class AddForm(r.FlaskForm): #TODO: List the fields here, FIELDS MUST BE PREFIXED WITH rgen_ # The names here after the rgen_ prefix must correspond to a var name in the respective model rgen_username = r.StringField( 'MQTT UserName', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_USERNAME_SIZE)]) rgen_access_key = r.StringField( 'MQTT UserPass(Plaintext)', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE)]) rgen_usertype = r.SelectField('API Type', choices=apitypes)
class AddForm(r.FlaskForm): #TODO: List the fields here, FIELDS MUST BE PREFIXED WITH rgen_ # The names here after the rgen_ prefix must correspond to a var name in the respective model rgen_config_name = r.StringField( 'MQTT Broker Configuration Name', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_CONFIG_NAME_SIZE)]) rgen_config_value = r.StringField( 'MQTT Broker Configuration Value', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_CONFIG_VALU_SIZE)])
class EditForm(r.FlaskForm): #TODO: List the fields here, FIELDS MUST BE PREFIXED WITH rgen_ # The names here after the rgen_ prefix must correspond to a var name in the respective model rgen_ip_address = r.StringField('IP Address', validators=[ r.InputRequired(), r.Length(min=1, max=r.lim.MAX_IPADDR_SIZE) ]) rgen_description = r.TextAreaField( 'Description', validators=[r.Length(min=1, max=r.lim.MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)])
class AddForm(r.FlaskForm): #TODO: List the fields here, FIELDS MUST BE PREFIXED WITH rgen_ # The names here after the rgen_ prefix must correspond to a var name in the respective model rgen_param0 = r.StringField( 'parameter0 Not Nullable', validators=[r.InputRequired(), r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_UUPARAM_SIZE)]) rgen_param1 = r.StringField( 'parameter1 Nullable', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_UUPARAM_SIZE)]) rgen_param2 = r.StringField( 'parameter2 Nullable', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_UUPARAM_SIZE)])
class AddForm(r.FlaskForm): #TODO: List the fields here, FIELDS MUST BE PREFIXED WITH rgen_ # The names here after the rgen_ prefix must correspond to a var name in the respective model rgen_topic = r.StringField( 'MQTT Topic', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_MQTT_TOPIC_SIZE)]) rgen_description = r.TextAreaField( 'Description', validators=[r.Length(max=r.lim.MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)]) rgen_stordur = r.IntegerField( 'Store at most N seconds (leave empty to store forever)') rgenbool_delonproc = r.SelectField('Delete messages after process?', choices=r.boolchoice) rgenbool_deloncas = r.SelectField('Delete messages on cascade?', choices=r.boolchoice) rgenbool_instantp = r.SelectField('Instantly process message?', choices=r.boolchoice) rgen_onrecv = r.SelectField('OnReceive action', choices=r.proctab_sel)
class AddForm(r.FlaskForm): #TODO: List the fields here, FIELDS MUST BE PREFIXED WITH rgen_ # The names here after the rgen_ prefix must correspond to a var name in the respective model rgen_long = r.StringField( 'New Longitude', validators=[r.InputRequired(), r.Length(min=1, max=10)]) rgen_lati = r.StringField( 'New Latitude', validators=[r.InputRequired(), r.Length(min=1, max=10)]) #sample datepicker widget (allows date selection), use the rgentim_ prefix rgentim_time = r.DateField('T stamp', widget=r.DatePickerWidget(), #TODO: List select fields here, FIELDS MUST BE PREFIXED WITH rgensel_ # The names here after the rgen_ prefix must correspond to a var name in the respective model rgensel_route_id = r.SelectField('Assigned Route', choices=[('0', 'No route')]) fKeylist = {"route_id": ("Georoute", "name")}