class PythonPixelsApp(): windowInput = None windowOutput = None imgInput = None imgOutput = None def __init__(self,root): root.title('PythonPixels') tkutil.bindShortcuts(root, {'<Control-n>':self.menu_newImage, '<Control-o>': self.menu_openImage, '<Control-s>': self.menu_saveImage, '<Control-V>': self.menu_pasteImage, '<Control-N>': self.menu_newScript, '<Control-O>': self.menu_openScript, '<Control-S>': self.menu_saveScript, '<Control-r>': self.menu_runScript } ) menubar = Menu(root) menuFile = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=menuFile, underline=0) tkutil.addMenuItems(menuFile, ['&New Image|Ctrl+N',self.menu_newImage, '&Open Image|Ctrl+O', self.menu_openImage, '&Save Output|Ctrl+S', self.menu_saveImage, '_', None, '&Paste Image|Ctrl+Shift+V', self.menu_pasteImage, #note not to interfere with Ctrl+V '&Solid color', self.menu_fillColor, '_', None, '&Batch Process', self.menu_batch, '_', None, 'E&xit', self.menu_quit] ) menuScript = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) menubar.add_cascade(label="Script", menu=menuScript, underline=0) tkutil.addMenuItems(menuScript, ['&New Script|Ctrl+Shift+N', self.menu_newScript, '&Open Script|Ctrl+Shift+O', self.menu_openScript, '&Save Script|Ctrl+Shift+S', self.menu_saveScript, '_',None, '&See Generated Code', self.menu_genScript, '&Run Script|Ctrl+R', self.menu_runScript ] ) menuFavorites = self.makeFavoritesMenu() menubar.add_cascade(label='Favorites', menu=menuFavorites, underline=1) root.config(menu=menubar) frameBtns = pack(Frame(root), fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.fldScript = pack(ScrolledText.ScrolledText(frameBtns, height=6, width=100, wrap=NONE), side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.fldScript.insert(END, '#Flip red and green\nloop:\n\tR=g\n\tG=r-30\nprint "this is Python code!"') tkutil.select_all_binding(self.fldScript) pack(Button(frameBtns, text='Run', command=self.menu_runScript), side=TOP) self.fldOut = pack(ScrolledText.ScrolledText(frameBtns, height=4, width=100, wrap=NONE), side=TOP, fill=X) self.fldOut.insert(END, 'Welcome') tkutil.select_all_binding(self.fldScript) self.realstdout = sys.stdout self.realstderr = sys.stderr self.newstdout = tkutil.PseudoFile(self.writeStdOut, 'stdout') self.newstderr = tkutil.PseudoFile(self.writeStdOut, 'stderr') # Redirect std out sys.stdout = self.newstdout self.root = root def writeStdOut(self,s): if s!='\n': self.fldOut.insert(END, s.strip()) self.fldOut.insert(END, '\n') self.fldOut.see(END) def redirectStdErr(self, bEnable): if bEnable: sys.stderr = self.newstderr else: sys.stderr = self.realstderr def makeFavoritesMenu(self): import os favMenu = Menu(tearoff=0) astrFolders = os.listdir('scripts') astrFolders = [strFolder for strFolder in astrFolders if tkutil.isDirectory(os.path.join('scripts',strFolder)) and not strFolder.startswith('.')] for strFolder in astrFolders: submenu = Menu(favMenu, tearoff=0) astrFiles = os.listdir(os.path.join('./scripts',strFolder)) astrFiles = [strFile for strFile in astrFiles if strFile.endswith('.pyx')] for strItem in astrFiles: submenu.add('command', label=strItem, command=tkutil.Callable(self.menu_pickFavorite, strFolder, strItem)) favMenu.add_cascade(label=strFolder, menu=submenu) return favMenu def menu_pickFavorite(self, strFolder, strItem): import os self._setScriptFile(os.path.join(os.path.join('scripts',strFolder),strItem)) def menu_quit(self): self.root.quit() def menu_newImage(self): strDimensions = tkutil_dialog.ask('What are the dimensions?','256,256') if not strDimensions: return x,y = strDimensions.split(',') self.imgInput ='RGB', (int(x),int(y))) self.updateInput() def menu_fillColor(self): if self.imgInput == None: print 'No input image loaded.' return x,y = self.imgInput.size color = tkutil_dialog.ask_color() if not color: return self.imgInput ='RGB', (int(x),int(y)),color) self.updateInput() def updateInput(self): if self.windowInput == None: wnd = Toplevel() self.windowInput = PreviewImage(wnd, 'Input',self.imgInput) else: self.windowInput.setImage(self.imgInput) def updateOutput(self): if self.windowOutput == None: wnd = Toplevel() self.windowOutput = PreviewImage(wnd, 'Output',self.imgOutput) else: self.windowOutput.setImage(self.imgOutput) def menu_openImage(self): filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_openfile(title="Open Image") if not filename: return try: im = except: print 'Error: Could not open image.' return if im.mode != 'RGB': print 'Error: For now, only RGB mode images are supported.' return self.imgInput = im self.updateInput() def menu_saveImage(self): if self.imgOutput==None: print 'No output image.' return filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_savefile(title = 'Save Image',types=['.png|Png image','.bmp|Bitmap image','.jpg|Jpeg image','.tif|TIFF image']) if not filename: return print 'Image saved to ',filename def menu_newScript(self): tkutil.settext(self.fldScript , '') def menu_openScript(self): filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_openfile(title="Open Script", types=['.pyx|Scripts']) if not filename: return self._setScriptFile(filename) def _setScriptFile(self, filename): f = open(filename,'r') alltext = f.close() tkutil.settext(self.fldScript , alltext) def menu_saveScript(self): filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_savefile(title = 'Save Script',types=['.pyx|Scripts']) if not filename: return f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript)) f.close() print 'Script saved to ',filename def menu_genScript(self): strCode = tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript) strParsed = parseInput(strCode) tkutil.settext(self.fldScript, strParsed) def menu_runScript(self): if self.imgInput == None: print 'No input image loaded.' return mt = Minitimer() self.redirectStdErr(True) result = runScript(tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript), self.imgInput) self.redirectStdErr(False) if result != None: print 'Took, ' + str(mt.check()) self.imgOutput = result self.updateOutput() def menu_batch(self): import os filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_openfile(title="Choose representative file (same directory, type).") if not filename: return if '.' not in filename: print 'Could not find extension.' return path, filename = os.path.split(filename) ext = filename.split('.')[-1] files = [file for file in os.listdir(path) if file.endswith('.'+ext)] outputfilename = tkutil_dialog.ask_savefile(title = 'Choose directory and format of output images.',types=['.png|Png image','.bmp|Bitmap image','.jpg|Jpeg image','.tif|TIFF image']) outputpath, outputfilename = os.path.split(outputfilename) outputext = outputfilename.split('.')[-1] confirm = tkutil_dialog.ask_okcancel('Run current script on '+str(len(files))+' files of type .'+ext +' in directory '+path+'?') if not confirm: return for file in files: filename = os.path.join(path, file) outputfilename = os.path.join( outputpath, file[0:-len(ext)] + outputext) if os.path.exists(outputfilename): print 'Skipped: File already exists:', outputfilename continue try: im = im.load() except: print 'Skipped: Could not open image.' continue imgResult = runScript(tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript), im) if imgResult==None: print 'Skipped: Script error.' continue try: except: print 'Error. Could not save ',outputfilename print 'Saved: '+outputfilename print 'Job complete.' def menu_pasteImage(self): import sys if sys.platform!='win32': print 'Only supported on Windows...' return import ImageGrab im = ImageGrab.grabclipboard() if not isinstance(im, Image.Image): print 'Could not paste image.' return if im.mode != 'RGB': print 'Error: For now, only RGB mode images are supported.' return self.imgInput = im self.updateInput()
class PythonPixelsApp(object): windowInput = None windowOutput = None imgInput = None imgOutput = None def __init__(self, root): root.title('PythonPixels') tkutil.bindShortcuts( root, { '<Control-n>': self.menu_newImage, '<Control-o>': self.menu_openImage, '<Control-s>': self.menu_saveImage, '<Control-V>': self.menu_pasteImage, '<Control-N>': self.menu_newScript, '<Control-O>': self.menu_openScript, '<Control-S>': self.menu_saveScript, '<Control-r>': self.menu_runScript }) menubar = Menu(root) menuFile = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=menuFile, underline=0) tkutil.addMenuItems( menuFile, [ '&New Image|Ctrl+N', self.menu_newImage, '&Open Image|Ctrl+O', self.menu_openImage, '&Save Output|Ctrl+S', self.menu_saveImage, '_', None, '&Paste Image|Ctrl+Shift+V', self.menu_pasteImage, #note not to interfere with Ctrl+V '&Solid color', self.menu_fillColor, '_', None, '&Batch Process', self.menu_batch, '_', None, 'E&xit', self.menu_quit ]) menuScript = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) menubar.add_cascade(label="Script", menu=menuScript, underline=0) tkutil.addMenuItems(menuScript, [ '&New Script|Ctrl+Shift+N', self.menu_newScript, '&Open Script|Ctrl+Shift+O', self.menu_openScript, '&Save Script|Ctrl+Shift+S', self.menu_saveScript, '_', None, '&See Generated Code', self.menu_genScript, '&Run Script|Ctrl+R', self.menu_runScript ]) menuFavorites = self.makeFavoritesMenu() menubar.add_cascade(label='Favorites', menu=menuFavorites, underline=1) root.config(menu=menubar) frameBtns = pack(Frame(root), fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.fldScript = pack(ScrolledText.ScrolledText(frameBtns, height=6, width=100, wrap=NONE), side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.fldScript.insert( END, '#Flip red and green\nloop:\n\tR=g\n\tG=r-30\nprint("this is Python code!")' ) tkutil.select_all_binding(self.fldScript) pack(Button(frameBtns, text='Run', command=self.menu_runScript), side=TOP) self.fldOut = pack(ScrolledText.ScrolledText(frameBtns, height=4, width=100, wrap=NONE), side=TOP, fill=X) self.fldOut.insert(END, 'Welcome') tkutil.select_all_binding(self.fldScript) self.realstdout = sys.stdout self.realstderr = sys.stderr self.newstdout = tkutil.PseudoFile(self.writeStdOut, 'stdout') self.newstderr = tkutil.PseudoFile(self.writeStdOut, 'stderr') # Redirect std out sys.stdout = self.newstdout self.root = root def writeStdOut(self, s): if s != '\n': self.fldOut.insert(END, s.strip()) self.fldOut.insert(END, '\n') self.fldOut.see(END) def redirectStdErr(self, bEnable): if bEnable: sys.stderr = self.newstderr else: sys.stderr = self.realstderr def makeFavoritesMenu(self): import os favMenu = Menu(tearoff=0) astrFolders = os.listdir('scripts') astrFolders = [ strFolder for strFolder in astrFolders if tkutil.isDirectory(os.path.join('scripts', strFolder)) and not strFolder.startswith('.') ] for strFolder in astrFolders: submenu = Menu(favMenu, tearoff=0) astrFiles = os.listdir(os.path.join('./scripts', strFolder)) astrFiles = [ strFile for strFile in astrFiles if strFile.endswith('.pyx') ] for strItem in astrFiles: submenu.add('command', label=strItem, command=tkutil.Callable(self.menu_pickFavorite, strFolder, strItem)) favMenu.add_cascade(label=strFolder, menu=submenu) return favMenu def menu_pickFavorite(self, strFolder, strItem): import os self._setScriptFile( os.path.join(os.path.join('scripts', strFolder), strItem)) def menu_quit(self): self.root.quit() def menu_newImage(self): strDimensions = tkutil_dialog.ask('What are the dimensions?', '256,256') if not strDimensions: return x, y = strDimensions.split(',') self.imgInput ='RGB', (int(x), int(y))) self.updateInput() def menu_fillColor(self): if self.imgInput == None: print('No input image loaded.') return x, y = self.imgInput.size color = tkutil_dialog.ask_color() if not color: return # cast tuple of floats to tuple of ints self.imgInput ='RGB', (int(x), int(y)), tuple(map(int, color))) self.updateInput() def updateInput(self): if self.windowInput == None: wnd = Toplevel() self.windowInput = PreviewImage(wnd, 'Input', self.imgInput) else: self.windowInput.setImage(self.imgInput) def updateOutput(self): if self.windowOutput == None: wnd = Toplevel() self.windowOutput = PreviewImage(wnd, 'Output', self.imgOutput) else: self.windowOutput.setImage(self.imgOutput) def menu_openImage(self): filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_openfile(title="Open Image") if not filename: return try: im = except: print('Error: Could not open image.') return if im.mode != 'RGB': print('Error: For now, only RGB mode images are supported.') return self.imgInput = im self.updateInput() def menu_saveImage(self): if self.imgOutput == None: print('No output image.') return filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_savefile(title='Save Image', types=[ '.png|Png image', '.bmp|Bitmap image', '.jpg|Jpeg image', '.tif|TIFF image' ]) if not filename: return print('Image saved to ', filename) def menu_newScript(self): tkutil.settext(self.fldScript, '') def menu_openScript(self): filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_openfile(title="Open Script", types=['.pyx|Scripts']) if not filename: return self._setScriptFile(filename) def _setScriptFile(self, filename): f = open(filename, 'r') alltext = f.close() tkutil.settext(self.fldScript, alltext) def menu_saveScript(self): filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_savefile(title='Save Script', types=['.pyx|Scripts']) if not filename: return f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript)) f.close() print('Script saved to ', filename) def menu_genScript(self): strCode = tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript) strParsed = parseInput(strCode) tkutil.settext(self.fldScript, strParsed) def menu_runScript(self): if self.imgInput == None: print('No input image loaded.') return mt = Minitimer() self.redirectStdErr(True) result = runScript(tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript), self.imgInput) self.redirectStdErr(False) if result != None: print('Took, ' + str(mt.check())) self.imgOutput = result self.updateOutput() def menu_batch(self): import os filename = tkutil_dialog.ask_openfile( title="Choose representative file (same directory, type).") if not filename: return if '.' not in filename: print('Could not find extension.') return path, filename = os.path.split(filename) ext = filename.split('.')[-1] files = [file for file in os.listdir(path) if file.endswith('.' + ext)] outputfilename = tkutil_dialog.ask_savefile( title='Choose directory and format of output images.', types=[ '.png|Png image', '.bmp|Bitmap image', '.jpg|Jpeg image', '.tif|TIFF image' ]) outputpath, outputfilename = os.path.split(outputfilename) outputext = outputfilename.split('.')[-1] confirm = tkutil_dialog.ask_okcancel('Run current script on ' + str(len(files)) + ' files of type .' + ext + ' in directory ' + path + '?') if not confirm: return for file in files: filename = os.path.join(path, file) outputfilename = os.path.join(outputpath, file[0:-len(ext)] + outputext) if os.path.exists(outputfilename): print('Skipped: File already exists:', outputfilename) continue try: im = im.load() except: print('Skipped: Could not open image.') continue imgResult = runScript(tkutil.gettext(self.fldScript), im) if imgResult == None: print('Skipped: Script error.') continue try: except: print('Error. Could not save ', outputfilename) print('Saved: ' + outputfilename) print('Job complete.') def menu_pasteImage(self): import sys if not (sys.platform.startswith('win') or sys.platform.startswith('mac')): print('Not supported on this platform...') return try: import ImageGrab except ImportError: from PIL import ImageGrab im = ImageGrab.grabclipboard() if not isinstance(im, Image.Image): print('Could not paste image.') return if im.mode != 'RGB': print('Error: For now, only RGB mode images are supported.') return self.imgInput = im self.updateInput()
def updateOutput(self): if self.windowOutput == None: wnd = Toplevel() self.windowOutput = PreviewImage(wnd, 'Output',self.imgOutput) else: self.windowOutput.setImage(self.imgOutput)
def updateOutput(self): if self.windowOutput == None: wnd = Toplevel() self.windowOutput = PreviewImage(wnd, 'Output', self.imgOutput) else: self.windowOutput.setImage(self.imgOutput)