Example #1
    def __call__(self):
        Accepts GET parameters of:
        name: Name of the vocabulary
        field: Name of the field the vocabulary is being retrieved for
        query: string or json object of criteria and options.
            json value consists of a structure:
                    criteria: object,
                    sort_on: index,
                    sort_order: (asc|reversed)
        attributes: comma seperated, or json object list
        batch: {
            page: 1-based page of results,
            size: size of paged results
        context = self.get_context()
        self.request.response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json")

            vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary()
        except VocabLookupException, e:
            return json_dumps({'error': e.message})
Example #2
    def __call__(self):
        body = json.loads(self.request.get('BODY'))
        url = body.get('url')
        fileType = body.get('fileType')
        fileTitle = body.get('fileTitle')
        folderUID = body.get('folderUID')

        if not url or not fileType or not fileTitle:
            raise BadRequest(
                u'Required url or fileType or fileTitle parameters not found.')

        if not folderUID:
            portal_url = getToolByName(self.context, "portal_url")
            folder = portal_url.getPortalObject()
            folder = uuidToObject(folderUID)

        if not getSecurityManager().checkPermission(AddPortalContent, folder):
            response = self.request.RESPONSE
            return "You are not authorized to add content to this folder."

        fileName = fileUtils.getCorrectFileName(fileTitle + "." + fileType)
        contentType = mimetypes.guess_type(fileName)[0] or ''

        data = urlopen(url).read()

        factory = IDXFileFactory(folder)
        file = factory(fileName, contentType, data)

                                        "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        return json_dumps({"status": "success", "fileName": fileName})
Example #3
    def __call__(self):
        Accepts GET parameters of:
        name: Name of the vocabulary
        field: Name of the field the vocabulary is being retrieved for
        query: string or json object of criteria and options.
            json value consists of a structure:
                    criteria: object,
                    sort_on: index,
                    sort_order: (asc|reversed)
        attributes: comma seperated, or json object list
        batch: {
            page: 1-based page of results,
            size: size of paged results
        context = self.get_context()
        self.request.response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json")

            vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary()
        except VocabLookupException, e:
            return json_dumps({'error': e.message})
Example #4
    def __call__(self):
        factories_menu = getUtility(IBrowserMenu,
                                        self.context, self.request)
        factories = []
        for item in factories_menu:
            if item.get('title') == 'folder_add_settings':
            title = item.get('title', '')
                title and translate(title, context=self.request) or '',  # noqa

        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        crumbs = []
        top_site = get_top_site_from_url(self.context, self.request)
        while not context == top_site:
                'id': context.getId(),
                'title': utils.pretty_title_or_id(context, context)
            context = utils.parent(context)

        catalog = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog')
            brains = catalog(UID=IUUID(self.context))
        except TypeError:
            brains = []
        item = None
        if len(brains) > 0:
            obj = brains[0]
            # context here should be site root
            base_path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath())
            item = {}
            for attr in self.attributes:
                key = attr
                if key == 'path':
                    attr = 'getPath'
                val = getattr(obj, attr, None)
                if callable(val):
                    val = val()
                if key == 'path':
                    val = val[len(base_path):]
                item[key] = val

                                        'application/json; charset=utf-8')
        return json_dumps({
            'addButtons': factories,
            'defaultPage': self.context.getDefaultPage(),
            'breadcrumbs': [c for c in reversed(crumbs)],
            'object': item
Example #5
    def __call__(self):
        factories_menu = getUtility(
            IBrowserMenu, name='plone_contentmenu_factory',
            context=self.context).getMenuItems(self.context, self.request)
        factories = []
        for item in factories_menu:
            if item.get('title') == 'folder_add_settings':
            title = item.get('title', '')
                'id': item.get('id'),
                'title': title and translate(title, context=self.request) or '',  # noqa
                'action': item.get('action')

        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        crumbs = []
        top_site = get_top_site_from_url(self.context, self.request)
        while not context == top_site:
                'id': context.getId(),
                'title': utils.pretty_title_or_id(context, context)
            context = utils.parent(context)

        catalog = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog')
            brains = catalog(UID=IUUID(self.context))
        except TypeError:
            brains = []
        item = None
        if len(brains) > 0:
            obj = brains[0]
            # context here should be site root
            base_path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath())
            item = {}
            for attr in self.attributes:
                key = attr
                if key == 'path':
                    attr = 'getPath'
                val = getattr(obj, attr, None)
                if callable(val):
                    val = val()
                if key == 'path':
                    val = val[len(base_path):]
                item[key] = val

            'Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
        return json_dumps({
            'addButtons': factories,
            'defaultPage': self.context.getDefaultPage(),
            'breadcrumbs': [c for c in reversed(crumbs)],
            'object': item
Example #6
 def __call__(self):
     site = getSite()
     base_url = site.absolute_url()
     base_vocabulary = '%s/@@getVocabulary?name=' % base_url
     site_path = site.getPhysicalPath()
     context_path = self.context.getPhysicalPath()
     options = {
         'vocabularyUrl': '%splone.app.vocabularies.Catalog' % (
         'urlStructure': {
             'base': base_url,
             'appended': '/folder_contents'
         'moveUrl': '%s{path}/fc-itemOrder' % base_url,
         'indexOptionsUrl': '%s/@@qsOptions' % base_url,
         'contextInfoUrl': '%s{path}/@@fc-contextInfo' % base_url,
         'setDefaultPageUrl': '%s{path}/@@fc-setDefaultPage' % base_url,
         'availableColumns': {
             'id': translate(_('ID'), context=self.request),
             'preview': translate(_('Preview'), context=self.request),
             'ModificationDate': translate(_('Last modified'), context=self.request),  # noqa
             'EffectiveDate': translate(_('Publication date'), context=self.request),  # noqa
             'CreationDate': translate(_('Created on'), context=self.request),  # noqa
             'review_state': translate(_('Review state'), context=self.request),  # noqa
             'Subject': translate(_('Tags'), context=self.request),
             'Type': translate(_('Type'), context=self.request),
             'is_folderish': translate(_('Folder'), context=self.request),
             'exclude_from_nav': translate(_('Excluded from navigation'), context=self.request),  # noqa
             'getObjSize': translate(_('Object Size'), context=self.request),  # noqa
             'last_comment_date': translate(_('Last comment date'), context=self.request),  # noqa
             'total_comments': translate(_('Total comments'), context=self.request),  # noqa
         'buttons': self.get_actions(),
         'rearrange': {
             'properties': {
                 'id': translate(_('Id'), context=self.request),
                 'sortable_title': translate(_('Title'), context=self.request),  # noqa
                 'modified': translate(_('Last modified'), context=self.request),  # noqa
                 'created': translate(_('Created on'), context=self.request),  # noqa
                 'effective': translate(_('Publication date'), context=self.request),  # noqa
                 'Type': translate(_('Type'), context=self.request)
             'url': '%s{path}/@@fc-rearrange' % base_url
         'basePath': '/' + '/'.join(context_path[len(site_path):]),
         'upload': {
             'relativePath': 'fileUpload',
             'baseUrl': base_url,
             'initialFolder': IUUID(self.context, None),
             'useTus': TUS_ENABLED
     self.options = json_dumps(options)
     return super(FolderContentsView, self).__call__()
Example #7
    def __call__(self):
        factories_menu = getUtility(IBrowserMenu, name="plone_contentmenu_factory", context=self.context).getMenuItems(
            self.context, self.request
        factories = []
        for item in factories_menu:
            if item.get("title") == "folder_add_settings":
            title = item.get("title", "")
                    "id": item.get("id"),
                    "title": title and translate(title, context=self.request) or "",
                    "action": item.get("action"),

        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        crumbs = []
        while not IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(context):
            crumbs.append({"id": context.getId(), "title": utils.pretty_title_or_id(context, context)})
            context = utils.parent(context)

        catalog = getToolByName(self.context, "portal_catalog")
            brains = catalog(UID=IUUID(self.context))
        except TypeError:
            brains = []
        item = None
        if len(brains) > 0:
            obj = brains[0]
            # context here should be site root
            base_path = "/".join(context.getPhysicalPath())
            item = {}
            for attr in self.attributes:
                key = attr
                if key == "path":
                    attr = "getPath"
                val = getattr(obj, attr, None)
                if callable(val):
                    val = val()
                if key == "path":
                    val = val[len(base_path) :]
                item[key] = val
        return json_dumps(
                "addButtons": factories,
                "defaultPage": self.context.getDefaultPage(),
                "breadcrumbs": [c for c in reversed(crumbs)],
                "object": item,
Example #8
 def get_structure_options(self):
     view_context = self.widget_context
     site = get_top_site_from_url(view_context, self.request)
     base_url = site.absolute_url()
     base_vocabulary = "%s/@@getVocabulary?name=" % base_url
     site_path = site.getPhysicalPath()
     upload_context = self.upload_context
     options = {
         "%splone.app.vocabularies.Catalog" % (base_vocabulary),
         # "attributes": {
         #     "UID": self.get_selected_uids(),
         # },
         "%s{path}/fc-itemOrder" % base_url,
         "%s/@@qsOptions" % base_url,
         "%s{path}/@@fc-contextInfo" % base_url,
         "%s{path}/@@fc-setDefaultPage" % base_url,
         "activeColumns": [
         "rearrange": {
             "properties": self.get_indexes(),
             "url": "%s{path}/@@fc-rearrange" % base_url,
         "/" + "/".join(
             upload_context.getPhysicalPath()[len(site_path):]),  # noqa
         "upload": {
             "relativePath": "fileUpload",
             "baseUrl": upload_context.absolute_url(),
             "initialFolder": IUUID(upload_context, None),
             "useTus": TUS_ENABLED,
     return json_dumps(options)
Example #9
    def __call__(self):
        """ If the 'resultsonly' parameter is in the request then extract the
        value for "results" from the JSON string returned from the default
        @@getVocabulary view, so that it can be used by pat-autosuggest.

        @@getVocabulary also uses the vocabulary item 'token' value for the
        'id', which escapes unicode strings. For pat-autosuggest we need to use
        unicode for both the 'text' and the 'id'.
        vocab_json = super(PersonalizedVocabularyView, self).__call__()
        if vocab_json and self.request.get('resultsonly', False):
            vocab_obj = json_loads(vocab_json)
            results = vocab_obj.get('results', [])
            text_values = [i['text'] for i in results]
            vocab_list = [{'text': val, 'id': val} for val in text_values]
            return json_dumps(vocab_list)

        return vocab_json
Example #10
    def __call__(self):
        """ If the 'resultsonly' parameter is in the request then extract the
        value for "results" from the JSON string returned from the default
        @@getVocabulary view, so that it can be used by pat-autosuggest.

        @@getVocabulary also uses the vocabulary item 'token' value for the
        'id', which escapes unicode strings. For pat-autosuggest we need to use
        unicode for both the 'text' and the 'id'.
        vocab_json = super(PersonalizedVocabularyView, self).__call__()
        if vocab_json and self.request.get('resultsonly', False):
            vocab_obj = json_loads(vocab_json)
            results = vocab_obj.get('results', [])
            text_values = [i['text'] for i in results]
            vocab_list = [{'text': val, 'id': val} for val in text_values]
            return json_dumps(vocab_list)

        return vocab_json
Example #11
 def json(self, data):
         'Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
     return json_dumps(data)
Example #12
 def __call__(self):
     site = getSite()
     base_url = site.absolute_url()
     base_vocabulary = '%s/@@getVocabulary?name=' % base_url
     site_path = site.getPhysicalPath()
     context_path = self.context.getPhysicalPath()
     options = {
         '%splone.app.vocabularies.Catalog' % (base_vocabulary),
         '%splone.app.vocabularies.Keywords' % (base_vocabulary),
         '%splone.app.vocabularies.Users' % (base_vocabulary),
         'urlStructure': {
             'base': base_url,
             'appended': '/folder_contents'
         '%s{path}/fc-itemOrder' % base_url,
         '%s/@@qsOptions' % base_url,
         '%s{path}/@@fc-contextInfo' % base_url,
         '%s{path}/@@fc-setDefaultPage' % base_url,
         'availableColumns': {
             translate(_('ID'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Title'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Last modified'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Publication date'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Created on'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Review state'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Tags'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Type'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Folder'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Excluded from nav'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Object Size'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Last comment date'), context=self.request),
             translate(_('Total comments'), context=self.request),
         'buttonGroups': {
             'primary': [{
                 'id': 'cut',
                 'title': translate(_('Cut'), context=self.request),
             }, {
                 translate(_('Copy'), context=self.request),
             }, {
                 translate(_('Paste'), context=self.request),
                 base_url + '/@@fc-paste'
             }, {
                 translate(_('Delete'), context=self.request),
                 base_url + '/@@fc-delete',
             'secondary': [{
                 translate(_('Workflow'), context=self.request),
                 base_url + '/@@fc-workflow'
             }, {
                 translate(_('Tags'), context=self.request),
                 base_url + '/@@fc-tags'
             }, {
                 translate(_('Properties'), context=self.request),
                 base_url + '/@@fc-properties'
             }, {
                 translate(_('Rename'), context=self.request),
                 base_url + '/@@fc-rename'
         'rearrange': {
             'properties': {
                 translate(_('Id'), context=self.request),
                 translate(_('Title'), context=self.request),
                 translate(_('Last modified'), context=self.request),
                 translate(_('Created on'), context=self.request),
                 translate(_('Publication date'), context=self.request),
                 translate(_('Type'), context=self.request)
             'url': '%s{path}/@@fc-rearrange' % base_url
         '/' + '/'.join(context_path[len(site_path):]),
         'upload': {
             'relativePath': 'fileUpload',
             'baseUrl': base_url,
             'initialFolder': IUUID(self.context, None),
             'useTus': TUS_ENABLED
     self.options = json_dumps(options)
     return super(FolderContentsView, self).__call__()
Example #13
 def json(self, data):
     self.request.response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
     return json_dumps(data)
Example #14
 def json(self, data):
     self.request.response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
     return json_dumps(data)
Example #15
    def __call__(self):
        Accepts GET parameters of:
        name: Name of the vocabulary
        field: Name of the field the vocabulary is being retrieved for
        query: string or json object of criteria and options.
            json value consists of a structure:
                    criteria: object,
                    sort_on: index,
                    sort_order: (asc|reversed)
        attributes: comma seperated, or json object list
        batch: {
            page: 1-based page of results,
            size: size of paged results
        context = self.get_context()
                                        'application/json; charset=utf-8')

            vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary()
        except VocabLookupException as e:
            return json_dumps({'error': e.message})

        results_are_brains = False
        if hasattr(vocabulary, 'search_catalog'):
            query = self.parsed_query()
            results = vocabulary.search_catalog(query)
            results_are_brains = True
        elif hasattr(vocabulary, 'search'):
                query = self.parsed_query()['SearchableText']['query']
            except KeyError:
                results = iter(vocabulary)
                results = vocabulary.search(query)
            results = vocabulary

            total = len(results)
        except TypeError:
            # do not error if object does not support __len__
            # we'll check again later if we can figure some size
            # out
            total = 0

        # get batch
        batch = _parseJSON(self.request.get('batch', ''))
        if batch and ('size' not in batch or 'page' not in batch):
            batch = None  # batching not providing correct options
        if batch:
            # must be slicable for batching support
            page = int(batch['page'])
            size = int(batch['size'])
            if size > MAX_BATCH_SIZE:
                raise Exception('Max batch size is 500')
            # page is being passed in is 1-based
            start = (max(page - 1, 0)) * size
            end = start + size
            # Try __getitem__-based slice, then iterator slice.
            # The iterator slice has to consume the iterator through
            # to the desired slice, but that shouldn't be the end
            # of the world because at some point the user will hopefully
            # give up scrolling and search instead.
                results = results[start:end]
            except TypeError:
                results = itertools.islice(results, start, end)

        # build result items
        items = []

        attributes = _parseJSON(self.request.get('attributes', ''))
        if isinstance(attributes, six.string_types) and attributes:
            attributes = attributes.split(',')

        translate_ignored = self.get_translated_ignored()
        if attributes:
            base_path = self.get_base_path(context)
            sm = getSecurityManager()
            can_edit = sm.checkPermission(DEFAULT_PERMISSION_SECURE, context)
            mtt = getToolByName(self.context, 'mimetypes_registry')
            for vocab_item in results:
                if not results_are_brains:
                    vocab_item = vocab_item.value
                item = {}
                for attr in attributes:
                    key = attr
                    if ':' in attr:
                        key, attr = attr.split(':', 1)
                    if attr in _unsafe_metadata and not can_edit:
                    if key == 'path':
                        attr = 'getPath'
                    val = getattr(vocab_item, attr, None)
                    if callable(val):
                        if attr in _safe_callable_metadata:
                            val = val()
                    if key == 'path':
                        val = val[len(base_path):]
                    if (key not in translate_ignored
                            and isinstance(val, six.string_types)):
                        item[key] = translate(_(safe_unicode(val)),
                        item[key] = val
                    if key == 'getMimeIcon':
                        item[key] = None
                        # get mime type icon url from mimetype registry'
                        contenttype = aq_base(
                            getattr(vocab_item, 'mime_type', None))
                        if contenttype:
                            ctype = mtt.lookup(contenttype)
                            item[key] = '/'.join(
            items = [{
                'id': item.value,
                'text': item.title
            } for item in results]

        if total == 0:
            total = len(items)

        return json_dumps({'results': items, 'total': total})
Example #16
 def json(self, data):
                                     'application/json; charset=utf-8')
     return json_dumps(data)
Example #17
class BaseVocabularyView(BrowserView):
    def __call__(self):
        Accepts GET parameters of:
        name: Name of the vocabulary
        field: Name of the field the vocabulary is being retrieved for
        query: string or json object of criteria and options.
            json value consists of a structure:
                    criteria: object,
                    sort_on: index,
                    sort_order: (asc|reversed)
        attributes: comma seperated, or json object list
        batch: {
            page: 1-based page of results,
            size: size of paged results
        context = self.get_context()
        self.request.response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json")

            vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary()
        except VocabLookupException, e:
            return json_dumps({'error': e.message})

        results_are_brains = False
        if hasattr(vocabulary, 'search_catalog'):
            query = self.parsed_query()
            results = vocabulary.search_catalog(query)
            results_are_brains = True
        elif hasattr(vocabulary, 'search'):
                query = self.parsed_query()['SearchableText']['query']
            except KeyError:
                results = iter(vocabulary)
                results = vocabulary.search(query)
            results = vocabulary

            total = len(results)
        except TypeError:
            # do not error if object does not support __len__
            # we'll check again later if we can figure some size
            # out
            total = 0

        # get batch
        batch = _parseJSON(self.request.get('batch', ''))
        if batch and ('size' not in batch or 'page' not in batch):
            batch = None  # batching not providing correct options
        if batch:
            # must be slicable for batching support
            page = int(batch['page'])
            size = int(batch['size'])
            if size > MAX_BATCH_SIZE:
                raise Exception('Max batch size is 500')
            # page is being passed in is 1-based
            start = (max(page - 1, 0)) * size
            end = start + size
            # Try __getitem__-based slice, then iterator slice.
            # The iterator slice has to consume the iterator through
            # to the desired slice, but that shouldn't be the end
            # of the world because at some point the user will hopefully
            # give up scrolling and search instead.
                results = results[start:end]
            except TypeError:
                results = itertools.islice(results, start, end)

        # build result items
        items = []

        attributes = _parseJSON(self.request.get('attributes', ''))
        if isinstance(attributes, basestring) and attributes:
            attributes = attributes.split(',')

        if attributes:
            portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
            base_path = '/'.join(portal.getPhysicalPath())
            for vocab_item in results:
                if not results_are_brains:
                    vocab_item = vocab_item.value
                item = {}
                for attr in attributes:
                    key = attr
                    if ':' in attr:
                        key, attr = attr.split(':', 1)
                    if attr in _unsafe_metadata:
                    if key == 'path':
                        attr = 'getPath'
                    val = getattr(vocab_item, attr, None)
                    if callable(val):
                        if attr in _safe_callable_metadata:
                            val = val()
                    if key == 'path':
                        val = val[len(base_path):]
                    item[key] = val
            for item in results:
                items.append({'id': item.value, 'text': item.title})

        if total == 0:
            total = len(items)

        return json_dumps({'results': items, 'total': total})
Example #18
 def __call__(self):
     self.options = json_dumps(self.get_options())
     return super(FolderContentsView, self).__call__()
Example #19
 def __call__(self):
     self.options = json_dumps(self.get_options())
     return super().__call__()
Example #20
 def __call__(self):
     site = getSite()
     base_url = site.absolute_url()
     base_vocabulary = "%s/@@getVocabulary?name=" % base_url
     site_path = site.getPhysicalPath()
     context_path = self.context.getPhysicalPath()
     options = {
         "vocabularyUrl": "%splone.app.vocabularies.Catalog" % (base_vocabulary),
         "tagsVocabularyUrl": "%splone.app.vocabularies.Keywords" % (base_vocabulary),
         "usersVocabularyUrl": "%splone.app.vocabularies.Users" % (base_vocabulary),
         "urlStructure": {"base": base_url, "appended": "/folder_contents"},
         "moveUrl": "%s{path}/fc-itemOrder" % base_url,
         "indexOptionsUrl": "%s/@@qsOptions" % base_url,
         "contextInfoUrl": "%s{path}/@@fc-contextInfo" % base_url,
         "setDefaultPageUrl": "%s{path}/@@fc-setDefaultPage" % base_url,
         "availableColumns": {
             "id": translate(_("ID"), context=self.request),
             "Title": translate(_("Title"), context=self.request),
             "ModificationDate": translate(_("Last modified"), context=self.request),
             "EffectiveDate": translate(_("Publication date"), context=self.request),
             "CreationDate": translate(_("Created on"), context=self.request),
             "review_state": translate(_("Review state"), context=self.request),
             "Subject": translate(_("Tags"), context=self.request),
             "Type": translate(_("Type"), context=self.request),
             "is_folderish": translate(_("Folder"), context=self.request),
             "exclude_from_nav": translate(_("Excluded from nav"), context=self.request),
             "getObjSize": translate(_("Object Size"), context=self.request),
             "last_comment_date": translate(_("Last comment date"), context=self.request),
             "total_comments": translate(_("Total comments"), context=self.request),
         "buttonGroups": {
             "primary": [
                 {"id": "cut", "title": translate(_("Cut"), context=self.request)},
                 {"id": "copy", "title": translate(_("Copy"), context=self.request)},
                     "id": "paste",
                     "title": translate(_("Paste"), context=self.request),
                     "url": base_url + "/@@fc-paste",
                     "id": "delete",
                     "title": translate(_("Delete"), context=self.request),
                     "url": base_url + "/@@fc-delete",
                     "context": "danger",
                     "icon": "trash",
             "secondary": [
                     "id": "workflow",
                     "title": translate(_("Workflow"), context=self.request),
                     "url": base_url + "/@@fc-workflow",
                 {"id": "tags", "title": translate(_("Tags"), context=self.request), "url": base_url + "/@@fc-tags"},
                     "id": "properties",
                     "title": translate(_("Properties"), context=self.request),
                     "url": base_url + "/@@fc-properties",
                     "id": "rename",
                     "title": translate(_("Rename"), context=self.request),
                     "url": base_url + "/@@fc-rename",
         "rearrange": {
             "properties": {
                 "id": translate(_("Id"), context=self.request),
                 "sortable_title": translate(_("Title"), context=self.request),
                 "modified": translate(_("Last modified"), context=self.request),
                 "created": translate(_("Created on"), context=self.request),
                 "effective": translate(_("Publication date"), context=self.request),
                 "Type": translate(_("Type"), context=self.request),
             "url": "%s{path}/@@fc-rearrange" % base_url,
         "basePath": "/" + "/".join(context_path[len(site_path) :]),
         "upload": {
             "relativePath": "fileUpload",
             "baseUrl": base_url,
             "initialFolder": IUUID(self.context, None),
             "useTus": TUS_ENABLED,
     self.options = json_dumps(options)
     return super(FolderContentsView, self).__call__()
Example #21
 def __call__(self):
     site = getSite()
     base_url = site.absolute_url()
     base_vocabulary = '%s/@@getVocabulary?name=' % base_url
     site_path = site.getPhysicalPath()
     context_path = self.context.getPhysicalPath()
     options = {
         'vocabularyUrl': '%splone.app.vocabularies.Catalog' % (
         'tagsVocabularyUrl': '%splone.app.vocabularies.Keywords' % (
         'usersVocabularyUrl': '%splone.app.vocabularies.Users' % (
         'urlStructure': {
             'base': base_url,
             'appended': '/folder_contents'
         'moveUrl': '%s{path}/fc-itemOrder' % base_url,
         'indexOptionsUrl': '%s/@@qsOptions' % base_url,
         'contextInfoUrl': '%s{path}/@@fc-contextInfo' % base_url,
         'setDefaultPageUrl': '%s{path}/@@fc-setDefaultPage' % base_url,
         'availableColumns': {
             'id': translate(_('ID'), context=self.request),
             'Title': translate(_('Title'), context=self.request),
             'ModificationDate': translate(_('Last modified'),
             'EffectiveDate': translate(_('Publication date'),
             'CreationDate': translate(_('Created on'),
             'review_state': translate(_('Review state'),
             'Subject': translate(_('Tags'), context=self.request),
             'Type': translate(_('Type'), context=self.request),
             'is_folderish': translate(_('Folder'), context=self.request),
             'exclude_from_nav': translate(_('Excluded from nav'),
             'getObjSize': translate(_('Object Size'),
             'last_comment_date': translate(_('Last comment date'),
             'total_comments': translate(_('Total comments'),
         'buttonGroups': {
             'primary': [{
                 'id': 'cut',
                 'title': translate(_('Cut'), context=self.request),
             }, {
                 'id': 'copy',
                 'title': translate(_('Copy'), context=self.request),
             }, {
                 'id': 'paste',
                 'title': translate(_('Paste'), context=self.request),
                 'url': base_url + '/@@fc-paste'
             }, {
                 'id': 'delete',
                 'title': translate(_('Delete'), context=self.request),
                 'url': base_url + '/@@fc-delete',
                 'context': 'danger',
                 'icon': 'trash'
             'secondary': [{
                 'id': 'workflow',
                 'title': translate(_('Workflow'), context=self.request),
                 'url': base_url + '/@@fc-workflow'
             }, {
                 'id': 'tags',
                 'title': translate(_('Tags'), context=self.request),
                 'url': base_url + '/@@fc-tags'
             }, {
                 'id': 'properties',
                 'title': translate(_('Properties'), context=self.request),
                 'url': base_url + '/@@fc-properties'
             }, {
                 'id': 'rename',
                 'title': translate(_('Rename'), context=self.request),
                 'url': base_url + '/@@fc-rename'
         'rearrange': {
             'properties': {
                 'id': translate(_('Id'), context=self.request),
                 'sortable_title': translate(_('Title'),
                 'modified': translate(_('Last modified'),
                 'created': translate(_('Created on'),
                 'effective': translate(_('Publication date'),
                 'Type': translate(_('Type'), context=self.request)
             'url': '%s{path}/@@fc-rearrange' % base_url
         'basePath': '/' + '/'.join(context_path[len(site_path):]),
         'upload': {
             'relativePath': 'fileUpload',
             'baseUrl': base_url,
             'initialFolder': IUUID(self.context, None),
             'useTus': TUS_ENABLED
     self.options = json_dumps(options)
     return super(FolderContentsView, self).__call__()
Example #22
 def __call__(self):
     self.options = json_dumps(self.get_options())
     return super(FolderContentsView, self).__call__()
Example #23
class BaseVocabularyView(BrowserView):
    def __call__(self):
        Accepts GET parameters of:
        name: Name of the vocabulary
        field: Name of the field the vocabulary is being retrieved for
        query: string or json object of criteria and options.
            json value consists of a structure:
                    criteria: object,
                    sort_on: index,
                    sort_order: (asc|reversed)
        attributes: comma seperated, or json object list
        batch: {
            page: 1-based page of results,
            size: size of paged results
        context = self.get_context()
        self.request.response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json")

            vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary()
        except VocabLookupException, e:
            return json_dumps({'error': e.message})

        results_are_brains = False
        if hasattr(vocabulary, 'search_catalog'):
            query = self.parsed_query()
            results = vocabulary.search_catalog(query)
            results_are_brains = True
        elif hasattr(vocabulary, 'search'):
                query = self.parsed_query()['SearchableText']['query']
            except KeyError:
                results = iter(vocabulary)
                results = vocabulary.search(query)
            results = vocabulary

            total = len(results)
        except TypeError:
            # do not error if object does not support __len__
            # we'll check again later if we can figure some size
            # out
            total = 0

        # get batch
        batch = _parseJSON(self.request.get('batch', ''))
        if batch and ('size' not in batch or 'page' not in batch):
            batch = None  # batching not providing correct options
        if batch:
            # must be slicable for batching support
            page = int(batch['page'])
            size = int(batch['size'])
            if size > MAX_BATCH_SIZE:
                raise Exception('Max batch size is 500')
            # page is being passed in is 1-based
            start = (max(page - 1, 0)) * size
            end = start + size
            # Try __getitem__-based slice, then iterator slice.
            # The iterator slice has to consume the iterator through
            # to the desired slice, but that shouldn't be the end
            # of the world because at some point the user will hopefully
            # give up scrolling and search instead.
                results = results[start:end]
            except TypeError:
                results = itertools.islice(results, start, end)

        # build result items
        items = []

        attributes = _parseJSON(self.request.get('attributes', ''))
        if isinstance(attributes, basestring) and attributes:
            attributes = attributes.split(',')

        translate_ignored = [
        if attributes:
            base_path = getNavigationRoot(context)
            sm = getSecurityManager()
            can_edit = sm.checkPermission(DEFAULT_PERMISSION_SECURE, context)
            for vocab_item in results:
                if not results_are_brains:
                    vocab_item = vocab_item.value
                item = {}
                for attr in attributes:
                    key = attr
                    if ':' in attr:
                        key, attr = attr.split(':', 1)
                    if attr in _unsafe_metadata and not can_edit:
                    if key == 'path':
                        attr = 'getPath'
                    val = getattr(vocab_item, attr, None)
                    if callable(val):
                        if attr in _safe_callable_metadata:
                            val = val()
                    if key == 'path':
                        val = val[len(base_path):]
                    if (key not in translate_ignored
                            and isinstance(val, basestring)):
                        item[key] = translate(_(safe_unicode(val)),
                        item[key] = val
            for item in results:
                items.append({'id': item.value, 'text': item.title})

        if total == 0:
            total = len(items)

        return json_dumps({'results': items, 'total': total})
Example #24
    def __call__(self):
        Accepts GET parameters of:
        name: Name of the vocabulary
        field: Name of the field the vocabulary is being retrieved for
        query: string or json object of criteria and options.
            json value consists of a structure:
                    criteria: object,
                    sort_on: index,
                    sort_order: (asc|reversed)
        attributes: comma seperated, or json object list
        batch: {
            page: 1-based page of results,
            size: size of paged results
        context = self.get_context()
            'Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

            vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary()
        except VocabLookupException as e:
            return json_dumps({'error': e.args[0]})

        results_are_brains = False
        if hasattr(vocabulary, 'search_catalog'):
            query = self.parsed_query()
            results = vocabulary.search_catalog(query)
            results_are_brains = True
        elif hasattr(vocabulary, 'search'):
                query = self.parsed_query()['SearchableText']['query']
            except KeyError:
                results = iter(vocabulary)
                results = vocabulary.search(query)
            results = vocabulary

            total = len(results)
        except TypeError:
            # do not error if object does not support __len__
            # we'll check again later if we can figure some size
            # out
            total = 0

        # get batch
        batch = _parseJSON(self.request.get('batch', ''))
        if batch and ('size' not in batch or 'page' not in batch):
            batch = None  # batching not providing correct options
        if batch:
            # must be slicable for batching support
            page = int(batch['page'])
            size = int(batch['size'])
            if size > MAX_BATCH_SIZE:
                raise Exception('Max batch size is 500')
            # page is being passed in is 1-based
            start = (max(page - 1, 0)) * size
            end = start + size
            # Try __getitem__-based slice, then iterator slice.
            # The iterator slice has to consume the iterator through
            # to the desired slice, but that shouldn't be the end
            # of the world because at some point the user will hopefully
            # give up scrolling and search instead.
                results = results[start:end]
            except TypeError:
                results = itertools.islice(results, start, end)

        # build result items
        items = []

        attributes = _parseJSON(self.request.get('attributes', ''))
        if isinstance(attributes, six.string_types) and attributes:
            attributes = attributes.split(',')

        translate_ignored = self.get_translated_ignored()
        if attributes:
            base_path = self.get_base_path(context)
            sm = getSecurityManager()
            can_edit = sm.checkPermission(DEFAULT_PERMISSION_SECURE, context)
            mtt = getToolByName(self.context, 'mimetypes_registry')
            for vocab_item in results:
                if not results_are_brains:
                    vocab_item = vocab_item.value
                item = {}
                for attr in attributes:
                    key = attr
                    if ':' in attr:
                        key, attr = attr.split(':', 1)
                    if attr in _unsafe_metadata and not can_edit:
                    if key == 'path':
                        attr = 'getPath'
                    val = getattr(vocab_item, attr, None)
                    if callable(val):
                        if attr in _safe_callable_metadata:
                            val = val()
                    if key == 'path':
                        val = val[len(base_path):]
                    if (
                        key not in translate_ignored and
                        isinstance(val, six.string_types)
                        item[key] = translate(
                        item[key] = val
                    if key == 'getMimeIcon':
                        item[key] = None
                        # get mime type icon url from mimetype registry'
                        contenttype = aq_base(
                            getattr(vocab_item, 'mime_type', None))
                        if contenttype:
                            ctype = mtt.lookup(contenttype)
                            item[key] = '/'.join([
            items = [{'id': item.value,
                      'text': item.title} for item in results]

        if total == 0:
            total = len(items)

        return json_dumps({
            'results': items,
            'total': total