Example #1
    def gather_patches_plain(self):
        """Assemble patch statistics relevant to lensing at small scales.

        Compute the small scale (ell > lmin) temperature power at different 
        patches across the sky as well as the average amplitude of the 
        background temperature gradient (ell < ldT).

        self._edge = 0  # Not throwing away edge pixels
        m_fft = enmap.fft(self.map_in)
        hp = np.zeros(self.map_in.shape)
        hp[np.where((self._lmod > self.lmin) & (self._lmod < self.lmax))] = 1.
        self._Tss = enmap.ifft(m_fft * hp)
        self._dTy, self._dTx = gradient_flat(self.map_in, self.ldT)

        # Scale geometry for lower res map of patches
        pshp, pwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(self.map_in.shape, self.map_in.wcs,
                                          1. / self._p)
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self.map_in, m_fft
        self._T2patch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTxpatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTypatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        Trs = self._Tss[:pshp[-2] * self._p, :pshp[-1] * self._p].reshape(
            [pshp[-2], self._p, pshp[-1], self._p])
        dTxrs = self._dTx[:pshp[-2] * self._p, :pshp[-1] * self._p].reshape(
            [pshp[-2], self._p, pshp[-1], self._p])
        dTyrs = self._dTy[:pshp[-2] * self._p, :pshp[-1] * self._p].reshape(
            [pshp[-2], self._p, pshp[-1], self._p])
        self._T2patch[:, :] = np.var(Trs, axis=(1, 3))
        self._dTypatch[:, :] = np.mean(dTyrs, axis=(1, 3))
        self._dTxpatch[:, :] = np.mean(dTxrs, axis=(1, 3))
        self._dT2patch = self._dTxpatch**2 + self._dTypatch**2
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self._dTypatch, self._dTxpatch, self._dTy, self._dTx, self._Tss
Example #2
    def gather_patches_cos(self):
        """Assemble patch statistics for small scale lensing with cos filter.
        Compute the small scale (ell > 3000) temperature power at different 
        patches across the sky as well as the average amplitude of the 
        background temperature gradient (ell < 2000). For the small scale 
        statistics, also apply a filter in Fourier space such that:

        .. math::
            f_\\ell = \\cos(\\hat{\\ell}\\cdot\\hat{\\nabla T})

        self._edge = 5  # Edge pixels to throw away
        p = self._p
        m_fft = enmap.fft(self.map_in)
        hp = np.zeros(self.map_in.shape)
        hp[np.where((self._lmod > self.lmin) & (self._lmod < self.lmax))] = 1.
        # Apply pre-whitening or Wiener/inverse variance filters, then top hat
        if self._aW and self.fid is not None:
            cs = CubicSpline(self.fid[0], self.fid[1])  # (ell, Cl)
            m_fft = m_fft / cs(self._lmod)
        self._Tss = enmap.ifft(m_fft * hp)
        self._dTy, self._dTx = gradient_flat(self.map_in, self.ldT)
        # Scale geometry for lower res map of patches
        pshp, pwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(self.map_in.shape, self.map_in.wcs,
                                          1. / self._p)
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self.map_in, m_fft
        self._T2patch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTxpatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTypatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._T_sub = np.zeros((pshp[-2], pshp[-1], p, p))
        for i in range(self._T2patch.shape[-2]):
            for j in range(self._T2patch.shape[-1]):
                self._dTypatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTy[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                self._dTxpatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTx[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                Tp = self._Tss[i * p:(i + 1) * p, j * p:(j + 1) * p]
                lsuby, lsubx = Tp.lmap()
                lsubmod = Tp.modlmap()
                lsubmod[0, 0] = 1.
                fl = 1.j*(lsubx*self._dTxpatch[i,j] + \
                            lsuby*self._dTypatch[i,j]) / \
                        (lsubmod * np.sqrt(self._dTxpatch[i,j]**2 + \
                fl[0, 0] = 0.
                self._T_sub[i, j, :, :] = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(Tp) * fl).real
                # Throw away pixels with edge effects
                self._T2patch[i, j] = np.var(self._T_sub[i, j, 5:-5, 5:-5])
        self._dT2patch = self._dTxpatch**2 + self._dTypatch**2
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self._dTypatch, self._dTxpatch, self._dTy, self._dTx, self._Tss
            del self._T_sub
Example #3
 def test_scale(self):
     # Test (with a plain geometry) that scale_geometry
     # will result in geometries with the same bounding box
     # but different area pixel
     pres = 0.5
     ufact = 2
     dfact = 0.5
     shape,wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0,0),shape=(30,30),res=pres*u.arcmin,proj='plain')
     ushape,uwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(shape,wcs,ufact)
     dshape,dwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(shape,wcs,dfact)
     box = enmap.box(shape,wcs)
     ubox = enmap.box(ushape,uwcs)
     dbox = enmap.box(dshape,dwcs)
     parea = enmap.pixsize(shape,wcs)
     uparea = enmap.pixsize(ushape,uwcs)
     dparea = enmap.pixsize(dshape,dwcs)
     assert np.all(np.isclose(box,ubox))
     assert np.all(np.isclose(box,dbox))
     assert np.isclose(parea/(ufact**2),uparea)
     assert np.isclose(parea/(dfact**2),dparea)
Example #4
    def gather_patches_cos2(self):
        """Assemble patch statistics for small scale lensing with cos^2 filter.
        Compute the small scale (ell > 3000) temperature power at different 
        patches across the sky as well as the average amplitude of the 
        background temperature gradient (ell < 2000). For the small scale 
        statistics, also apply a filter in Fourier space such that:

        .. math::
            f_\\ell = \\cos^2(\\hat{\\ell}\\cdot\\hat{\\nabla T})

        self._edge = 3  # Edge pixels to throw away
        p = self._p
        m_fft = enmap.fft(self.map_in)
        hp = np.zeros(self.map_in.shape)
        hp[np.where((self._lmod > self.lmin) & (self._lmod < self.lmax))] = 1.
        self._Tss = enmap.ifft(m_fft * hp)
        self._dTy, self._dTx = gradient_flat(self.map_in, self.ldT)
        # Scale geometry for lower res map of patches
        pshp, pwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(self.map_in.shape, self.map_in.wcs,
                                          1. / self._p)
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self.map_in, m_fft
        self._T2patch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTxpatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTypatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._T_sub = np.zeros((pshp[-2], pshp[-1], p, p))
        for i in range(self._T2patch.shape[-2]):
            for j in range(self._T2patch.shape[-1]):
                self._dTypatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTy[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                self._dTxpatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTx[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                Tp = self._Tss[i * p:(i + 1) * p, j * p:(j + 1) * p]
                lsuby, lsubx = Tp.lmap()
                lsubmod = Tp.modlmap()
                lsubmod[0, 0] = 1.  # Avoid divide by 0; set fl here to 0 later
                fl = (lsubx*self._dTxpatch[i,j] + \
                        lsuby*self._dTypatch[i,j])**2 / \
                    (lsubmod * np.sqrt(self._dTxpatch[i,j]**2 + \
                fl[0, 0] = 0.
                self._T_sub[i, j, :, :] = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(Tp) * fl).real
                # Throw away pixels with edge effects
                self._T2patch[i, j] = np.var(self._T_sub[i, j, 3:-3, 3:-3])
        self._dT2patch = self._dTxpatch**2 + self._dTypatch**2
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self._dTypatch, self._dTxpatch, self._dTy, self._dTx, self._Tss
            del self._T_sub