Example #1
        a3 = prompt(q3, style=style)

    elif a2["option"] == "genre wise books":
        cats = db.get_genre()
        for i in itertools.chain.from_iterable(cats):
            q4[0]["choices"].append({"name": i})
        a4 = prompt(q4, style=style)
        for i in a4["genre"]:
            books = db.genre_wise(i, False)
            books = dict(books)
        for i in books.keys():
            q3[0]["choices"].append({"name": i})
        a3 = prompt(q3, style=style)

    elif a2["option"] == "my library":
        books = db.downloaded_book(a1["userid"], False)
        books = dict(books)
        if books == {}:
            puts(colored.red("You don't have any books in your library!"))

        q3[0]["message"] = "Select books if you want to give feedback"
        for i in books.keys():
            q3[0]["choices"].append({"name": i})
        a3 = prompt(q3, style=style)
        if a3["purchase"] != []:
            for i in a3["purchase"]:
                a8 = prompt(q8, style=style)
                s = db.feedback(a1["userid"], books[i], a8["rating"],