Example #1
    def generate_restrict_from_range(self, node, negate=False):
        op = str(node.get("range").strip())
        slot = str(node.get("slot", "").strip())

            restrict = self.op_translate[op.lstrip("r")]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f'unknown operator: {op!r}')
        if node.text is None:
            raise ValueError(f"{op!r} node missing version")

        base = str(node.text.strip())
        glob = base.endswith("*")
        if glob:
            base = base[:-1]
        base = cpv.VersionedCPV(f"cat/pkg-{base}")

        if glob:
            if op != "eq":
                raise ValueError(f"glob cannot be used with {op} ops")
            return packages.PackageRestriction(
                "fullver", values.StrGlobMatch(base.fullver))
        restrictions = []
        if op.startswith("r"):
            if not base.revision:
                if op == "rlt":  # rlt -r0 can never match
                    # this is a non-range.
                    raise ValueError(
                        "range %s version %s is a guaranteed empty set" %
                        (op, str(node.text.strip())))
                elif op == "rle":  # rle -r0 -> = -r0
                    return atom_restricts.VersionMatch("=",
                elif op == "rge":  # rge -r0 -> ~
                    return atom_restricts.VersionMatch("~",
            # rgt -r0 passes through to regular ~ + >
            restrictions.append(atom_restricts.VersionMatch("~", base.version))
                                        rev=base.revision), )
        if slot:
        return packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions, negate=negate)
Example #2
    def test_selected_targets(self, fakerepo):
        # selected repo
        options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', 'stubrepo'])
        assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'stubrepo'
        assert options.restrictions == [(base.repository_scope,

        # dir path
        options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [fakerepo])
        assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fakerepo'
        assert options.restrictions == [(base.repository_scope,

        # file path
        os.makedirs(pjoin(fakerepo, 'dev-util', 'foo'))
        ebuild_path = pjoin(fakerepo, 'dev-util', 'foo', 'foo-0.ebuild')
        options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [ebuild_path])
        restrictions = [
            restricts.VersionMatch('=', '0'),
        assert list(options.restrictions) == [
            (base.version_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))
        assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fakerepo'

        # cwd path in unconfigured repo
        with chdir(pjoin(fakerepo, 'dev-util', 'foo')):
            options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
            assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fakerepo'
            restrictions = [
            assert list(options.restrictions) == [
                (base.package_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))

        # cwd path in configured repo
        stubrepo = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'stubrepo')
        with chdir(stubrepo):
            options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
            assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'stubrepo'
            assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repository_scope,
Example #3
    def path_restrict(self, path):
        """Return a restriction from a given path in a repo.

        :param path: full or partial path to an ebuild
        :return: a package restriction matching the given path if possible
        :raises ValueError: if the repo doesn't contain the given path, the
            path relates to a file that isn't an ebuild, or the ebuild isn't in the
            proper directory layout
        if path not in self:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{self.repo_id!r} repo doesn't contain: {path!r}")

        if not path.startswith(os.sep) and os.path.exists(
                pjoin(self.location, path)):
            path_chunks = path.split(os.path.sep)
            path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(path))
            relpath = path[len(os.path.realpath(self.location)):].strip('/')
            path_chunks = relpath.split(os.path.sep)

        if os.path.isfile(path):
            if not path.endswith('.ebuild'):
                raise ValueError(f"file is not an ebuild: {path!r}")
            elif len(path_chunks) != 3:
                # ebuild isn't in a category/PN directory
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ebuild not in the correct directory layout: {path!r}")

        restrictions = []

        # add restrictions until path components run out
            if path_chunks[0] in self.categories:
                base = cpv.VersionedCPV(
        except IndexError:
        return packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)
Example #4
def native__getattr__(self, attr):
    if attr != "restrictions":
        raise AttributeError(attr)

    # ordering here matters; against 24702 ebuilds for
    # a non matchable atom with package as the first restriction
    # 10 loops, best of 3: 206 msec per loop
    # with category as the first(the obvious ordering)
    # 10 loops, best of 3: 209 msec per loop
    # why?  because category is more likely to collide;
    # at the time of this profiling, there were 151 categories.
    # over 11k packages however.
    r = [

    if self.repo_id is not None:
        r.insert(0, restricts.RepositoryDep(self.repo_id))

    if self.fullver is not None:
        if self.op == '=*':

    if self.slot is not None:
        if self.subslot is not None:

    if self.use is not None:

    r = tuple(r)
    object.__setattr__(self, attr, r)
    return r
Example #5
    def intersects(self, other):
        """Check if a passed in atom "intersects" this restriction's atom.

        Two atoms "intersect" if a package can be constructed that
        matches both:

        - if you query for just "dev-lang/python" it "intersects" both
          "dev-lang/python" and ">=dev-lang/python-2.4"
        - if you query for "=dev-lang/python-2.4" it "intersects"
          ">=dev-lang/python-2.4" and "dev-lang/python" but not

        USE and slot deps are also taken into account.

        The block/nonblock state of the atom is ignored.
        # Our "key" (cat/pkg) must match exactly:
        if self.key != other.key:
            return False
        # Slot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they
        # must be identical:
        if (self.slot is not None and other.slot is not None
                and self.slot != other.slot):
            return False

        if (self.repo_id is not None and other.repo_id is not None
                and self.repo_id != other.repo_id):
            return False

        # Use deps are similar: if one of us forces a flag on and the
        # other forces it off we do not intersect. If only one of us
        # cares about a flag it is irrelevant.

        # Skip the (very common) case of one of us not having use deps:
        if self.use and other.use:
            # Set of flags we do not have in common:
            flags = set(self.use) ^ set(other.use)
            for flag in flags:
                # If this is unset and we also have the set version we fail:
                if flag[0] == '-' and flag[1:] in flags:
                    return False

        # Remaining thing to check is version restrictions. Get the
        # ones we can check without actual version comparisons out of
        # the way first.

        # If one of us is unversioned we intersect:
        if not self.op or not other.op:
            return True

        # If we are both "unbounded" in the same direction we intersect:
        if (('<' in self.op and '<' in other.op)
                or ('>' in self.op and '>' in other.op)):
            return True

        # Trick used here: just use the atoms as sufficiently
        # package-like object to pass to these functions (all that is
        # needed is a version and revision attr).

        # If one of us is an exact match we intersect if the other matches it:
        if self.op == '=':
            if other.op == '=*':
                return self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver)
            return restricts.VersionMatch(other.op, other.version,
        if other.op == '=':
            if self.op == '=*':
                return other.fullver.startswith(self.fullver)
            return restricts.VersionMatch(self.op, self.version,

        # If we are both ~ matches we match if we are identical:
        if self.op == other.op == '~':
            return (self.version == other.version
                    and self.revision == other.revision)

        # If we are both glob matches we match if one of us matches the other.
        if self.op == other.op == '=*':
            return (self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver)
                    or other.fullver.startswith(self.fullver))

        # If one of us is a glob match and the other a ~ we match if the glob
        # matches the ~ (ignoring a revision on the glob):
        if self.op == '=*' and other.op == '~':
            return other.fullver.startswith(self.version)
        if other.op == '=*' and self.op == '~':
            return self.fullver.startswith(other.version)

        # If we get here at least one of us is a <, <=, > or >=:
        if self.op in ('<', '<=', '>', '>='):
            ranged, other = self, other
            ranged, other = other, self

        if '<' in other.op or '>' in other.op:
            # We are both ranged, and in the opposite "direction" (or
            # we would have matched above). We intersect if we both
            # match the other's endpoint (just checking one endpoint
            # is not enough, it would give a false positive on <=2 vs >2)
            return (restricts.VersionMatch(other.op, other.version,
                    and restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,

        if other.op == '~':
            # Other definitely matches its own version. If ranged also
            # does we're done:
            if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,
                return True
            # The only other case where we intersect is if ranged is a
            # > or >= on other's version and a nonzero revision. In
            # that case other will match ranged. Be careful not to
            # give a false positive for ~2 vs <2 here:
            return ranged.op in ('>', '>=') and restricts.VersionMatch(
                other.op, other.version, other.revision).match(ranged)

        if other.op == '=*':
            # The fun one, since glob matches do not correspond to a
            # single contiguous region of versions.

            # a glob match definitely matches its own version, so if
            # ranged does too we're done:
            if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,
                return True
            if '<' in ranged.op:
                # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
                # package smaller than ranged.fullver and
                # other.fullver that they both match.

                # If other.revision is not None then other does not
                # match anything smaller than its own fullver:
                if other.revision is not None:
                    return False

                # If other.revision is None then we can always
                # construct a package smaller than other.fullver by
                # tagging e.g. an _alpha1 on, since
                # cat/pkg_beta2_alpha1_alpha1 is a valid version.
                # (Yes, really. Try it if you don't believe me.)
                # If and only if other also matches ranged then
                # ranged will also match one of those smaller packages.
                # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.)
                return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version)
                # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
                # package greater than ranged.fullver and
                # other.fullver that they both match.

                # We can always construct a package greater than
                # other.fullver by adding a digit to it.
                # If and only if other also matches ranged then
                # ranged will match such a larger package
                # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.)
                return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version)

        # Handled all possible ops.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Someone added an op to atom without adding it to intersects')