def _ConvertToTimestamp(self, date, time, timezone): """Converts date and time values into a timestamp. The date and time are made up of two strings, the date and the time, separated by a tab. The time is in local time. The month and day can be either 1 or 2 characters long, e.g.: 7/30/2013\\t10:22:48 AM Args: date (str): date. time (str): time. timezone (pytz.timezone): timezone of the date and time. Returns: int: a timestamp integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Raises: TimestampError: if the timestamp is badly formed or unable to transfer the supplied date and time into a timestamp. """ # TODO: check if this is correct, likely not date or not time # is more accurate. if not date and not time: raise errors.TimestampError( 'Unable to extract timestamp from McAfee AV logline.') # TODO: Figure out how McAfee sets Day First and use that here. # The in-file time format is '07/30/2013\t10:22:48 AM'. try: time_string = '{0:s} {1:s}'.format(date, time) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise errors.TimestampError('Unable to form a timestamp string.') return timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeString(time_string, timezone=timezone)
def ParseLine(self, parser_mediator): """Return an event object extracted from the current line. Args: parser_mediator: a parser mediator object (instance of ParserMediator). Raises: TimestampError: if time is not defined or invalid. """ if not self.attributes[u'time']: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to parse log line: {0:s} - missing time.'.format( self.PrintLine())) if not self.attributes[u'iyear']: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to parse log line: {0:s} - missing year.'.format( self.PrintLine())) times = self.attributes[u'time'].split(u':') if self.local_zone: timezone = parser_mediator.timezone else: timezone = pytz.UTC if len(times) < 3: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to parse log line - unsupported format: {0:s}'.format( self.PrintLine())) try: secs = times[2].split('.') if len(secs) == 2: sec, us = secs else: sec = times[2] us = 0 timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeParts( int(self.attributes[u'iyear']), self.attributes[u'imonth'], self.attributes[u'iday'], int(times[0]), int(times[1]), int(sec), microseconds=int(us), timezone=timezone) except ValueError as exception: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to parse log line: {0:s} with error: {1:s}'.format( self.PrintLine(), exception)) event_object = self.CreateEvent(timestamp, getattr(self, u'entry_offset', 0), self.attributes) parser_mediator.ProduceEvent(event_object)
def ParseRecord(self, parser_mediator, key, structure): """Parse the record and return an SCCM log event object. Args: parser_mediator: A parser mediator object (instance of ParserMediator). key: An identification string indicating the name of the parsed structure. structure: A pyparsing.ParseResults object from a line in the log file. Raises: TimestampError: when a non-int value for microseconds is encountered. """ # Sometimes, SCCM logs will exhibit a seven-digit sub-second precision # (100 nanosecond intervals). Using six-digit precision because # timestamps are in microseconds. if len(structure.microsecond) > 6: structure.microsecond = structure.microsecond[0:6] try: microsecond = int(structure.microsecond, 10) except ValueError: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to read number of microseconds value.') # 3-digit precision is milliseconds, # so multiply by 1000 to convert to microseconds if len(structure.microsecond) == 3: microsecond = microsecond * 1000 timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeParts(year=structure.year, month=structure.month,, hour=structure.hour, minutes=structure.minute, seconds=structure.second, microseconds=microsecond) # If an offset is given for the event, apply the offset to convert to UTC. if u'offset' in key: try: delta_microseconds = int(structure.utc_offset_minutes[1:], 10) except (IndexError, ValueError): raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to parse minute offset from UTC.') delta_microseconds *= self._MICRO_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE if structure.utc_offset_minutes[0] == u'-': delta_microseconds = -delta_microseconds timestamp += delta_microseconds event_object = SCCMLogEvent(timestamp, 0, structure) parser_mediator.ProduceEvent(event_object)
def FromSystemtime(cls, systemtime): """Converts a SYSTEMTIME structure into a timestamp. The SYSTEMTIME structure is a 128-bit struct containing 8 little endian 16-bit integers structured like so: struct { WORD year, WORD month, WORD day_of_week, WORD day, WORD hour, WORD minute, WORD second, WORD millisecond } Args: systemtime (bytes): 128-bit SYSTEMTIME timestamp value. Returns: int: timestamp, which contains the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or 0 on error. """ try: timestamp = cls.SYSTEMTIME_STRUCT.parse(systemtime) except construct.ConstructError as exception: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to create timestamp from {0:s} with error: {1:s}'.format( systemtime, exception)) return cls.FromTimeParts( year=timestamp.year, month=timestamp.month,, hour=timestamp.hour, minutes=timestamp.minutes, seconds=timestamp.seconds, microseconds=( timestamp.milliseconds * cls.MILLI_SECONDS_TO_MICRO_SECONDS))
def _GetTimestampFromEntry(self, structure): """Parses a timestamp from a TIME entry structure. Args: structure: TIME entry structure: year: String with the number of the year. month: String with the number of the month. day: String with the number of the day. hour: String with the number of the month. minute: String with the number of the minute. second: String with the number of the second. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Raises: TimestampError: if the timestamp cannot be created from the date and time values. """ try: year = int(structure.year, 10) month = int(structure.month, 10) day = int(, 10) hours = int(structure.hour, 10) minutes = int(structure.minute, 10) seconds = int(structure.second, 10) except ValueError: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Invalid keychain time {0!s}'.format(structure)) return timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeParts(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
def _ConvertToTimestamp(self, structure, timezone, year=0): """Converts date and time values into a timestamp. Args: structure: a log line structure (instance of pyparsing.ParseResults) that contains the log header. timezone: The timezone object. year: Optional current year. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Raises: TimestampError: if the timestamp cannot be created from the date and time values. """ month = timelib.MONTH_DICT.get(structure.month_name.lower(), None) if not month: raise errors.TimestampError(u'Unsupport month name: {0:s}'.format( structure.month_name)) hour, minute, second = structure.time if not year: # This condition could happen when parsing the header line: if unable # to get a valid year, returns a '0' timestamp, thus preventing any # log line parsing (since xchat_year is unset to '0') until a new good # (it means supported) header with a valid year information is found. # TODO: reconsider this behaviour. year = structure.get(u'year', 0) if not year: raise errors.TimestampError(u'Missing year.') self._xchat_year = year day = structure.get(u'day', 0) return timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeParts(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone=timezone)
def FromTimeString(cls, time_string, dayfirst=False, gmt_as_timezone=True, timezone=pytz.UTC): """Converts a string containing a date and time value into a timestamp. Args: time_string: String that contains a date and time value. dayfirst: An optional boolean argument. If set to true then the parser will change the precedence in which it parses timestamps from MM-DD-YYYY to DD-MM-YYYY (and YYYY-MM-DD will be YYYY-DD-MM, etc). gmt_as_timezone: Sometimes the dateutil parser will interpret GMT and UTC the same way, that is not make a distinction. By default this is set to true, that is GMT can be interpreted differently than UTC. If that is not the expected result this attribute can be set to false. timezone: Optional timezone object (instance of pytz.timezone) that the data and time value in the string represents. This value is used when the timezone cannot be determined from the string. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or 0 on error. Raises: TimestampError: if the time string could not be parsed. """ if not gmt_as_timezone and time_string.endswith(' GMT'): time_string = '{0:s}UTC'.format(time_string[:-3]) try: # TODO: deprecate the use of dateutil parser. datetime_object = dateutil.parser.parse(time_string, dayfirst=dayfirst) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exception: raise errors.TimestampError(( 'Unable to convert time string: {0:s} in to a datetime object ' 'with error: {1!s}').format(time_string, exception)) if datetime_object.tzinfo: datetime_object = datetime_object.astimezone(pytz.UTC) else: datetime_object = timezone.localize(datetime_object) posix_time = int(calendar.timegm(datetime_object.utctimetuple())) timestamp = posix_time * definitions.MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND return timestamp + datetime_object.microsecond
def _GetTimestamp(self, date, time, timezone): """Determines a timestamp from the time string. The date and time are made up of two strings, the date and the time, separated by a tab. The time is in local time. The month and day can be either 1 or 2 characters long, e.g.: 7/30/2013\\t10:22:48 AM Args: date: the string representing the date. time: the string representing the time. timezone: timezone (instance of pytz.timezone) that the data and time values represent. Returns: The timestamp time value. The timestamp contains the number of microseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC or None if the time string could not be parsed. Raises: TimestampError: if the timestamp is badly formed or unable to transfer the supplied date and time into a timestamp. """ # TODO: check if this is correct, likely not date or not time # is more accurate. if not (date and time): raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to extract timestamp from McAfee AV logline.') # TODO: Figure out how McAfee sets Day First and use that here. # The in-file time format is '07/30/2013\t10:22:48 AM'. try: time_string = u'{0:s} {1:s}'.format(date, time) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise errors.TimestampError(u'Unable to form a timestamp string.') return timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeString(time_string, timezone=timezone)
def FromTimeParts(cls, year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, microseconds=0, timezone=pytz.UTC): """Converts a list of time entries to a timestamp. Args: year: An integer representing the year. month: An integer between 1 and 12. day: An integer representing the number of day in the month. hour: An integer representing the hour, 0 <= hour < 24. minutes: An integer, 0 <= minute < 60. seconds: An integer, 0 <= second < 60. microseconds: Optional number of microseconds ranging from: 0 <= microsecond < 1000000. timezone: Optional timezone (instance of pytz.timezone). Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or 0 on error. Raises: TimestampError: if the timestamp cannot be created from the time parts. """ try: date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, microseconds) except ValueError as exception: raise errors.TimestampError( (u'Unable to create timestamp from {0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d} ' u'{3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}.{6:06d} with error: {7:s}').format( year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, microseconds, exception)) if isinstance(timezone, py2to3.STRING_TYPES): timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone) date_use = timezone.localize(date) posix_time = int(calendar.timegm(date_use.utctimetuple())) return cls.FromPosixTime(posix_time) + microseconds
def ParseLine(self, parser_mediator): """Parse a single line from the SELinux audit file. This method extends the one from TextParser slightly, creating a SELinux event with the timestamp (UTC) taken from log entries. Args: parser_mediator: A parser mediator object (instance of ParserMediator). Raises: TimestampError: if timestamp is not defined. """ if not self.timestamp: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to parse log line - missing timestamp.') offset = getattr(self, u'entry_offset', 0) event_object = SELinuxLineEvent(self.timestamp, offset, self.attributes) parser_mediator.ProduceEvent(event_object) self.timestamp = 0
def _CreateDateTime(self, date_string, time_string): """Creates a date time value from the date time strings. The format stores the date and time as 2 separate strings separated by a tab. The time is in local time. The month and day can be either 1 or 2 characters long, for example: "7/30/2013\\t10:22:48 AM" Args: date_string (str): date string. time_string (str): time string. Returns: dfdatetime.TimeElements: date time object. Raises: TimestampError: if the date or time string cannot be converted in a date time object. """ if not date_string and not time_string: raise errors.TimestampError('Missing date or time string.') # TODO: Figure out how McAfee sets Day First and use that here. # The in-file time format is '07/30/2013\t10:22:48 AM'. try: month_string, day_of_month_string, year_string = date_string.split('/') year = int(year_string, 10) month = int(month_string, 10) day_of_month = int(day_of_month_string, 10) except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise errors.TimestampError('Unsupported date string: {0:s}'.format( date_string)) try: time_value, time_suffix = time_string.split(' ') hours_string, minutes_string, seconds_string = time_value.split(':') hours = int(hours_string, 10) minutes = int(minutes_string, 10) seconds = int(seconds_string, 10) except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise errors.TimestampError('Unsupported time string: {0:s}'.format( time_string)) if time_suffix == 'PM': hours += 12 elif time_suffix != 'AM': raise errors.TimestampError('Unsupported time suffix: {0:s}.'.format( time_suffix)) time_elements_tuple = (year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds) try: date_time = dfdatetime_time_elements.TimeElements( time_elements_tuple=time_elements_tuple) except ValueError: raise errors.TimestampError( 'Unsupported date and time strings: {0:s} {1:s}'.format( date_string, time_string)) date_time.is_local_time = True return date_time
def ParseRecord(self, parser_mediator, key, structure): """Parse the record and return an SCCM log event object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): a file-like object. structure (pyparsing.ParseResults): structure of tokens derived from a line of a text file. Raises: ParseError: when the structure type is unknown. TimestampError: when a non-int value for microseconds is encountered. """ if key not in (u'log_entry', u'log_entry_at_end', u'log_entry_offset', u'log_entry_offset_at_end'): raise errors.ParseError( u'Unable to parse record, unknown structure: {0:s}'.format( key)) # Sometimes, SCCM logs will exhibit a seven-digit sub-second precision # (100 nanosecond intervals). Using six-digit precision because # timestamps are in microseconds. if len(structure.microsecond) > 6: structure.microsecond = structure.microsecond[0:6] try: microseconds = int(structure.microsecond, 10) except ValueError as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( u'unable to determine microseconds with error: {0:s}'.format( exception)) return # 3-digit precision is milliseconds, # so multiply by 1000 to convert to microseconds if len(structure.microsecond) == 3: microseconds *= 1000 try: timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeParts( structure.year, structure.month,, structure.hour, structure.minute, structure.second, microseconds) except errors.TimestampError as exception: timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.NONE_TIMESTAMP parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( u'unable to determine timestamp with error: {0:s}'.format( exception)) # If an offset is given for the event, apply the offset to convert to UTC. if timestamp and u'offset' in key: try: delta_microseconds = int(structure.utc_offset_minutes[1:], 10) except (IndexError, ValueError) as exception: raise errors.TimestampError( u'Unable to parse minute offset from UTC with error: {0:s}.' .format(exception)) delta_microseconds *= self._MICRO_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE if structure.utc_offset_minutes[0] == u'-': delta_microseconds = -delta_microseconds timestamp += delta_microseconds event_data = SCCMLogEventData() event_data.component = structure.component # TODO: pass line number to offset or remove. event_data.offset = 0 event_data.text = structure.text event = time_events.TimestampEvent( timestamp, definitions.TIME_DESCRIPTION_WRITTEN) parser_mediator.ProduceEventWithEventData(event, event_data)