Example #1
kitchen.link_place(dining_hall, "south")
dining_hall.link_place(kitchen, "north")
dining_hall.link_place(ballroom, "west")
ballroom.link_place(dining_hall, "east")
ballroom.link_place(balcony, "up the stairs")
balcony.link_place(ballroom, "down the stairs")

# define items and their properties
cheese = Food("cheese")
cheese.add_properties("invisible") # because it's in the refrigerator

pizza = Food("pizza")
pizza.add_properties("invisible")  # because it's in the refrigerator

knife = Item("knife")

refrigerator = Container("refrigerator")
refrigerator.add_properties("too heavy")
refrigerator.add_contents(cheese, pizza)
refrigerator.key = knife

kitchen.add_items(refrigerator, cheese, pizza)

book = Item("book")

# define characters and enemies
mike = Character("Mike", "a computer programmer")
mike.conversation = ["You never know when you could use some cheese.", "And you can't use cheese after you've eaten it."]