Example #1
 def __init__(self, module, name):
     self.name = re.sub('Handler', '', name)
     self.handler = getattr(module, name)
     if type(self.handler) is not HandlerMetaClass or name == 'BaseHandler':
         raise HandlerTypeError
     self.handler_docs = HandlerDocumentation(self.handler)
     self.model_fields = []
     if hasattr(self.handler, 'models'):
         self.model_fields = [field.get_attname() for model in self.handler.models  for field in model._meta._fields()]
         self.model_fields = [str(field.get_attname()) for field in self.handler.model._meta._fields()]
     self.fields = self._get_base_fields()
     self.methods = []
     for method in self.handler_docs.get_methods():
         docstring = method.get_doc()
         api_handler = self._get_method_api_handler(docstring)
         if not api_handler:
         http_method = api_handler.get('method').upper()
         method_params = self._get_method_params(docstring, http_method, api_handler) 
         if not method_params:
         self.methods.append({'name': method.name,
                              'params': method_params,
                              'return_path': http_method in ['POST', "PUT", 'DELETE'] and 'success' or 'data.%s' % self.name.lower(),
                              'http_method': http_method,
                              'comment': api_handler.get('comment', '').strip(),
                              'url': api_handler.get('url')})
Example #2
def generate_doc(handler_cls):
    Returns a `HandlerDocumentation` object
    for the given handler. Use this to generate
    documentation for your API.
    if not (type(handler_cls) is ObjectHandlerMetaClass \
        or type(handler_cls) is handler.HandlerMetaClass):
        raise ValueError("Give me handler, not %s" % type(handler_cls))

    return HandlerDocumentation(handler_cls)
Example #3
class HandlerADL(object):
    def __init__(self, module, name):
        self.name = re.sub('Handler', '', name)
        self.handler = getattr(module, name)
        if type(self.handler) is not HandlerMetaClass or name == 'BaseHandler':
            raise HandlerTypeError
        self.handler_docs = HandlerDocumentation(self.handler)
        self.model_fields = []
        if hasattr(self.handler, 'models'):
            self.model_fields = [field.get_attname() for model in self.handler.models  for field in model._meta._fields()]
            self.model_fields = [str(field.get_attname()) for field in self.handler.model._meta._fields()]
        self.fields = self._get_base_fields()
        self.methods = []
        for method in self.handler_docs.get_methods():
            docstring = method.get_doc()
            api_handler = self._get_method_api_handler(docstring)
            if not api_handler:
            http_method = api_handler.get('method').upper()
            method_params = self._get_method_params(docstring, http_method, api_handler) 
            if not method_params:
            self.methods.append({'name': method.name,
                                 'params': method_params,
                                 'return_path': http_method in ['POST', "PUT", 'DELETE'] and 'success' or 'data.%s' % self.name.lower(),
                                 'http_method': http_method,
                                 'comment': api_handler.get('comment', '').strip(),
                                 'url': api_handler.get('url')})
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key in ['id', 'fields', 'methods']:
            return getattr(self, key)
        raise KeyError

    def _get_base_fields(self):
        docstring = self.handler.__doc__
        if not docstring:
            return []
        field_declarations = re.findall(VAR_REGEX, docstring)
        fields = [self._get_dict_from_var_declaration(declaration) for declaration in field_declarations] 
        return fields 
    def _get_method_params(self, docstring, http_method, api_handler):
        ret = []
        if not docstring:
            return ret

        variable_declarations = re.findall(VAR_REGEX, docstring)
        for declaration in variable_declarations:
            param = self._get_dict_from_var_declaration(declaration)
            if param['key'] in self.model_fields:
                param['field'] = param['key']
                fieldDict = copy.deepcopy(param)
                existing_field = filter(lambda f: f['name'] == fieldDict['name'], self.fields)
                if existing_field:
                    if http_method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE') and existing_field[0]['access'] != 'key':
                        existing_field[0]['access'] = 'rw'
                    fieldDict['access'] = http_method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE') and 'rw' or 'ro'
            if "{%s}" % param['key'] in api_handler.get('url', ''):
                param['style'] = 'template'
            if re.search('(optional)', declaration):
                param['required'] = '0'
                param['required'] = '1' 
        return ret

    def _get_dict_from_var_declaration(self, declaration):
        param = re.search(r'^\@(?P<name>[\w]+)[\ ]+\[(?P<type>[\w\[\]]+)\]', declaration).groupdict()
        param['type'] = type_mappings.get(param['type'], param['type'])
        param['key'] = param['name']
        param['access'] = 'ro'
        if '_' in param['name']:
            words = param['name'].split('_')
            # use mixedCase for name instead of under_score, fooId also becomes fooID
            param['name'] = re.sub('Id', 'ID', words[0] + ''.join(string.capwords(s) for s in words[1:]))
        if 'id' in param['name'].lower():
            param['access'] = 'key'
        return param
    def _get_method_api_handler(self, docstring):
        if not docstring:
            return {}
        api_handler = re.search(r'(?P<comment>[\w.\ \n\/]+)?api handler\: (?P<method>post|put|get|delete)[\ ](?P<url>.+)', docstring, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
        if api_handler:
            return api_handler.groupdict()