Example #1
def _particle_call_string(arg, kwargs=None) -> str:
    Return a `str` that recreates the call to create a particular
    `~plasmapy.particles.Particle` instance from the input.
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

    return call_string(Particle, arg, kwargs)
Example #2
def test_Particle_class(arg, kwargs, expected_dict):
    Test that `~plasmapy.particles.Particle` objects for different
    subatomic particles, elements, isotopes, and ions return the
    expected properties.  Provide a detailed error message that lists
    all of the inconsistencies with the expected results.

    call = call_string(Particle, arg, kwargs)
    errmsg = ""

        particle = Particle(arg, **kwargs)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise ParticleError(f"Problem creating {call}") from exc

    for key in expected_dict.keys():
        expected = expected_dict[key]

        if inspect.isclass(expected) and issubclass(expected, Exception):

            # Exceptions are expected to be raised when accessing certain
            # attributes for some particles.  For example, accessing a
            # neutrino's mass should raise a MissingParticleDataError since
            # only upper limits of neutrino masses are presently available.
            # If expected_dict[key] is an exception, then check to make
            # sure that this exception is raised.

                with pytest.raises(expected):
            except pytest.fail.Exception:
                errmsg += f"\n{call}[{key}] does not raise {expected}."
            except Exception:
                errmsg += (f"\n{call}[{key}] does not raise {expected} but "
                           f"raises a different exception.")


                result = eval(f"particle.{key}")
                assert result == expected or u.isclose(result, expected)
            except AssertionError:
                errmsg += (f"\n{call}.{key} returns {result} instead "
                           f"of the expected value of {expected}.")
            except Exception:
                errmsg += f"\n{call}.{key} raises an unexpected exception."

    if len(errmsg) > 0:
        raise Exception(f"Problems with {call}:{errmsg}")
Example #3
def test_call_string(func, args, kwargs, expected):
    Tests that call_string returns a string that is equivalent to the
    function call.
    actual = call_string(func, args, kwargs, max_items=8)
    assert actual == expected, (
        "When call_string is called with:\n"
        f"  function: {func.__name__}\n"
        f"  args:     {args}\n"
        f"  kwargs:   {kwargs}\n"
        "the actual result does not match the expected result:\n"
        f"  expected: {repr(expected)}\n"
        f"  actual:   {repr(actual)}")
Example #4
    def __repr__(self):


        >>> from astropy import units as u
        >>> PlasmaBlob(1e4*u.K, 1e20/u.m**3, particle='p')
        PlasmaBlob(T_e=10000.0*u.K, n_e=1e+20*u.m**-3, particle='p', Z=1)
        argument_dict = {
            "T_e": self.T_e,
            "n_e": self.n_e,
            "particle": self.particle,
            "Z": self.Z,

        return code_repr.call_string(PlasmaBlob, (), argument_dict)
Example #5
def run_test(
    args: Any = (),
    kwargs: Dict = None,
    expected_outcome: Any = None,
    rtol: float = 0.0,
    atol: float = 0.0,
):  # coverage: ignore
    Test that a function or class returns the expected result, raises
    the expected exception, or issues an expected warning for the
    supplied positional and keyword arguments.

    func: callable, list, or tuple
        The `callable` to be tested.  The first (and sole) argument to
        `~plasmapy.utils.run_test` may alternatively be a list or tuple
        containing these arguments (optionally omitting `kwargs` if the
        `len` returns 3).

    args: tuple or object
        The positional arguments to `func`.

    kwargs: dict
        The keyword arguments to `func`.

    expected_outcome: object
        The expected result, exception, or warning from
        `func(*args, **kwargs)`. This may also be a `tuple` of length
        two that contains the expected result as the first item and the
        expected warning as the second item.

    rtol : float
        The relative tolerance to be used by `~numpy.allclose` in an
        element-wise comparison, defaulting to `0`.

    atol : float
        The absolute tolerance to be used by `~numpy.allclose` in an
        element-wise comparison, defaulting to `0`.


        If the test returns a result that is different from the expected

        If the actual result is of a different type than the expected

        If an exception occurs when no exception or a different
        exception is expected.

        If no exception is raised when an exception is expected.

        An expected warning is not issued.

        If the result has different units than expected.

        If the equality of the actual result and expected result cannot
        be determined (e.g., for a class lacking an `__eq__` method.

    The simplest way to use `~plasmapy.utils.run_test` is with inputs
    for the function to be tests, the positional arguments in a `tuple`
    or `list`, the keyword arguments in a `dict`, and then finally the
    expected result or outcome.

    >>> args = tuple()
    >>> kwargs = dict()
    >>> run_test(lambda: 0, args, kwargs, 0)

    If `expected` is a an exception or warning, then
    `~plasmapy.utils.pytest_helpers.run_test` will raise an exception if
    the expected exception is not raised or the expected warning is not

    >>> from warnings import warn

    >>> issue_warning = lambda: warn("Electrons are weird!", UserWarning)
    >>> run_test(issue_warning, args, kwargs, UserWarning)

    >>> def raise_exception(): raise RuntimeError
    >>> run_test(raise_exception, args, kwargs, RuntimeError)

    For warnings, `~plasmapy.utils.run_test` can accept a `tuple` of two
    items where the first item is the expected result and the second
    item is the expected warning.

    .. code-block:: python

        def return_arg_and_warn(x):
            warn("", UserWarning)
            return x

        run_test(return_arg_and_warn, 1, {}, (1, UserWarning))

    This function is also flexible enough that it can accept a `tuple`
    or `list` as its sole argument, with the arguments in the same
    order as in the function signature.

    >>> return_arg = lambda x: x
    >>> inputs = (return_arg, 42, {}, 42)
    >>> run_test(inputs)

    If the `tuple` or `list` has a length of `3`, then
    `~plasmapy.utils.run_test` assumes that `kwargs` is missing.

    >>> inputs_without_kwargs = [return_arg, 42, 42]
    >>> run_test(inputs_without_kwargs)

    .. code-block:: python

        import pytest

        def func(x, raise_exception=False, issue_warning=False):
            if raise_exception:
                raise ValueError("I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.")
            elif issue_warning:
                warn("Open the pod bay doors, HAL.", UserWarning)
            return x

        inputs_table = [
            (func, 1, 1),
            (func, (2,), {}, 2),
            (func, 3, {'raise_exception': True}, ValueError),
            (func, 4, {'issue_warning': True}, UserWarning),
            (func, 5, {'issue_warning': True}, (5, UserWarning)),

        @pytest.mark.parametrize('inputs', inputs_table)
        def test_func(inputs):


    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

    if not isinstance(args, tuple):
        args = (args, )

    if not callable(func):
        raise InvalidTestError(
            f"The argument func = {func} to run_test must be callable.")

    # By including the function call that is run during a test in error
    # messages, we can make it easier to reproduce the error in an
    # interactive session.

    call_str = call_string(func, args, kwargs)

    # There are many possibilities for expected outcomes that we must
    # keep track of, including exceptions being raised and warnings
    # being issued.

    expected = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)

    if inspect.isclass(expected_outcome):
        subclass_of_Exception = issubclass(expected_outcome, Exception)
        subclass_of_Warning = issubclass(expected_outcome, Warning)
        if subclass_of_Warning:
            expected["warning"] = expected_outcome
        elif subclass_of_Exception and not subclass_of_Warning:
            expected["exception"] = expected_outcome

    # If a warning is issued, then there may also be an expected result.

    if isinstance(expected_outcome, tuple):
        length_not_two = len(expected_outcome) != 2
        is_not_class = not inspect.isclass(expected_outcome[1])
        is_not_warning = (True if is_not_class else
                          not issubclass(expected_outcome[1], Warning))
        if length_not_two or is_not_warning:
            raise InvalidTestError("Invalid expected outcome in run_test.")
        expected["result"] = expected_outcome[0]
        expected["warning"] = expected_outcome[1]

    if expected["exception"] is None and expected["warning"] is None:
        expected["result"] = expected_outcome

    # First we go through all of the possibilities for when an exception
    # is expected to be raised.  If no exception is raised, then we want
    # an error message that includes the result.  If the wrong exception
    # is raised, then we want an error message that includes that
    # exception.  An alternative would be to use `with pytest.raises()`
    # but this makes it easier to break down what the error messages
    # should be.

    if expected["exception"]:

        expected_exception = expected["exception"]

            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        except expected_exception as exc_result:
            resulting_exception = exc_result.__reduce__()[0]
            if resulting_exception.__name__ == expected_exception.__name__:
                return None
                raise UnexpectedExceptionFail(
                    f"The command {call_str} did not specifically raise "
                    f"{_name_with_article(expected_exception)} as expected, but "
                    f"instead raised {_name_with_article(resulting_exception)} "
                    f"which is a subclass of the expected exception.")
        except Exception as exc_unexpected_exception:
            unexpected_exception = exc_unexpected_exception.__reduce__()[0]
            raise UnexpectedExceptionFail(
                f"The command {call_str} did not raise "
                f"{_name_with_article(expected_exception)} as expected, "
                f"but instead raised {_name_with_article(unexpected_exception)}."
            ) from exc_unexpected_exception
            raise MissingExceptionFail(
                f"The command {call_str} did not raise "
                f"{_name_with_article(expected_exception)} as expected, but instead "
                f"returned {_object_name(result)}.")

        with pytest.warns(expected["warning"]):
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
    except pytest.raises.Exception as missing_warning:
        raise MissingWarningFail(
            f"The command {call_str} should issue "
            f"{_name_with_article(expected['warning'])}, but instead returned "
            f"{_object_name(result)}.") from missing_warning
    except Exception as exception_no_warning:
        raise UnexpectedExceptionFail(
            f"The command {call_str} unexpectedly raised "
            f"{_name_with_article(exception_no_warning.__reduce__()[0])} "
            f"instead of returning the expected value of "
            f"{_object_name(expected['result'])}.") from exception_no_warning

    if isinstance(expected["result"], u.UnitBase):

        if isinstance(result, u.UnitBase):
            if result != expected["result"]:
                raise u.UnitsError(
                    f"The command {call_str} returned "
                    f"{_object_name(result)} instead of the expected "
                    f"value of {_object_name(expected['result'])}.")
            return None

        if not isinstance(result,
                          (u.Quantity, const.Constant, const.EMConstant)):
            raise u.UnitsError(
                f"The command {call_str} returned "
                f"{_object_name(result)} instead of a quantity or "
                f"constant with units of "

        if result.unit != expected["result"]:
            raise u.UnitsError(
                f"The command {call_str} returned "
                f"{_object_name(result)}, which has units of "
                f"{result.unit} instead of the expected units of "

        return None

    if isinstance(expected["result"],
                  (u.Quantity, const.Constant, const.EMConstant)):
        if not result.unit == expected["result"].unit:
            raise u.UnitsError(
                f"The command {call_str} returned "
                f"{_object_name(result)} which has different units "
                f"than the expected result of "

        if np.allclose(result.value, expected["result"].value):
            return None

    if expected["result"] is None:
        return None

    if type(result) != type(expected["result"]):
        raise TypeMismatchFail(
            f"The command {call_str} returned "
            f"{_object_name(result)} which has type "
            f"{_object_name(type(result))}, "
            f"instead of the expected value of "
            f"{_object_name(expected['result'])} which has type "

        if result == expected["result"]:
            return None
    except Exception as exc_equality:  # coverage: ignore
        raise TypeError(f"The equality of {_object_name(result)} and "
                        f"{_object_name(expected['result'])} "
                        f"cannot be evaluated.") from exc_equality

        different_length = len(result) != len(expected["result"])
    except Exception:
        different_length = False

        all_close = np.allclose(expected["result"],
        if all_close and not different_length:
            return None
    except Exception:

    errmsg = (f"The command {call_str} returned "
              f"{_object_name(result)} instead of the expected "
              f"value of {_object_name(expected['result'])}.")

    if atol or rtol:
        errmsg += " with "
        if atol:
            errmsg += f"atol = {atol}"
        if atol and rtol:
            errmsg += " and "
        if rtol:
            errmsg += f"rtol = {rtol}"
    errmsg += "."

    raise UnexpectedResultFail(errmsg)
Example #6
def run_test_equivalent_calls(*test_inputs, require_same_type: bool = True):
    Test that different functions/inputs return equivalent results.

        The functions and inputs to the tests in an allowed format, as
        described below.

    require_same_type: bool
        If `True` (the default), then all of the results are required to
        be of the same type.  If `False`, results do not need to be of
        the same type (e.g., cases like `1.0 == 1` will not raise an

        If not all of the results are equivalent, or not all of the
        results are of the same type and `require_same_type` evaluates
        to `True`.

        If an exception is raised whilst attempting to run one of the
        test cases.

        If there is an error associated with the inputs or the test is
        set up incorrectly.

    There are several possible formats that can be accepted by this
    `~plasmapy.utils.run_test_equivalent_calls` to test that different
    combinations of functions (or other `callable` objects), positional
    arguments, and keyword arguments return equivalent results.

    To test a single function that takes a single positional argument,
    then `test_inputs` may be the function followed by an arbitrary
    number of positional arguments to be included into the function.

    >>> def f(x): return x ** 2
    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls(f, -1, 1)

    To test a single function with an arbitrary number of positional and
    keyword arguments, the first argument should be the function,
    followed by an arbitrary number of `tuple` or `list` objects that
    contain a `tuple` or `list` containing the positional arguments, and
    a `dict` containing the keyword arguments.

    >>> def g(x, y, z): return x + y + z
    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls(g, ((1, 2, 3), {}), ((3, 2), {'z': 1}))

    If there is only one positional argument, then it is not necessary
    to include it in a `tuple` or `list`.

    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls(f, ([1], {}), ([1], {}))
    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls(f, (1, {}), (1, {}))

    To test multiple functions with an arbitrary number of positional
    and keyword arguments, use a series of `tuple` or `list` objects
    that contain the function for each test, a `tuple` or `list` with
    the positional arguments, and a `dict` with the keyword arguments.

    >>> def p(x, y=None): return x + y if y else x
    >>> def q(x, y=None): return x + 1 if y else x

    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls([p, (1,), {'y': 1}], [q, (2,), {'y': False}])

    The inputs may also be passed in as a whole as a `tuple` or `list`.

    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls(f, -1, 1)
    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls([f, -1, 1])

    If `require_same_type` is `False`, then an exception will not be
    raised if the results are of different types.

    >>> run_test_equivalent_calls(f, -1, 1.0, require_same_type=False)


    if len(test_inputs) == 1:
        test_inputs = test_inputs[0]

    if not isinstance(test_inputs, (tuple, list)):
        raise InvalidTestError(
            f"The argument to run_test_equivalent_calls must be a tuple "
            f"or list.  The provided inputs are: {test_inputs}")

    if callable(test_inputs[0]):
        func = test_inputs[0]
        test_inputs = test_inputs[1:]
        func = None

    # Make sure everything is a list to allow f(*args)

    test_inputs = [
        test_input if isinstance(test_input, (list, tuple)) else [test_input]
        for test_input in test_inputs

    # Construct a list of dicts, of which each dict contains the
    # function, positional arguments, and keyword arguments for each
    # test case.

    test_cases = []

    for inputs in test_inputs:
        test_case = {}

        test_case["function"] = func if func else inputs[0]
        test_case["args"] = inputs[0] if func else inputs[1]

        if not isinstance(test_case["args"], (list, tuple)):
            test_case["args"] = [test_case["args"]]

        if func:
            test_case["kwargs"] = inputs[1] if len(inputs) == 2 else {}
            test_case["kwargs"] = inputs[2] if len(inputs) == 3 else {}

            test_case["call string"] = call_string(test_case["function"],
        except Exception:
            test_case["call string"] = (f"function = {test_case['function']}, "
                                        f"args = {test_case['args']}, and "
                                        f"kwargs = {test_case['kwargs']}")


    if len(test_cases) < 2:
        raise InvalidTestError(
            "At least two tests are needed for run_test_equivalent_calls")

    # Check to make sure that each function is callable, each set of
    # args is a list or tuple, and each set of kwargs is a dict.  Make
    # sure that the error message contains all of the problems.

    bad_inputs_errmsg = ""

    for test_case in test_cases:
        if not callable(test_case["function"]):
            bad_inputs_errmsg += f"\n{test_case['function']} is not callable "
        if not isinstance(test_case["args"], (tuple, list)):
            bad_inputs_errmsg += f"\n{test_case['args']} is not a list or tuple "
        if not isinstance(test_case["kwargs"], dict):
            bad_inputs_errmsg += f"\n{test_case['kwargs']} is not a dict "

    if bad_inputs_errmsg:
        raise InvalidTestError(bad_inputs_errmsg)

    # Now we can get the results for each test case.

    for test_case in test_cases:
            f, args, kwargs = (
            test_case["result"] = f(*args, **kwargs)
            test_case["type"] = type(test_case["result"])
        except Exception as exc:
            raise UnexpectedExceptionFail(
                f"Unable to evaluate {test_case['call string']}.")

    # Make sure that all of the results evaluate as equal to the first
    # result.

    results = [test_case["result"] for test_case in test_cases]
    types = [test_case["type"] for test_case in test_cases]

        equals_first_result = [result == results[0] for result in results]
    except Exception as exc:  # coverage: ignore
        raise UnexpectedExceptionFail(
            "Unable to determine equality properties of results.") from exc

    equals_first_type = [result_type == types[0] for result_type in types]

    not_all_equal = not all(equals_first_result)
    not_all_same_type = not all(equals_first_type)

    if not_all_equal:
        errmsg = "The following tests did not all produce identical results:"
    elif not_all_same_type and require_same_type:
        errmsg = "The following tests did not all produce results of the same type:"

    if not_all_equal or (not_all_same_type and require_same_type):

        for test_case in test_cases:
            errmsg += (
                f"\n  {test_case['call string']} yielded {test_case['result']} "
                f"of type {test_case['type']}")

        raise UnexpectedResultFail(errmsg)