def setup(args): logger.log("Setting up PlebNet") # Prepare Cloudomate if args.test_net: settings.wallets_testnet("1") settings.settings.write() fake_generator.generate_child_account() # TODO: change --> Prepare plebnet config = PlebNetConfig() config.set('expiration_date', time.time() + 30 * plebnet_settings.TIME_IN_DAY) # handle the DNA dna = DNA() dna.read_dictionary(cloudomate_controller.get_vps_providers()) dna.write_dictionary() # Prepare the IRC Client irc_handler.init_irc_client() irc_handler.start_irc_client() logger.success("PlebNet is ready to roll!")
def test_install_available_servers(self, mock1, mock2, mock3, mock4, mock5, mock6, mock7, mock8, mock9, mock10, mock11): config = PlebNetConfig() config.get('bought').append(test_bought) server_installer.install_available_servers(config, self.test_qtable) self.assertEqual(config.get('installed'), [test_bought]) self.assertEqual(config.get('bought'), [])
def test_install_available_servers(self, mock1, mock2, mock3, mock4): config = PlebNetConfig() config.get('bought').append(test_bought) server_installer.install_available_servers(config, self.test_dna) self.assertEqual(config.get('installed'), [{'linevast': False}]) self.assertEqual(config.get('bought'), [])
def setup(args): """ This method should only be called once and is responsible for the initial setup of the PlebNet agent. All necessary configuration files are created and IRC communication is started. :param args: If running in Testnet mode. """ global qtable, config logger.log("Setting up PlebNet") # Set general info about the PlebNet agent settings.irc_nick(settings.irc_nick_def() + str(random.randint(1000, 10000))) config = PlebNetConfig() config.set('expiration_date', time.time() + TIME_ALIVE) # Prepare the QTable configuration qtable = QTable() if args.test_net: settings.wallets_testnet("1") qtable.read_dictionary({ 'proxhost': cloudomate_controller.get_vps_providers()['proxhost'] }) else: providers = cloudomate_controller.get_vps_providers() if providers.has_key('proxhost'): del providers["proxhost"] # Create QTable if it does not exist qtable.read_dictionary(providers) if args.exit_node: logger.log("Running as exitnode") settings.tribler_exitnode('1') settings.settings.write() # Prepare first child configuration fake_generator.generate_child_account() # Prepare the IRC Client irc_handler.init_irc_client() irc_handler.start_irc_client() # add learning_consumer as a consumer for qtable channel in addressbook qtable.address_book.receiver.register_consumer("qtable", learning_consumer) logger.success("PlebNet is ready to roll!")
def setup(args): """ This method should only be called once and is responsible for the initial setup of the PlebNet agent. All necessary configuration files are created and IRC communication is started. :param args: If running in Testnet mode. """ global dna, config logger.log("Setting up PlebNet") # Prepare the DNA configuration dna = DNA() if args.test_net: settings.wallets_testnet("1") settings.settings.write() dna.read_dictionary({ 'proxhost': cloudomate_controller.get_vps_providers()['proxhost'] }) else: dna.read_dictionary(cloudomate_controller.get_vps_providers()) if 'proxhost' in dna.vps.keys(): dna.remove_provider('proxhost') dna.write_dictionary() if args.exit_node: logger.log("Running as exitnode") settings.tribler_exitnode('1') # Prepare first child configuration fake_generator.generate_child_account() # Set general info about the PlebNet agent settings.irc_nick(settings.irc_nick_def() + str(random.randint(1000, 10000))) config = PlebNetConfig() config.set('expiration_date', time.time() + 30 * plebnet_settings.TIME_IN_DAY) # Prepare the IRC Client irc_handler.init_irc_client() irc_handler.start_irc_client() if dna.get_own_tree() == '': logger.log("tree set to %s" % settings.irc_nick()) dna.set_own_tree(settings.irc_nick()) logger.success("PlebNet is ready to roll!")
class Strategy(): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): self.config = PlebNetConfig() @abstractmethod def apply(self): """ Performs the whole strategy step for one plebnet check iteration :return: """ pass @abstractmethod def sell_reputation(self): """ Sells or holds current reputation (MB) depending on the implementing strategy :return: """ pass @abstractmethod def create_offer(self, amount_mb, timeout): """ Creates a new order in the market, with parameters depending on the implementing strategy :return: """ pass def get_available_mb(self): return market_controller.get_balance('MB') @staticmethod def get_replication_price(vps_provider, option, vpn_provider='azirevpn'): return (calculate_price(vps_provider, option) + calculate_price_vpn(vpn_provider)) * BTC_FLUCTUATION_MARGIN def update_offer(self, mb_amount, timeout=plebnet_settings.TIME_IN_HOUR): """ Check if "timeout" has passed since the last offer made, if passed create a new offer. """ if self.config.time_since_offer() > timeout: logger.log("Calculating new offer", log_name) return self.create_offer(mb_amount, timeout) def place_offer(self, mb_amount, chosen_est_price, timeout, config): """ Sells the received MB amount for the chosen estimated price on the Tribler market. :param mb_amount: Amount of MB to sell :param config: config :param timeout: timeout of the offer to place :param chosen_est_price: Target amount of BTC to receive :return: success of offer placement """ if chosen_est_price == 0 or mb_amount == 0: return False config.bump_offer_date() coin = 'TBTC' if plebnet_settings.get_instance().wallets_testnet( ) else 'BTC' config.set('last_offer', {coin: chosen_est_price, 'MB': mb_amount}) if coin == 'TBTC': return market_controller.put_ask( first_asset_amount=mb_amount, first_asset_type='MB', second_asset_amount=btc_to_satoshi(chosen_est_price), second_asset_type=coin, timeout=timeout) return market_controller.put_bid( first_asset_amount=btc_to_satoshi(chosen_est_price), first_asset_type=coin, second_asset_amount=mb_amount, second_asset_type='MB', timeout=timeout)