Example #1
def simulate_slow_master(looper, nodeSet, wallet,
                         client, delay=10, num_reqs=4):
    m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(nodeSet.nodes.values()))
    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(nodeSet, 0, delay)
    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet, client, num_reqs)
    return m_primary_node
Example #2
def simulate_slow_master(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                         sdk_wallet_steward, delay=10, num_reqs=4):
    m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(txnPoolNodeSet))
    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, delay)
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_steward, num_reqs)
    return m_primary_node
Example #3
def viewChangeDone(nodeSet, looper, up, wallet1, client1, viewNo):
    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(nodeSet, 0, 10)

    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet1, client1, 4)

    looper.run(eventually(partial(checkViewNoForNodes, nodeSet, viewNo+1),
                          retryWait=1, timeout=20))
def test_view_change_on_quorum_of_master_degraded(txnPoolNodeSet, looper,
                                                  sdk_wallet_steward, viewNo):
    Node will change view even though it does not find the master to be degraded
    when a quorum of nodes agree that master performance degraded

    m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(txnPoolNodeSet))

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, 10)

    pr = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)
    relucatantNode = pr.node

    # Count sent instance changes of all nodes
    sentInstChanges = {}
    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:
        sentInstChanges[n.name] = node_sent_instance_changes_count(n)

    # Node reluctant to change view, never says master is degraded
    relucatantNode.monitor.isMasterDegraded = types.MethodType(
        lambda x: False, relucatantNode.monitor)

    backup_replica = txnPoolNodeSet[0].replicas[1]
    backup_last_ordered_before = backup_replica.last_ordered_3pc
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_steward, 4)
    # make sure that backups also ordered at least 1 batch to be able to track performance degradation
        eventually(lambda: assertExp(backup_replica.last_ordered_3pc >

    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:

    # Check that view change happened for all nodes
    waitForViewChange(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, expectedViewNo=viewNo + 1)

    # All nodes except the reluctant node should have sent a view change and
    # thus must have called `sendInstanceChange`
    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:
        if n.name != relucatantNode.name:
            assert node_sent_instance_changes_count(n) > sentInstChanges.get(
                n.name, 0)
            assert node_sent_instance_changes_count(n) == sentInstChanges.get(
                n.name, 0)

    ensureElectionsDone(looper=looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
    new_m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(txnPoolNodeSet))
    assert m_primary_node.name != new_m_primary_node.name
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
def viewChangeDone(nodeSet, looper, up, wallet1, client1, viewNo):
    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(nodeSet, 0, 10)

    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet1, client1, 4)

        eventually(partial(checkViewNoForNodes, nodeSet, viewNo + 1),
Example #6
def testNodeDiscardMessageFromUnknownView(txnPoolNodeSet,
                                          newNodeCaughtUp, tdirWithPoolTxns,
                                          tconf, allPluginsPath):
    Node discards 3-phase and election messages from view nos that it does not
    know of (view nos before it joined the pool)
    looper, nodeX, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns
    viewNo = nodeX.viewNo

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, 10)
    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet, client, 4)
    looper.run(eventually(partial(checkViewNoForNodes, txnPoolNodeSet,
                                  viewNo + 1), retryWait=1, timeout=20))

    newStewardName = "testClientSteward" + randomString(3)
    nodeName = "Theta"
    _, _, nodeTheta = addNewStewardAndNode(looper, client,
                                           tdirWithPoolTxns, tconf,
    looper.run(eventually(checkNodeLedgersForEquality, nodeTheta,
                          *txnPoolNodeSet[:-1], retryWait=1, timeout=5))
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1,
    electMsg = Nomination(nodeX.name, 0, viewNo)
    threePMsg = PrePrepare(
            "random digest",
    ridTheta = nodeX.nodestack.getRemote(nodeTheta.name).uid
    nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta)
    nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta)
    nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta)
    looper.run(eventually(checkDiscardMsg, [nodeTheta, ], electMsg,
                          'un-acceptable viewNo', retryWait=1, timeout=5))
    nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta)
    looper.run(eventually(checkDiscardMsg, [nodeTheta, ], threePMsg,
                          'un-acceptable viewNo', retryWait=1, timeout=5))
Example #7
def testNodeDiscardMessageFromUnknownView(txnPoolNodeSet,
                                          newNodeCaughtUp, tdirWithPoolTxns,
                                          tconf, allPluginsPath):
    Node discards 3-phase and election messages from view nos that it does not
    know of (view nos before it joined the pool)
    looper, nodeX, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns
    viewNo = nodeX.viewNo

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, 10)
    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet, client, 4)
    looper.run(eventually(partial(checkViewNoForNodes, txnPoolNodeSet,
                                  viewNo + 1), retryWait=1, timeout=20))

    newStewardName = "testClientSteward" + randomString(3)
    nodeName = "Theta"
    _, _, nodeTheta = addNewStewardAndNode(looper, client,
                                           tdirWithPoolTxns, tconf,
    looper.run(eventually(checkNodeLedgersForEquality, nodeTheta,
                          *txnPoolNodeSet[:-1], retryWait=1, timeout=5))
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1,
    electMsg = Nomination(nodeX.name, 0, viewNo)
    threePMsg = PrePrepare(
            "random digest",
    ridTheta = nodeX.nodestack.getRemote(nodeTheta.name).uid
    nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta)
    nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta)
    nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta)
    looper.run(eventually(checkDiscardMsg, [nodeTheta, ], electMsg,
                          'un-acceptable viewNo', retryWait=1, timeout=5))
    nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta)
    looper.run(eventually(checkDiscardMsg, [nodeTheta, ], threePMsg,
                          'un-acceptable viewNo', retryWait=1, timeout=5))
Example #8
def test_view_change_on_quorum_of_master_degraded(txnPoolNodeSet, looper,
                                                  sdk_wallet_steward, viewNo):
    Node will change view even though it does not find the master to be degraded
    when a quorum of nodes agree that master performance degraded

    m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(txnPoolNodeSet))

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, 10)

    pr = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)
    relucatantNode = pr.node

    # Count sent instance changes of all nodes
    sentInstChanges = {}
    instChngMethodName = ViewChanger.sendInstanceChange.__name__
    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:
        sentInstChanges[n.name] = n.view_changer.spylog.count(

    # Node reluctant to change view, never says master is degraded
    relucatantNode.monitor.isMasterDegraded = types.MethodType(
        lambda x: False, relucatantNode.monitor)

    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_steward, 4)

    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:

    # Check that view change happened for all nodes
    waitForViewChange(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, expectedViewNo=viewNo + 1)

    # All nodes except the reluctant node should have sent a view change and
    # thus must have called `sendInstanceChange`
    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:
        if n.name != relucatantNode.name:
            assert n.view_changer.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) > \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)
            assert n.view_changer.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) == \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)

    ensureElectionsDone(looper=looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
    new_m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(txnPoolNodeSet))
    assert m_primary_node.name != new_m_primary_node.name
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
def test_view_change_on_quorum_of_master_degraded(txnPoolNodeSet, looper,
    Node will change view even though it does not find the master to be degraded
    when a quorum of nodes agree that master performance degraded

    m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(txnPoolNodeSet))

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, 10)

    pr = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)
    relucatantNode = pr.node

    # Count sent instance changes of all nodes
    sentInstChanges = {}
    instChngMethodName = ViewChanger.sendInstanceChange.__name__
    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:
        sentInstChanges[n.name] = n.view_changer.spylog.count(instChngMethodName)

    # Node reluctant to change view, never says master is degraded
    relucatantNode.monitor.isMasterDegraded = types.MethodType(
        lambda x: False, relucatantNode.monitor)

    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_steward, 4)
    # Check that view change happened for all nodes
    waitForViewChange(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, expectedViewNo=viewNo + 1)

    # All nodes except the reluctant node should have sent a view change and
    # thus must have called `sendInstanceChange`
    for n in txnPoolNodeSet:
        if n.name != relucatantNode.name:
            assert n.view_changer.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) > \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)
            assert n.view_changer.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) == \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)

    ensureElectionsDone(looper=looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
    new_m_primary_node = get_master_primary_node(list(txnPoolNodeSet))
    assert m_primary_node.name != new_m_primary_node.name
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
def testViewChangeCase1(nodeSet, looper, up, wallet1, client1, viewNo):
    Node will change view even though it does not find the master to be degraded
    when a quorum of nodes agree that master performance degraded

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(nodeSet, 0, 10)

    pr = getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet, 0)
    relucatantNode = pr.node

    # Count sent instance changes of all nodes
    sentInstChanges = {}
    instChngMethodName = Node.sendInstanceChange.__name__
    for n in nodeSet:
        sentInstChanges[n.name] = n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName)

    # Node reluctant to change view, never says master is degraded
    relucatantNode.monitor.isMasterDegraded = types.MethodType(
        lambda x: False, relucatantNode.monitor)

    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet1, client1, 4)

    # Check that view change happened for all nodes
        eventually(partial(checkViewNoForNodes, nodeSet, viewNo + 1),

    # All nodes except the reluctant node should have sent a view change and
    # thus must have called `sendInstanceChange`
    for n in nodeSet:
        if n.name != relucatantNode.name:
            assert n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) > \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)
            assert n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) == \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)
Example #11
def testViewChangeCase1(nodeSet, looper, up, wallet1, client1, viewNo):
    Node will change view even though it does not find the master to be degraded
    when a quorum of nodes agree that master performance degraded

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(nodeSet, 0, 10)

    pr = getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet, 0)
    relucatantNode = pr.node

    # Count sent instance changes of all nodes
    sentInstChanges = {}
    instChngMethodName = Node.sendInstanceChange.__name__
    for n in nodeSet:
        sentInstChanges[n.name] = n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName)

    # Node reluctant to change view, never says master is degraded
    relucatantNode.monitor.isMasterDegraded = types.MethodType(
        lambda x: False, relucatantNode.monitor)

    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet1, client1, 4)

    # Check that view change happened for all nodes
    looper.run(eventually(partial(checkViewNoForNodes, nodeSet, viewNo + 1),
                          retryWait=1, timeout=20))

    # All nodes except the reluctant node should have sent a view change and
    # thus must have called `sendInstanceChange`
    for n in nodeSet:
        if n.name != relucatantNode.name:
            assert n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) > \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)
            assert n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) == \
                   sentInstChanges.get(n.name, 0)