def clientConnectionMade(self, broker): if self.sslContextFactory and not self.sslContextFactory.certificate_verified: self.remote_client.log.error( "A remote cloud could not prove that its security certificate is " "from {host}. This may cause a misconfiguration or an attacker " "intercepting your connection.",, ) return self.remote_client.disconnect() pb.PBClientFactory.clientConnectionMade(self, broker) protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.resetDelay(self)"Successfully connected")"Authenticating") auth_token = None try: auth_token = AccountClient().fetch_authentication_token() except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except d = defer.Deferred() d.addErrback(self.clientAuthorizationFailed) d.errback(pb.Error(e)) return d d = self.login( credentials.UsernamePassword( auth_token.encode(), get_host_id().encode(), ), client=self.remote_client, ) d.addCallback(self.remote_client.cb_client_authorization_made) d.addErrback(self.clientAuthorizationFailed) return d
def team_create(orgname_teamname, description): orgname, teamname = orgname_teamname.split(":", 1) client = AccountClient() client.create_team(orgname, teamname, description) return click.secho( "The team %s has been successfully created." % teamname, fg="green", )
def team_list(orgname, json_output): client = AccountClient() data = {} if not orgname: for item in client.list_orgs(): teams = client.list_teams(item.get("orgname")) data[item.get("orgname")] = teams else: teams = client.list_teams(orgname) data[orgname] = teams if json_output: return click.echo(json.dumps(data[orgname] if orgname else data)) if not any(data.values()): return click.secho("You do not have any teams.", fg="yellow") for org_name in data: for team in data[org_name]: click.echo() click.secho("%s:%s" % (org_name, team.get("name")), fg="cyan") click.echo("-" * len("%s:%s" % (org_name, team.get("name")))) table_data = [] if team.get("description"): table_data.append(("Description:", team.get("description"))) table_data.append(( "Members:", ", ".join( (member.get("username") for member in team.get("members"))) if team.get("members") else "-", )) click.echo(tabulate(table_data, tablefmt="plain")) return click.echo()
def publish_package(self, archive_path, owner=None, released_at=None, private=False, notify=True): account = AccountClient() if not owner: owner = (account.get_account_info( offline=True).get("profile").get("username")) with open(archive_path, "rb") as fp: return self.send_auth_request( "post", "/v3/packages/%s/%s" % (owner, PackageType.from_archive(archive_path)), params={ "private": 1 if private else 0, "notify": 1 if notify else 0, "released_at": released_at, }, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "X-PIO-Content-SHA256": fs.calculate_file_hashsum("sha256", archive_path), }, data=fp, )
def org_create(orgname, email, displayname): client = AccountClient() client.create_org(orgname, email, displayname) return click.secho( "The organization `%s` has been successfully created." % orgname, fg="green", )
def account_forgot(username): client = AccountClient() client.forgot_password(username) return click.secho( "If this account is registered, we will send the " "further instructions to your email.", fg="green", )
def org_remove_owner(orgname, username): client = AccountClient() client.remove_org_owner(orgname, username) return click.secho( "The `%s` owner has been successfully removed from the `%s` organization." % (username, orgname), fg="green", )
def org_add_owner(orgname, username): client = AccountClient() client.add_org_owner(orgname, username) return click.secho( "The new owner `%s` has been successfully added to the `%s` organization." % (username, orgname), fg="green", )
def account_register(username, email, password, firstname, lastname): client = AccountClient() client.registration(username, email, password, firstname, lastname) return click.secho( "An account has been successfully created. " "Please check your mail to activate your account and verify your email address.", fg="green", )
def team_add_member(orgname_teamname, username): orgname, teamname = orgname_teamname.split(":", 1) client = AccountClient() client.add_team_member(orgname, teamname, username) return click.secho( "The new member %s has been successfully added to the %s team." % (username, teamname), fg="green", )
def team_remove_owner(orgname_teamname, username): orgname, teamname = orgname_teamname.split(":", 1) client = AccountClient() client.remove_team_member(orgname, teamname, username) return click.secho( "The %s member has been successfully removed from the %s team." % (username, teamname), fg="green", )
def account_destroy(orgname): client = AccountClient() click.confirm( "Are you sure you want to delete the `%s` organization account?\n" "Warning! All linked data will be permanently removed and can not be restored." % orgname, abort=True, ) client.destroy_org(orgname) return click.secho("Organization `%s` has been destroyed." % orgname, fg="green",)
def account_token(password, regenerate, json_output): client = AccountClient() auth_token = client.auth_token(password, regenerate) if json_output: return click.echo( json.dumps({ "status": "success", "result": auth_token })) return click.secho("Personal Authentication Token: %s" % auth_token, fg="green")
def account_show(offline, json_output): client = AccountClient() info = client.get_account_info(offline) if json_output: return click.echo(json.dumps(info)) click.echo() if info.get("profile"): print_profile(info["profile"]) if info.get("packages"): print_packages(info["packages"]) if info.get("subscriptions"): print_subscriptions(info["subscriptions"]) return click.echo()
def team_destroy(orgname_teamname): orgname, teamname = orgname_teamname.split(":", 1) click.confirm("Are you sure you want to destroy the %s team?" % teamname, fg="yellow"), abort=True, ) client = AccountClient() client.destroy_team(orgname, teamname) return click.secho( "The team %s has been successfully destroyed." % teamname, fg="green", )
def unpublish_package( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin self, type, name, owner=None, version=None, undo=False ): account = AccountClient() if not owner: owner = ( account.get_account_info(offline=True).get("profile").get("username") ) path = "/v3/packages/%s/%s/%s" % (owner, type, name) if version: path += "/" + version return self.send_auth_request( "delete", path, params={"undo": 1 if undo else 0}, )
def call_client(method, *args, **kwargs): try: client = AccountClient() return getattr(client, method)(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=bare-except raise jsonrpc.exceptions.JSONRPCDispatchException( code=4003, message="PIO Account Call Error", data=str(e))
def send_auth_request(self, *args, **kwargs): headers = kwargs.get("headers", {}) if "Authorization" not in headers: token = AccountClient().fetch_authentication_token() headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer %s" % token kwargs["headers"] = headers return self.fetch_json_data(*args, **kwargs)
def account_update(current_password, **kwargs): client = AccountClient() profile = client.get_profile() new_profile = profile.copy() if not any(kwargs.values()): for field in profile: new_profile[field] = click.prompt(field.replace("_", " ").capitalize(), default=profile[field]) if field == "email": validate_email(new_profile[field]) if field == "username": validate_username(new_profile[field]) else: new_profile.update( {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value}) client.update_profile(new_profile, current_password) click.secho("Profile successfully updated!", fg="green") username_changed = new_profile["username"] != profile["username"] email_changed = new_profile["email"] != profile["email"] if not username_changed and not email_changed: return None try: client.logout() except AccountNotAuthorized: pass if email_changed: return click.secho( "Please check your mail to verify your new email address and re-login. ", fg="yellow", ) return click.secho("Please re-login.", fg="yellow")
def team_update(orgname_teamname, **kwargs): orgname, teamname = orgname_teamname.split(":", 1) client = AccountClient() team = client.get_team(orgname, teamname) del team["id"] del team["members"] new_team = team.copy() if not any(kwargs.values()): for field in team: new_team[field] = click.prompt( field.replace("_", " ").capitalize(), default=team[field] ) if field == "name": validate_teamname(new_team[field]) else: new_team.update({key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value}) client.update_team(orgname, teamname, new_team) return click.secho( "The team %s has been successfully updated." % teamname, fg="green", )
def org_list(json_output): client = AccountClient() orgs = client.list_orgs() if json_output: return click.echo(json.dumps(orgs)) if not orgs: return click.echo("You do not have any organization") for org in orgs: click.echo() click.secho(org.get("orgname"), fg="cyan") click.echo("-" * len(org.get("orgname"))) data = [] if org.get("displayname"): data.append(("Display Name:", org.get("displayname"))) if org.get("email"): data.append(("Email:", org.get("email"))) data.append(( "Owners:", ", ".join((owner.get("username") for owner in org.get("owners"))), )) click.echo(tabulate(data, tablefmt="plain")) return click.echo()
def org_update(cur_orgname, **kwargs): client = AccountClient() org = client.get_org(cur_orgname) del org["owners"] new_org = org.copy() if not any(kwargs.values()): for field in org: new_org[field] = click.prompt( field.replace("_", " ").capitalize(), default=org[field] ) if field == "email": validate_email(new_org[field]) if field == "orgname": validate_orgname(new_org[field]) else: new_org.update( {key.replace("new_", ""): value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value} ) client.update_org(cur_orgname, new_org) return click.secho( "The organization `%s` has been successfully updated." % cur_orgname, fg="green", )
def account_destroy(): client = AccountClient() click.confirm( "Are you sure you want to delete the %s user account?\n" "Warning! All linked data will be permanently removed and can not be restored." % client.get_account_info().get("profile").get("username"), abort=True, ) client.destroy_account() try: client.logout() except AccountNotAuthorized: pass return click.secho( "User account has been destroyed.", fg="green", )
def account_logout(): client = AccountClient() client.logout() return click.secho("Successfully logged out!", fg="green")
def account_password(old_password, new_password): client = AccountClient() client.change_password(old_password, new_password) return click.secho("Password successfully changed!", fg="green")
def clientAuthorizationFailed(self, err): AccountClient.delete_local_session() self.remote_client.cb_client_authorization_failed(err)
def account_login(username, password): client = AccountClient() client.login(username, password) return click.secho("Successfully logged in!", fg="green")