def move_straight(self, param_dis, param_speed, param_dir): vel = Twist() new_pose = Pose() start_x = self.curr_x start_y = self.curr_y dist = 0.0 if (param_dir == 'b'): vel.linear.x = (-1) * abs(int(param_speed)) else: vel.linear.x = abs(int(param_speed)) var_loop_rate = rospy.Rate(75) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): feedback_msg = msgTurtleFeedback() feedback_msg.cur_x = self.curr_x feedback_msg.cur_y = self.curr_y if ((dist < param_dis)): self.velpublisher.publish(vel) var_loop_rate.sleep() dist = abs( math.sqrt(((self.curr_x - start_x)**2) + ((self.curr_y - start_y)**2))) else: break # Stop the Turtle after desired distance is covered vel.linear.x = 0 self.velpublisher.publish(vel)
def func_move_straight(self, param_dis, param_speed, param_dir): """ Function to move the turtle in turtlesim_node straight """ obj_velocity_mssg = Twist() # Store the start position of the turtle start_x = self._curr_x start_y = self._curr_y # Move the turtle till it reaches the desired position by publishing to Velocity topic handle_pub_vel = rospy.Publisher(self._config_ros_pub_topic, Twist, queue_size=10) # 1 Hz : Loop will its best to run 1 time in 1 second var_loop_rate = rospy.Rate(10) # Set the Speed of the Turtle according to the direction if param_dir == 'b': obj_velocity_mssg.linear.x = (-1) * abs(int(param_speed)) else: obj_velocity_mssg.linear.x = abs(int(param_speed)) # Move till desired distance is covered dis_moved = 0.0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Send feedback to the client obj_msg_feedback = msgTurtleFeedback() obj_msg_feedback.cur_x = self._curr_x obj_msg_feedback.cur_y = self._curr_y obj_msg_feedback.cur_theta = self._curr_theta self._sas.publish_feedback(obj_msg_feedback) if dis_moved < param_dis: handle_pub_vel.publish(obj_velocity_mssg) var_loop_rate.sleep() dis_moved = abs( math.sqrt(((self._curr_x - start_x)**2) + ((self._curr_y - start_y)**2))) print 'Distance Moved: {}'.format(dis_moved) else: break # Stop the Turtle after desired distance is covered obj_velocity_mssg.linear.x = 0 handle_pub_vel.publish(obj_velocity_mssg) print 'Destination Reached'