def testDuplicateInstanceChangeMsgsMarkNodeAsSuspicious(looper, nodeSet, up): maliciousNode = nodeSet.Alpha maliciousNode.send(InstanceChange(0)) def chk(instId): for node in nodeSet: if != param = getAllArgs(node, Node.processInstanceChange) assert param[0]['instChg'].viewNo == instId assert param[0]['frm'] ==, 0, retryWait=1, timeout=20)) maliciousNode.send(InstanceChange(0)) def g(): for node in nodeSet: if != frm, reason, code = getAllArgs(node, Node.reportSuspiciousNode) assert frm == assert isinstance(reason, SuspiciousNode) assert len( getNodeSuspicions( node, Suspicions.DUPLICATE_INST_CHNG.code)) == 12, retryWait=1, timeout=20))
def ensureAgentsConnected(looper, agent1, agent2): e1 = agent1.endpoint e2 = agent2.endpoint eventually(checkRemoteExists, e1,, CONNECTED, timeout=10)) eventually(checkRemoteExists, e2,, CONNECTED, timeout=10))
def testDiscardInstChngMsgIfMasterDoesntSeePerformanceProblem( nodeSet, looper, ensureView): """ A node that received an INSTANCE_CHANGE message must not send an INSTANCE_CHANGE message if it doesn't observe too much difference in performance between its replicas. """ curViewNo = ensureView # Send an instance change message to all nodes icMsg = InstanceChange(curViewNo) nodeSet.Alpha.send(icMsg) # ensure every node but Alpha discards the invalid instance change request eventually(checkDiscardMsg, nodeSet, icMsg, 'did not find the master to be slow', nodeSet.Alpha, timeout=5)) # Check that that message is discarded., nodeSet, timeout=3))
def testAnonCreds(aliceAgent, aliceAcceptedFaber, aliceAcceptedAcme, acmeAgent, emptyLooper): # 1. request Claims from Faber faberLink = aliceAgent.wallet.getLink('Faber College') name, version, origin = faberLink.availableClaims[0] claimDefKey = ClaimDefinitionKey(name, version, origin) aliceAgent.sendReqClaim(faberLink, claimDefKey) # 2. check that claim is received from Faber async def chkClaims(): claim = await aliceAgent.prover.wallet.getClaims(ID(claimDefKey)) assert claim.primaryClaim, timeout=20)) # 3. send claim proof to Acme acmeLink, acmeClaimPrfReq = aliceAgent.wallet.getMatchingLinksWithClaimReq("Job-Application", "Acme Corp")[0] aliceAgent.sendProof(acmeLink, acmeClaimPrfReq) # 4. check that claim proof is verified by Acme def chkProof(): internalId = acmeAgent.getInternalIdByInvitedNonce(acmeLink.invitationNonce) link = acmeAgent.wallet.getLinkByInternalId(internalId) assert "Job-Application" in link.verifiedClaimProofs, timeout=20))
def testOrderingWhenPrePrepareNotReceived(looper, nodeSet, up, client1, wallet1): """ Send commits and prepares but delay pre-prepare such that enough prepares and commits are received, now the request should not be ordered until pre-prepare is received and ordering should just happen once, """ nonPrimReps = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, 0) slowRep = nonPrimReps[0] slowNode = slowRep.node slowNode.nodeIbStasher.delay(ppDelay(10, 0)) sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) stash = [] origMethod = slowRep.processReqDigest def patched(self, msg): stash.append(msg) patchedMethod = types.MethodType(patched, slowRep) slowRep.processReqDigest = patchedMethod def chk1(): assert len(slowRep.commitsWaitingForPrepare) > 0, timeout=4)) for item in stash: origMethod(item) def chk2(): assert len(slowRep.commitsWaitingForPrepare) == 0 assert slowRep.spylog.count(slowRep.doOrder.__name__) == 1, timeout=12))
def testStatusAfterClientAdded(cli, validNodeNames, createAllNodes): clientName = "Joe" cli.enterCmd("new client {}".format(clientName)) eventually(checkClientConnected, cli, validNodeNames, clientName, retryWait=1, timeout=3)) cli.enterCmd("new key") cli.enterCmd("status client {}".format(clientName)) eventually(checkActiveIdrPrinted, cli, retryWait=1, timeout=3)) for name in validNodeNames: # Checking the output after command `status node <name>`. Testing # the node status here after the client is connected cli.enterCmd("status node {}".format(name)) otherNodeNames = (set(validNodeNames) - { name, }) node = cli.nodes[name] cliLogs = list(cli.printeds) if node.hasPrimary: checkPrimaryLogs(node, cliLogs) else: checkNonPrimaryLogs(node, cliLogs) checkForNamedTokens(cli.printedTokens[3], otherNodeNames) if cli.clients: checkForNamedTokens(cli.printedTokens[1], { clientName, })
def testQueueingReqFromFutureView(delayedPerf, looper, nodeSet, up, client1): """ Test if every node queues 3 Phase requests(PRE-PREPARE, PREPARE and COMMIT) that come from a view which is greater than the current view """ f = getMaxFailures(nodeCount) # Delay processing of instance change on a node nodeA = nodeSet.Alpha nodeA.nodeIbStasher.delay(icDelay(60)) nonPrimReps = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, 0) # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master # so master's throughput falls and view changes ppDelayer = ppDelay(5, 0) for r in nonPrimReps: r.node.nodeIbStasher.delay(ppDelayer) sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, client1, 4, timeout=5 * nodeCount) # Every node except Node A should have a view change for node in nodeSet: if != partial(checkViewChangeInitiatedForNode, node, 0), retryWait=1, timeout=20)) # Node A's view should not have changed yet with pytest.raises(AssertionError): checkViewChangeInitiatedForNode, nodeA, 0), retryWait=1, timeout=20)) # NodeA should not have any pending 3 phase request for a later view for r in nodeA.replicas: # type: TestReplica assert len(r.threePhaseMsgsForLaterView) == 0 # Reset delays on incoming messages from all nodes for node in nodeSet: node.nodeIbStasher.nodelay(ppDelayer) # Send one more request sendRandomRequest(client1) def checkPending3PhaseReqs(): # Get all replicas that have their primary status decided reps = [rep for rep in nodeA.replicas if rep.isPrimary is not None] # Atleast one replica should have its primary status decided assert len(reps) > 0 for r in reps: # type: TestReplica logging.debug("primary status for replica {} is {}" .format(r, r.primaryNames)) assert len(r.threePhaseMsgsForLaterView) > 0 # NodeA should now have pending 3 phase request for a later view, retryWait=1, timeout=30))
def checkRequest(cli, operation): cName = "Joe" cli.enterCmd("new client {}".format(cName)) # Let client connect to the nodes, cli, list(cli.nodes.keys()), cName, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) # Send request to all nodes createNewKeyring(cName, cli) cli.enterCmd("new key {}".format("testkey1")) assert "Key created in keyring {}".format(cName) in cli.lastCmdOutput cli.enterCmd("client {} send {}".format(cName, operation)) client = cli.clients[cName] wallet = cli.wallets[cName] # type: Wallet f = getMaxFailures(len(cli.nodes)) # Ensure client gets back the replies lastReqId = wallet._getIdData().lastReqId, client.inBox, lastReqId, f, retryWait=2, timeout=10)) txn, status = client.getReply(wallet.defaultId, lastReqId) # Ensure the cli shows appropriate output cli.enterCmd("client {} show {}".format(cName, lastReqId)) printeds = cli.printeds printedReply = printeds[1] printedStatus = printeds[0] # txnTimePattern = "'txnTime', \d+\.*\d*" # txnIdPattern = "'txnId', '" + txn['txnId'] + "'" txnTimePattern = "'txnTime': \d+\.*\d*" txnIdPattern = "'txnId': '" + txn["txnId"] + "'" assert, printedReply["msg"]) assert, printedReply["msg"]) assert printedStatus["msg"] == "Status: {}".format(status) return client, wallet
def testOrderingCase1(looper, nodeSet, up, client1, wallet1): """ Scenario -> PRE-PREPARE not received by the replica, Request not received for ordering by the replica, but received enough commits to start ordering. It queues up the request so when a PRE-PREPARE is received or request is receievd for ordering, an order can be triggered Reproducing by - Pick a node with no primary replica, replica ignores forwarded request to replica and delay reception of PRE-PREPARE sufficiently so that enough COMMITs reach to trigger ordering. """ replica = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, instId=0)[0] delaysPrePrepareProcessing(replica.node, delay=10, instId=0) def doNotProcessReqDigest(self, rd: ReqDigest): pass patchedMethod = types.MethodType(doNotProcessReqDigest, replica) replica.processReqDigest = patchedMethod def chk(n): assert replica.spylog.count(replica.doOrder.__name__) == n sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1), 0, retryWait=1, timeout=5)), 1, retryWait=1, timeout=15))
def testPrimaryElectionWithTie(electTieFixture, looper, keySharedNodes): """ Primary selection (Rainy Day) A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging. A sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends Nominate(A) At the same exact time, B sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends out Nominate(B) A sees B sending Nominate(B), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing B sees A sending Nominate(A), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing C sees A sending Nominate(A), and sends Nominate(A) D sees B sending Nominate(B), and sends Nominate(B) There's a split. C and A think A is the primary, B and D think B is the primary All nodes can see that there is a split. Each sends out Reelection([A,B]) A and B both see Reelection([A,B]) from themselves as well as the other 3 (the number from others should be at least f+1), 1. they wait a random amount of time (between 0 and 2 seconds), 2. they each send out a Nominate(self) Voting is repeated until we have a good election. """ # TODO optimize the sending messages in batches, for example, we don't # send messages more often than 400 milliseconds. Once those 400 # millis have passed, we send the several queued messages in one # batch. nodeSet = keySharedNodes A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values() checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet.nodes.values()) for node in nodeSet.nodes.values(): for instId, replica in enumerate(node.elector.replicas): logging.debug("replica {} {} with votes {}". format(, replica.instId, node.elector.nominations.get(instId, {}))) logging.debug("Check nomination") # Checking whether Node A nominated itself, A,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) # Checking whether Node B nominated itself, B,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) # Checking whether Node C nominated Node A, C,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) # Checking whether Node D nominated Node D, D,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) # No node should be primary for node in nodeSet.nodes.values(): assert node.hasPrimary is False for node in nodeSet.nodes.values(): node.resetDelays() checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper=looper, nodes=nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=60)
def nymsAddedInQuickSuccession(nodeSet, addedSponsor, looper, sponsor, sponsorWallet): usigner = SimpleSigner() nym = usigner.verkey idy = Identity(identifier=nym) sponsorWallet.addSponsoredIdentity(idy) # Creating a NYM request with same nym again req = idy.ledgerRequest() sponsorWallet._pending.appendleft((req, idy.identifier)) reqs = sponsorWallet.preparePending() sponsor.submitReqs(*reqs) def check(): assert sponsorWallet._sponsored[nym].seqNo, timeout=2)) eventually(checkNacks, sponsor, req.reqId, "is already added", retryWait=1, timeout=15)) count = 0 for node in nodeSet: txns = node.domainLedger.getAllTxn() for seq, txn in txns.items(): if txn[TXN_TYPE] == NYM and txn[TARGET_NYM] == usigner.identifier: count += 1 assert (count == len(nodeSet))
def testPrePrepareWithHighSeqNo(looper, nodeSet, propagated1): def chk(): for r in getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, instId): nodeSuspicions = len(getNodeSuspicions( r.node, Suspicions.WRONG_PPSEQ_NO.code)) assert nodeSuspicions == 1 def checkPreprepare(replica, viewNo, ppSeqNo, req, numOfPrePrepares): assert (replica.prePrepares[viewNo, ppSeqNo]) == (req.clientId, req.reqId, req.digest) primary = getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet, instId) nonPrimaryReplicas = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, instId) req = propagated1.reqDigest primary.doPrePrepare(req) for np in nonPrimaryReplicas: eventually(checkPreprepare, np, primary.viewNo, primary.prePrepareSeqNo - 1, req, 1, retryWait=.5, timeout=10)) newReqDigest = ReqDigest(req.clientId, req.reqId + 1, req.digest) incorrectPrePrepareReq = PrePrepare(instId, primary.viewNo, primary.prePrepareSeqNo + 2, *newReqDigest) primary.send(incorrectPrePrepareReq,TPCStat.PrePrepareSent), retryWait=1, timeout=50))
def testAdd2NewNodes(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, tdirWithPoolTxns, tconf, steward1, stewardWallet, allPluginsPath): """ Add 2 new nodes to trigger replica addition and primary election """ for nodeName in ("Zeta", "Eta"): newStewardName = "testClientSteward"+randomString(3) newSteward, newStewardWallet, newNode = addNewStewardAndNode(looper, steward1, stewardWallet, newStewardName, nodeName, tdirWithPoolTxns, tconf, allPluginsPath) txnPoolNodeSet.append(newNode) logger.debug("{} connected to the pool".format(newNode)), newNode, *txnPoolNodeSet[:-1], retryWait=1, timeout=7)) f = getMaxFailures(len(txnPoolNodeSet)) def checkFValue(): for node in txnPoolNodeSet: assert node.f == f assert len(node.replicas) == (f + 1), retryWait=1, timeout=5)) checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=5)
def testOrderingCase1(looper, nodeSet, up, client1, wallet1): """ Scenario -> PRE-PREPARE not received by the replica, Request not received for ordering by the replica, but received enough commits to start ordering. It queues up the request so when a PRE-PREPARE is received or request is receievd for ordering, an order can be triggered Reproducing by - Pick a node with no primary replica, replica ignores forwarded request to replica and delay reception of PRE-PREPARE sufficiently so that enough COMMITs reach to trigger ordering. """ replica = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, instId=0)[0] delaysPrePrepareProcessing(replica.node, delay=10, instId=0) def doNotProcessReqDigest(self, rd: ReqDigest): pass patchedMethod = types.MethodType(doNotProcessReqDigest, replica) replica.processReqDigest = patchedMethod def chk(n): replica.spylog.count(replica.doOrder.__name__) == n sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1), 0, retryWait=1, timeout=5)), 1, retryWait=1, timeout=15))
def testMultipleInstanceChangeMsgsMarkNodeAsSuspicious(looper, nodeSet, up): maliciousNode = nodeSet.Alpha for i in range(0, 5): maliciousNode.send(InstanceChange(i)) def chk(instId): for node in nodeSet: if != args = getAllArgs(node, Node.processInstanceChange) assert len(args) == 5 for arg in args: assert arg['frm'] == for i in range(0, 5):, i, retryWait=1, timeout=20)) def g(): for node in nodeSet: if != frm, reason, code = getAllArgs(node, Node.reportSuspiciousNode) assert frm == assert isinstance(reason, SuspiciousNode) assert len(getNodeSuspicions(node, Suspicions.FREQUENT_INST_CHNG.code)) == 13, retryWait=1, timeout=20))
def testReqExecWhenReturnedByMaster(tdir_for_func): with TestNodeSet(count=4, tmpdir=tdir_for_func) as nodeSet: with Looper(nodeSet) as looper: for n in nodeSet: n.startKeySharing() client1, wallet1 = setupNodesAndClient(looper, nodeSet, tmpdir=tdir_for_func) req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1), client1.inBox, req.reqId, 1, retryWait=1, timeout=15)) async def chk(): for node in nodeSet: entries = node.spylog.getAll( node.processOrdered.__name__) for entry in entries: arg = entry.params['ordered'] result = entry.result if arg.instId == node.instances.masterId: assert result else: assert result is None, timeout=3))
def testAddNewClient(txnPoolNodeSet, tdirWithPoolTxns, poolTxnStewardData, txnPoolCliNodeReg): with Looper(debug=True) as looper: name, pkseed, sigseed = poolTxnStewardData stewardSigner = SimpleSigner(seed=sigseed) client = TestClient(name=name, nodeReg=txnPoolCliNodeReg, ha=genHa(), signer=stewardSigner, basedirpath=tdirWithPoolTxns) looper.add(client) sigseed = b'55555555555555555555555555555555' pkseed = b'66666666666666666666666666666666' newSigner = SimpleSigner(sigseed) priver = Privateer(pkseed) req, = client.submit({ TXN_TYPE: NEW_CLIENT, ORIGIN: client.defaultIdentifier, TARGET_NYM: newSigner.verstr, DATA: { "pubkey": priver.pubhex.decode(), "alias": "Robert" } }), client.inBox, req.reqId, 1, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) def chk(): for node in txnPoolNodeSet: assert newSigner.verstr in node.clientAuthNr.clients, retryWait=1, timeout=5))
def testClientRetryRequestWhenAckNotReceived(looper, nodeSet, client1, wallet1, tconf): """ The client gets disconnected from node say Alpha but does not know it. It sends request to all nodes including Alpha, expects ACK and REPLY from Alpha too, does not get it, so reconnects to Alpha and sends request again and gets REPLY """ alpha = nodeSet.Alpha r = alpha.clientstack.getRemote(client1.stackName) alpha.clientstack.removeRemote(r) req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) def chkAcks(): for node in nodeSet: if node != alpha: checkReqAck(client1, node, *req.key) else: with pytest.raises(AssertionError): checkReqAck(client1, node, *req.key), retryWait=1, timeout=3)), client1, *req.key, 4, retryWait=1, timeout=tconf.CLIENT_REQACK_TIMEOUT+5))
def testReplyWhenRequestAlreadyExecuted(looper, nodeSet, client1, sent1): """ When a request has already been executed the previously executed reply will be sent again to the client. An acknowledgement will not be sent for a repeated request. """ # Since view no is always zero in the current setup, client1.inBox, sent1.reqId, 2, retryWait=.25, timeout=5)) orignalRquestResponsesLen = nodeCount * 2 duplicateRequestRepliesLen = nodeCount # for a duplicate request we need to client1._enqueueIntoAllRemotes(sent1, client1.getSigner()) def chk(): assertLength([response for response in client1.inBox if (response[0].get(f.RESULT.nm) and response[0][f.RESULT.nm][f.REQ_ID.nm] == sent1.reqId) or (response[0].get(OP_FIELD_NAME) == REQACK and response[0].get(f.REQ_ID.nm) == sent1.reqId)], orignalRquestResponsesLen + duplicateRequestRepliesLen) chk, retryWait=.25, timeout=20))
def testReplyWhenRequestAlreadyExecuted(looper, nodeSet, client1, sent1): """ When a request has already been executed the previously executed reply will be sent again to the client. An acknowledgement will not be sent for a repeated request. """ # Since view no is always zero in the current setup eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, client1.inBox, sent1.reqId, 2, retryWait=.25, timeout=5)) orignalRquestResponsesLen = nodeCount * 2 duplicateRequestRepliesLen = nodeCount # for a duplicate request we need to client1._enqueueIntoAllRemotes(sent1, client1.getSigner()) def chk(): assertLength([ response for response in client1.inBox if (response[0].get(f.RESULT.nm) and response[0][f.RESULT.nm][f.REQ_ID.nm] == sent1.reqId) or ( response[0].get(OP_FIELD_NAME) == REQACK and response[0].get(f.REQ_ID.nm) == sent1.reqId) ], orignalRquestResponsesLen + duplicateRequestRepliesLen), retryWait=.25, timeout=20))
def testClientRetryRequestWhenReplyNotReceived(looper, nodeSet, client1, wallet1, tconf): """ A node say Alpha sends ACK but doesn't send REPLY. The connect resends the request and gets REPLY """ alpha = nodeSet.Alpha skipped = False origTrans = alpha.transmitToClient def skipReplyOnce(msg, remoteName): nonlocal skipped if isinstance(msg, Reply) and not skipped: skipped = True return origTrans(msg, remoteName) alpha.transmitToClient = skipReplyOnce req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) coros = [partial(checkReqAck, client1, node, *req.key) for node in nodeSet]*coros, retryWait=.5, totalTimeout=3)), client1, *req.key, 3, retryWait=1, timeout=3)), client1, *req.key, 4, retryWait=1, timeout=tconf.CLIENT_REPLY_TIMEOUT + 5))
def testPrePrepareWithHighSeqNo(looper, nodeSet, propagated1): def chk(): for r in getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, instId): nodeSuspicions = len( getNodeSuspicions(r.node, Suspicions.WRONG_PPSEQ_NO.code)) assert nodeSuspicions == 1 def checkPreprepare(replica, viewNo, ppSeqNo, req, numOfPrePrepares): assert (replica.prePrepares[viewNo, ppSeqNo][0]) == \ (req.identifier, req.reqId, req.digest) primary = getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet, instId) nonPrimaryReplicas = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, instId) req = propagated1.reqDigest primary.doPrePrepare(req) for np in nonPrimaryReplicas: eventually(checkPreprepare, np, primary.viewNo, primary.prePrepareSeqNo - 1, req, 1, retryWait=.5, timeout=10)) newReqDigest = ReqDigest(req.identifier, req.reqId + 1, req.digest) incorrectPrePrepareReq = PrePrepare(instId, primary.viewNo, primary.prePrepareSeqNo + 2, *newReqDigest, time.time()) primary.send(incorrectPrePrepareReq, TPCStat.PrePrepareSent), retryWait=1, timeout=50))
def testMultipleInstanceChangeMsgsMarkNodeAsSuspicious(looper, nodeSet, up): maliciousNode = nodeSet.Alpha for i in range(0, 5): maliciousNode.send(InstanceChange(i)) def chk(instId): for node in nodeSet: if != args = getAllArgs(node, Node.processInstanceChange) assert len(args) == 5 for arg in args: assert arg['frm'] == for i in range(0, 5):, i, retryWait=1, timeout=20)) def g(): for node in nodeSet: if != frm, reason, code = getAllArgs(node, Node.reportSuspiciousNode) assert frm == assert isinstance(reason, SuspiciousNode) assert len( getNodeSuspicions( node, Suspicions.FREQUENT_INST_CHNG.code)) == 13, retryWait=1, timeout=20))
def testReplyWhenRequestAlreadyExecuted(looper, nodeSet, client1, sent1): """ When a request has already been executed the previously executed reply will be sent again to the client. An acknowledgement will not be sent for a repeated request. """ # Since view no is always zero in the current setup, client1.inBox, sent1.reqId, 2, retryWait=.25, timeout=5)) orignalRquestResponsesLen = nodeCount * 2 duplicateRequestRepliesLen = nodeCount # for a duplicate request we need to # send reply only not any ACK. client1._enqueueIntoAllRemotes(sent1) # Since view no is always zero in the current setup lambda: assertLength([response for response in client1.inBox if response[0]['reqId'] == sent1.reqId], orignalRquestResponsesLen + duplicateRequestRepliesLen), retryWait=.25, timeout=20))
def testNodeRemoveUnknownRemote(allPluginsPath, tdirAndLooper): """ The nodes Alpha and Beta know about each other so they should connect but they should remove remote for C when it tries to connect to them """ tdir, looper = tdirAndLooper names = ["Alpha", "Beta"] logger.debug(names) nrg = {n: nodeReg[n] for n in names} A, B = [TestNode(name, nrg, basedirpath=tdir, pluginPaths=allPluginsPath) for name in names] for node in (A, B): looper.add(node) node.startKeySharing()[A, B])) C = TestNode("Gamma", {**nrg, **{"Gamma": nodeReg["Gamma"]}}, basedirpath=tdir, pluginPaths=allPluginsPath) looper.add(C) C.startKeySharing(timeout=20) def chk(): assert not C.nodestack.isKeySharing, retryWait=2, timeout=21)) C.stop() def chk(): assert not in B.nodestack.nameRemotes assert not in A.nodestack.nameRemotes, retryWait=2, timeout=5))
def testReqExecWhenReturnedByMaster(tdir_for_func): with TestNodeSet(count=4, tmpdir=tdir_for_func) as nodeSet: with Looper(nodeSet) as looper: for n in nodeSet: n.startKeySharing() client1, wallet1 = setupNodesAndClient(looper, nodeSet, tmpdir=tdir_for_func) req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, client1.inBox, req.reqId, 1, retryWait=1, timeout=15)) async def chk(): for node in nodeSet: entries = node.spylog.getAll(node.processOrdered.__name__) for entry in entries: arg = entry.params['ordered'] result = entry.result if arg.instId == node.instances.masterId: assert result else: assert result is None, timeout=3))
def testReplicasRejectSamePrePrepareMsg(looper, nodeSet, client1, wallet1): """ Replicas should not accept PRE-PREPARE for view "v" and prepare sequence number "n" if it has already accepted a request with view number "v" and sequence number "n" """ numOfNodes = 4 fValue = getMaxFailures(numOfNodes) request1 = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) result1 = eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, client1.inBox, request1.reqId, fValue, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) logger.debug("request {} gives result {}".format(request1, result1)) primaryRepl = getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet) logger.debug("Primary Replica: {}".format(primaryRepl)) logger.debug( "Decrementing the primary replica's pre-prepare sequence number by " "one...") primaryRepl.prePrepareSeqNo -= 1 request2 = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) eventually(checkPrePrepareReqSent, primaryRepl, request2, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) nonPrimaryReplicas = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet) logger.debug("Non Primary Replicas: " + str(nonPrimaryReplicas)) prePrepareReq = PrePrepare(primaryRepl.instId, primaryRepl.viewNo, primaryRepl.prePrepareSeqNo, wallet1.defaultId, request2.reqId, request2.digest, time.time()) logger.debug("""Checking whether all the non primary replicas have received the pre-prepare request with same sequence number""") eventually(checkPrePrepareReqRecvd, nonPrimaryReplicas, prePrepareReq, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) logger.debug("""Check that none of the non primary replicas didn't send any prepare message " in response to the pre-prepare message""") for npr in nonPrimaryReplicas: with pytest.raises(AssertionError): eventually(checkPrepareReqSent, npr, wallet1.defaultId, request2.reqId, retryWait=1, timeout=10))
def changeNodeHa(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, tdirWithPoolTxns, poolTxnData, poolTxnStewardNames, tconf, shouldBePrimary): # prepare new ha for node and client stack subjectedNode = None stewardName = None stewardsSeed = None for nodeIndex, n in enumerate(txnPoolNodeSet): if (shouldBePrimary and n.primaryReplicaNo == 0) or \ (not shouldBePrimary and n.primaryReplicaNo != 0): subjectedNode = n stewardName = poolTxnStewardNames[nodeIndex] stewardsSeed = poolTxnData["seeds"][stewardName].encode() break nodeStackNewHA, clientStackNewHA = genHa(2) logger.debug("change HA for node: {} to {}". format(, (nodeStackNewHA, clientStackNewHA))) nodeSeed = poolTxnData["seeds"][].encode() # change HA stewardClient, req = changeHA(looper, tconf,, nodeSeed, nodeStackNewHA, stewardName, stewardsSeed) f = getMaxFailures(len(stewardClient.nodeReg)), stewardClient.inBox, req.reqId, f, retryWait=1, timeout=20)) # stop node for which HA will be changed subjectedNode.stop() looper.removeProdable(subjectedNode) # start node with new HA restartedNode = TestNode(, basedirpath=tdirWithPoolTxns, config=tconf, ha=nodeStackNewHA, cliha=clientStackNewHA) looper.add(restartedNode) txnPoolNodeSet[nodeIndex] = restartedNode, overrideTimeout=70)) ensureElectionsDone(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=10) # start client and check the node HA anotherClient, _ = genTestClient(tmpdir=tdirWithPoolTxns, usePoolLedger=True) looper.add(anotherClient) stewardWallet = Wallet(stewardName) stewardWallet.addIdentifier(signer=SimpleSigner(seed=stewardsSeed)) sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, stewardWallet, stewardClient, 8), *txnPoolNodeSet, stewardClient, anotherClient, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) looper.removeProdable(stewardClient)
def testReplicasRejectSamePrePrepareMsg(looper, nodeSet, client1, wallet1): """ Replicas should not accept PRE-PREPARE for view "v" and prepare sequence number "n" if it has already accepted a request with view number "v" and sequence number "n" """ numOfNodes = 4 fValue = getMaxFailures(numOfNodes) request1 = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) result1 = eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, client1.inBox, request1.reqId, fValue, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) logger.debug("request {} gives result {}".format(request1, result1)) primaryRepl = getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet) logger.debug("Primary Replica: {}".format(primaryRepl)) logger.debug( "Decrementing the primary replica's pre-prepare sequence number by " "one...") primaryRepl.lastPrePrepareSeqNo -= 1 request2 = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1), primaryRepl, request2, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) nonPrimaryReplicas = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet) logger.debug("Non Primary Replicas: " + str(nonPrimaryReplicas)) prePrepareReq = PrePrepare( primaryRepl.instId, primaryRepl.viewNo, primaryRepl.lastPrePrepareSeqNo, wallet1.defaultId, request2.reqId, request2.digest, time.time() ) logger.debug("""Checking whether all the non primary replicas have received the pre-prepare request with same sequence number"""), nonPrimaryReplicas, prePrepareReq, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) logger.debug("""Check that none of the non primary replicas didn't send any prepare message " in response to the pre-prepare message""") for npr in nonPrimaryReplicas: with pytest.raises(AssertionError):, npr, wallet1.defaultId, request2.reqId, retryWait=1, timeout=10))
def testNodeDiscardMessageFromUnknownView(txnPoolNodeSet, nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns, newNodeCaughtUp, tdirWithPoolTxns, tconf, allPluginsPath): """ Node discards 3-phase and election messages from view nos that it does not know of (view nos before it joined the pool) :return: """ looper, nodeX, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns viewNo = nodeX.viewNo # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master # so master's performance falls and view changes delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, 10) sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet, client, 4), txnPoolNodeSet, viewNo + 1), retryWait=1, timeout=20)) newStewardName = "testClientSteward" + randomString(3) nodeName = "Theta" _, _, nodeTheta = addNewStewardAndNode(looper, client, wallet, newStewardName, nodeName, tdirWithPoolTxns, tconf, allPluginsPath) txnPoolNodeSet.append(nodeTheta), nodeTheta, *txnPoolNodeSet[:-1], retryWait=1, timeout=5)) checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=10) electMsg = Nomination(, 0, viewNo) threePMsg = PrePrepare( 0, viewNo, 10, wallet.defaultId, wallet._getIdData().lastReqId+1, "random digest", time.time() ) ridTheta = nodeX.nodestack.getRemote( nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta) nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta) nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta), [nodeTheta, ], electMsg, 'un-acceptable viewNo', retryWait=1, timeout=5)) nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta), [nodeTheta, ], threePMsg, 'un-acceptable viewNo', retryWait=1, timeout=5))
def testPrimaryElectionWithAClearWinner(electContFixture, looper, keySharedNodes): """ Primary selection (Sunny Day) A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging. A sees the minimum number of nodes first, and then sends out a NOMINATE(A) message B, C, D all see the NOMINATE(A) message from A, and respond with NOMINATE(A) message to all other nodes A sees three other NOMINATE(A) votes (from B, C, D) A sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes B sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from C and D) B sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes C sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and D) C sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes D sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and C) D sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes A sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary B sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary C sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary D sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary """ nodeSet = keySharedNodes A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values() nodesBCD = [B, C, D] checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet) # Checking whether one of the replicas of Node A nominated itself, A,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) for n in nodesBCD: # Checking whether Node B, C and D nominated Node A eventually(checkNomination, n,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper=looper, nodes=nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=10) assert A.hasPrimary
def testRequestOlderThanStableCheckpointRemoved( chkFreqPatched, looper, txnPoolNodeSet, client1, wallet1, client1Connected ): reqs = sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet1, client1, CHK_FREQ - 1, 1), txnPoolNodeSet, 1, retryWait=1)) checkRequestCounts(txnPoolNodeSet, len(reqs)) sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet1, client1, 1, 1), txnPoolNodeSet, 1, 0, retryWait=1)) checkRequestCounts(txnPoolNodeSet, 0) sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet1, client1, 3 * CHK_FREQ + 1, 1), txnPoolNodeSet, 2, 0, retryWait=1)) checkRequestCounts(txnPoolNodeSet, 1)
def testPrimaryElectionWithAClearWinner(electContFixture, looper, keySharedNodes): """ Primary selection (Sunny Day) A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging. A sees the minimum number of nodes first, and then sends out a NOMINATE(A) message B, C, D all see the NOMINATE(A) message from A, and respond with NOMINATE(A) message to all other nodes A sees three other NOMINATE(A) votes (from B, C, D) A sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes B sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from C and D) B sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes C sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and D) C sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes D sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and C) D sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes A sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary B sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary C sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary D sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own) selects A as primary """ nodeSet = keySharedNodes A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values() nodesBCD = [B, C, D] checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet) # Checking whether one of the replicas of Node A nominated itself, A,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) for n in nodesBCD: # Checking whether Node B, C and D nominated Node A, n,, retryWait=1, timeout=10)) checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper=looper, nodes=nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=10) assert A.hasPrimary
def testElectionsAfterViewChange(delayedPerf, looper: Looper, nodeSet: TestNodeSet, up, client1): """ Test that a primary election does happen after a view change """ # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master # so master's throughput falls # and view changes nonPrimReps = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, 0) for r in nonPrimReps: r.node.nodeIbStasher.delay(ppDelay(10, 0)) sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, client1, 4) # Ensure view change happened for both node and its primary elector for node in nodeSet: eventually(partial(checkViewChangeInitiatedForNode, node, 0), retryWait=1, timeout=20)) # Ensure elections are done again and pool is setup again with appropriate # protocol instances and each protocol instance is setup properly too checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=30)
def checkRequest(cli, looper, operation): cName = "Joe" cli.enterCmd("new client {}".format(cName)) # Let client connect to the nodes looper.runFor(3) # Send request to all nodes cli.enterCmd('client {} send {}'.format(cName, operation)) client = cli.clients[cName] f = getMaxFailures(len(cli.nodes)) # Ensure client gets back the replies checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, client.inBox, client.lastReqId, f, retryWait=2, timeout=30)) txn, status = client.getReply(client.lastReqId) # Ensure the cli shows appropriate output cli.enterCmd('client {} show {}'.format(cName, client.lastReqId)) printeds = cli.printeds printedReply = printeds[1] printedStatus = printeds[0] txnTimePattern = "\'txnTime\': \d+\.*\d*" txnIdPattern = "\'txnId\': '" + txn['txnId'] + "'" # txnPattern1 = "Reply for the request: \{" + timePattern + ", " + txnIdPattern + "\}" # txnPattern2 = "Reply for the request: \{" + txnIdPattern + ", " + timePattern + "\}" # assert re.match(txnPattern1, printedReply['msg']) or \ # re.match(txnPattern2, printedReply['msg']) assert, printedReply['msg']) assert, printedReply['msg']) assert printedStatus['msg'] == "Status: {}".format(status)
def testClientNotRetryRequestWhenReqnackReceived(looper, nodeSet, client1, wallet1, tconf): """ A node sends REQNACK. The client does not resend Request. """ alpha = nodeSet.Alpha origProcReq = alpha.processRequest origTrans = alpha.transmitToClient def nackReq(self, req, frm): self.transmitToClient(RequestNack(*req.key, reason="testing"), frm) def onlyTransNack(msg, remoteName): if not isinstance(msg, RequestNack): return origTrans(msg, remoteName) alpha.clientMsgRouter.routes[Request] = types.MethodType(nackReq, alpha) alpha.transmitToClient = onlyTransNack totalResends = client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__) req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) # Wait till ACK timeout looper.runFor(tconf.CLIENT_REQACK_TIMEOUT+1) assert client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__) == totalResends # Wait till REPLY timeout looper.runFor(tconf.CLIENT_REPLY_TIMEOUT - tconf.CLIENT_REQACK_TIMEOUT + 1) assert client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__) == totalResends, client1, *req.key, 3, retryWait=1, timeout=3)) alpha.clientMsgRouter.routes[Request] = origProcReq alpha.transmitToClient = origTrans
def checkAcceptInvitation(emptyLooper, nonce, inviteeAgent: WalletedAgent, inviterAgentAndWallet, linkName): """ Assumes link identified by linkName is already created """ assert nonce inviterAgent, inviterWallet = inviterAgentAndWallet # type: WalletedAgent, Wallet inviteeWallet = inviteeAgent.wallet inviteeAgent.connectTo(linkName) ensureAgentsConnected(emptyLooper, inviteeAgent, inviterAgent) inviteeAgent.acceptInvitation(linkName) inviteeAcceptanceId = inviteeWallet.getLink(linkName, required=True).localIdentifier internalId = inviterAgent.getInternalIdByInvitedNonce(nonce) def chk(): link = inviterWallet.getLinkByInternalId(internalId) assert link # if not link: # raise RuntimeError("Link not found for internal ID {}". # format(internalId)) # TODO: Get link from invitee wallet to check. assert link.remoteIdentifier == inviteeAcceptanceId assert link.remoteEndPoint[1] == inviteeAgent.endpoint.ha[1]
def testDoNotSendInstChngMsgIfMasterDoesntSeePerformanceProblem( nodeSet, looper, ensureView): """ A node that received an INSTANCE_CHANGE message must not send an INSTANCE_CHANGE message if it doesn't observe too much difference in performance between its replicas. """ curViewNo = ensureView # Count sent instance changes of all nodes sentInstChanges = {} instChngMethodName = Node.sendInstanceChange.__name__ for n in nodeSet: sentInstChanges[] = n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) # Send an instance change message to all nodes icMsg = InstanceChange(curViewNo) nodeSet.Alpha.send(icMsg) # Check that that message is discarded., nodeSet, timeout=3)) # No node should have sent a view change and thus must not have called # `sendInstanceChange` for n in nodeSet: assert n.spylog.count(instChngMethodName) == \ sentInstChanges.get(, 0)
def testNonPrimarySendsAPrePrepare(looper, nodeSet, setup, propagated1): primaryReplica = getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet, instId) nonPrimaryReplicas = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, instId) firstNpr = nonPrimaryReplicas[0] remainingNpr = nonPrimaryReplicas[1:] def sendPrePrepareFromNonPrimary(replica): firstNpr.doPrePrepare(propagated1.reqDigest) return PrePrepare( replica.instId, firstNpr.viewNo, firstNpr.prePrepareSeqNo, propagated1.identifier, propagated1.reqId, propagated1.digest, time.time()) ppr = sendPrePrepareFromNonPrimary(firstNpr) def chk(): for r in (primaryReplica, *remainingNpr): recvdPps = recvdPrePrepare(r) assert len(recvdPps) == 1 assert recvdPps[0]['pp'][:-1] == ppr[:-1] nodeSuspicions = len(getNodeSuspicions( r.node, Suspicions.PPR_FRM_NON_PRIMARY.code)) assert nodeSuspicions == 1, retryWait=.5, timeout=5))
def testNodeCatchupAfterRestart(newNodeCaughtUp, txnPoolNodeSet, nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns): """ A node that restarts after some transactions should eventually get the transactions which happened while it was down :return: """ looper, newNode, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns logger.debug("Stopping node {} with pool ledger size {}". format(newNode, newNode.poolManager.txnSeqNo)) ensureNodeDisconnectedFromPool(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, newNode) # for n in txnPoolNodeSet[:4]: # for r in n.nodestack.remotes.values(): # if == # r.removeStaleCorrespondents() #,, # txnPoolNodeSet[:4], retryWait=1, timeout=5)) # TODO: Check if the node has really stopped processing requests? logger.debug("Sending requests") sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet, client, 5) logger.debug("Starting the stopped node, {}".format(newNode)) newNode.start(looper.loop), newNode, *txnPoolNodeSet[:4], retryWait=1, timeout=15))
def testPrimaryElectionCase2(case2Setup, looper, keySharedNodes): """ Case 2 - A node making nominations for a multiple other nodes. Consider 4 nodes A, B, C, and D. Lets say node B is malicious and nominates node C to all nodes. Again node B nominates node D to all nodes. """ nodeSet = keySharedNodes A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values() # Node B sends multiple NOMINATE msgs but only after A has nominated itself, A,, retryWait=.25, timeout=1)) instId = getSelfNominationByNode(A) BRep = Replica.generateName(, instId) CRep = Replica.generateName(, instId) DRep = Replica.generateName(, instId) # Node B first sends NOMINATE msgs for Node C to all nodes B.send(Nomination(CRep, instId, B.viewNo)) # Node B sends NOMINATE msgs for Node D to all nodes B.send(Nomination(DRep, instId, B.viewNo)) # Ensure elections are done ensureElectionsDone(looper=looper, nodes=nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=45) # All nodes from node A, node C, node D(node B is malicious anyway so # not considering it) should have nomination for node C from node B since # node B first nominated node C for node in [A, C, D]: assert node.elector.nominations[instId][BRep] == CRep
def testOneNodeAltersAClientRequest(looper, nodeSet, setup, evilAlpha, sent1): checkPropagated(looper, nodeSet, sent1, faultyNodes) goodNodes = setup.goodNodes def check(): for node in goodNodes: # ensure the nodes are suspicious of Alpha params = node.spylog.getLastParams(TestNode.reportSuspiciousNode) frm = params["nodeName"] reason = params["reason"] assert frm == 'Alpha' assert reason == InvalidSignature.reason # ensure Alpha's propagates were ignored by the other nodes key = sent1.clientId, sent1.reqId props = node.requests[key].propagates assert 'Alpha' not in props for good in goodNodes: assert in props, retryWait=1, timeout=10))
def addNewNode(looper, stewardClient, stewardWallet, newNodeName, tdir, tconf, allPluginsPath=None, autoStart=True): sigseed = randomString(32).encode() nodeSigner = SimpleSigner(seed=sigseed) (nodeIp, nodePort), (clientIp, clientPort) = genHa(2) op = { TXN_TYPE: NEW_NODE, TARGET_NYM: nodeSigner.identifier, DATA: { NODE_IP: nodeIp, NODE_PORT: nodePort, CLIENT_IP: clientIp, CLIENT_PORT: clientPort, ALIAS: newNodeName } } req = stewardWallet.signOp(op) stewardClient.submitReqs(req) nodeCount = len(stewardClient.nodeReg), stewardClient.inBox, req.reqId, 1, retryWait=1, timeout=3 * nodeCount)) initLocalKeep(newNodeName, tdir, sigseed, override=True) node = TestNode(newNodeName, basedirpath=tdir, config=tconf, ha=(nodeIp, nodePort), cliha=(clientIp, clientPort), pluginPaths=allPluginsPath) if autoStart: looper.add(node) return node
def testNodeRequestingTxns(txnPoolNodeSet, nodeCreatedAfterSomeTxns): """ A newly joined node is catching up and sends catchup requests to other nodes but one of the nodes does not reply and the newly joined node cannot complete the process till the timeout and then requests the missing transactions. """ looper, newNode, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeCreatedAfterSomeTxns # So nodes wont tell the clients about the newly joined node so they # dont send any request to the newly joined node for node in txnPoolNodeSet: node.sendPoolInfoToClients = types.MethodType(lambda x, y: None, node) txnPoolNodeSet.append(newNode) def ignoreCatchupReq(self, req, frm):"{} being malicious and ignoring catchup request {} " "from {}".format(self, req, frm)) # One of the node does not process catchup request. txnPoolNodeSet[0].nodeMsgRouter.routes[CatchupReq] = types.MethodType( ignoreCatchupReq, txnPoolNodeSet[0].ledgerManager) sendRandomRequests(wallet, client, 10), overrideTimeout=60)), newNode, *txnPoolNodeSet[:-1], retryWait=1, timeout=90))
def testReplyWhenRepliesFromExactlyFPlusOneNodesAreSame(looper, client1): """ When only :math:`2f+1` replies from the nodes are matching, the client would accept the reply """ request = sendRandomRequest(client1) # exactly f + 1 => (3) nodes have correct responses # modify some (numOfResponses of type REPLY - (f + 1)) => 4 responses to # have a different operations eventually(assertLength, client1.inBox, 2 * nodeCount * request.reqId, retryWait=.25, timeout=15)) replies = (msg for msg, frm in client1.inBox if msg[OP_FIELD_NAME] == REPLY and msg[f.RESULT.nm][f.REQ_ID.nm] == request.reqId) # change two responses to something different for i in range(2): msg = next(replies) msg[f.RESULT.nm][TXN_ID] = str(i) + "Some random id" checkResponseCorrectnessFromNodes(client1.inBox, request.reqId, F)
def testClientNotRetryingRequestAfterMaxTriesDone(looper, nodeSet, client1, wallet1, tconf): """ A client sends Request to a node but the node never responds to client. The client resends the request but only the number of times defined in its configuration and no more """ alpha = nodeSet.Alpha origTrans = alpha.transmitToClient def dontTransmitReply(msg, remoteName): if isinstance(msg, Reply): return origTrans(msg, remoteName) alpha.transmitToClient = dontTransmitReply totalResends = client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__) req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1) # Wait for more than REPLY timeout looper.runFor((tconf.CLIENT_MAX_RETRY_REPLY+2)*tconf.CLIENT_REPLY_TIMEOUT+2), client1, *req.key, 3, retryWait=1, timeout=3)) assert client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__) == \ (totalResends + tconf.CLIENT_MAX_RETRY_REPLY) assert req.key not in client1.expectingAcksFor assert req.key not in client1.expectingRepliesFor alpha.processRequest = origTrans
def testNodeRequestingTxns(txnPoolNodeSet, nodeCreatedAfterSomeTxns): """ A newly joined node is catching up and sends catchup requests to other nodes but one of the nodes does not reply and the newly joined node cannot complete the process till the timeout and then requests the missing transactions. """ looper, newNode, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeCreatedAfterSomeTxns # So nodes wont tell the clients about the newly joined node so they # dont send any request to the newly joined node for node in txnPoolNodeSet: node.sendPoolInfoToClients = types.MethodType(lambda x, y: None, node) txnPoolNodeSet.append(newNode) def ignoreCatchupReq(self, req, frm):"{} being malicious and ignoring catchup request {} " "from {}".format(self, req, frm)) # One of the node does not process catchup request. txnPoolNodeSet[0].nodeMsgRouter.routes[CatchupReq] = types.MethodType( ignoreCatchupReq, txnPoolNodeSet[0].ledgerManager) sendRandomRequests(wallet, client, 10), overrideTimeout=60)) eventually(checkNodeLedgersForEquality, newNode, *txnPoolNodeSet[:-1], retryWait=1, timeout=90))
def testPrimaryElectionCase4(case4Setup, looper): """ Case 4 - A node making multiple primary declarations for a particular node. Consider 4 nodes A, B, C and D. Lets say node B is malicious and is repeatedly declaring Node D as primary """ allNodes = case4Setup A, B, C, D = allNodes # Node B sends multiple declarations of node D's 0th protocol instance as # primary to all nodes for i in range(5): B.send(Primary(, 0, B.viewNo)) # No node from node A, node C, node D(node B is malicious anyway so not # considering it) should have more than one primary declaration for node # D since node D is slow. The one primary declaration for node D, # that nodes A, C and D might have would be because of node B def x(): primDecs = list(node.elector.primaryDeclarations[0].values()) assert primDecs.count( <= 1 for node in (A, C, D):, retryWait=.5, timeout=2)) ensureElectionsDone(looper=looper, nodes=allNodes, retryWait=1, timeout=45) # Node D should not have any primary replica assert not D.hasPrimary
def checkRequest(cli, looper, operation): cName = "Joe" cli.enterCmd("new client {}".format(cName)) # Let client connect to the nodes looper.runFor(3) # Send request to all nodes cli.enterCmd('client {} send {}'.format(cName, operation)) client = cli.clients[cName] f = getMaxFailures(len(cli.nodes)) # Ensure client gets back the replies checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, client.inBox, client.lastReqId, f, retryWait=2, timeout=30)) txn, status = client.getReply(client.lastReqId) # Ensure the cli shows appropriate output cli.enterCmd('client {} show {}'.format(cName, client.lastReqId)) printeds = cli.printeds printedReply = printeds[1] printedStatus = printeds[0] assert printedReply['msg'] == "Reply for the request: {{'txnId': '{}" \ "'}}".format(txn['txnId']) assert printedStatus['msg'] == "Status: {}".format(status)
def checkRequest(cli, looper, operation): cName = "Joe" cli.enterCmd("new client {}".format(cName)) # Let client connect to the nodes looper.runFor(3) # Send request to all nodes cli.enterCmd('client {} send {}'.format(cName, operation)) client = cli.clients[cName] f = getMaxFailures(len(cli.nodes)) # Ensure client gets back the replies eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, client.inBox, client.lastReqId, f, retryWait=2, timeout=30)) txn, status = client.getReply(client.lastReqId) # Ensure the cli shows appropriate output cli.enterCmd('client {} show {}'.format(cName, client.lastReqId)) printeds = cli.printeds printedReply = printeds[1] printedStatus = printeds[0] txnTimePattern = "\'txnTime\': \d+\.*\d*" txnIdPattern = "\'txnId\': '" + txn['txnId'] + "'" # txnPattern1 = "Reply for the request: \{" + timePattern + ", " + txnIdPattern + "\}" # txnPattern2 = "Reply for the request: \{" + txnIdPattern + ", " + timePattern + "\}" # assert re.match(txnPattern1, printedReply['msg']) or \ # re.match(txnPattern2, printedReply['msg']) assert, printedReply['msg']) assert, printedReply['msg']) assert printedStatus['msg'] == "Status: {}".format(status)
def changeNodeKeys(looper, stewardClient, stewardWallet, node, verkey): nodeNym = hexToFriendly(node.nodestack.local.signer.verhex) op = { TXN_TYPE: CHANGE_KEYS, TARGET_NYM: nodeNym, DATA: { VERKEY: verkey, ALIAS: } } req = stewardWallet.signOp(op) stewardClient.submitReqs(req) eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, stewardClient.inBox, req.reqId, 1, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) node.nodestack.clearLocalRoleKeep() node.nodestack.clearRemoteRoleKeeps() node.nodestack.clearAllDir() node.clientstack.clearLocalRoleKeep() node.clientstack.clearRemoteRoleKeeps() node.clientstack.clearAllDir()
def testNodeCatchupAfterRestart(newNodeCaughtUp, txnPoolNodeSet, nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns): """ A node that restarts after some transactions should eventually get the transactions which happened while it was down :return: """ looper, newNode, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns logger.debug("Stopping node {} with pool ledger size {}".format( newNode, newNode.poolManager.txnSeqNo)) ensureNodeDisconnectedFromPool(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, newNode) # for n in txnPoolNodeSet[:4]: # for r in n.nodestack.remotes.values(): # if == # r.removeStaleCorrespondents() #,, # txnPoolNodeSet[:4], retryWait=1, timeout=5)) # TODO: Check if the node has really stopped processing requests? logger.debug("Sending requests") sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet, client, 5) logger.debug("Starting the stopped node, {}".format(newNode)) newNode.start(looper.loop) eventually(checkNodeLedgersForEquality, newNode, *txnPoolNodeSet[:4], retryWait=1, timeout=15))
def addNewClient(role, looper, creatorClient: Client, creatorWallet: Wallet, name: str): wallet = Wallet(name) wallet.addIdentifier() idr = wallet.defaultId op = { TXN_TYPE: NYM, ROLE: role, TARGET_NYM: idr, ALIAS: name, VERKEY: wallet.getVerkey(idr) } req = creatorWallet.signOp(op) creatorClient.submitReqs(req) nodeCount = len(creatorClient.nodeReg) eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, creatorClient.inBox, req.reqId, 1, retryWait=1, timeout=3 * nodeCount)) return wallet
def changeNodeHa(looper, stewardClient, stewardWallet, node, nodeHa, clientHa): nodeNym = hexToFriendly(node.nodestack.local.signer.verhex) (nodeIp, nodePort), (clientIp, clientPort) = nodeHa, clientHa op = { TXN_TYPE: CHANGE_HA, TARGET_NYM: nodeNym, DATA: { NODE_IP: nodeIp, NODE_PORT: nodePort, CLIENT_IP: clientIp, CLIENT_PORT: clientPort, ALIAS: } } req = stewardWallet.signOp(op) stewardClient.submitReqs(req) eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, stewardClient.inBox, req.reqId, 1, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) node.nodestack.clearLocalKeep() node.nodestack.clearRemoteKeeps() node.clientstack.clearLocalKeep() node.clientstack.clearRemoteKeeps()
def testProverGetsCredDef(credentialDefinitionAdded, userWalletA, tdir, nodeSet, looper, sponsorWallet, credDef, curiousClient): """ A credential definition is received """ # Don't move below import outside of this method # else that client class doesn't gets reloaded # and hence it doesn't get updated with correct plugin class/methods # and it gives error (for permanent solution bug is created: #130181205). # from sovrin.test.helper import genTestClient # definition = credDef.get(serFmt=SerFmt.base58) credDefKey = (definition[NAME], definition[VERSION], sponsorWallet.defaultId) req = userWalletA.requestCredDef(credDefKey, userWalletA.defaultId) curiousClient.submitReqs(req) eventually(checkSufficientRepliesRecvd, curiousClient.inBox, req.reqId, nodeSet.f, retryWait=1, timeout=5)) reply, status = curiousClient.getReply(req.reqId) assert status == "CONFIRMED" recvdCredDef = json.loads(reply[DATA]) assert recvdCredDef[NAME] == definition[NAME] assert recvdCredDef[VERSION] == definition[VERSION] assert recvdCredDef[ATTR_NAMES].split(",") == definition[ATTR_NAMES]
def addNodeBackAndCheck(nodeIdx: int, expectedStatus: Status):"Add back the {} node and see status of {}". format(ordinal(nodeIdx + 1), expectedStatus)) addNodeBack(nodeSet, looper, nodeNames[nodeIdx]) eventually(checkNodeStatusRemotesAndF, expectedStatus, nodeIdx, retryWait=1, timeout=30))
def testInstChangeWithMoreReqLat(looper, setup): nodes = setup.nodes for node in nodes: node.checkPerformance() assert any(getAllReturnVals(node.monitor, node.monitor.isMasterReqLatencyTooHigh)), nodes, 1), retryWait=1, timeout=20))