Example #1
 def gnu(self, visible=False):
     """Return a string for Gnuplot."""
     L = []
     if visible:
         pt3 = Point(self.pt1.x, self.pt2.y)   # top left
         pt4 = Point(self.pt2.x, self.pt1.y)   # bottom right
     L.append('set object rectangle from {},{} to {},{} fs empty\n'.format(
         float(self.pt1.x), float(self.pt1.y),
         float(self.pt2.x), float(self.pt2.y)))
     return "".join(L)
Example #2
class Triangle:
    """The class defining a triangle."""

    def __init__(self, *arguments):
        """Make a triangle in the plane."""
        if len(arguments) == 0:
            self.pt1 = Point(0, 0)
            self.pt2 = Point(1, 0)
            self.pt3 = Point(0, 1)
        elif len(arguments) == 3:
            if not all(isinstance(pt, Point) for pt in arguments):
                raise ValueError("arguments are not points")
            self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3 = arguments
        elif len(arguments) == 6:
            x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = arguments
            self.pt1 = Point(x1, y1)
            self.pt2 = Point(x2, y2)
            self.pt3 = Point(x3, y3)
            raise ValueError("bad number of arguments")
        if (self.pt2 - self.pt1).cross(self.pt3 - self.pt1) == 0:
            raise ValueError("collinear points")

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of a triangle."""
        return "Triangle({0!r}, {1!r}, {2!r}, {3!r}, {4!r}, {5!r})".format(
            self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, 
            self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y, 
            self.pt3.x, self.pt3.y)

    def copy(self):
        """Return a copy of a triangle."""
        return Triangle(self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3)

    def area(self):
        """Return the triangle area."""
        a = self.pt2 - self.pt1   # powstaja wektory
        b = self.pt3 - self.pt1
        return Fraction(1, 2) * abs(a.cross(b)) # iloczyn wektorowy

    def center(self):
        """Return the center of a triangle."""
        # Jakby szukanie srodka masy.
        return (self.pt1 + self.pt2 + self.pt3) * Fraction(1, 3)

    def make3(self):
        """Return three smaller triangles (division)."""
        pt4 = self.center()
        t1 = Triangle(self.pt1, self.pt2, pt4)
        t2 = Triangle(self.pt2, self.pt3, pt4)
        t3 = Triangle(self.pt3, self.pt1, pt4)
        return (t1, t2, t3)

    def make4(self):
        """Return four smaller triangles (division)."""
        pt4 = Fraction(1, 2) * (self.pt1 + self.pt2)
        pt5 = Fraction(1, 2) * (self.pt3 + self.pt2)
        pt6 = Fraction(1, 2) * (self.pt1 + self.pt3)
        t1 = Triangle(self.pt1, pt4, pt6)
        t2 = Triangle(self.pt2, pt5, pt4)
        t3 = Triangle(self.pt3, pt6, pt5)
        t4 = Triangle(pt4, pt5, pt6)
        return (t1, t2, t3, t4)

    def move(self, *arguments):   # przesuniecie o (x, y)
        """Return a new moved triangle."""
        if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], Point):
            pt1 = arguments[0]
            return Triangle(*((pt1 + pt2) for pt2 in (self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3)))
        elif len(arguments) == 2:
            pt1 = Point(*arguments)
            return Triangle(*((pt1 + pt2) for pt2 in (self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3)))
            raise ValueError("bad arguments")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Comparison of triangles (t1 == t2)."""
        return set([self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3]) == set([other.pt1, other.pt2, other.pt3])
        #return frozenset([self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3]) == frozenset([other.pt1, other.pt2, other.pt3])

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Comparison of triangles (t1 != t2)."""
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        """Hashable triangles."""
        return hash(frozenset([self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3]))

    def __contains__(self, other):
        """Test if a point is in a triangle."""
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            # Chyba wystarczy sprawdzic, czy punkt jest po tej samej
            # stronie boku, co przeciwlegly wierzcholek.
            # Trojkat jest domkniety, zawiera swoj brzeg.
            # Tu mozna tez uzyc oriented_area(), bo chodzi o znak.
            a12 = orientation(self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3)
            b12 = orientation(self.pt1, self.pt2, other)
            a23 = orientation(self.pt2, self.pt3, self.pt1)
            b23 = orientation(self.pt2, self.pt3, other)
            a31 = orientation(self.pt3, self.pt1, self.pt2)
            b31 = orientation(self.pt3, self.pt1, other)
            return (a12 * b12 >= 0) and (a23 * b23 >= 0) and (a31 * b31 >= 0)
        elif isinstance(other, Segment):
            return other.pt1 in self and other.pt2 in self
            raise ValueError()

    def orientation(self):
        """Triangle orientation."""
        return orientation(self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3)

    def gnu(self, visible=False):
        """Return a string for Gnuplot."""
        L = []
        if visible:
        L.append(Segment(self.pt1, self.pt2).gnu())
        L.append(Segment(self.pt1, self.pt3).gnu())
        L.append(Segment(self.pt2, self.pt3).gnu())
        return "".join(L)

    def common_segment(self, other):
        """Find the common segment of two triangles."""
        set1 = set([self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3])
        set2 = set([other.pt1, other.pt2, other.pt3])
        set3 = set1 & set2
        assert len(set3) == 2
        return Segment(set3.pop(), set3.pop())

    def third_node(self, pt1, pt2):
        """Find a third node of a triangle."""
        node_set = set([self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3])
        assert len(node_set) == 1
        return node_set.pop()

    def in_circumcircle(self, point):
        """Check if point is inside triangle circumcircle.
        Formula is taken from
        # Preparing parameters for calculating det for 3x3 matrix.
        a = self.pt1 - point
        b = self.pt2 - point
        c = self.pt3 - point
        det = (a*a) * b.cross(c) - (b*b) * a.cross(c) + (c*c) * a.cross(b)
        if orientation(self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3) > 0:
            return det > 0
            return det < 0

    def circumcenter(self):
        """Return the circumcenter for the triangle.
        a, b, c = self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3
        d = 2 * ( a.cross(b) - a.cross(c) + b.cross(c) )
        x = ((a*a)*(b.y - c.y) + (b*b)*(c.y - a.y) + (c*c)*(a.y - b.y))
        y = ((a*a)*(c.x - b.x) + (b*b)*(a.x - c.x) + (c*c)*(b.x - a.x))
        if isinstance((x+y+d), float):
            return Point(x / float(d), y / float(d))
            return Point(Fraction(x, d), Fraction(y, d))

    def iterpoints(self):
        """Generate all points on demand (counterclockwise)."""
        if orientation(self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3) > 0:
            yield self.pt1
            yield self.pt2
            yield self.pt3
            yield self.pt1
            yield self.pt3
            yield self.pt2

    def itersegments(self):
        """Generate all segments on demand (segment.pt1 < segment.pt2)."""
        if self.pt1 < self.pt2:
            yield Segment(self.pt1, self.pt2)
            yield Segment(self.pt2, self.pt1)
        if self.pt1 < self.pt3:
            yield Segment(self.pt1, self.pt3)
            yield Segment(self.pt3, self.pt1)
        if self.pt2 < self.pt3:
            yield Segment(self.pt2, self.pt3)
            yield Segment(self.pt3, self.pt2)

    def itersegments_oriented(self):
        """Generate oriented segments (the face is on the right)."""
        if orientation(self.pt1, self.pt2, self.pt3) > 0:
            yield Segment(self.pt1, self.pt3)
            yield Segment(self.pt3, self.pt2)
            yield Segment(self.pt2, self.pt1)
            yield Segment(self.pt1, self.pt2)
            yield Segment(self.pt2, self.pt3)
            yield Segment(self.pt3, self.pt1)
Example #3
class TestPoint(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.p1 = Point(3.4, 5.6)
        self.p2 = Point(4.5, 2.1)
        self.p3 = Point(Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(2, 3))

    def test_print(self):
        self.assertEqual(repr(Point()),"Point(0, 0)")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.p2),"Point(4.5, 2.1)")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.p1),"Point(3.4, 5.6)")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.p3),"Point(Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(2, 3))")

    def test_add(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.p1 + self.p2, Point(7.9, 7.7))

    def test_sub(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.p1 - self.p2, Point(-1.1, 3.5))

    def test_mul(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.p1 * self.p2, 27.06)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.p1 * 2, Point(6.8, 11.2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(2 * self.p1, Point(6.8, 11.2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Point(2, 3) * 1.5, Point(3.0, 4.5))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(1.5 * Point(2, 3), Point(3.0, 4.5))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.p1.cross(self.p2), -18.06)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Point(1, 0).cross(Point(0, 1)), 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Point(0, 1).cross(Point(1, 0)), -1)

    def test_copy(self):
        p3 = self.p1.copy()
        self.assertEqual(p3, self.p1)
        self.assertNotEqual(id(p3), id(self.p1))   # inny obiekt

    def test_length(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Point(3, 4).length(), 5.0)

        self.p1 = Point(3.4, 5.6)
        self.p2 = Point(4.5, 2.1)
        self.p3 = Point(Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(2, 3))

    def test_cmp(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.p1 == Point(3.4, 5.6))
        self.assertFalse(self.p1 == self.p2)
        self.assertTrue(self.p1 != self.p2)
        self.assertFalse(self.p1 != self.p1)
        self.assertTrue(self.p1 < self.p2)
        self.assertFalse(self.p1 < self.p3)
        self.assertTrue(self.p1 <= self.p2)
        self.assertFalse(self.p1 <= self.p3)
        self.assertTrue(self.p2 > self.p1)
        self.assertFalse(self.p3 > self.p1)
        self.assertTrue(self.p2 >= self.p1)
        self.assertFalse(self.p3 >= self.p1)

    def test_alpha(self):
        self.assertEqual(Point(5, 5).alpha(), Fraction(1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(Point(-3, 2).alpha(), Fraction(8, 5))
        self.assertEqual(Point(-5, -1).alpha(), Fraction(13, 6))
        self.assertEqual(Point(1, -3).alpha(), Fraction(13, 4))
        self.assertEqual(self.p3.alpha(), Fraction(4, 7))

    def test_hash(self):
        aset = set()
        aset.add(self.p1)   # ignored
        self.assertEqual(len(aset), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(aset), 2)
        aset.add(Point(1, 2))
        aset.add(Point(1.0, 2.0))   # ignored, float
        self.assertEqual(len(aset), 3)

    def test_gnu(self):
            'set label "" at 3.4,5.6 point pt 7 ps 0.5\n')
            'set label "" at 4.5,2.1 point pt 7 ps 0.5\n')

    def tearDown(self): pass
Example #4
class Rectangle:
    """The class defining a rectangle."""

    def __init__(self, *arguments):
        """Make a rectangle in the plane."""
        if len(arguments) == 0:
            self.pt1 = Point(0, 0)
            self.pt2 = Point(1, 1)
        elif len(arguments) == 2:
            if not all(isinstance(pt, Point) for pt in arguments):
                raise ValueError("arguments are not points")
            self.pt1, self.pt2 = arguments
        elif len(arguments) == 4:
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = arguments
            self.pt1 = Point(x1, y1)
            self.pt2 = Point(x2, y2)
            raise ValueError("bad number of arguments")
        # Nie chcemy prostokatow o polu zerowym.
        if self.pt1.x >= self.pt2.x:
            raise ValueError("x1 >= x2")
        if self.pt1.y >= self.pt2.y:
            raise ValueError("y1 >= y2")

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of a rectangle."""
        return "Rectangle({0!r}, {1!r}, {2!r}, {3!r})".format(
            self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y)

    def copy(self):   # zwraca nowa instancje
        """Return a copy of a rectangle."""
        return Rectangle(self.pt1, self.pt2)

    def center(self):
        """Return the center of a rectangle."""
        return (self.pt1 + self.pt2) * Fraction(1, 2)

    def area(self):
        """Return the rectangle area."""
        return abs((self.pt2.y - self.pt1.y) * (self.pt2.x - self.pt1.x))

    def make4(self):
        """Return four smaller rectangles (division)."""
        pt3 = self.center()
        tl = Rectangle(self.pt1.x, pt3.y, pt3.x, self.pt2.y) # top left
        tr = Rectangle(pt3.x, pt3.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y) # top right
        bl = Rectangle(self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, pt3.x, pt3.y) # bottom left
        br = Rectangle(pt3.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt2.x, pt3.y) # bottom right
        # Kolejnosc dopasowana do QuadTree.
        return (tl, tr, bl, br)

    def cover(self, other):
        """Return the smallest rectangle covering given rectangles."""
        x1 = min(self.pt1.x, other.pt1.x)
        y1 = min(self.pt1.y, other.pt1.y)
        x2 = max(self.pt2.x, other.pt2.x)
        y2 = max(self.pt2.y, other.pt2.y)
        return Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2)

    def intersection(self, other):
        """Return the intersection of given rectangles."""
        x1 = max(self.pt1.x, other.pt1.x)
        y1 = max(self.pt1.y, other.pt1.y)
        x2 = min(self.pt2.x, other.pt2.x)
        y2 = min(self.pt2.y, other.pt2.y)
        return Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2)

    def move(self, *arguments):   # przesuniecie o (x, y)
        """Return a new moved rectangle."""
        if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], Point):
            pt = arguments[0]
            x1 = self.pt1.x + pt.x
            y1 = self.pt1.y + pt.y
            x2 = self.pt2.x + pt.x
            y2 = self.pt2.y + pt.y
            return Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
        elif len(arguments) == 2:
            x, y = arguments
            x1 = self.pt1.x + x
            y1 = self.pt1.y + y
            x2 = self.pt2.x + x
            y2 = self.pt2.y + y
            return Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
            raise ValueError("bad arguments")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Comparison of rectangles (r1 == r2)."""
        return other.pt1 == self.pt1 and other.pt2 == self.pt2

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Comparison of rectangles (r1 != r2)."""
        return not self == other

    def __lt__(self, other):
        """Comparison of rectangless (r1 < r2)."""
        return (self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y) < (
            other.pt1.x, other.pt1.y, other.pt2.x, other.pt2.y)

    def __hash__(self):
        """Hashable rectangles."""
        #return hash((self.pt1, self.pt2))
        return hash((self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y))

    def __contains__(self, other):
        """Test if a point is in a rectangle."""
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            in_x = self.pt1.x <= other.x <= self.pt2.x
            in_y = self.pt1.y <= other.y <= self.pt2.y
            return in_x and in_y
        elif isinstance(other, Segment):
            return other.pt1 in self and other.pt2 in self
            raise ValueError()

    def is_square(self):
        """Test if a rectangle is a square."""
        return (self.pt2.x - self.pt1.x) == (self.pt2.y - self.pt1.y)

    def iterpoints(self):
        """Generate all points on demand (counterclockwise)."""
        yield self.pt1
        yield Point(self.pt2.x, self.pt1.y)
        yield self.pt2
        yield Point(self.pt1.x, self.pt2.y)

    def itersegments(self):
        """Generate all segments on demand (segment.pt1 < segment.pt2)."""
        yield Segment(self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt1.y) # bottom
        yield Segment(self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt1.x, self.pt2.y) # left
        yield Segment(self.pt1.x, self.pt2.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y) # top
        yield Segment(self.pt2.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y) # right

    def itersegments_oriented(self):
        """Generate oriented segments (the face is on the right)."""
        yield Segment(self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt1.x, self.pt2.y) # left
        yield Segment(self.pt1.x, self.pt2.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y) # top
        yield Segment(self.pt2.x, self.pt2.y, self.pt2.x, self.pt1.y) # right
        yield Segment(self.pt2.x, self.pt1.y, self.pt1.x, self.pt1.y) # bottom

    def gnu(self, visible=False):
        """Return a string for Gnuplot."""
        L = []
        if visible:
            pt3 = Point(self.pt1.x, self.pt2.y)   # top left
            pt4 = Point(self.pt2.x, self.pt1.y)   # bottom right
        L.append('set object rectangle from {},{} to {},{} fs empty\n'.format(
            float(self.pt1.x), float(self.pt1.y),
            float(self.pt2.x), float(self.pt2.y)))
        return "".join(L)
Example #5
# Python Gnuplot wrapper
# pip install PyGnuplot   # Python 2.7 and 3.6
# https://pypi.org/project/gnuplotlib/
# Gnuplot-based plotting for numpy
# pip install gnuplotlib

import random
import Gnuplot  # Python 2 only
from planegeometry.structures.points import Point

gnu = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)

for i in range(100):
    point = Point(random.random(), random.random())

# Wyswietlenie grafu.
gnu('set terminal pdf enhanced')
gnu('set output "random_points.pdf"')
gnu('set grid')
gnu('unset key')
gnu('set size square')
#gnu('unset border')
#gnu('unset tics')
gnu('set xlabel "x"')
gnu('set ylabel "y"')
gnu('set title "Random points"')
gnu('set xrange [{}:{}]'.format(0, 1))
gnu('set yrange [{}:{}]'.format(0, 1))
gnu.plot('NaN title ""')
Example #6
class Circle:
    """The class defining a circle."""

    def __init__(self, *arguments):
        """Make a circle in the plane."""
        if len(arguments) == 0:
            self.pt = Point(0, 0)
            self.radius = 1
        elif len(arguments) == 2:
            self.pt, self.radius = arguments
            if not isinstance(self.pt, Point):
                raise ValueError("the first argument is not a point")
        elif len(arguments) == 3:
            x, y, self.radius = arguments
            self.pt = Point(x, y)
            raise ValueError("bad number of arguments")
        if self.radius < 0:
            raise ValueError("radius negative")

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of a circle."""
        return "Circle({0!r}, {1!r}, {2!r})".format(
            self.pt.x, self.pt.y, self.radius)

    def copy(self):
        """Return a copy of a circle."""
        return Circle(self.pt, self.radius)

    def center(self):
        """Return the center of a circle."""
        return self.pt

    def area(self):
        """Return the circle area."""
        return math.pi * self.radius * self.radius

    def move(self, *arguments):   # przesuniecie o (x, y)
        """Return a new moved circle."""
        if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], Point):
            pt = arguments[0]
            return Circle(self.pt.x + pt.x, self.pt.y + pt.y, self.radius)
        elif len(arguments) == 2:
            x, y = arguments
            return Circle(self.pt.x + x, self.pt.y + y, self.radius)
            raise ValueError("bad arguments")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Comparison of circles (c1 == c2)."""
        return self.pt == other.pt and self.radius == other.radius

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Comparison of circles (c1 != c2)."""
        return not self == other

    def __lt__(self, other):
        """Comparison of circles (c1 < c2)."""
        return (self.pt.x, self.pt.y, self.radius) < (
            other.pt.x, other.pt.y, other.radius)

    def __hash__(self):
        """Hashable circles."""
        #return hash((self.pt, self.radius))
        return hash((self.pt.x, self.pt.y, self.radius))

    def cover(self, other):
        """Return the smallest circle covering given circles."""
        # Trzeba znalezc srodek i promien.
        if self.pt == other.pt:
            radius = max(self.radius, other.radius)
            return Circle(self.pt, radius)
            # return self if self.radius > other.radius else other
        if self.radius <= other.radius:   # c1 to mniejszy okrag
            c1, c2 = self, other
            c1, c2 = other, self
        # Teraz c1 to mniejszy okrag.
        distance = (c1.pt - c2.pt).length()
        if distance + c1.radius <= c2.radius: # c1 in c2
            return c2.copy()
        radius = 0.5 * (distance + c1.radius + c2.radius)
        # f(t) = c1.pt + (c2.pt - c1.pt) * t
        t = (radius - c1.radius) / distance
        #t = 0.5 + (c2.radius - c1.radius)/(2.0 * distance)
        pt = c1.pt + (c2.pt - c1.pt) * t
        return Circle(pt, radius)

    def __contains__(self, other):
        """Test if a point is in a circle."""
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            #distance = (self.pt - other).length()
            #return distance <= self.radius
            # Chce unikac pierwiastkowania i liczb float.
            vector = self.pt - other
            return vector * vector <= self.radius * self.radius
            raise ValueError()

    def gnu(self, visible=False):
        """Return a string for Gnuplot."""
        L = []
        if visible:
        L.append('set object circle at {},{} size {} fc rgb "black" fs empty\n'.format(
            float(self.pt.x), float(self.pt.y), float(self.radius)))
        return "".join(L)
Example #7

import random
import subprocess
from planegeometry.structures.points import Point

proc = subprocess.Popen(
    ['gnuplot', '--persist'],

for i in range(100):
    point = Point(random.random(), random.random())
    #proc.stdin.write(bytearray(point.gnu(), encoqding='utf-8'))
    proc.stdin.write(bytearray(point.gnu(), encoding='ascii'))

proc.stdin.write(b'set terminal pdf enhanced \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set output "random_points3.pdf" \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set grid \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'unset key \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set size square \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set xlabel "x" \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set xlabel "y" \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set title "Random points" \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set xrange [0:1] \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'set yrange [0:1] \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'plot NaN title "" \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'unset output \n')
proc.stdin.write(b'quit \n')