp": real_samp, "real_samples": real_samples, "fake_samples": fake_samples, "scale": scale, "alpha": alpha, "field_100": set_random_field_100, "field_9": set_random_field_9 } if USE_CLR_DATA: groupsize = ncrops else: groupsize = None epoch_errors, error_msg = create_previews(models, data, step, experiment_root, epoch_errors, error_msg, groupsize=groupsize) # save model checkpoint if step % 100 == 0: make_plot_result_msg = save_model(models, experiment_root, scale, step=step, name="checkpoint") pbar.set_postfix(alpha=round(alpha, 3), epoch_errors=epoch_errors, error_msg=error_msg, make_plot_result_msg=make_plot_result_msg, step=step, refresh=False) # Save plot of loss #make_plot_result_msg = make_plots(loss_stats, experiment_root) pbar.set_postfix(alpha=round(alpha, 3), epoch_errors=epoch_errors, error_msg=error_msg, step=step, make_plot_result_msg=make_plot_result_msg, refresh=False) if hyperparams["use_scheduling"] & (alpha > 0.99) & (epoch in [int(epochs * 0.6), int(epochs * 0.8)]): scheduler_D.step() scheduler_G.step() scheduler_AE.step() make_plot_result_msg = save_model(models, experiment_root, scale, step=step, name="final") pbar.set_postfix(alpha=round(alpha, 3), epoch_errors=epoch_errors, error_msg=error_msg, step=step, make_plot_result_msg=make_plot_result_msg, refresh=False)