def start(self): # parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plays music from Songza in your terminal") # parser.add_argument("--query", metavar="Query Text", help="Query text used to search for stations; the app will start with query results pre-populated") parser.add_argument("--station_id", metavar="1234567", help="This is the station ID used internally by Songza") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Add this flag to dump debug info to a file.") args = parser.parse_args() # instatiate a player and station self.player = VlcPlayer(args.debug) self.station = Station(self.player, 0, args.debug) # start streaming music, if station id was provided if args.station_id: self.station.station_id = args.station_id self.play_next() self.station.update_track_info() # build out the screen self.setup_screen() palette = [ ("bold", "default,bold", "default"), ("reversed", "standout", ""), ("logo", "default", "black") ] # start the run loop loop = urwid.MainLoop(self.ui["container"], palette, unhandled_input=self.handle_input) loop.set_alarm_in(1, loop.set_alarm_in(.5, self.update_player_ui)
from player import VlcPlayer player = VlcPlayer()"a-side.mp4") i = 0 while True: print str(i) + ":\n" print player.send_command_readline("get_time\n") i += 1
class MixZaTape: def __init__(self): # key handlers are set here # TODO: add alternate key mappings, VIM-style, possibly even user configurable? self.key_handlers = { # ESC key "esc": ("Exit", self.exit), "f9": ("Skip", self.skip), "+": ("Volume Up", self.volume_up), "-": ("Volume Down", self.volume_down), # space bar "f8": ("Pause", self.pause), "f10": ("Seek",, "f1": ("Help", self.show_help), "f2": ("Station Search", self.show_search), ">": ("Upvote", self.upvote), "<": ("Downvote", self.downvote), } # UI text self.ui_text = { "current_track": "Playing: ", "last_track": "Previous: ", "select_station": "Select a Station", "help_controls": "Controls", "current_station": "Station: " } # save_file # ========= # Used to save & persist app data between sessions self.save_file = "./.save" # save_data # ========= # Assorted app data that we want to be persisted self.save_data = {} # setup_screen() # ============== # Builds and sets up the major screen components def setup_screen(self): # init main screen self.ui = { "track_info": urwid.Text(""), "station_info": urwid.Text("{0}{1}".format(self.ui_text["current_station"], "None")), "time_left": urwid.Text(""), "progress_bar": urwid.Text(""), "help_screen": self.build_help_screen(), "search_screen": self.build_search_screen(), "logo": self.build_logo(), "footer": urwid.Text("") } window_walker = urwid.SimpleListWalker([ urwid.Divider(), self.ui["track_info"], urwid.Divider(), self.ui["time_left"], self.ui["progress_bar"], urwid.Divider(u"\u2501", 1, 1), self.ui["station_info"], urwid.Divider(u"\u2501", 1, 1), self.ui["help_screen"] ]) # set default focus on last element in the list box i = len(window_walker.positions()) - 1 window_walker.set_focus(i) # add widgets to main window window = urwid.ListBox(window_walker) self.ui["window"] = window self.ui["window_walker"] = window_walker # build frame self.ui["container"] = urwid.Frame(window, self.ui["logo"], self.ui["footer"], focus_part="body") # attempt to load any previously saved app data self.load_state() # exit() # ====== # Exits the app, cleaning up GUI elements and stopping the player. def exit(self): # stop the music self.player.stop() urwid.ExitMainLoop(); sys.exit() # start() # ======= # Bootstraps by parsing arguments and such. # Starts the main run loop and binds event handlers. def start(self): # parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plays music from Songza in your terminal") # parser.add_argument("--query", metavar="Query Text", help="Query text used to search for stations; the app will start with query results pre-populated") parser.add_argument("--station_id", metavar="1234567", help="This is the station ID used internally by Songza") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Add this flag to dump debug info to a file.") args = parser.parse_args() # instatiate a player and station self.player = VlcPlayer(args.debug) self.station = Station(self.player, 0, args.debug) # start streaming music, if station id was provided if args.station_id: self.station.station_id = args.station_id self.play_next() self.station.update_track_info() # build out the screen self.setup_screen() palette = [ ("bold", "default,bold", "default"), ("reversed", "standout", ""), ("logo", "default", "black") ] # start the run loop loop = urwid.MainLoop(self.ui["container"], palette, unhandled_input=self.handle_input) loop.set_alarm_in(1, loop.set_alarm_in(.5, self.update_player_ui) # handle_input(key) # ================= def handle_input(self, key): # fire handler for the input key handler = self.key_handlers.get(key) if (handler is not None): handler[1]() # update_player_ui(loop, user_data) # ================================= # Updates the player UI (current track, progress, etc). def update_player_ui(self, loop, user_data): # set a new timer loop.set_alarm_in(.5, self.update_player_ui) # don't redraw if currently paused if self.is_paused(): return # show the current track if not null or empty # remember that the cursor positon moves with the text by default if (bool(self.station.current_track)): track_text = [ self.ui_text["current_track"], ("bold", unicode(self.station.current_track["title"] + " ")), unicode(self.station.current_track["artist"]["name"]) ] self.ui["track_info"].set_text(track_text) # show time remaining seconds = int(self.time_remaining()) # Occasionally, seconds remaining can be negative, especially immediately # after un-pausing. Skip this update if that is the case. if (seconds < 0): return duration = int(self.station.current_track["duration"]) self.ui["time_left"].set_text("{0}:{1:02d} / {2}:{3:02d}".format( seconds / 60, seconds % 60, duration / 60, duration % 60 )) self.ui["progress_bar"].set_text(self.draw_progress_bar(3, 0, duration - seconds, duration, 50, u"\u2588")) else: self.ui["track_info"].set_text("") # draw_progress_bar(current, startY, startX, total, size, chr) # ============================================================ # Draws a progress bar of the specified size. # - current: current value # - total: total value # - size: size of the bar (in characters) # - chr: character to use in drawing def draw_progress_bar(self, startY, startX, current, total, size, chr): progress = int((current * 1.0 / total) * size) bar = "".join([chr] * progress) # add caps gap = "".join(["-"] * (size - progress)) bar += gap return u"{0}{1}{0}".format(u"|", bar) # stream(loop, user_data) # ======================= # The stream() callback is fired in the main run loop to continuously stream music def stream(self, loop, user_data): if not self.is_paused(): # check if current song is almost done time_left = self.time_remaining() # unable to accurately read time remaining, usually due to seeking (time == -1) if time_left > 0: if (time_left <= 5 and self.station.next_track == None): self.play_next() if (time_left <= 1 and self.station.next_track is not None): self.update_track_info() loop.set_alarm_in(1, # build_logo() # ============ def build_logo(self): text = urwid.Text(("reversed", "\n|[●▪▪●]| MixZaTape\n")) text.set_align_mode("center") return urwid.AttrMap(text, "logo") # return urwid.Filler(text, "bottom") # build_station_list(query) # ======================== # Fires off a query for stations with the specified query test # and builds a select list of stations. def build_station_list(self, query): # build menu options # flatten down to just name => id dictionary menu_opts = {} stations = self.station.query_station(query) for station in stations: menu_opts[station["name"]] = station["id"] body = [urwid.Text(self.ui_text["select_station"]), urwid.Divider()] for k in menu_opts.keys(): button = urwid.Button(k) urwid.connect_signal(button, "click", self.on_station_selected, (k, menu_opts[k])) body.append(urwid.AttrMap(button, None, focus_map="reversed")) return urwid.BoxAdapter(urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(body)), 20) # build_help_screen() # =================== # Build the help screen. def build_help_screen(self): body = [urwid.Text(("bold", self.ui_text["help_controls"])), urwid.Divider()] # display control keys in alphabetical order keys = self.key_handlers.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: handler = self.key_handlers[k] body.append(urwid.Text("[{0}]: {1}".format(k, handler[0]))) return urwid.Pile(body) # build_search_screen() # ===================== # Build the station search screen. def build_search_screen(self): input = StationSearchBox("Station Search: ", "") urwid.connect_signal(input, "keypress", self.on_search_keypress) body = [ input ] return urwid.Pile(body) # handler for selected station def on_station_selected(self, button, key_value): self.change_station(key_value[0], key_value[1]) # custom keypress handler for the station list def on_search_keypress(self, widget, size, key): # submit query on enter if (key == "enter"): station_list = self.build_station_list(widget.get_edit_text()) self.show_screen(station_list) # allow controls keys to execute elif (key in self.key_handlers): self.key_handlers[key][1]() # show_screen(screen) # =================== # Inserts the specified screen into the main window. def show_screen(self, screen): i = len(self.ui["window_walker"].positions()) - 1 self.ui["window_walker"].contents[i] = screen self.ui["window_walker"].set_focus = i # show_help() # =========== # Display the help screen. def show_help(self): self.show_screen(self.ui["help_screen"]) # show_search() # ============= # Display the search screen. def show_search(self): self.show_screen(self.ui["search_screen"]) # change_station(station_name, station_id) # ======================================== def change_station(self, station_name, station_id): # set ui components with new station info self.ui["station_info"].set_text( "{0}{1} ({2})".format( self.ui_text["current_station"], station_name, station_id ) ) self.station.change_station(station_name, station_id) self.skip() # save current station info self.save_data["station_id"] = station_id self.save_data["station_name"] = station_name self.save_state() # set_status_line(message) # ======================== # Sets the status in the footer. def set_status_line(self, message): self.ui["footer"].set_text(message) # save_state() # ============ # Saves the current state of the app to file def save_state(self): with open(self.save_file, "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(self.save_data)) # load_state() # ============ # Loads the current state of the app from file def load_state(self): # attempt to load file try: with open(self.save_file, "r") as file: text = if len(text) > 0: self.save_data = json.loads(text) self.change_station(self.save_data["station_name"], self.save_data["station_id"]) except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) # the below functions are wrappers for the station and player classes def play_next(self): self.station.play_next() def skip(self): # TODO some sort of status indicator on skip? Or limit skips? self.play_next() self.player.skip() self.update_track_info() def update_track_info(self): self.station.update_track_info() def replay_last(self): # TODO: implement this self.station.play_next() def volume_up(self): self.player.volume_up() def volume_down(self): self.player.volume_down() def pause(self): self.player.pause() def is_paused(self): return self.player.is_paused def time_remaining(self): # return self.station.time_remaining() return self.player.time_remaining() def seek(self): return + 5) # upvote current track def upvote(self): if bool(self.station.current_track):["id"], True) # show status self.set_status_line("Upvoted: {0}".format(self.station.current_track["title"])) # downvote current track # and skip it def downvote(self): if bool(self.station.current_track):["id"], False) # show status self.set_status_line("Downvoted: {0}".format(self.station.current_track["title"])) self.skip()