Example #1
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['dev', 'special', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox dev special [-h] (-j | -J | -e | -d) [--dot-resources]
                                    [-T TEST-PLAN-ID] [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -j, --list-jobs       list jobs instead of running them
          -J, --list-job-hashes
                                list jobs with cheksums instead of running them
          -e, --list-expressions
                                list all unique resource expressions
          -d, --dot             print a graph of jobs instead of running them
          --dot-resources       show resource relationships (for --dot)

        test selection options:
          -T TEST-PLAN-ID, --test-plan TEST-PLAN-ID
                                load the specified test plan
          -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN
                                include jobs matching the given regular expression
          -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN
                                exclude jobs matching the given regular expression
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #2
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
        self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox [--help] [--version] | [options] <command> ...

        positional arguments:
            session             session management commands
            dev                 development commands

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          --version             show program's version number and exit

        logging and debugging:
          -v, --verbose         be more verbose (same as --log-level=INFO)
          -D, --debug           enable DEBUG messages on the root logger
          -C, --debug-console   display DEBUG messages in the console
          -T LOGGER, --trace LOGGER
                                enable DEBUG messages on the specified logger (can be
                                used multiple times)
          -P, --pdb             jump into pdb (python debugger) when a command crashes
          -I, --debug-interrupt
                                crash on SIGINT/KeyboardInterrupt, useful with --pdb

        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #3
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
        self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox [-h] [-v] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                        [-u {headless,text,graphics}] [--load-extra FILE] [-r PATTERN]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
                                Set logging level

        user interface options:
          -u {headless,text,graphics}, --ui {headless,text,graphics}
                                select the UI front-end (defaults to auto)

        job definition options:
          --load-extra FILE     Load extra job definitions from FILE
          -r PATTERN, --run-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given pattern
          --list-jobs           List all jobs
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #4
 def test_run_list_jobs(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['-c', 'stub', 'dev', 'special', '--list-jobs'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     self.assertIn("stub/false", io.stdout.splitlines())
     self.assertIn("stub/true", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #5
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
        self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox [-h] [-v] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                        [-u {headless,text,graphics}] [--load-extra FILE] [-r PATTERN]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
                                Set logging level

        user interface options:
          -u {headless,text,graphics}, --ui {headless,text,graphics}
                                select the UI front-end (defaults to auto)

        job definition options:
          --load-extra FILE     Load extra job definitions from FILE
          -r PATTERN, --run-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given pattern
          --list-jobs           List all jobs
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #6
 def test_run_list_expressions(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['-c', 'stub', 'dev', 'special', '--list-expressions'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
         'stub_package.name == "checkbox"', io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #7
 def test_job_result(self):
     # Create a scratch directory so that we can save results there. The
     # shared directory is also used for running tests as some test jobs
     # leave junk around the current directory.
     with TemporaryDirectory() as scratch_dir:
         # Save results to results.json in the scratch directory
         actual_results_path = os.path.join(scratch_dir, 'results.json')
         # Redirect all standard IO so that the test is silent.
         # Run the script, having relocated to the scratch directory
         # Capture SystemExit that is always raised by main() so that
         # we can observe the return code as well.
         with TestIO(), TestCwd(scratch_dir),\
                 self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['run', '-r', self.parameters.job_name,
                   '--output-format=json', '-o', actual_results_path])
         # Check the return code for correctness
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
         # Load the actual results and keep them in memory
         with open(actual_results_path, encoding='UTF-8') as stream:
             actual_result = json.load(stream)
     # [ At this time TestIO and TemporaryDirectory are gone ]
     # Load the expected results and keep them in memory
     reference_path = resource_filename(
         "plainbox", "data/{}.json".format(self.parameters.job_name))
     with open(reference_path, encoding='UTF-8') as stream:
         expected_result = json.load(stream)
     # Check that results match expected values
     self.assertEqual(actual_result, expected_result)
Example #8
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.authenticate_warmup'
                        ) as mock_warmup:
                 mock_warmup.return_value = 0
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected1 = """
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     expected2 = """
     ===============================[ Authentication ]===============================
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
                   [cleandoc(expected1) + "\n",
                    cleandoc(expected2) + "\n"])
Example #9
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['special', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox special [-h] (-j | -e | -d) [--dot-resources]
                                [--load-extra FILE] [-r PATTERN] [-W WHITELIST]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -j, --list-jobs       List jobs instead of running them
          -e, --list-expressions
                                List all unique resource expressions
          -d, --dot             Print a graph of jobs instead of running them
          --dot-resources       Render resource relationships (for --dot)

        job definition options:
          --load-extra FILE     Load extra job definitions from FILE
          -r PATTERN, --run-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given pattern
          -W WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                                Load whitelist containing run patterns
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #10
 def test_version(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, "{}\n".format(
Example #11
 def test_run_list_expressions(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['dev', 'special', '--list-expressions'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     # See comment in test_run_list_jobs
     self.assertIn("package.name == 'samba'", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #12
 def test_run_list_expressions(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['special', '--list-expressions'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     # See comment in test_run_list_jobs
     self.assertIn("package.name == 'samba'", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #13
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['sru', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox sru [-h] [--check-config] --secure-id SECURE-ID
                            [--fallback FILE] [--destination URL] [-n]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          --check-config        Run plainbox check-config before starting

        sru-specific options:
          --secure-id SECURE-ID
                                Associate submission with a machine using this SECURE-
                                ID (unset)
          --fallback FILE       If submission fails save the test report as FILE
          --destination URL     POST the test report XML to this URL (https://certific

        execution options:
          -n, --dry-run         Skip all usual jobs. Only local, resource and
                                attachment jobs are started
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #14
 def test_run_without_args(self, mock_check_output):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.authenticate_warmup') as mock_warmup:
                 mock_warmup.return_value = 0
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected1 = """
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     expected2 = """
     ===============================[ Authentication ]===============================
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     self.assertIn(io.combined, [
         cleandoc(expected1) + "\n",
         cleandoc(expected2) + "\n"])
Example #15
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['dev', 'special', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox dev special [-h] (-j | -J | -e | -d) [--dot-resources]
                                    [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN] [-w WHITELIST]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -j, --list-jobs       List jobs instead of running them
          -J, --list-job-hashes
                                List jobs with hashes instead of running them
          -e, --list-expressions
                                List all unique resource expressions
          -d, --dot             Print a graph of jobs instead of running them
          --dot-resources       Render resource relationships (for --dot)

        job definition options:
          -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN
                                Do not run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                                Load whitelist containing run patterns
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #16
 def test_version(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
Example #17
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['dev', 'special', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox dev special [-h] (-j | -J | -e | -d) [--dot-resources]
                                    [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN] [-w WHITELIST]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -j, --list-jobs       List jobs instead of running them
          -J, --list-job-hashes
                                List jobs with hashes instead of running them
          -e, --list-expressions
                                List all unique resource expressions
          -d, --dot             Print a graph of jobs instead of running them
          --dot-resources       Render resource relationships (for --dot)

        job definition options:
          -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN
                                Do not run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                                Load whitelist containing run patterns
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #18
 def test_run_list_jobs_with_filtering(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['special', '--include-pattern=usb3.+', '--list-jobs'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     # Test that usb3 insertion test was listed but the usb (2.0) test was not
     self.assertIn("usb3/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
     self.assertNotIn("usb/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #19
 def test_dummy(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
     expected = """
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #20
 def test_run_list_jobs(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['--providers', 'stub', 'dev', 'special', '--list-jobs'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
Example #21
 def test_output_format_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['run', '--output-format=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     Available output formats: json, rfc822, text, xml
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #22
 def test_run_dot(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['special', '--dot'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     # See comment in test_run_list_jobs
     self.assertIn('\t"usb/insert" [color=orange];', io.stdout.splitlines())
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #23
 def test_run_dot(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['--providers', 'stub', 'dev', 'special', '--dot'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     self.assertIn('\t"2013.com.canonical.plainbox::stub/true" [];',
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #24
 def test_run_dot(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['-c', 'stub', 'dev', 'special', '--dot'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
         '\t"stub/true" [];', io.stdout.splitlines())
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #25
 def test_run_dot(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['dev', 'special', '--dot'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     # See comment in test_run_list_jobs
     self.assertIn('\t"usb/insert" [color=orange];', io.stdout.splitlines())
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #26
 def test_run_list_expressions(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                 '--providers', 'stub', 'dev', 'special',
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     self.assertIn('stub_package.name == "checkbox"',
Example #27
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2,))
     expected = """
     usage: plainbox [-h] [-v] {run,special,self-test,sru,check-config} ...
     plainbox: error: too few arguments
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #28
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2, ))
     expected = """
     usage: plainbox [--help] [--version] | [options] <command> ...
     plainbox: error: too few arguments
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #29
 def test_run_list_jobs_with_filtering(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                 'dev', 'special', '--include-pattern=usb3.+', '--list-jobs'
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     # Test that usb3 insertion test was listed but the usb (2.0) test was not
     self.assertIn("usb3/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
     self.assertNotIn("usb/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #30
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #31
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['dev', 'special'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2,))
     expected = """
     usage: plainbox dev special [-h] (-j | -J | -e | -d) [--dot-resources]
                                 [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN] [-w WHITELIST]
     plainbox dev special: error: one of the arguments -j/--list-jobs -J/--list-job-hashes -e/--list-expressions -d/--dot is required
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #32
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['dev', 'special'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2, ))
     expected = """
     usage: plainbox dev special [-h] (-j | -J | -e | -d) [--dot-resources]
                                 [-T TEST-PLAN-ID] [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN]
     plainbox dev special: error: one of the arguments -j/--list-jobs -J/--list-job-hashes -e/--list-expressions -d/--dot is required
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #33
 def test_run_list_jobs(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['dev', 'special', '--list-jobs'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     # This is pretty shoddy, ideally we'd load a special job and test for
     # that but it's something that keeps the test more valid than
     # otherwise.
     self.assertIn("mediacard/mmc-insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
     self.assertIn("usb3/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
     self.assertIn("usb/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #34
 def test_output_format_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters') as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-format=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     Available output formats: json, rfc822, text, xml
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #35
 def test_run_list_jobs(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['special', '--list-jobs'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     # This is pretty shoddy, ideally we'd load a special job and test for
     # that but it's something that keeps the test more valid than
     # otherwise.
     self.assertIn("mediacard/mmc-insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
     self.assertIn("usb3/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
     self.assertIn("usb/insert", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #36
 def test_output_format_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters'
                        ) as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-format=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected = """
     Available output formats: json, rfc822, text, xml
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #37
 def test_run_list_jobs_with_filtering(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['--providers', 'stub', 'dev', 'special',
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
         "2013.com.canonical.plainbox::stub/false", io.stdout.splitlines())
         "2013.com.canonical.plainbox::stub/true", io.stdout.splitlines())
Example #38
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2,))
     expected = """
     usage: plainbox [-h] [--version] [-c {src,deb,auto,stub,ihv}] [-v] [-D] [-C]
                     [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I]
                     {run,self-test,check-config,dev,startprovider} ...
     plainbox: error: too few arguments
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #39
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (2, ))
     expected = """
     usage: plainbox [-h] [--version] [-c {src,deb,auto,stub,ihv}] [-v] [-D] [-C]
                     [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I]
                     {run,self-test,sru,check-config,dev,service} ...
     plainbox: error: too few arguments
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #40
 def test_run_dot_with_resources(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['dev', 'special', '--dot', '--dot-resources'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     # See comment in test_run_list_jobs
     self.assertIn('\t"usb/insert" [color=orange];', io.stdout.splitlines())
         '\t"daemons/smbd" -> "package" [style=dashed, label="package.name == \'samba\'"];',
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #41
 def test_output_option_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['run', '--output-option=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     Each format may support a different set of options
     json: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, machine-json
     rfc822: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments
     text: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #42
 def test_run_dot_with_resources(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['special', '--dot', '--dot-resources'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     # See comment in test_run_list_jobs
         '\t"usb/insert" [color=orange];', io.stdout.splitlines())
         '\t"daemons/smbd" -> "package" [style=dashed, label="package.name == \'samba\'"];',
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #43
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['run', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox run [-h] [--non-interactive] [-n] [--dont-suppress-output]
                            [-f FORMAT] [-p OPTIONS] [-o FILE] [-t TRANSPORT]
                            [--transport-where WHERE] [--transport-options OPTIONS]
                            [-T TEST-PLAN-ID] [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN] [-w WHITELIST]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit

        user interface options:
          --non-interactive     skip tests that require interactivity
          -n, --dry-run         don't really run most jobs
                                don't suppress the output of certain job plugin types

        output options:
          -f FORMAT, --output-format FORMAT
                                save test results in the specified FORMAT (pass ? for
                                a list of choices)
          -p OPTIONS, --output-options OPTIONS
                                comma-separated list of options for the export
                                mechanism (pass ? for a list of choices)
          -o FILE, --output-file FILE
                                save test results to the specified FILE (or to stdout
                                if FILE is -)
          -t TRANSPORT, --transport TRANSPORT
                                use TRANSPORT to send results somewhere (pass ? for a
                                list of choices)
          --transport-where WHERE
                                where to send data using the selected transport
          --transport-options OPTIONS
                                comma-separated list of key-value options (k=v) to be
                                passed to the transport

        test selection options:
          -T TEST-PLAN-ID, --test-plan TEST-PLAN-ID
                                load the specified test plan
          -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN
                                include jobs matching the given regular expression
          -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN
                                exclude jobs matching the given regular expression
          -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                                load whitelist containing run patterns
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #44
 def test_run_dot_with_resources(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['-c', 'stub', 'dev', 'special', '--dot',
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
         '\t"stub/true" [];', io.stdout.splitlines())
         ('\t"stub/requirement/good" -> "stub_package" [style=dashed, label'
          '="stub_package.name == \'checkbox\'"];'),
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #45
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['run', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox run [-h] [--not-interactive] [-n] [-f FORMAT] [-p OPTIONS]
                            [-o FILE] [-t TRANSPORT] [--transport-where WHERE]
                            [--transport-options OPTIONS] [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN]
                            [-w WHITELIST]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit

        user interface options:
          --not-interactive     Skip tests that require interactivity
          -n, --dry-run         Don't actually run any jobs

        output options:
          -f FORMAT, --output-format FORMAT
                                Save test results in the specified FORMAT (pass ? for
                                a list of choices)
          -p OPTIONS, --output-options OPTIONS
                                Comma-separated list of options for the export
                                mechanism (pass ? for a list of choices)
          -o FILE, --output-file FILE
                                Save test results to the specified FILE (or to stdout
                                if FILE is -)
          -t TRANSPORT, --transport TRANSPORT
                                use TRANSPORT to send results somewhere (pass ? for a
                                list of choices)
          --transport-where WHERE
                                Where to send data using the selected transport. This
                                is passed as-is and is transport-dependent.
          --transport-options OPTIONS
                                Comma-separated list of key-value options (k=v) to be
                                passed to the transport.

        job definition options:
          -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN
                                Do not run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                                Load whitelist containing run patterns
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #46
 def test_dummy(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
     expected = """
     ========================[ Searching for Matching Jobs ]=========================
     Matching jobs: 
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Required resource jobs: 
     ============================[ Gathering Resources ]=============================
     No resource jobs required
     ==================================[ Testing ]===================================
     No jobs selected
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #47
 def test_dummy(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
     expected = """
     ========================[ Searching for Matching Jobs ]=========================
     Matching jobs: 
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Required resource jobs: 
     ============================[ Gathering Resources ]=============================
     No resource jobs required
     ==================================[ Testing ]===================================
     No jobs selected
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #48
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['run', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox run [-h] [--not-interactive] [-n] [-f FORMAT] [-p OPTIONS]
                            [-o FILE] [-t TRANSPORT] [--transport-where WHERE]
                            [--transport-options OPTIONS] [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN]
                            [-w WHITELIST]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit

        user interface options:
          --not-interactive     Skip tests that require interactivity
          -n, --dry-run         Don't actually run any jobs

        output options:
          -f FORMAT, --output-format FORMAT
                                Save test results in the specified FORMAT (pass ? for
                                a list of choices)
          -p OPTIONS, --output-options OPTIONS
                                Comma-separated list of options for the export
                                mechanism (pass ? for a list of choices)
          -o FILE, --output-file FILE
                                Save test results to the specified FILE (or to stdout
                                if FILE is -)
          -t TRANSPORT, --transport TRANSPORT
                                use TRANSPORT to send results somewhere (pass ? for a
                                list of choices)
          --transport-where WHERE
                                Where to send data using the selected transport. This
                                is passed as-is and is transport-dependent.
          --transport-options OPTIONS
                                Comma-separated list of key-value options (k=v) to be
                                passed to the transport.

        job definition options:
          -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN
                                Do not run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                                Load whitelist containing run patterns
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #49
 def test_run_without_args(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.authenticate_warmup') as mock_warmup:
                 mock_warmup.return_value = 0
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     ===============================[ Authentication ]===============================
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
 def test_output_format_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['run', '--output-format=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected = """
     Available output formats:
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::hexr - Generate XML (for certification)
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::html - Generate a standalone HTML
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::json - Generate JSON output
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::rfc822 - Generate RCF822 output
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::text - Generate plain text output
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::xlsx - Generate an Excel 2007+ XLSX document
     self.assertIn(cleandoc(expected) + "\n", io.combined)
 def test_output_option_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['run', '--output-option=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected = """
     Each format may support a different set of options
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::json: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash, with-category-map, with-certification-status, machine-json
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::rfc822: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash, with-category-map, with-certification-status
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::text: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash, with-category-map, with-certification-status
     2013.com.canonical.plainbox::xlsx: with-sys-info, with-summary, with-job-description, with-text-attachments, with-unit-categories
     self.assertIn(cleandoc(expected) + "\n", io.combined)
Example #52
 def test_output_option_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters') as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-option=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     Each format may support a different set of options
     json: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash, machine-json
     rfc822: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     text: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #53
 def test_output_format_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['run', '--output-format=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     Available output formats:
     com.canonical.plainbox::html - Generate a standalone HTML
     com.canonical.plainbox::json - Generate JSON output
     com.canonical.plainbox::text - Generate plain text output
     com.canonical.plainbox::tar - Generate a tar.xz archive
     com.canonical.plainbox::xlsx - Generate an Excel 2007+ XLSX document
     com.canonical.plainbox::global - Generate a text file containing only the test run global result
     self.assertIn(cleandoc(expected) + "\n", io.combined)
Example #54
 def test_output_option_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters'
                        ) as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-option=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected = """
     Each format may support a different set of options
     json: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash, machine-json
     rfc822: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     text: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #55
 def test_run_dot_with_resources(self):
     with TestIO() as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                 '--providers', 'stub', 'dev', 'special', '--dot',
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     self.assertIn('\t"2013.com.canonical.plainbox::stub/true" [];',
         ('\t"2013.com.canonical.plainbox::stub/requirement/good" -> '
          '"2013.com.canonical.plainbox::stub_package" [style=dashed, label'
          '="stub_package.name == \'checkbox\'"];'), io.stdout.splitlines())
     # Do basic graph checks
Example #56
 def test_run_without_args(self, mock_check_output):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             main(['run', '--no-color'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected = """
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     =============================[ Session Statistics ]=============================
     This session is about 0.00% complete
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     Size of the desired job list: 0
     Size of the effective execution plan: 0
     ===========================[ Running Selected Jobs ]============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #57
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
        self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox [-h] [-v] {run,special,self-test} ...

        positional arguments:
            run                 run a test job
            special             special/internal commands
            self-test           run integration tests

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #58
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
                main(['sru', '--help'])
            self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox sru [-h] [--check-config] --secure-id SECURE-ID
                            [--fallback FILE] [--destination URL] [--staging] [-n]
                            [-i PATTERN] [-x PATTERN] [-w WHITELIST]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          --check-config        Run plainbox check-config before starting

        sru-specific options:
          --secure-id SECURE-ID
                                Associate submission with a machine using this SECURE-
                                ID (unset)
          --fallback FILE       If submission fails save the test report as FILE
          --destination URL     POST the test report XML to this URL (https://certific
          --staging             Override --destination to use the staging
                                certification website

        execution options:
          -n, --dry-run         Skip all usual jobs. Only local, resource and
                                attachment jobs are started

        job definition options:
          -i PATTERN, --include-pattern PATTERN
                                Run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -x PATTERN, --exclude-pattern PATTERN
                                Do not run jobs matching the given regular expression.
                                Matches from the start to the end of the line.
          -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
                                Load whitelist containing run patterns
        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
Example #59
def execute_job(job_name):
    Execute the specified job.

    The job is invoked using a high-level interface from box so the test will
    actually execute the same way as the UI would execute it. It will
    create/tear-down appropriate session objects as well.

    Returns (result, return_code) where result is the deserialized JSON saved
    at the end of the job.
    # Create a scratch directory so that we can save results there. The
    # shared directory is also used for running tests as some test jobs
    # leave junk around the current directory.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as scratch_dir:
        # Save results to results.json in the scratch directory
        pathname = os.path.join(scratch_dir, 'results.json')
        # Redirect all standard IO so that the test is silent.
        # Run the script, having relocated to the scratch directory
        with TestIO() as io, TestCwd(scratch_dir):
                    'run', '-i', job_name, '--output-format=json', '-o',
            except SystemExit as exc:
                # Capture SystemExit that is always raised by main() so that we
                # can observe the return code as well.
                job_return_code = exc.args[0]
                job_return_code = None
        # Load the actual results and keep them in memory
        with open(pathname, encoding='UTF-8') as stream:
            job_result = json.load(stream)
            job_outcome = job_result['result_map'][job_name]['outcome']
            job_execution_duration = job_result['result_map'][job_name] \
    # [ At this time TestIO and TemporaryDirectory are gone ]
    return (job_name, job_outcome, job_execution_duration, job_return_code,
            io.stdout, io.stderr)
Example #60
    def test_help(self):
        with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
        self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
        self.maxDiff = None
        expected = """
        usage: plainbox [-h] [--version] [--providers {all,stub}] [-v] [-D] [-C]
                        [-T LOGGER] [-P] [-I]
                        {run,self-test,check-config,dev,startprovider} ...

        positional arguments:
            run                 run a test job
            self-test           run unit and integration tests
            check-config        check and display plainbox configuration
            dev                 development commands
            startprovider       create a new provider (directory)

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          --version             show program's version number and exit

        provider list and development:
          --providers {all,stub}
                                which providers to load

        logging and debugging:
          -v, --verbose         be more verbose (same as --log-level=INFO)
          -D, --debug           enable DEBUG messages on the root logger
          -C, --debug-console   display DEBUG messages in the console
          -T LOGGER, --trace LOGGER
                                enable DEBUG messages on the specified logger (can be
                                used multiple times)
          -P, --pdb             jump into pdb (python debugger) when a command crashes
          -I, --debug-interrupt
                                crash on SIGINT/KeyboardInterrupt, useful with --pdb

        self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")