Example #1
def nextSituations(game, situation, player):
    returns the list of situations that can be reached from given situation by the player in the game

    :param game: the game
    :type game: a two players game
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(list<situtation>)* -- the list of situations that can be reached from given situation when player plays one round in the game
    sits = []
    valid = getValidMoves(situation, player)
    for sit in valid:
        s = initSituation(game)
        for i in range(8):
            for j in range(8):
                s[i][j] = situation[i][j]
        x, y = sit[0], sit[1]
        l = (validMoves(s, player, x, y))
        for k in l:
            x1, y1 = k[0], k[1]
            s[x1][y1] = (Player.get_spec(player))
        s[x][y] = Player.get_spec(player)
        sits.append((s, (x, y)))
    return sits
def nextSituations(game, situation, player):
    returns the list of situations that can be reached from given situation by the player in the game

    :param game: the game
    :type game: a two players game
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(list<situtation>)* -- the list of situations that can be reached from given situation when player plays one round in the game
    sits = []
    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    for i in range(7):
        if isValidMove(situation, i):
            sit = initSituation(game)
            for x in range(6):
                for y in range(7):
                    sit[x][y] = situation[x][y]
            for k in range(6):
                if sit[k][i] == ' ':
                    if k == 5:
                        sit[k][i] = Player.get_spec(player)
                        sits.append((sit, i))
                    sit[k - 1][i] = Player.get_spec(player)
                    sits.append((sit, i))
    return sits
def evalFunction(situation, player):
    the evaluation function for the min-max algorithm. It evaluates the given situation,
    the evaluation function increases with the quality of the situation for the player
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(number)* -- the score of the given situation for the given player.
        The better the situation for the minmax player, the higher the score. The opposite for human player.
    winner = getWinner([], situation, player)
    if winner != None:
        if Player.get_name(player) == Player.get_name(winner) == 'computer':
            return 100000
        elif Player.get_name(player) != 'computer' and Player.get_name(
                winner) != 'computer':
            return -100000
            return 1
    counter = note = 0
    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(7):
            if situation[i][j] == Player.get_spec(player):
                for xdirection, ydirection in [[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1],
                                               [0, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 0],
                                               [-1, 1]]:
                    counter = 0
                    x, y = i, j
                    x += xdirection
                    y += ydirection
                    if isOnBoard(x, y):
                        if situation[x][y] == ' ':
                            counter += 1
                            x += xdirection
                            y += ydirection
                            while isOnBoard(x, y) and situation[x][y] == " ":
                                counter += 1
                                x += xdirection
                                y += ydirection

                                if counter == 3:
                                    note = 10000
                                    note = -10000

        if Player.get_name(player) == 'computer':
            return note
        elif Player.get_name(player) != 'computer':
            return -note
Example #4
def changeValue(situation, valueToPlay, comp):
    x, y = valueToPlay[0], valueToPlay[1]
    l = (validMoves(situation, comp, x, y))
    for k in l:
        x1, y1 = k[0], k[1]
        situation[x1][y1] = (Player.get_spec(comp))
    situation[x][y] = Player.get_spec(comp)

    return situation
def handler(x, y, g, p1, p2, b, dif, eve):
    handles player's clicks and manage turns of the players
    :param x: the x-coordinate of the move
    :type x: int
    :param y: the y-coordinate of the move
    :type y: int
    :param g: the current situation
    :type g: situation
    :param p1: the first player
    :type p1: player
    :param p2: the second player
    :type p2: player
    :param b: buttons list
    :type b: list
    :param dif: the difficulty of the game(the depth of the IA recursivity)
    :type dif: int
    :param eve: the event
    :type eve: event
    global current
    if not othello.isFinished(g):
        if Player.get_name(current) != 'computer' and othello.playerCanPlay(
                g, g, current):
            g = othello.clean(g)
            if othello.isValidMove(g, current, x, y):
                valid = (othello.validMoves(g, current, x, y))
                for k in valid:
                    x1, y1 = k[0], k[1]
                    g[x1][y1] = (Player.get_spec(current))
                g[x][y] = Player.get_spec(current)
                current = switch_player(current, p1, p2)
        elif not othello.playerCanPlay(g, g, current):
            current = switch_player(current, p1, p2)
        if Player.get_name(current) == 'computer' and othello.playerCanPlay(
                g, g, current):
            g = othello.clean(g)
            g = AlphaBeta.IA(g, current, switch_player(current, p1, p2), dif,
            current = switch_player(current, p1, p2)
    hints(g, b)
    __redraw(g, b)
    if othello.isFinished(g):
        winner = checkwinner(g, g, current, p1, p2, othello)
        _disable(g, b)
        msg = finalState(winner)
        msgbox.showinfo("finished", msg)
Example #6
def handler(column, sit, p1, p2, b, eve):
    handles the click

    :param column: the column of the button
    :type column: int
    :param sit: the current situation
    :type sit: situation
    :param p1: the first player
    :type p1: player
    :param p2: the second player
    :type p2: player
    :param b: buttons list
    :type b: list
    :param eve: the event
    :type eve: event
    global current
    global dif
    spec = Player.get_spec(current)
    if not puissance.isFinished(sit):
        if Player.get_name(current) != 'computer':
            if puissance.isValidMove(sit, column):
                for i in range(6):
                    if sit[i][column] == ' ':
                        if i == 5:
                            sit[i][column] = Player.get_spec(current)
                        sit[i - 1][column] = Player.get_spec(current)
        current = switch_player(current, p1, p2)

        if not puissance.isFinished(sit) and Player.get_name(
                current) == 'computer':
            sit = AlphaBeta.IA(sit, current, switch_player(current, p1, p2),
                               dif, puissance)
            if dif < 8:
                dif += 1
            current = switch_player(current, p1, p2)
    __redraw(sit, b)
    if puissance.isFinished(sit):
        winner = twoplayergame.checkwinner(sit, sit, current, p1, p2,
        _disable(sit, b)
        msg = finalState(winner)
        msgbox.showinfo("finished", msg)
Example #7
def getWinner(game, situation, player):
    Gives the winner of the game that end in situation

    :param game: the game 
    :type game: game
    :param situation: the situation which is a final game situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the player who should have played if situation was not final (then other player plays previous turn)
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(player)* -- the winner player or None in case of tie game
    :CU: situation is a final situation
    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    compteur = adv = 0
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if situation[i][j] == spec:
                compteur += 1
            if situation[i][j] != spec and situation[i][j] != ' ':
                adv += 1
    if compteur > adv:
        return player
        return None
Example #8
def _input_coords(situation, player):
    takes the input value from the player

    :param situation: situation
    :param player: player
    :return: the value
    if Player.get_spec(player) == 'X':
        color = "n"
        color = 'b'
        Player.get_name(player) + '(' + colors[color] + ')' +
        " it's your turn")
    coords = input("coords of cell? ")
    coords = coords.split(',')
    x = int(coords[0])
    y = int(coords[1])
        if isCheck(situation, situation[x][y][1]):
            l = (checkMoves(situation, situation[x][y][1])[0])
            if isOnBoard(x, y) and situation[x][y][1] == color and (x, y) in l:
                return (x, y)
            l = canPlay(situation, x, y)
            if situation[x][y][1] == color and len(l) != 0:
                return (x, y)
        return _input_coords(situation, player)
    print('illegal play')
    return _input_coords(situation, player)
Example #9
def changeValue(situation, valueToPlay, comp):
    plays the value the computer has choosen after the minmax algorithm

    :param situation: situation
    :type situation: situation
    :param valueToPlay: the value
    :type valueToPlay: a tuple
    :param comp: The computer
    :type comp: Player
    if Player.get_spec(comp) == 'X':
        color = "n"
        color = "b"
    x, y = valueToPlay[0], valueToPlay[1]
    v = validMoves(situation, x, y)
    for i, j in v:
        if simulateCheck(situation, x, y, i, j):
            if (situation[x][y] == 'Pb' and i == 0) or (situation[x][y] == 'Pn'
                                                        and i == 7):
                situation[i][j] = 'D' + situation[x][y][1]
                situation[x][y] = '  '
                situation[i][j] = situation[x][y]
                situation[x][y] = '  '
            #situation[k[0]][k[1]] = situation[x][y]
            #situation[x] [y] = '  '
            return situation
Example #10
def evalFunction(situation, player):
    the evaluation function for the min-max algorithm. It evaluates the given situation,
    the evaluation function increases with the quality of the situation for the player

    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(number)* -- the score of the given situation for the given player.
        The better the situation for the minmax player, the higher the score. The opposite for human player.
    if Player.get_spec(player) == 'X':
        color = "n"
        color = "b"
    note = 0
    if getWinner("", situation, player) != None:
        if getWinner('', situation, player).get_name() == 'computer':
            return 10000
            return -10000
        for i in range(8):
            for j in range(8):
                if situation[i][j][1] == color:
                    note += -len(canPlay(situation, i, j)) * 10 + minmaxValues[
        if Player.get_name(player) == "computer":
            return note
            return -note
Example #11
def handler(x, y, g, p1, p2, b, eve):
    handles the click

    :param x: x-coordinate
    :param y: y-coordinate
    :param g: situation
    :param p1: player
    :param p2: player
    :param b: list of buttons
    :param eve: the event
    global current
    spec = Player.get_spec(current)
    if g[x][y] == '':
        g[x][y] = spec
        if Player.get_name(current) != 'computer' and Player.get_name(
                    current, p1,
                    p2)) == "computer" and not tictactoe.isFinished(g):
            g = minmax.IA(g, switch_player(current, p1, p2), current, 10,
            current = switch_player(current, p1, p2)
        __redraw(g, b)
    if tictactoe.isFinished(g):
        winner = tictactoe.getWinner(g, g, switch_player(current, p1, p2))
        _disable(g, b)
        msg = finalState(winner)
        msgbox.showinfo("finished", msg)
Example #12
def nextSituations(game, situation, player):
    returns the list of situations that can be reached from given situation by the player in the game

    :param game: the game
    :type game: a two players game
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(list<situtation>)* -- the list of situations that can be reached from given situation when player plays one round in the game
    if Player.get_spec(player) == 'X':
        color = "n"
        color = "b"
    res = []
    values = checkMoves(situation, color)[0]
    sits = checkMoves(situation, color)[1]
    pieces = canPlay(situation,
                     getKing(situation, color)[0],
                     getKing(situation, color)[1])
    for k in range(len(sits)):
        res.append((sits[k], values[k]))
    return res
Example #13
def evalFunction(situation, player):
    the evaluation function for the min-max algorithm. It evaluates the given situation,
    the evaluation function increases with the quality of the situation for the player
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(number)* -- the score of the given situation for the given player.
        The better the situation for the minmax player, the higher the score. The opposite for human player.
    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    winner = getWinner([], situation, player)
    name = Player.get_name(player)
    edge = corner = compteur = 0
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if isOnCorner(i, j) and situation[i][j] == spec:
                corner += 1
            if situation[i][j] == spec:
                compteur += 1
            if isOnEdge(i, j) and situation[i][j] == spec:
                edge += 1
    if name == 'computer' and winner == player:
        return 1000 + compteur + 6 * corner + 2 * edge
    if name != 'computer' and winner == player:
        return -1000 - compteur - 6 * corner - 2 * edge
    if winner == None:
        return 0
Example #14
def getWinner(game, situation, player):
    Gives the winner of the game that end in situation

    :param game: the game 
    :type game: game
    :param situation: the situation which is a final game situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the player who should have played if situation was not final (then other player plays previous turn)
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(player)* -- the winner player or None in case of tie game

    :CU: situation is a final situation
    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    for i in range(len(situation)):
        if situation[i][0] == situation[i][1] == situation[i][2] == spec :
            return player
        if i == 0:
            for j in range(3):
                if situation[i][j] == situation[i+1][j] == situation[i+2][j] == spec :
                    return player
                if j == 0 or j == 2 :
                    if situation[i][j] == situation[i+1][abs(j-1)] == situation[i+2][abs(j-2)] == spec :
                        return player
    return None
Example #15
def humanPlayerPlays(game, player, situation):
    makes the human player plays for given situation in the game

    :param game: the game 
    :type game: game
    :param player: the human player
    :type player: player
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :returns: *(game situtation)* -- the game situation reached afte the human player play
    x, y = _input_coords(situation, player)
    l = (validMoves(situation, player, x, y))
    for k in l:
        x1, y1 = k[0], k[1]
        situation[x1][y1] = (Player.get_spec(player))
    situation[x][y] = Player.get_spec(player)
    return situation
def changeValue(situation, valueToPlay, comp):
    plays the move the computer has chosen
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: list
    :param valueToPlay: the value we want play
    :type valueToPlay: int
    :param comp: the computer player
    :type comp: player
    y = valueToPlay
    for i in range(6):
        if situation[i][y] == ' ':
            if i == 5:
                situation[i][y] = Player.get_spec(comp)
            situation[i - 1][y] = Player.get_spec(comp)
    return situation
Example #17
def changeValue(situation , valueToPlay, player):
    plays the move the computer has chosen
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: list
    :param valueToPlay: the value we want play
    :type valueToPlay: int
    :param comp: the computer player
    :type comp: player
    situation[valueToPlay[0]][valueToPlay[1]] = Player.get_spec(player)
    return situation
def humanPlayerPlays(game, player, situation):
    makes the human player plays for given situation in the game

    :param game: the game 
    :type game: game
    :param player: the human player
    :type player: player
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :returns: *(game situtation)* -- the game situation reached afte the human player play
    y = _input_coords(situation, player)
    for i in range(6):
        if situation[i][y] == ' ':
            if i == 5:
                situation[i][y] = Player.get_spec(player)
            situation[i - 1][y] = Player.get_spec(player)
    return situation
Example #19
def humanPlayerPlays(game, player, situation):
    makes the human player plays for given situation in the game

    :param game: the game 
    :type game: game
    :param player: the human player
    :type player: player
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :returns: *(game situtation)* -- the game situation reached after the human player play
    game = situation 
    x,y = _input_coords (situation, player)
    situation[x][y] = Player.get_spec(player)
    return situation 
Example #20
def getValidMoves(situation, player):
    gives the valid moves of the player given
    :param situation: the current situation :
    :type situation: list
    :param player: the player
    :type player: player

    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    valid = []
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if isValidMove(situation, player, i, j):
                valid.append((i, j))
    return valid
Example #21
def validMoves(board, player, xstart, ystart):
    gives the tiles to flip 

    :param board: the current situation
    :type board: list
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :param xstart: the x-coordinate
    :type xstart: int
    :param ystart: the y-coordinate
    :type ystart: int
    tile = Player.get_spec(player)
    otherTile = otherTil(tile)
    tilesToFlip = []
    if board[xstart][ystart] != ' ' or not isOnBoard(xstart, ystart):
        return tilesToFlip
    board[xstart][ystart] = tile
    for xdirection, ydirection in [[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1], [0, -1],
                                   [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1]]:
        x, y = xstart, ystart
        x += xdirection
        y += ydirection
        if isOnBoard(x, y) and board[x][y] == otherTile:
            x += xdirection
            y += ydirection
            if not isOnBoard(x, y):
            while board[x][y] == otherTile:
                x += xdirection
                y += ydirection
                if not isOnBoard(x, y):
            if not isOnBoard(x, y):
            if board[x][y] == tile:
                while True:
                    x -= xdirection
                    y -= ydirection
                    if x == xstart and y == ystart:
                    tilesToFlip.append([x, y])
    board[xstart][ystart] = ' '
    return tilesToFlip
Example #22
def fini(situation, p):
    tells whether the game is finished or not

    :param situation: situation
    :type situation: situation
    :param p: player
    :type p: Player
    :return: boolean
    if Player.get_spec(p) == 'X':
        color = "n"
        color = "b"
    if isCheck(situation, color):
        checkmate = checkMoves(situation, color)[1]
        if len(checkmate) == 0:
            return True
    return False
Example #23
def getWinner(game, situation, player):
    Gives the winner of the game that end in situation

    :param game: the game 
    :type game: game
    :param situation: the situation which is a final game situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the player who should have played if situation was not final (then other player plays previous turn)
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(player)* -- the winner player or None in case of tie game
    :CU: situation is a final situation
    if Player.get_spec(player) == 'X':
        color = "b"
        color = "n"
    if fini(situation, player):
        return player
    return None
Example #24
def rightClick(x, y, sit, b, eve):
    handles the right click

    :param x: x-coordinate
    :type x: int
    :param y: y-coordinate
    :type y: int
    :param sit: situation
    :type sit: situation
    :param b: list of buttons
    :type b: list
    :param eve: the event
    global res, current
    if Player.get_spec(current) == 'X':
        color = 'n'
        color = 'b'

        __redraw(sit, b)
        if chess.isCheck(sit, sit[x][y][1]):
            l = chess.checkMoves(sit, sit[x][y][1])[0]
            if sit[x][y][1] == color and (x, y) in l:
                res = (x, y)
                d = chess.canPlay(sit, x, y)
                v = chess.validMoves(sit, x, y)
                for i, j in v:
                    if (i, j) in d and chess.simulateCheck(sit, x, y, i, j):
            l = chess.canPlay(sit, x, y)
            if sit[x][y][1] == color and len(l) != 0:
                res = (x, y)
                for i, j in l:
def _input_coords(situation, player):
    manage the interaction with the human player

    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: list
    :param player: player
    :type player: player
        Player.get_name(player) + '(' + Player.get_spec(player) + ')' +
        " it's your turn")
    coord = input("Enter number of a  column ? ")
        y = int(coord)
        if isValidMove(situation, y):
            return (y)
        return _input_coords(situation, player)
    print('illegal play')
    return _input_coords(situation, player)
Example #26
def _input_coords(game,player):
    manage the interaction with the human player

    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: list
    :param player: player
    :type player: player
    print(Player.get_name(player)+'('+Player.get_spec(player)+')'+" it's your turn")
    coords = input("coords of cell? ")
    coords = coords.split(',')
    try :
        x = int(coords[0])
        y = int(coords[1])
        if game[x][y] == '' :  
            return (x,y)
    except :
        return _input_coords(game,player)
    print('illegal play, choose an empty cell')
    return _input_coords(game,player)
Example #27
def _input_coords(situation, player):
    manage the interaction with the human player

    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: list
    :param player: player
    :type player: player
        Player.get_name(player) + '(' + Player.get_spec(player) + ')' +
        " it's your turn")
    coords = input("coords of cell? ")
    coords = coords.split(',')
        x = int(coords[0])
        y = int(coords[1])
        if isValidMove(situation, player, x, y):
            return (x, y)
        return _input_coords(situation, player)
    print('illegal play')
    return _input_coords(situation, player)
def getWinner(game, situation, player):
    Gives the winner of the game that end in situation

    :param game: the game 
    :type game: game
    :param situation: the situation which is a final game situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the player who should have played if situation was not final (then other player plays previous turn)
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(player)* -- the winner player or None in case of tie game
    :CU: situation is a final situation
    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(7):
            if situation[i][j] == spec:
                for xdirection, ydirection in [[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1],
                                               [0, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 0],
                                               [-1, 1]]:
                    counter = 0
                    x, y = i, j
                    x += xdirection
                    y += ydirection
                    if isOnBoard(x, y):
                        if situation[x][y] == spec:
                            counter += 1
                            x += xdirection
                            y += ydirection
                            while isOnBoard(x, y) and situation[x][y] == spec:
                                counter += 1
                                x += xdirection
                                y += ydirection
                                if counter == 3:
                                    return player
    return None
Example #29
def nextSituations(game, situation, player):
    returns the list of situations that can be reached from given situation by the player in the game

    :param game: the game
    :type game: a two players game
    :param situation: the current situation
    :type situation: a game situation
    :param player: the current player
    :type player: player
    :returns: *(list<situtation>)* -- the list of situations that can be reached from given situation when player plays one round in the game
    spec = Player.get_spec(player)
    sits = []
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if situation[i][j] == '':
                sit = initSituation([])
                for x in range(3):
                    for y in range(3):
                        sit[x][y]= situation[x][y]
                sit[i][j] = spec
    return sits