def load(donation_level): if donation_level > 0: if osname == 'nt': if not Path( f"{Settings.DATA_DIR}/Donate.exe").is_file(): url = ('' + 'donations/DonateExecutableWindows.exe') r = requests.get(url) with open(f"{Settings.DATA_DIR}/Donate.exe", 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) elif osname == "posix": if osprocessor() == "aarch64": url = ('' + 'donations/DonateExecutableAARCH64') elif osprocessor() == "armv7l": url = ('' + 'donations/DonateExecutableAARCH32') else: url = ('' + 'donations/DonateExecutableLinux') if not Path( f"{Settings.DATA_DIR}/Donate").is_file(): r = requests.get(url) with open(f"{Settings.DATA_DIR}/Donate", "wb") as f: f.write(r.content)
def Greeting(): # Greeting message global greeting print(Style.RESET_ALL) if requested_diff == "LOW": diffName = getString("low_diff_short") elif requested_diff == "MEDIUM": diffName = getString("medium_diff_short") else: diffName = getString("net_diff_short") current_hour = strptime(ctime(time())).tm_hour if current_hour < 12: greeting = getString("greeting_morning") elif current_hour == 12: greeting = getString("greeting_noon") elif current_hour > 12 and current_hour < 18: greeting = getString("greeting_afternoon") elif current_hour >= 18: greeting = getString("greeting_evening") else: greeting = getString("greeting_back") print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + getString("banner") + Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.MAGENTA + " (v" + str(MINER_VER) + ") " + Fore.RESET + "2019-2021") print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.YELLOW + "") if lang != "english": print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + lang.capitalize() + " translation: " + Fore.YELLOW + getString("translation_autor")) try: print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + "CPU: " + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str(threadcount) + "x " + str(cpu["brand_raw"])) except Exception as e: debug_output("Error displaying CPU message: " + str(e)) if osname == "nt" or osname == "posix": print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + getString("donation_level") + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str(donation_level)) print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + getString("algorithm") + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + algorithm + " ⚙ " + diffName) if rig_identiier != "None": print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + getString("rig_identifier") + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + rig_identiier) print(Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + str(greeting) + ", " + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str(username) + "!\n") if int(donation_level) > 0: if osname == "nt": if not Path(RESOURCES_DIR + "/Donate_executable.exe").is_file(): url = ("" + "duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/Donate_executables/" + "DonateExecutableWindows.exe?raw=true") r = requests.get(url) with open(RESOURCES_DIR + "/Donate_executable.exe", "wb") as f: f.write(r.content) elif osname == "posix": if osprocessor() == "aarch64": url = ("" + "duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/Donate_executables/" + "DonateExecutableAARCH64?raw=true") elif osprocessor() == "armv7l": url = ("" + "duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/Donate_executables/" + "DonateExecutableAARCH32?raw=true") else: url = ("" + "duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/Donate_executables/" + "DonateExecutableLinux?raw=true") if not Path(RESOURCES_DIR + "/Donate_executable").is_file(): r = requests.get(url) with open(RESOURCES_DIR + "/Donate_executable", "wb") as f: f.write(r.content)
def greeting(): # greeting message depending on time global greeting print(Style.RESET_ALL) current_hour = strptime(ctime(time())).tm_hour if current_hour < 12: greeting = get_string('greeting_morning') elif current_hour == 12: greeting = get_string('greeting_noon') elif current_hour > 12 and current_hour < 18: greeting = get_string('greeting_afternoon') elif current_hour >= 18: greeting = get_string('greeting_evening') else: greeting = get_string('greeting_back') # Startup message print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + ' ‖ ' + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + get_string('banner') + Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.MAGENTA + ' (v' + str(MINER_VER) + ') ' + Fore.RESET + '2019-2021') print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + ' ‖ ' + Style.NORMAL + Fore.MAGENTA + '') if lang != "english": print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + " ‖ " + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + lang.capitalize() + " translation: " + Fore.MAGENTA + get_string("translation_autor")) print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + ' ‖ ' + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + get_string('avr_on_port') + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + ' '.join(avrport)) if osname == 'nt' or osname == 'posix': print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + ' ‖ ' + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + get_string('donation_level') + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str(donation_level)) print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + ' ‖ ' + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + get_string('algorithm') + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + 'DUCO-S1A ⚙ AVR diff') if rig_identifier != "None": print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + ' ‖ ' + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + get_string('rig_identifier') + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + rig_identifier) print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + ' ‖ ' + Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET + str(greeting) + ', ' + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str(username) + '!\n') if int(donation_level) > 0: if osname == 'nt': # Initial miner executable section if not Path(RESOURCES_DIR + '/Donate_executable.exe').is_file(): url = ('' + 'revoxhere/' + 'duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/' + 'donateExecutableWindows.exe?raw=true') r = requests.get(url) with open(RESOURCES_DIR + '/Donate_executable.exe', 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) elif osname == "posix": if osprocessor() == "aarch64": url = ("" + "duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/Donate_executables/" + "DonateExecutableAARCH64?raw=true") elif osprocessor() == "armv7l": url = ("" + "duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/Donate_executables/" + "DonateExecutableAARCH32?raw=true") else: url = ("" + "duino-coin/blob/useful-tools/Donate_executables/" + "DonateExecutableLinux?raw=true") if not Path(RESOURCES_DIR + "/Donate_executable").is_file(): r = requests.get(url) with open(RESOURCES_DIR + "/Donate_executable", "wb") as f: f.write(r.content)